Home » $1.2 Million McLaren Senna Crashed Into Dealership, YouTuber Blamed

$1.2 Million McLaren Senna Crashed Into Dealership, YouTuber Blamed

Senna Crash Ts

The McLaren Senna came with a seven-figure price tag from the factory. Just 500 were built, and now it seems there may be one less in the world. That’s because a few days ago in Los Angeles, one of these fine machines wound up slamming into a dealership in embarrassing scenes.

The video has been doing the rounds on social media. The driver of the vehicle rolls up on an LA street, and completes a sloppy donut before accelerating away. With tires smoking and revs high, the Senna suddenly jinks to the right. The brake lights come on, but it’s not enough. The Senna slams into the front of a dealership—Lexus of Woodland Hills.

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We don’t get to see the driver in the clip, but it has been widely speculated on Reddit that YouTuber Edmond Barseghian was behind the wheel. Barseghian had recently posted a video to YouTube in which he picked up a “1/1 Kiwi Edition McLaren Senna.” That vehicle closely fits the description of the one that crashed.


Known online by the handle “Mondi,” Barseghian made a name for himself in the past by crashing a Hummer EV just 9 miles after picking it up. At present, his Instagram account has been set to private.

At this time, it’s not possible to verify the exact details of who may have been driving at the time of the crash. The Autopian has contacted Barseghian regarding the matter and will update this article with any comments, accordingly.

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Modern supercars have all kinds of electronic safety systems to help you stay in control. However, if you switch them off or push too far, it’s still possible to get into trouble. In the Senna, it’s perhaps easier than in most vehicles, given it has a full 789 horsepower on tap and a kerb weight under 2,900 pounds.

There’s an easy way to avoid finding yourself in a situation like this one. The trick is to drive within your own limits. If you don’t know what they are, go and get some proper high-performance driver training so you can learn what to do—and just as importantly, what not to do.

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The dealership won’t appreciate that, either.

More than that, it’s completely inappropriate for anyone to be attempting stunts like these on a public road. Whoever was behind the wheel of that McLaren got very lucky that there were apparently no pedestrians harmed when they lost control. When you make mistakes like this on a public roadway, you’re not just putting yourself at risk, but everyone around you as well.

It’s also a damn shame to see a fine McLaren smashed to pieces like this. A number of other examples have suffered similar fates in recent years, too. It’s all the more ridiculous given the sheer expense of the vehicle. If you can afford a seven-figure McLaren, you can sure as hell afford to take it to the track when you want to let your hair down.

Whether this was a case of “YouTubers gonna YouTube,” or just some other random hijinx, it doesn’t really matter. Ultimately, everyone needs to be better by keeping this nonsense off public roads.

Image credits: RSF_Motorsport via Twitter screenshot

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10 months ago

“ At present, his Instagram account has been set to private.”

For a guy with his repair bills, that seems counterintuitive. Needs them clicks.

10 months ago

Ban low performance drivers, not high performance cars

Mr E
Mr E
10 months ago

Isn’t there a hill nearby in the LA area off of which he could jump the car to put it out of its misery?

Seemed to work for a certain Tesla piloted by an equally moronic driver…

Alec Weinstein
Alec Weinstein
10 months ago
Reply to  Mr E

That’s quite a ways away

Commercial Cook
Commercial Cook
10 months ago

the only thing that I feed sad about in this situation is the Lexus Dealership and their wall

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
10 months ago

lol when his Instagram bio is “Entrepreneur/racecar driver”…bless his heart.

Attila the Hatchback
Attila the Hatchback
10 months ago

Personally, I think this is really bad for the McLaren brand. How many people now will associate McLaren or the Senna with a jackass Youtuber showing off on the street?

In the past the only other place I’d seen the top end McLaren (a P1, I think) was at Sonoma Raceway — it’s driver had rented out the track for a private session.

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
10 months ago

they’re already hard to insure thanks to all the crypto wankers buying them and promptly eating it

Gen-O Bernardo
Gen-O Bernardo
10 months ago

my insides are saying hahahaha douchebag, my outsides are smiling in tranquility and peace as all is right with the world once again in balance

10 months ago

Surely if you can afford a Senna you should be able to afford some training, you can’t buy a better attitude, but surely training.

Scott Sullivan
Scott Sullivan
10 months ago

The book title says it all “Fast guys, Rich guys, and idiots”

10 months ago

Gee. A slack jawed mouth breather has money.

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
10 months ago

What’s a Kiwi McClaren? Is it a knockoff? Is it worth $1.2 million? I assume you can more affordable wreck cheap knockoffs and salvage yard vehicles. Also if a few McClarens get wrecked does it increase the value of the remaining ones?
BTW I think the driver did at most a half donut.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
10 months ago

What I want to know is who insures these idiot tubers? If I still wrote car insurance I would check every high performance driver’s social media as a matter of course.The values of the vehicles is one thing, but as Lewin rightly notes, it’s the people that matter.

10 months ago
  1. Buy a car you can’t afford for your social media following.
  2. Get all the clicks.
  3. Dispose of it before making any payments. *Bonus points for doing so in a way that gets more clicks*
10 months ago
Reply to  10001010

4. Keep your driver’s license (HOW THO?)

10 months ago

fortunately by some miracle the asshole didn’t kill anyone. I’m sick and tired of “influencers” believing they can do whatever they want just because of their self-proclaimed wonderfulness. The guy who crashed the plane got jail time. I’d love to see this idiot follow in his footsteps.

10 months ago
Reply to  Hamish48

My usual course of action is to not watch it. Don’t click on the video. I honestly don’t care. Good that no one got hurt.

Steven Moor
Steven Moor
10 months ago

This could so easily have ended in someone getting killed. Police absolutely should be throwing the book at idiots like this that drive recklessly on public streets. Want to do donuts and burnouts? Absolutely fine. Just do it on private property or an empty racetrack.

10 months ago
Reply to  Steven Moor

If it was wrecked in private, we wouldn’t have the video that’s probably going to ruin a few days for the youtuber.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jj

It shouldn’t ruin a few days, though. It should result in jail time followed by loss of driving privileges.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jj

Yeah, but there’d also be no reason to ruin their day. If someone wants to wreck their own car on track or private party, hey, that’s their choice.

10 months ago
Reply to  Defenestrator


10 months ago
Reply to  Steven Moor

Exactly, especially for a million dollar hypercar. Have enough money for a McLaren Senna? You have enough money to rent a race track or unused airfield.

10 months ago
Reply to  Steven Moor

We don’t charge people on what could have happened.

In reality, he damaged some property.

I do not support his behavior on public roads, but we’re not talking about someone intentionally running down and killing a pedestrian (which strangely happened twice in my state last month).

JC Miller
JC Miller
10 months ago

I think Karma tries to tell him something: his skill level is just at Lexus

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
10 months ago
Reply to  JC Miller

Or Schwin

10 months ago
Reply to  JC Miller

I don’t think it’s Karma; Fisker is definitely crashing a lot harder than this.

Shooting Brake
Shooting Brake
10 months ago

Can’t fix stupid.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
10 months ago
Reply to  Shooting Brake

Well you can, but that usually involves homicide. 🙂

Black Peter
Black Peter
10 months ago
Reply to  Crank Shaft

I prefer “culling”..

10 months ago

So, INFLUENCE-A is this idiot’s malfunction? Or is he literally Under the Influence of ‘something’ when he hoons & wrecks cars?!? Never heard of him before this article, but wondering: Has he ever been given a breathalyzer test after any of his multiple crashes???? Fuck these pathetic, attention seeking morons.

10 months ago

I agree fully

10 months ago

I did see his video breaking his new Hummer EV. I don’t go looking for these things, so I have to assume it was part of a story from this site or a recommended video while I was watching car stuff on algorithmtube.

Mike B
Mike B
10 months ago

Ha Ha!
-Nelson Muntz

Last edited 10 months ago by Mike B
10 months ago

Hey Tavarish, I have a parts car for you.

10 months ago

You can see the exact moment when his car surpasses his skill.

It’s right at the 00:00.001 mark.

10 months ago

This would be the discouraging part about being an engineer at McLaren, Ferrari, etc. Your job is to create vehicles that are at the bleeding edge of automotive capability. You take massive pride in knowing that the machines you design are the fastest, best and most desirable cars ever created. Machines that will become legends. Until some affluenza-stricken idiot crashes into a Lexus dealer because he sees someone whip out a phone.

10 months ago

lmao, the fact that this (allegedly) isn’t even his second high profile crash in a ridiculously expensive car AND he has “racecar driver” in his bio.

dude doesn’t deserve to drive anything more powerful or expensive than a ChangLi.

though to be fair, a ChangLi doesn’t deserve that punishment.

Yes I Drive A 240
Yes I Drive A 240
10 months ago

Not only did he wreck his new Hummer, he also wrecked a Porsche.

He needs to lose his license indefinitely

10 months ago

where the hell does he get all the money?

10 months ago
Reply to  Hamish48

According to the internet he’s a rich guy (real estate and investing apparently) who I assume does the “influencer” thing as a hobby (and probably a way to classify leisure activities as a business expense).

Don Mynack
Don Mynack
10 months ago
Reply to  Nauthiz

Parents probably rich.

Yes I Drive A 240
Yes I Drive A 240
10 months ago
Reply to  Hamish48

No idea, I only learned about this guy after his crash.

10 months ago

If I ever serve in the jury and hear the word “YouTuber”, I’d immediately find the defendant guilty of capital murder.

Even if it’s a civil case in the small claims court.

Horizontally Opposed
Horizontally Opposed
10 months ago
Reply to  SNL-LOL Jr

Clearly they are doing their best to avoid genx ers – but I heard they are difficult to catch. One must set a trap baited with whatever supercar blondie is selling

Black Peter
Black Peter
10 months ago
Reply to  SNL-LOL Jr

I like to introduce you to Chili DeCastro vs Las Vegas.. He’s a cop hating “Constitutional Scholar”. The judge gave him 6 months for obstruction when he inserted himself into a traffic stop. Chili: “that’s suspended, right?” Judge “No that starts right now”. She had reviewed his YouTube and determined he inserted himself into the traffic stop for clicks, and was not impressed.

10 months ago
Reply to  Black Peter

DeCastro deserves some DeCastration

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