Home » A Baby Allegedly Being Trapped In An Electric Car Is The Latest Reminder That Door Handles Have Gotten Stupid

A Baby Allegedly Being Trapped In An Electric Car Is The Latest Reminder That Door Handles Have Gotten Stupid

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I feel like we are currently in an automotive technology era where the lure of what we can do is completely blinding us to what we should do. Yes, just like that Jeff Goldblum/Jurassic Park meme. We can see this happening in a lot of places, like the mad rush to shove every control onto a touch screen, for example, or the thing I want to talk about today, the current industry-spanning absurdity of electronic, motorized, complex door handles. This one is far more important because it directly affects one’s ability to enter or exit a car, which I think is a pretty big deal when it comes to cars. I also think it’s a big deal to this Ford Mach-E owner who claims to have had his nine-month-old baby trapped in the car thanks to overly complex door handles.

Just to assuage any worries, eventually, a window was smashed and the baby was removed from the car and is just fine. But the point is, of course, it is absolutely absurd that this is even able to happen at all in a modern car, especially because of something as stupid as a door handle.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Here’s the Threads, uh, thread(?) that got me thinking about this again:

Mache Thread 1

First, I’m cold where I am, so the idea of 80° heat right now is weirdly appealing. But, more importantly, a baby trapped in a car in that heat would very likely disagree. To go over the facts, someone says on Threads says they parked a Mach-E with 25% battery left next to a charger, got out to plug it in, then discovered they couldn’t get back into their car, where their baby was trapped. AAA comes and was unable to open the car.


Mache Thread 2

The car’s 12V battery seems to be the culprit here, which isn’t too surprising, as the old-school 12V batteries are often the issue with many EV issues like this. The fact the doors had no way of being opened mechanically is a huge problem here.

Mache Thread 3

This is, frankly, appalling. And fundamentally stupid, because car door handles should be very much a solved problem. It’s not just Ford who is guilty here; most major automakers have been experimenting with more complex motorized, electronic door handles, especially on their flagship electric cars, and problems with them have been disturbingly common.

It’s not even just the cars’ owners that are the victims here; in some cases it’s bad enough that the companies themselves have been getting blowback. Volkswagen is a perfect example of this, since they recently had to do a full stop-sale and recall of almost 100,000 ID.4 cars because their advanced electronic door handles aren’t water resistant enough, and moisture could get in and cause shorts on the internal circuit board that could cause malfunctions that make the doors open at unwanted times.


Now, the very fact that door handles even have a circuit board at all should have been the first warning that the world was heading out of balance. What exactly are the benefits of the ID.4’s complex door handle? Well, here, you can watch this little video showing the three ways to open an ID.4 door and have your question answered!

After watching that, I think your question should be well answered, and that answer is fuck-all. That’s what the benefits are to the complex electronic door handle of the VW ID.4: fuck-all. Nothing. You can, what, open it with a little button instead of pulling up on the handle? Which, as you see, you can also do, because the stupid electronic button needs a whole secondary backup system to open the door.

Who is impressed by pushing the little button instead of just lifting the handle? Who thinks this is cool? Who is impressed by this, and if they are, why are they allowed to drive at all? Because that’s a person who will cross four lanes of traffic because they thought they saw something shiny.

VW has solved door handles, years ago. Decades ago. I have a 2010 VW Tiguan I’ve complained about here because it’s such a steaming pile, but you know what hasn’t given me an ounce of trouble in all the years I’ve had that pile of shit? The door handles. They work every single time I touch them. They have remote locking and unlocking, they can be locked/unlocked with a key if needed, they work if the car has a dead battery, they may even have a little light in there? I don’t remember exactly, because I never fucking have to think about them, because they just work.


If the ID.4 had the identical door handles as my 2010 Tiguan, you know how that would have affected the car? VW wouldn’t have had to recall 100,000 of them, that’s how. And everyone who owned one would get in and out of them just fine and never think about it. Like hashem intended.

Do you remember a while back when my neighbor’s Tesla Model Y had a similar 12V power problem and its door handles refused to work as well? Using the emergency door release resulted in this:


The stupid car cracked its own window. Because it had inane power door handles that introduce a lot of complex electronics and motors and bullshit, all to accomplish the same damn thing my 1973 Beetle accomplishes with its crude, mechanical door handles. Opening the damn door.

We are in a time of crisis. The idea that modern cars need door handles that “present” themselves, like a baboon in heat,  is one of the most insipid developments in automotive culture. I was looking for a little video that showed an example of the Tesla Model S’s door handles presenting themselves, but all I found were videos complaining about the handles not working, like this one:


Look at what an ass-pain that is. And for what? The door handle pops out when you approach it? Who gives a shit? If this sort of thing is important to you, maybe it’s time to sit down and really re-evaluate who you are and what you have become. This is a staggering amount of complexity for zero actual benefits [Ed note: I did attempt to explain to Jason that there’s reduced drag from flush door handles, which is an aerodynamic improvement. He was not impressed and suggested people just design regular door handles that are more aero friendly – MH]. It actually uses power, costs more money to build, and when it breaks it’s far more expensive to repair, it has the potential to trap people and pets and babies in cars, and for what? You feel like a big shot because your car curtseys when you approach it? That’s fucking sad.

Lexus had these, too, and again, I’ve never been able to figure out why they exist:


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They’re sure not easier to use. Look at this, Ford has a whole page about how to use their stupid Mach-E door handles–there’s a video, too:


This is a design failure, full stop. If you have to explain how to use an essential, basic control that people have been using for decades, you have failed as a designer. Did Ford ever need informational bulletins about how to use the door handles on their cars at any other time in history? No, they didn’t because door handles didn’t use to be so deeply, embarrassingly stupid.

Nobody was asking for this. There was no outcry for door handles that were more complex in every way and had the potential to lock our kids in cars, helplessly. Nobody was dreaming of needing a fucking jumpstart to open a car door. Nobody had visions of cars in junkyards with unopenable doors or emergency door releases that break windows or having to wait for some little motor to reveal the damn door handle.

Nobody wants this, nobody cares. People just want simple door handles that work, regardless of whether or not the car has power or is running or anything. Remote locking and unlocking is fine, but that’s it.

Do you hear me, carmakers? I’m giving you fair warning: no more of this bullshit. Knock it off. Give us good, normal, unpowered door handles again or so help me, I’ll form some kind of lobbying group and we’ll put these trapped babies’ pictures on the internet and some CEOs will go to fucking jail, I mean it.


Enough already. You’ve had your fun, now knock it off.


My Neighbor’s Tesla Model Y Shattered Its Window Because Of A Bafflingly Bad Design

Does Anyone Actually Like Power Interior Door Handles?

What A Tesla Model 3 Has In Common With A 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix And A 1947 Cisitalia 202


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2 months ago

Am I correct in believing there are already two basic types of flush door handle on the market? One that becomes tumescent at the approach of its high net worth individual driver, emerging from the sleek sides of the car in the manner of an adolescent dolphin (fancy EVs). The other, more coy, which must be poked at one end (which end, I never know) by the fumbling Uber passenger seeking entrance until a lever finally pops out to be grasped and yanked upon (cheaper Teslas, Kias, etc). If so, the first seems inherently problematic as it can’t work without a motor, while the second seems like it doesn’t require any more electronics than a normal door handle and will be ok as we get more used to it and design gets standardized.

2 months ago
Reply to  bomberoKevino

I had flush door handles on my 1989 Subaru XT6, you just pushed in the lower flap and yanked the top one. 100% mechanical and worked fine.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dr.Xyster
2 months ago
Reply to  Dr.Xyster

The dream of the 80’s is still alive! Yeah, this seems like a sensible way to get aero handles and it was worked out….[counts]…holy crap…35 years ago?!? That’s a cool car. Drag coefficient of 0.29.. the mach-e in question is 0.28.

Rich Hobbs
Rich Hobbs
2 months ago

You’re so right Jason! Cars have gotten too complicated. More stuff to go wrong. I chalk it up to planned obsolescence. Eventually the repairs exceed the value of the vehicle. When my Toyota gets too long in the tooth (185k) I just may look for another from the same era with as low miles as I can find.
My Solara has great dash setup. 2 knobs and 5 presets for the sound. Even steering wheel controls. 20 years old and it all works.
3 knobs for HVAC..Can reset by feel. Don’t have to look away!
I may be prejudiced as I worked for Toyota 3 times, not IMHO the 90s and early 2000s Toyotas some of the best cars ever made.
P.S. My car is a Solara coupe so I don’t have to feel like I’m driving a Camry?!! Lol

2 months ago

Funny thing nobody mentioned the hot rodders and especially the kustom guys have been shaving door handles since the late fifties and hooking up hidden opening mechanisms. Seems like an age old simple solution that puts aero element into play without the complexity of these newer systems.

2 months ago
Reply to  Lioncoeur

They have used both mechanical and electric ‘door poppers’ over the years, but I think even the mechanical ones will struggle if it’s freezing. I’ve seen a few forum posts about climbing into the engine compartment from under the car to jump the 12v battery, and even people having to smash a window or bend open the trunk of a car they just spent 7 years building themselves.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
2 months ago
Reply to  Zykotec

Seen this a lot.

2 months ago

Lots of aero mechanical options out there…


Xx Yy Zz
Xx Yy Zz
2 months ago

How do you open the tailgate of the old Tiguan?
Oh, and I’m sure someone already mentiond the cyclist dooring prevention (+1 point at the EuroNCAP test!) in the comments under the Lexus NX doorhandle article.

Last edited 2 months ago by Xx Yy Zz
Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
2 months ago

I’m currently cursing in multiple languages over our Fiat 500’s electric trunk lock, so I think electronic door handles are a horrible idea. At least I can unlock the door with a key and get at the hatch from inside

2 months ago
Reply to  Slow Joe Crow

The current gen 500e has electric only external door handles

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
2 months ago
Reply to  MrLM002

That’s bad, ours is a 2013 Pop

2 months ago

I am in full support and agreement with this article.

2 months ago

Let’s not shame EVs for wanting to eat babies.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
2 months ago
Reply to  TheFanciestCat

Only Alfa Romeos are allowed to eat babies (check the badge)

2 months ago

For all the dumping on Audi recently… Audi EVs have real door handles at least…

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
2 months ago

Let’s add that to the list of things that were solved decades ago and have become unnecessary complex and/or costly:

Exterior Door Handles.
Interior Door Handles.
Gear/Drive Selectors.
HVAC controls.
Window Controls. (Looking at you, VW)
Glove Box Latches
Turn Signals.
Steering Wheel Shapes.
Sound System Volume Controls.
Key Fobs.
Trunk Latches (Polestar 2 comes to mind)

Any others I haven’t thought of?

2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

especially the gear selector! Have a transmission electrical issue of any kind and there is no practical way of moving the car stuck in park. We had to have the driveshaft unbolted from the differential on a pickup (I will be nice and not mention the brand, they have enough bad press at the moment) to push the piece of shit out of the way. Full agreement on all of this.

2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

Wait, what’s wrong with electronic gear selection? Takes up way less dashboard space, and will also prevent me from doing something stupid. If I push P or try shifting into reverse in my Prius on the highway, it would just beep angrily at me. Pretty sure it’d cause instant disaster in my old van.

The three-knob HVAC works, but still misses things like heated seats, rear defogger, filtration mode…

I could be completely off-base, but since when did somebody do something radical for turn signals (aside from certain Teslas moving them to the wheel instead of a stalk)?

Do any new vehicles not have volume buttons on the steering wheel?

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
2 months ago
Reply to  VanGuy

IMHO, a PRND stalk on the column or on the console works just fine – whether it’s an ICE or an EV.
Monostable column stalk? Questionable, but better than…
… the monostable console selector that already killed one actor.
Buttons? (On the console – On the screen – On the Dash – On the Rear View Mirror Mount) Ugh.
A Dial? A Monostable console selector, but then you have to push a button for Park?
They’re all solutions in search of a problem.

Turn Signals – Yes, I’m referring to Tesla.
Volume Controls – So the front passenger either isn’t allowed to turn down the music, or has to deal with a touchscreen. Hmmm…

2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

I won’t defend all implementations of electronic methods. In my Prius, for example, there’s a knob for each “gear” but a button for Park, so you’re not making that mistake.

And to be clear, I think the touchscreens are good for general car settings, navigation, music/podcasts/Android Auto/etc. But I think climate control should be buttons/knobs, etc.

While I concede volume knobs are nice, I don’t think it’s a big deal if the front passenger has to use a touchscreen to do things…so long as the driver’s own option is something physical.

2 months ago
Reply to  VanGuy

Electronic gear selectors often time take up the same space footprint as a shifter in a less than ideal location.

My three knob HVAC has the heated seats and a/c buttons built into the center of the knobs. Rear defroster and ventilation are buttons between and below the knobs (VW JSW) it’s really a perfect design.

Tesla, Ferrari, and a few other EVs have removed the turn signal stalk (one doing it is one too many IMO)

Stereos should all have a volume knob regardless of steering wheel controls (I like my passengers to also be my copilots). VW put a haptic button on their steering wheel for volume control which is just stupid.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

Parking brake actuator

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
2 months ago


Col Lingus
Col Lingus
2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

Adaptive cruise control.

Wiper stalks and controls.

2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

Headlight controls.
Removing oil dipsticks.
“Sealed” gearboxes/diffs (no refill port).

2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

Fuel gauge. Tell me how much fuel I have, not how many miles your software predicts I have left to drive.

2 months ago

“Ed note: I did attempt to explain to Jason that there’s reduced drag from flush door handles, which is an aerodynamic improvement…”
does the aerodynamic drag reduction overcome incremental rolling resistance from weight increase of more complex door latch mechanism?
my suspicion is no, except at near mach speed…

the two means to address this madness are regulation or market forces.
i doubt we’ll see regulatory relief.
neither do i see market forces having an impact: insurance companies will adjust their premiums accordingly and most consumers don’t ask questions about cars like “how do i open the door if i run out of charge”? (A-smash the window) “how do i change a flat”? (A-there’s no spare, call road-service) or “how do i replace a burnt-out directional bulb”? (A-simply remove the tire, the wheel-well-liner, and the bumper cover to access it. good thing it wasn’t the headlight cuz there’s no bulb, it’s a $1700 led-module back-ordered for 3 months, and just 2-hours of shop labor!)

Fix It Again Tony
Fix It Again Tony
2 months ago

Ford uses the shittiest 12V battery for their cars. Its not just an EV issue.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
2 months ago

This goes waaaaay back.

I had the battery in my 1 month old 1989 Mercury Tracer die after a winter storm while parked at the Holiday Inn in Cheyenne Wyoming and require a jump start.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
2 months ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

My wife and I had a brand new (a week old) A/C Delco battery freeze while getting gas in -10 degree weather in Indiana. The car had been driving for several hours by that point. It needed a jump from the tow truck driver who was conveniently on scene. Jumping us and others off at 50 bucks a pop. We just had to fuel up on the remainder of the trip to Alabama with the engine running. Thankful we got the battery from her Dad’s parts store and they just swapped it out for one with more cranking power.
Now days I just use Optima batteries. Never fails.


Last edited 2 months ago by Col Lingus
2 months ago

I really dislike the handles on my EV6 gtline1
But at least I can use the key on the drivers side.
Kudos to Kia then to make them stupid still, but at least safer than others.

2 months ago

Agree, this is stupid design

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2 months ago

My first year as a graduated engineer working at a major automaker, I went through one of my training modules where they took us to different areas to familiarize ourselves with various parts of the vehicle design and development process.

We were getting a tour of the design center from some manager there and he was giving us a more or less woe is me speech about engineering not allowing design to do things they want to do. An example specifically pointed out was flush door handles. He was pissed that Tesla had come to market with motorized door handles on the Model S when we had concept cars for years with them. Another engineer in the tour was quick to point out that at the time Tesla had something like a 300% failure rate of door handles on thier cars and why reinvent a solved problem. The response was something along the lines of saying Tesla wasn’t validating or engineering them well enough and that other automakers wouldn’t struggle with door handles, and here we are.

2 months ago

There is even another reason to be upset about this. All of the manufacturers just went through the exercise of how to open the car door when the key fob battery dies.

In more modern cars (but not the most recent modern EVs) the key fob doesn’t have any traditional key. It’s just a remote device, especially for the keyless start options in many cars from around 2012(ish?).

As others have mentioned below there is a hidden key hole under the handle you have to lift up to access and there is a small, emergency key hidden in the fob to pull out.

So, if they just recently (as in, about 10 years ago) had to solve for the dead battery problem doesn’t allow door to open, it’s even more egregious that they didn’t come up with any better solution, or come to the conclusion that motorized door handles are a terrible idea for safety reasons alone.

2 months ago

I’m guessing that guy didn’t pay his door handle subscription fee on time and didn’t want to admit it so he had to make up a sob story about a baby and a broken window. Pay your bills people!

2 months ago

In the Year 2025, if the baby is still alive, won’t need to accept no responsibility, pay no claim. This unconscionable, moronic design clearly falls in consumer protection territory!
I blame the mass hysteria of accepting a Man-Child as a positive influence.

In the Year 2525

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
2 months ago
Reply to  Hoonicus

You’re not wrong.

2 months ago

Back in 2015 a man died in his Corvette due to this kind of bad design. “Police believe that when James Rogers got into the vehicle, a cable became loose and cut off the power to the operate the horn and locks. Rogers did not know how to manually unlock the vehicle and became trapped inside, according to the Port Arthur Police Department.
Police believe heat exhaustion eventually killed the two, as they sat in the parking lot of a Waffle House in Port Arthur.” from USATODAY.

2 months ago
Reply to  CandleCamper

My first thought was this story as well.

Highland Green Miata
Highland Green Miata
2 months ago

Anyone who believes the incoming administration will side with common sense and consumer interests vs. the robber baron class is invited to sit in the rear seat of a Tesla model 3 while I disconnect the 12v and walk into coffeebucks to wait 1/2 an hour for my $16 glyphosate laced oat milk latte.

2 months ago

The R35 GTR has flush manual handles similar style to the tesla ones

2 months ago
Reply to  Jim Zavist

Yeah, exactly, there are ways of doing this without electronics. Actually, the AMC design carried on in Jeep Wranglers through 2006, and British Leyland used a very similar one that saw use on Land Rovers through 1998

I don't hate manual transmissions
I don't hate manual transmissions
2 months ago
Reply to  Jim Zavist

I remember those flush AMC handles from the Rambler wagon my mother drove for most of my childhood. They seemed to be easier to use than the pull up levers on all of the various GM models my father drove, and are about the only fond memory I have of that Rambler.

It probably didn’t hurt that airline buckles seemed very similar to those AMC buckles. Flying back then was always a wondrous experience.

Mr E
Mr E
2 months ago

I will admit our Mach E looks kinda cool with the lack of regular door handles.

That being said, ours have never failed. Furthermore, I do wonder how much of an aerodynamic advantage the car realizes without traditional handles.

Perhaps every design studio should post a sign above the door saying something to the effect of “DO NOT FORGET OCCAM’S RAZOR.”

2 months ago
Reply to  Mr E

I’m glad yours have never failed. That being said you can have flush mechanical door handles, the Subaru XT had them back in the day.

If I was you I’d keep a portable jump starter on your person at all times when driving the Mach-e and be familiar where the remote jump points are

2 months ago

Am I hallucinating or wasn’t there a car that had flush-style door handles that you *push in* to use?

2 months ago
Reply to  Kleinlowe

Corvettes had them for a minute on the C3 I believe

Matt DeCraene
Matt DeCraene
2 months ago
Reply to  Jlacourt

Yeah, 69 – 82 I believe. 68 you pushed in on the lock cylinder as a button. The handle was just a handle to grab.

Top Dead Center
Top Dead Center
2 months ago
Reply to  Kleinlowe

C3 did. Dad had a 1980, pinched my thumb on it as a kid. Bad cut required stitches. Still have a tiny scar from it. But don’t hate on the vette, because merica!

Last edited 2 months ago by Top Dead Center
2 months ago
Reply to  Kleinlowe

Subaru XT did

I don't hate manual transmissions
I don't hate manual transmissions
2 months ago


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