I feel like we are currently in an automotive technology era where the lure of what we can do is completely blinding us to what we should do. Yes, just like that Jeff Goldblum/Jurassic Park meme. We can see this happening in a lot of places, like the mad rush to shove every control onto a touch screen, for example, or the thing I want to talk about today, the current industry-spanning absurdity of electronic, motorized, complex door handles. This one is far more important because it directly affects one’s ability to enter or exit a car, which I think is a pretty big deal when it comes to cars. I also think it’s a big deal to this Ford Mach-E owner who claims to have had his nine-month-old baby trapped in the car thanks to overly complex door handles.
Just to assuage any worries, eventually, a window was smashed and the baby was removed from the car and is just fine. But the point is, of course, it is absolutely absurd that this is even able to happen at all in a modern car, especially because of something as stupid as a door handle.

Here’s the Threads, uh, thread(?) that got me thinking about this again:
First, I’m cold where I am, so the idea of 80° heat right now is weirdly appealing. But, more importantly, a baby trapped in a car in that heat would very likely disagree. To go over the facts, someone says on Threads says they parked a Mach-E with 25% battery left next to a charger, got out to plug it in, then discovered they couldn’t get back into their car, where their baby was trapped. AAA comes and was unable to open the car.
The car’s 12V battery seems to be the culprit here, which isn’t too surprising, as the old-school 12V batteries are often the issue with many EV issues like this. The fact the doors had no way of being opened mechanically is a huge problem here.
This is, frankly, appalling. And fundamentally stupid, because car door handles should be very much a solved problem. It’s not just Ford who is guilty here; most major automakers have been experimenting with more complex motorized, electronic door handles, especially on their flagship electric cars, and problems with them have been disturbingly common.
It’s not even just the cars’ owners that are the victims here; in some cases it’s bad enough that the companies themselves have been getting blowback. Volkswagen is a perfect example of this, since they recently had to do a full stop-sale and recall of almost 100,000 ID.4 cars because their advanced electronic door handles aren’t water resistant enough, and moisture could get in and cause shorts on the internal circuit board that could cause malfunctions that make the doors open at unwanted times.
Now, the very fact that door handles even have a circuit board at all should have been the first warning that the world was heading out of balance. What exactly are the benefits of the ID.4’s complex door handle? Well, here, you can watch this little video showing the three ways to open an ID.4 door and have your question answered!
After watching that, I think your question should be well answered, and that answer is fuck-all. That’s what the benefits are to the complex electronic door handle of the VW ID.4: fuck-all. Nothing. You can, what, open it with a little button instead of pulling up on the handle? Which, as you see, you can also do, because the stupid electronic button needs a whole secondary backup system to open the door.
Who is impressed by pushing the little button instead of just lifting the handle? Who thinks this is cool? Who is impressed by this, and if they are, why are they allowed to drive at all? Because that’s a person who will cross four lanes of traffic because they thought they saw something shiny.
VW has solved door handles, years ago. Decades ago. I have a 2010 VW Tiguan I’ve complained about here because it’s such a steaming pile, but you know what hasn’t given me an ounce of trouble in all the years I’ve had that pile of shit? The door handles. They work every single time I touch them. They have remote locking and unlocking, they can be locked/unlocked with a key if needed, they work if the car has a dead battery, they may even have a little light in there? I don’t remember exactly, because I never fucking have to think about them, because they just work.
If the ID.4 had the identical door handles as my 2010 Tiguan, you know how that would have affected the car? VW wouldn’t have had to recall 100,000 of them, that’s how. And everyone who owned one would get in and out of them just fine and never think about it. Like hashem intended.
Do you remember a while back when my neighbor’s Tesla Model Y had a similar 12V power problem and its door handles refused to work as well? Using the emergency door release resulted in this:
The stupid car cracked its own window. Because it had inane power door handles that introduce a lot of complex electronics and motors and bullshit, all to accomplish the same damn thing my 1973 Beetle accomplishes with its crude, mechanical door handles. Opening the damn door.
We are in a time of crisis. The idea that modern cars need door handles that “present” themselves, like a baboon in heat, is one of the most insipid developments in automotive culture. I was looking for a little video that showed an example of the Tesla Model S’s door handles presenting themselves, but all I found were videos complaining about the handles not working, like this one:
Look at what an ass-pain that is. And for what? The door handle pops out when you approach it? Who gives a shit? If this sort of thing is important to you, maybe it’s time to sit down and really re-evaluate who you are and what you have become. This is a staggering amount of complexity for zero actual benefits [Ed note: I did attempt to explain to Jason that there’s reduced drag from flush door handles, which is an aerodynamic improvement. He was not impressed and suggested people just design regular door handles that are more aero friendly – MH]. It actually uses power, costs more money to build, and when it breaks it’s far more expensive to repair, it has the potential to trap people and pets and babies in cars, and for what? You feel like a big shot because your car curtseys when you approach it? That’s fucking sad.
Lexus had these, too, and again, I’ve never been able to figure out why they exist:
They’re sure not easier to use. Look at this, Ford has a whole page about how to use their stupid Mach-E door handles–there’s a video, too:
This is a design failure, full stop. If you have to explain how to use an essential, basic control that people have been using for decades, you have failed as a designer. Did Ford ever need informational bulletins about how to use the door handles on their cars at any other time in history? No, they didn’t because door handles didn’t use to be so deeply, embarrassingly stupid.
Nobody was asking for this. There was no outcry for door handles that were more complex in every way and had the potential to lock our kids in cars, helplessly. Nobody was dreaming of needing a fucking jumpstart to open a car door. Nobody had visions of cars in junkyards with unopenable doors or emergency door releases that break windows or having to wait for some little motor to reveal the damn door handle.
Nobody wants this, nobody cares. People just want simple door handles that work, regardless of whether or not the car has power or is running or anything. Remote locking and unlocking is fine, but that’s it.
Do you hear me, carmakers? I’m giving you fair warning: no more of this bullshit. Knock it off. Give us good, normal, unpowered door handles again or so help me, I’ll form some kind of lobbying group and we’ll put these trapped babies’ pictures on the internet and some CEOs will go to fucking jail, I mean it.
Enough already. You’ve had your fun, now knock it off.
My Neighbor’s Tesla Model Y Shattered Its Window Because Of A Bafflingly Bad Design
Does Anyone Actually Like Power Interior Door Handles?
What A Tesla Model 3 Has In Common With A 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix And A 1947 Cisitalia 202
Pop Science forgot to inform us how much the future would suck. Not only no flying cars or jetpacks–not to mention cold fusion–but car doors handles that don’t open car doors.
This is why I don’t drive vehicles made in this century. My Toyota may be a thirty-year old POS with a pair of Vise-Grips for the inside drivers door handle, but it WORKS!
Show me one problem on a Tesla I could use Vise-Grips for a long-term fix….
Well said. These are one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen along w/ the opening of a glove box THROUGH A SCREEN like on that previous article about the 5 controls that should never be on a screen
I seem to remember that the exterior handles on my 87 Subaru XT were flush, and you pushed a little flap in with your fingers so you could pull up/out on the part that worked the latch.
Now, it did resist me a bit a couple times when glazed by ice, but, so did a couple different conventional handles just after this winter storm.
Not every damn thing has to be mechanized
Reminds me of Doug DeMuro criticizing the Mirage’s old-style flip door handles while praising the pop-up handle nonsense of most modern electric cars.
Doug just hates an average car i think, comes across as confused when he presents a daily driver.
Doug’s an idiot.
I’m a little late to the comment section here, but., Designed by very smart people. Probably a whole committee.
It’s like “the Emperor’s new clothes“ somebody with authority, wanted the feature and nobody was willing to talk them down
Oh the schadenfreude I will experience when I read about an owner of a Tesla
CybertruckDeplorian who gets trapped outside and cannot break the HD glass to get in.Modern car features are like a movie mashup of Idiocracy and Dumb and Dumber.
This reminds me of the time I got trapped in a C6 Corvette. This was about 14-15 years ago back when I worked at CarMax in college. I was young and I didn’t know much about those cars at the time, I saw it out in the lot, and was excited to get to drive it around the back lot after I got it checked into the inventory. I got in the car, started filling out my paperwork, and after I had finished it, I went to start it and it wouldn’t even attempt to crank. I figured I’d get out and go grab a jump box from the shop, and discovered that I couldn’t get out of the car. The stupid little push button on the door wasn’t working with the dead battery.
I didn’t have my phone or radio on me, so I just sat and waited for one of my coworkers to come by (on the enormous property of 1000+ vehicles. What felt like an hour later (but was only like 20ish minutes) someone came by and tried to help me. Well, C6’s have a push button on the outside too.. My co-worker then radio’d the shop manager, and luckily he was aware of the little hidden plastic door releases on the floor. I was finally freed from my sportscar-with-a-potiac-g6-steeringwheel prison!
I forgot about Corvette owners getting trapped. As someone who’s considering a C6 Vette in about a year, I need to remember that.
They’re a fantastic car for sure! My grandfather has had a C6 Z06 for some years now, and has let me take it out to tool around in a few times. Absolute blast to drive!
As long as you know where the little manual releases are, you’ll be totally fine!
This happened to me at the Chicago Auto Show. I had never sat in a Corvette before. I climbed inside, shut the door, and fiddled around with the controls for a couple minutes. Someone else walked up to the car, so I figured I should get out so they could have a chance to sit in the Corvette. I couldn’t find a door handle or anything that was obviously a door release. Fortunately, the guy outside the car saw I was flummoxed and opened the door.
I noticed when I took a Tesla Uber in Belgium that they have mechanical door handles there. They are flush and look the same, but you press on the wider part and the narrow part hinges out making a conventional pull handle. Simple, sensible, and functional. So they know how to do this.
NA Miata door handles are peak aerodynamic door handle design and everything else is stupid and pointless.
Jason – did you
a) call up a few friends,
b) create new burner accounts,
c) wait several hours,
d) or photoshop
to get a screenshot of your post with 666 likes?
That is why this exists. It exists because there is NO woman on that design team. What am I talking about???
Yesterday, on Family Feud, Steve asked them to “Name a body part a woman uses to get attention?. #1 answer, obviously, boobs.
This is the automotive version. You are right, there is literally no reason to add weight, complexity, and failure points to mission critical components.
Hilariously this was an issue that I ran into. The Key fob on my ID4 died when I was away from home. Street parked, in the rain. Car would not unlock with the back up mechanical key either. Eventually got in by having my wife bring me the second key fob.
The natural state of recessed EV door handles should be in the extended position, and actuated into the body when in operation only. Does it look as nice parked? Not the way they designed them.
With some aesthetic changes, they can make them look cool when extended out, and it gives some engineer a job that might distract them from their efforts in designing babytrap modules for the doors. The last 3 Ford vehicles I have owned had known issues with the door actuation and sensors that indicate whether the door is open or closed. But I was always able to open and close it!
I predict aftermarket upgrades are coming.
I’m hoping we will get the mass backlash against these stupid door handles the way we have with climate controls in the touch screen. If it ain’t broke . . .