One of the more wonderful things about our community is that somehow, no matter what we write about, one of you is almost always able to find a joke to tell. Our readers could somehow turn even the driest press release into something that will have us either groaning or crying in laughter.
I say this because today, our Daydreaming Designer, the Bishop, penned an excellent reimagining of the Toppola camper. Now, there there were a number of comments offering suggestions. The biggest, I think, is that the camper would have to be on an extreme diet so it didn’t use up the Porsche Cayenne’s up to 1,657 pounds of payload. I think the camper could get away with maybe 500 to 600 pounds of weight and still have enough for passengers and some gear.

Anyway, while many of you were constructive, contributor Mark Tucker wins COTD with this total groaner:
You know, if you made one of these to fit a Focus, and then used it to tour the Burgundy region, it would be France’s Ford Toppola.
Should a contributor be able to win COTD? That’s probably debatable, but this one got us good. If you don’t understand the reference, “France’s Ford Toppola” is Francis Ford Coppola. Yes, the director. I know, you can groan now.
If you’re not familiar with the director, maybe you’ll know some of his movies. Coppola’s filmography includes The Godfather trilogy, The Outsiders, Apocalypse Now, and Tucker: The Man and His Dream. That last one may not be completely historically accurate, but it’s definitely worth a watch.
As for the Toppola camper, I could not find one attached to a Ford Focus, but there was one in the UK that was atop a Ford Sierra. That’ll be close enough. Sadly, the car and camper combo has long sold.
Have a great evening, everyone!
(Top Photo: Gum Tree seller via Garage Wire)
What happens when a frogs car dies?
He needs a jump.
If that doesn’t work he has to get it toad.
his winning comment had a deeper cut i think? burgundy = pinot noir; coppola winery (and now inglenook wintery) make pinot noirs (noires?) among their offerings…sly.
Pinots noir
My daughter’s freshman year at college, she texted me that she had been unexpectedly inducted into the Philosophy and Open Thought club (yeah, I get the acronym). My response: That’s what happens when you let your Kierkegaard down.
Have you seen the 1920 German horror film about a wine loving squid physician?
“The Cabernet of Doctor Calamari”
Thanks folks, I’ll be here all week! (And next week, and the week after that…) Don’t forget to tip your waiters!
My favorite stolen dad joke:
What’s the difference between a look of concentration and a German woman digging a ditch? One’s a furrowing brow, the other’s a burrowing frau.
Dad jokes are the best jokes. 🙂
As an uncle I get to take similar humor liberties, which is so much fun.
One of the nephews was describing the schedule for the upcoming school year, and mentioned basic chemistry. We talked a bit more and I circled back and said “So you’ll be taking basic chemistry.”
“When do you take acidic chemistry?”
*pause* *lol* “I hate you. :-D”
Did you tell him he’s got an acid tongue?
Remember, chemistry is all about the base, ’bout the base. No acids.
I have trained my children well when I sent “this post has a pH of 14” to the family chat both replied “based”
That… that was beautiful, man.
Just beautiful.
France’s Ford Toppola.
That’s right up there with the isolated tribe in India. When a baby is born, an old person dies, so the population always stays at 500. But the really weird thing about them is they all share a genetic anamoly: none of them have nipples.
They’re the Indian Nippleless 500.
Aw, geeze!
What have you done? This may get ugly…
Tucker started it!