It’s been a long time coming, but we finally got Beau, David, and Jason back in a room to start recording The Autopian Podcast. It’s Season Two, presented by our friends at Marble, back with a vengeance. And by “vengeance” I of course mean more mouth noises.
Check out this fancy background. We filmed the first few episodes of this season at Galpin Auto Sports and the number of wonderful cars in the frame is almost too much. Can you name all of them?

Also, we have a sponsor! If you want to support the podcast please sign up for Marble, which is a useful tool that allows you to track your insurance policies and rewards you for doing so. It’s free and helps us keep doing this. You can read more about Marble here.
To listen to more podcasts episodes you can go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or you can use the RSS feed and point your favorite Podcast player at it. Below are some more recent episodes.
What’s In The Podcast:
In this week’s podcast we’ve got:
- A quick update to what’s happened at The Autopian for the last six months.
- Jason explains why he chainsawed his own batteries.
- David explains both his BMW i3 and Yj purchases and goes into a (maybe apocryphal) story about how the YJ Wrangler ended up with rectangular headlights.
- Beau goes into some detail about his time owning a Saturn dealership and selling the GM EV1. Clearly, we must do a Saturn episode.
The headline has a hilarious answer that we’ll get more into in a future post, but if you can’t listen to the podcast here’s the (possibly) real answer: News program “60 Minutes” did a questionable report on the habit that some Jeep CJs had of rolling over, causing a drop in sales. The Jeep was completely redesigned and renamed Wrangler.
As part of that redesign, the headlights were changed from round to rectangular. Why? Because rectangles don’t roll.
Listen to more podcasts:
- Bruce Meyer — The Ultimate Car Guy — Tells Some Incredible Stories On This Week’s Autopian Podcast
- “I Have A Flat Brim Hat And A Subaru. I Got This” – Zack Klapman Explains How He Stuffed A Subaru Into A Wall Of Snow
- Listen To Us Chat With Bring-A-Trailer Co-Founder Randy Nonnenberg About How He Built His Empire, How He Used To Be A BMW Engineer, And About This Amazing Ex-McLaren RV
Support our mission of championing car culture by becoming an Official Autopian Member.
Pro tip: apple juice. Not too cold because cold liquids aren’t great for your throat, especially on long recording sessions, but a sip of apple juice every now and then while I’m recoding voice content does wonders to control mouth noises – the more acidic the better. I don’t know the science behind it, it’s just a trick a recording engineering friend taught me and I’ve used it ever since. The feeling is like it “balances” mouth moisture, so it’s neither too wet and full of saliva noise, nor too dry and full of tongue/lip clicks.
I was expecting some deeper dicussions than just recapping previous articles, most interesting was Beau talking about his Saturn dealership and the EV1. Already read about Jason’s fingernail, David’s i3(and seen it in his youtube updates), and Wrangler and the million dollar RV they found. I realize if you have the content to write about then that’s the main thing here, but again just was hoping for something different.
The tease about David being messy also wasn’t exciting, if being unprofessional and causing a hassle for other employees is considered good content, not sure I want to keep tuning in.
What an utter waste of time. 30 minutes of three people talking all at once. No coherance, no information, and certainly no nuggets of inside info. Stupid!
Great Podcast guys!!
So here’s the complete checklist of safety precautions involved in the Changli-chainsaw incident;
Jason was not drunk.Otto was in school.Those fetching purple work gloves….
That’s some Stockton Rush-level safety there.
While we’re on the topic of Saturn dealerships, a former coworker of mine had previously worked for the Burlington, VT one. She had sold a car to Bernie Sanders, a base no-number-suffix SL. Manual only, no a/c for those who don’t want to look it up at
No big, right? I mean, big shot though he was even then, lots of small cars in the northern tier of states in the early/mid ’90s were still AC-free, and peak traffic doesn’t last long enough to want a slushbox especially when it means being saddled with one in the mountains…
…except the Bern bought that car to use in DC.
I reckon David’s imminent expulsion from Autopian HQ has something to do with pasta and/or plumbing…
Rectangles may not roll, but they’re still deadly, I mean it’s right there in the name: wreck, tangle.
Hell yes, cant wait for more talks from yall! I miss Beau!
So the fraternity president in college had a Saturn he got to park in the spot closest to the front door, and no one knew they didn’t dent until I started kicking it one night. After that point everyone would kick the car and no dents would appear. Then one night I took a flying kick off the picnic table into the front quarter panel, and the panel never bounced back. So yes you can dent a Saturn, but it does take a while, and a lot of force.
I’m gonna just leave this here.
Ok, that was nuts. That bike can’t be comfortable to ride.
Must corner real well, too.