Life has a funny way of making you laugh. For a car enthusiast, it’s perhaps silly things like discovering an oil leak in one of your German cars. Or, I suppose if you’re a “power user” of old and crappy cars like I am, maybe the bulk of your collection leaks oil. It’s okay, I expect it! But what I didn’t expect was an oil leak coming from something I wear. Somehow, two of my bras are doing their best impression of a Volkswagen because what the heck, they’re leaking oil!
This morning, I attempted to put on my blue bra from Victoria’s Secret. Then I saw it. In the left cup was what appeared to be a stain. But that’s weird, it was clean when I wore it yesterday.

I’m a curious person, so I touched the stain. What the heck, it’s oily! What gives? I’m not exaggerating, either. Both of these bras are leaking out a clear oil that stains fabric and feels all icky on your hands. It’s like I spilled Rotella T4 on my boobs!
The funny thing about German car ownership is the acceptance that one day, something is going to leak oil. Maybe your oil lines to the turbocharger start weeping or maybe your oil pan isn’t as sealed as it used to be. Truth be told, any car can leak, especially if it’s an old pile of crap or neglected. However, German car owners almost embrace the fact that we buy cars that like to mark their spots. European car technicians have told me that some leaks just aren’t worth the expense of fixing unless it’s bad enough.
Two of my six Smarts have small oil weeps from their oil pans. The ’48 Plymouth project has a seep, my bus dribbles some, and all of my old motorcycles are a bit leaky. All of my old Volkswagen diesels but the Touareg V10 had some drops of oil coming out.
Most of the time I just keep checking oil levels and move on with my life. However, one of my cars surprises me in how it doesn’t leak a drop of oil, and that’s the 2007 BMW 530xi that I bought from The Bishop. Every day I’m wowed by how well he’s kept the car together.
But my bra? Alright, that surprised me. I was practically crying laughing in my hotel room at the realization that oil leaks follow me everywhere, even with stuff that shouldn’t be leaking. It’s a boobie suspension bridge, not an ALH TDI!
Thankfully, my issue is apparently common and happens with wearers of bras from Victoria’s Secret.
Look, I never thought I’d be talking about bras on what’s nominally a transportation website, but here I am. Roughly a quarter of our readers identify as women, so a lot of you know what I’m about to say. So I suppose the next part is for the guys.
I suppose you could call me a bra enthusiast. I probably have as many bras as I do vehicles and I totally have a type. But we’re not a bra site [Editor’s Note: Yet. – JT] so I’ll get to the point. I don’t buy Victoria’s Secret bras. I just don’t like how they fit and don’t think you’re getting what you pay for. My usual haunt is AdoreMe (example bra above), but even that app has delivered some misses. Either way, my steaming hot take is that Victoria’s Secret bras are overrated and are best used for the ten minutes or so you need to wear them in the bedroom, so to speak.
So then, why do I have some of these bras that I apparently don’t like and why do I have them here in Tampa? Well, one of my best friends bought these, but they no longer fit her. As I said, I love bras, so I couldn’t say no, even if the cups are a little too small for me.
This week was my first time ever taking them for a test drive. Looks like I got a grand total of one use out of this bra before it burst.
Honestly, I was a bit surprised. All of my other bras use a foam type of material for lining. See the photo above. If that bra has extra padding, it’s made out of more foam. The foam works fine! I found it hard to believe that Victoria’s Secret would use a liquid for its extra padding. But I mean, it’s leaking, so I guess I have to believe it.
Still, I did the right thing and cut the left cup open. Sure enough, there’s the foam lining. But boom, there it is, a thin plastic sac with oil in it.
I tore the sac out. It’s remarkably thin and easily punctured. In my case, the leak is originating from the bottom. This stuff is just plain yucky.
Alright, so now I know why my bra is leaking like a diesel, but why are there oil sacs in my bra in the first place? Come to think of it, the pink Victoria’s Secret bra I have at home is in even worse shape. The last time I saw it the left cup was dripping with some sort of ooze. I thought maybe one of my dastardly birds dropped something in the cup — they sometimes like nesting in my bras — but nothing was there.

According to Vanity Fair Lingerie, this isn’t really oil, but a gel made out of glycerin or silicone. Allegedly, the gel pads are supposed to provide a gentler lift than foam pads, but also produce a lot more cleavage. Likewise, the gel pads are supposed to make the bra feel more natural and more comfortable to wear than one with foam pads. So, there are advantages to gel. Victoria’s Secret also isn’t the only brand selling them.
However, I’m not sure I even feel those advantages. I didn’t know these bras had liquid sacs until they started leaking. They felt just like my other bras, if not a little more uncomfortable.
At any rate, I’m not the only one. The Internet is filled with reports of bras bursting open and leaking out a mysterious fluid. Well, the fluid isn’t that mysterious after all. But it’s still weird and very funny.
As for these two bras, they’re going to be taken out of my daily fleet and put into the “wrenching bra” pile. That’s right, I have a couple of bras that I wear specifically for when I might get oil on them or might end up damaging in some way. The wrenching bras also sometimes end up going swimming if I’m feeling hot after a motorcycle ride. I wore one when rescuing the Plymouth! Maybe I might refill the sac with motor oil as a joke.
But such is my life, even over a thousand miles from home I cannot escape some sort of issue that brings me back to cars. Who knew that this time it was going to be a bra!
Top graphic images: Victoria’s Secret; Mobil;
Victoria’s Secret of the Ooze
That’s hilariously unexpected. I would have thought bras were made of fabric and wire, but I guess not!
Also, one quarter female readership for a car site, that’s impressive and a testament to your inclusive and welcoming attitude. The commentariat is also very well behaved for the most part.
Most (?) of them still are! Every other bra I own is a mix of fabric, foam lining, and a wire. There are also unlined and wireless bras out there, but I don’t really get into those.
I was quite happy to hear what our demographics looked like for 2024. The typical car site attracts far fewer women and people of other identities. But the statistics show that we’re different. Our largest single city was Chicago (NYC is largest if you combined all boroughs together as one city) and our readers are quite diverse. I hope we continue the trend! ♥
Or maybe you’re a gynoid who just fought off an alien invasion, trying to pre-emptively fool us into thinking that the synthetic blood from your battle wounds is instead coming from your clothing.
As a medium language model myself, you won’t fool me. But your service is appreciated.
You do you. Not judging.
I’m just here for all the bad puns.
Also, remember to change your bra oil every six months… ;p
Thank you for keeping us abreast of the situation.
This is a cupital matter.
You’re quite a pair
You’ve already taken the low hanging fruit, but like Bartles and Jaymes we thank you for your support.
Funny you should mention that, back in the day Bartles & James made bras disappear.
Low-hanging, huh? Try a bra. 😛
We cover a bra’d spectrum of topics here.
One of the things I appreciate about this site and this writer is that they will run an article having nearly nothing to do with the subject matter of the website or really pertain to me in any way shape or form and I will read every word of it and enjoy it. I now know more about ladies underwear than I ever thought I would.
David is rapidly hurriedly scribbling notes.
perhaps he can write an article about how to score a killer deal on bra oil in bulk from a VS store closing?
Agreed. I am a gay man and probably know the least of anyone about women’s underwear, so this was fascinating.
“I found it hard to believe that Victoria’s Secret would use a liquid for its extra padding”
Its secret has leaked out
Wrenching clothing FTW! It’s so nice to have a set that can get dirty without remorse after the deed is done.
“This morning, I attempted to put on my blue bra from Victoria’s Secret.”
Those lingerie store bras look pretty but for a quality bra for daily use, Wacol FTW!!!
And I speak from direct experience here. A few years ago, as my daughter matured into a woman, she was having bra issues… they simply weren’t comfortable and it was giving her a sore back.
So I took her to a premium store where they did bra fittings.
And then once we had her proper size, we found that Wacoal bras not only had her correct size, but were the most comfortable and held up the best in day to day use.
They don’t look as frilly as the stuff from VS or La Senza, and they cost more, but they literally hold up better.
Google “Wacoal Toyota Dome LeMans” for images of their 1985 LeMans Group C entry.
Wacoal: Offering support for real racers for decades…
I like how our car and general tech geekines translates well into any sort of mechanical challenge 🙂
“Here at BMW. We’ve realized that our consumer shouldn’t be limited to the experience of ultimate driving machine only when behind the wheel. It’s my pleasure to announce the //Mbra. And next quarter, we’ll introduce the //Munderwear. Which will feature a strategic coolant pouch to keep you cool in the toughest of conditions.”
EmotionalSupportLiftAndSeparateBMW, amirite?
Bad part is, it’s made out of plastic and requires replacement every 3 months. /s
For minute there, I thought this was going to be a cheap shot against Dodge:
Appears BMW and VS have same plastic supplier…short lifespans.
I’ve got to ask, for one brief moment did you think, “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD, I’m broken!” If I found oily discharge in my Fruit Of The Looms, I would run screaming to a doctor.
There are fast food joints that can make this a daily occurrence if you are prone to bad choices.
Hmmmm… I bet that oil was Quaker Shake 😉
This is just one of many, many reasons why I don’t wear Victoria’s Secret bras.
You really are a Cheap Bastard! 😉
Well TBH my cheap nature is not the main reason here…
I know! I was just being silly because Victoria’s Secret items tend to be expensive!
Oh they are.
But damn if I couldn’t make them look FABULOUS!!
Still won’t wear them though.
I remember a time when women your age were burning their bras and nipples were just always there.
“Hey – My Eyes are Up Here!”
For us guys – if the oily discharge isn’t on the garage floor, it’s time to seek medical attention.
You’d think filling them with some lube would be a great selling point.
I’m guessing a lot of us have t-shirts, hoodies and sweat pants we keep especially for crawling around under vehicles, so clearly an article like this is completely acceptable on Autopian without, um, suspension of the editorial rules.
The real questions, what kind of oil do bras take? Do they get picky about what brand of oil you use? Are European bras more unreliable then American ones? I could go on!
Some prefer full synthetic, some all-natural
Castrol for most European models.
It’s liquid engineering!
Once your over 50, do they require a high- mileage formulation?
So today I learned that oil filled pouches obscure nipples. Interesting.
Also, I identify as a Faux Feminist.
Buy a old subaru and it’s rust prevention sprayer, not a oil leak. Sure you buy it in the oil isle and store it in the engine.
You’d think a bra company would provide better customer support…
These gels are used as vibration dampeners as well in the form of rings or plates, often in electronics that go into rough environments. Just like when used in bras, when they get really hot the gel deconstitutes itself and suddenly you have a daughter board or an external port rattling around. And if whatever it is manages to survive being shaken to death, the gooey contents of the gel will almost certainly kill it from corrosion.
This made me think of r/BrandNewSentence
Totally unexpected.
The Bratopian. Could be bras or Subaru Brats. Either are acceptable.
Supporting two in the front, or two in the back. I like it.
And not a single mention of the preferred auto accessory of the late ’80s/early ’90s that seemingly adorned at least a quarter of contemporary Pontiacs? How is there no SWG byline here??
Those used to chafe around the headlights. Having your headlights chafed is not fun.
Esp the ones with the cutout flaps for the Firebird popups. Always slipping down a little and exposing things.
That’s a maternity bra.