Home » Become An Autopian Member Today And You Could Receive Random Car Swag Like This

Become An Autopian Member Today And You Could Receive Random Car Swag Like This

Member Swag Ts

As car journalists, we are offered lots of gifts from automakers and brands, and for years, I’ve been accepting those gifts for one reason: So I can give them to you, dear Autopian members. Here’s a look at what we’ve sent out to random members as a “thank you” for supporting this humble car website.

Beau, as a prominent dealer for various car brands including Ford, VW, Land Rover, Lotus, Honda, Porsche and a bunch of others tends to be on the receiving end of gifts from brands, probably more so than I do. So he’s volunteered to reach into his chest of swag to give Autopian members some cool car stuff.

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Check out this awesome book of Land Rover sketches, one with a Gerry M’Govern signature:

461194351 1945596572626634 4160248927269504495 N


460484137 1255643112119881 6866626955863685393 N

459171058 1444382019593549 5300854239856689977 N

I’m donating this Chevy ball cap and bag:

459675204 1332719477690332 2932989289458274359 N

Here’s a Meyers Manx hat and a Ferrari journal:


461206037 853470356977300 263902833117856313 N

Here are some strange ones: limited-edition T-shirts from Karma:

460255922 534125742342613 1311070223228651126 N

460205774 538574212190377 1400650937534468722 N

460647557 401056949467437 3115085769844174191 N


Here’s a hat from eBay motors, plus a toy Volkswagen Iltis and a Jeep wall sign:

461106578 556556806810985 2191109796438245962 N

Vw Iltis

I’m not entirely sure what’s in this Ford Bronco Off-Rodeo bag that Beau donated, but I see a nylon strap and what feels like a tarp material inside.

460535297 1713262156158293 347269375398214336 N


460255960 1693821184711067 601120775547680927 N

Here’s a nice glass bottle from Hagerty, and the Monterey Concours d’Elegance book from this year:

459720702 496697609830456 1950777293650395905 N

We’re giving away some towels and air fresheners from the Bottas-Uber partnership (if you’re allergic to cats … maybe wash that):

459555836 952650863573988 5928248066736962908 N


We’re also giving out some Bottas air fresheners, speedos (yes, speedos), and plenty of Autopian shirts:

460469833 1853824595106983 2391322985232481345 N

We’re sending out this Porsche “Edith” hat commemorating Porsche’s recent altitude record in the 911:

460454501 883594477044412 4801171947523081021 N

All of this has been carefully inspected by one of our Jeep-cats, specifically Nutmeg. There’s a lot more not shown, like BB Porsche shirts and caps, and loads of the really good press swag that is somewhere at the bottom of a box. I’ll find it, and when I do, I’ll be shipping all sorts of cool car stuff, including posters (!) to members.



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Here’s the official Ram DT launch swag, a beautiful, painted paperweight. I’ll be giving this to a random Autopian member who’s LA-local since this thing weighs too much for my cheap arse to ship:

460410167 1050397149521499 3674153130075722633 N

459424736 1242393990128047 6733819908288885386 N

I’ll also be shipping a few of these huge Lamborghini sun hats to readers:


459111950 1186379079285369 1266424752401599933 N

Plus I have a pre-worn, pre-(slightly) stained Subaru sweatshirt for some lucky member:

461208943 1271840683808235 4825126155640243332 N

460567651 2089505208113877 6239573646659335888 N

Become a member and there’s a chance you’ll receive random car stuff in the mail. Because we are so grateful you’re here.

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A. Barth
A. Barth
22 minutes ago



Thank you.

46 minutes ago

Pretty sure the Bronco bag is a portable hammock they sent out to anyone who had a pre-order in as an apology for production delays. As much as I had no intention of buying a whole Bronco, I might’ve sprung for that if they’d offered it with their normal merch, but seems to be swag-only.

1 hour ago

Ooh, that toy VW would be awesome, and I’m curious what the tarp thing is.
There is absolutely some cool swag here and I would probably be happy to get anything. Even a speedo. Especially a speedo?

Nic Periton
Nic Periton
1 hour ago

Duss I get Kittennssses? (fun fact, Cats and steam engines are closely related to one another)

1 hour ago

Hey became member but can’t get notifications and reply on the almost 100 comments I made.

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
1 hour ago

“ speedos (yes, speedos)”

Budgie smugglers.

Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
7 minutes ago

Nutmeg the cat should make short work of any unwanted budgies.

1 hour ago


Fire Ball
Fire Ball
2 hours ago

So this is like Sirius radio where you need to quit and then re-join to get the deal?

You should send random stuff to random existing members once in a while to say thanks.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Fire Ball

I think they do, I believe the Random Number-Mo-Tron in Torch’s basement picks out some member numbers for that kind of thing. I’m still not 100% sure if I have all the swag I’m due for (Vinyl) but, eh.

Fire Ball
Fire Ball
50 minutes ago
Reply to  David Tracy


2 hours ago

Nutmeg!!!! >^. .^<

Mark E. Post
Mark E. Post
2 hours ago

Are you gonna wash that stuff first? You could only be allergic to Loch Ness Monsters and still break out in hives from all the cat dander.

That Chevy hat looks like you found it underneath a dumpster, adjacent to a bridge, floating in the L.A. River.

Don’t ever change, DT.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Mark E. Post
Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
2 hours ago

Pretty sure I’m a speedo member…

*waiting for my rimshot*

Last edited 2 hours ago by Urban Runabout
Jack Trade
Jack Trade
2 hours ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

What is that, one of the non-US membership, uh, packages?

3 hours ago

Don’t mind the used sweatshirt but Suburu? Actually a very good incentive for membership. I joined despite just dropping almost $4,000 on a rebuilt motor. But hey the $600 core refund might cover installation. Right? Maybe? Possibly? Please tell me it might.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
3 hours ago

Ooooo. Lamborghini sun hat would make a great autocross hat.

3 hours ago

Are the speedos unused?

3 hours ago
Reply to  Chewcudda

God I hope so.

3 hours ago
Reply to  MATTinMKE

I don’t know it might be nice to have the pocket stretched enough to almost fit. ????

2 hours ago

I get where you’re coming from, but I prefer to do my own stretching.

3 hours ago
Reply to  Chewcudda

I’d want an affidavit from a Jeep kitty to that effect!

Library of Context
Library of Context
2 hours ago
Reply to  Chewcudda

At least one set will have spaghetti stains.

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