Home » Big Boy Gets Head Ripped Apart By Fire Hydrant, Holds Onto Cheeseburger, Becomes Fast-Food Mascot God

Big Boy Gets Head Ripped Apart By Fire Hydrant, Holds Onto Cheeseburger, Becomes Fast-Food Mascot God

Bigboy Top

We normally have a policy here where we avoid showing any especially graphic accidents, so you’d think a wreck that shows a fire hydrant being blasted through the head of a child wearing checkered overalls would be out of the question, but in this case, you’d be wrong. That’s because the child that got a hydrant blasted through his head this time is no ordinary child, but a boy, a big, boy, the Big Boy, and this fast-food mascot never faltered, never dropped that double-decker burger, not even when the back of his head was being blasted out by a cast-iron hydrant-missile.

The Big Boy attempted assassination by hydrant happened in Downey, California, on August 28, around two in the morning. A vehicle speeding down the road lost control and smacked into the fire hydrant, which was launched through Big Boy’s head, clipping the famous mascot’s trademark pompadour hair and blowing off the back of his head.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

The driver escaped with only moderate injuries, though the Jaws of Life were required to extract her from the car, which appears to be a 2008-ish Ford Five Hundred:

Ford500 2



The incident was captured on security cameras outside of the Bob’s Big Boy Broiler restaurant:


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A post shared by Bob’s Big Boy (@bobsbigboybroiler)

Holy crap, look at that. A hydrant right through your head can really do some damage; I’m impressed the Big Boy held up as well as he did, never faltering, never falling, never dropping that delicious double-decker burger.


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A post shared by Bob’s Big Boy (@bobsbigboybroiler)

In an Instagram post, the restaurant shows the injured Big Boy, face sprouting fiberglass fibers, yet still smiling, and states that he will “have the comeback of the century.


The iron will exhibited by Big Boy and his steadfast refusal to fall, even when an entire hydrant blasts through his head, has definitely been noticed by other members of the fast-food mascot community.

Via the Unified Kingdom of Burger’s embassy in Washington, the Burger King issued a statement:

“We all want the food to be fast, but we all know the cars can be fast, too, and when they’re too fast, this is the predictable result. What is less predictable is the unshakable determination of this Big Boy, his unwavering refusal to collapse even when the very forces of the physical world ally against him. I am inspired by this young man, his burger held perpetually aloft; let it be a meaty beacon for us all.”

Also notable was the emergence from seclusion of the deposed Mayor McCheese, once head of the McDonaldland government. When the McCheese administration ended in scandal and calamity, the Mayor disappeared. But the Big Boy hydrant incident prompted the release of a terse missive from McCheese:

“This is what food mascotry is all about. Venerate the product, let nothing stop you or impede your mission. I salute the Big Boy and wish him a rapid recovery.”

The fast-food mascot community hasn’t seen this sort of unity since 2014, when many came together to mourn the Noid’s death by heroin overdose.

Our thoughts and prayers to the Big Boy in Downey. Hopefully the back of his head will be back in place soon.




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12 days ago

In many ways, sir, the Big Boy never went away!

12 days ago
Reply to  Mechjaz


12 days ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

True, he has always offered the same high quality meals at competitive prices

Janeane Garafolo
Janeane Garafolo
13 days ago

Big Boy just sunned Waffle House so bad with their whole “We Don’t Close Unless it’s a Cat 5” baby shit, replying with “Give us a lobotomy. We don’t care. Our jacks will still flap!”

13 days ago

It doesn’t appear to be the model with a slingshot in his hip pocket.

Phantom Pedal Syndrome
Phantom Pedal Syndrome
13 days ago

Lard Lad nooooooo!

Totally not a robot
Totally not a robot
13 days ago

Nothing makes for more potent nightmare fuel than seeing Big Boy’s smile and stare while he’s missing the back half of his skull.

13 days ago

Died the way he lived!

13 days ago

Who’s a good boy?!

13 days ago

Sweep the head. Do you have a problem with that? No mercy.

Mike F.
Mike F.
13 days ago

No question – what the world needs more than anything now is an inspiring meaty beacon!

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
13 days ago

This appears to be a Methy situation.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
13 days ago

Maybe she was trying to take out Dr. Evil’s getaway machine.

13 days ago

Years ago, when I took my wife to Metro-Detroit to visit family. I had us stop at the Big Boys on John R for breakfast. Now, every time we visit, she insists we stop there. We get it, Jason. We get it.

Big Boy salute to the heroic Big Boy in the article.

12 days ago
Reply to  Gene1969

This location is independent, and the food is to be avoided at all costs.

David Smith
David Smith
12 days ago
Reply to  SaltyOldGuy

You seem a bit salty about this location.

12 days ago
Reply to  SaltyOldGuy

Odds of me going to California is between slim and none unfortunately. But now I’m curious. Since it’s an independent, what brand of coffee do they use?

13 days ago

“Fireplug?! Fireplug?! I said I wanted hair plugs for my bald spot!!”

Last edited 13 days ago by Canopysaurus
Óscar Morales Vivó
Óscar Morales Vivó
13 days ago

If I hadn’t been reading Jason for all these years I would totally believe, after reading the second half of the article, that he’s been given some good shit during his last hospital visit.

Which is still not out of the question tbh.

Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
12 days ago

There is normal Jason and good shit Jason, and a whole scholarly field to determine which articles are done by which. I’m talking Shakespeare levels of scholarly study

13 days ago

He nearly lost his head, but didn’t lose his head in the process.

13 days ago

Was that car driven by Nurse Ratched?

13 days ago

“The kid guns the gas, car starts to swerve
Heads for a semi-truck, jumps the curb
Truck hits a big boy in the Shoney’s parking lot
Flies through the air, takes out the bank clock
Clock strikes a light pole, transformer sparks
Lines go down, town goes dark”

I hadn’t heard someone was covering Joe Diffie’s 3rd Rock from the Sun and making a new video.

Tim Cougar
Tim Cougar
13 days ago
Reply to  Radiant13

I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers that song.

Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
12 days ago
Reply to  Tim Cougar

I read it to the tune. Grew up on that one

13 days ago

He’s put off meating his maker to live another day. Yes, I know this is not great, but in my defense, it’s a medium rarely well done.

13 days ago
Reply to  DriveSheSaid

This is SO cheesy. I hope it doesn’t kick off a pun war that ends with beef between combatants.

13 days ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

Indeed the steaks are high. There’s sure to be some prime ribbing here, but they’d brisket control of things before they start chucking things at each other – leading to a shanking.

13 days ago
Reply to  DriveSheSaid

You’ve been sitting there for two hours with all these puns locked and loaded, just waiting for somebody to take the bait so you could fire them off like a hydrant through the head of a Bob’s Big Boy, haven’t you?

13 days ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

Hahahaha…. you’ve loined your lesson, yes? I can always be counted on to be around for a wordplay battle royale. It’s a flankless job, but someone’s got to do it!

Last edited 13 days ago by DriveSheSaid
13 days ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

Sesame puns or brioche puns?

Drive By Commenter
Drive By Commenter
13 days ago
Reply to  DriveSheSaid


Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
13 days ago

This is exactly how Dr. Evil escapes.

A. Barth
A. Barth
13 days ago

*looks at handwritten sign*

Clearly the Big Boy is a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
12 days ago
Reply to  A. Barth

He’ll be back…

12 days ago
Reply to  Lori Hille

I drove by that over the weekend. the big sign is starting to fall apart.. unsure if the city will let them repair it.. because Downey gonna Downey.

13 days ago

Hm, “meaty beacon” doesn’t mean what I thought it would.

Also, that’s not the Noid end I expected. This is the Noid End I expected.

Steve's House of Cars
Steve's House of Cars
12 days ago
Reply to  AssMatt

That was heavy reading before 7am.

This day is going to be weird.

13 days ago

Neither rain, sleet, snow, or fire hydrant to the head can stop Big Boy from serving up burgers.

13 days ago

Jesus, that moron was flying.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
13 days ago

In a Five Hundred no less. You see more Chevy Cavaliers still on the road these days than those.

Totally not a robot
Totally not a robot
13 days ago

Well the fire hydrant didn’t really have a choice. Newton’s second law and whatnot.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
13 days ago

Fire hydrants have breakaway flanges because THIS HAPPENS EVERY DAY.
And yes, no water is spraying out because that’s not how fire hydrants work.

13 days ago

“When you take a whack at a Burger King, you must finish him.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last edited 13 days ago by Lokki
Lori Hille
Lori Hille
13 days ago
Reply to  Lokki

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown!

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