There’s something kind of amazing about the images in this 1965 Ford Fairlane brochure, taking place, as they do, in an infinite black void of nothingness. In this particular part of the void, a woman dressed like Inspector Clouseau offers a comically oversized flower to a man, who throws his head back in laughter, kind of creepily.
I’m not exactly sure what message Ford is intending to convey here about the Fairlane, other than to associate it with the sorts of cavalier bon vivants that can even made a colossal emptiness, void even of light, into a good time with their huge flower gag, pulling off massive, shoe-sized petals in what may be one of those he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not kind of things. I think?

Anyway, enjoy the whatever this is!
He already knows the answer. He loves you not.
“Ha! It’s a common mistake but the phrase is actually PEDAL to the metal. Now please stop hitting the roof of our car with that thing.”
This immediately made me think of the old TV comedy “Get Smart”, the guy does resemble Don Adams as Maxwell Smart with Agent 99.
It looks like a Ford Fairlane was in one episode, but appears to be stock footage of a crash.
They did feature a Sunbeam Tiger during one season, however.
That’s before they downsized the Fairlane to the midsize pictured above. One of my biggest “Get Smart” take a ways was the very cool Sunbeam Tiger Maxwell Smart drove
In 1965 it was all about peace, love and “flower power”. I’m guessing that has something to do with that powerful looking flower
Man: “HA-HA Ha…oooboy…Do that again…Tell me how you…a freakishly tall woman tried out for the part of the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot in ‘Murder on the Orient Express’…wait…wait…then you did WHAT with that stupid flower to the director’s face? You’re a riot Jane.”
Woman: “You’re just a Dick. And besides your car is dull.”
She’s higher than he is, superior. She’s dressed as a hunter / gardener mashup. She’s gloved, using protection. The flower isn’t perfect, but it is pretty. The car is what is elevating her to a position of power. Him laughing doesn’t fit the theme … is that laughter or something else? Good thing there were gloves.
She says “take me home and de-flower me.”
He says “pretty sure that ship has sailed, my dear.”
I need to get here earlier in the day. All my witty ideas apparently aren’t very original.
That inky black background forces my brain to fill in the tires. Otherwise it looks really weird with those tiny little wheels.
That car had a face that’s about as nondescript as they come
The two-tone paint scheme is pretty sharp though. I’m not an SUV guy in the least, but I do like how some of the domestics are reviving that.
I second the appreciation of the 2 tone paint. Today’s huge pickup trucks could really benefit from that.
And it was an odd one year only redesign. A friend of mine in high school had one nearly identical this except it was monotone teal rather than two-tone. Pretty decent car but, yeah, nondescript.