Something I love about people is their ability to find humor in any situation. I mean, Jason had the human equivalent of an oil line rupture and he still figured out how to make you laugh. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is step back and laugh about how ridiculous something is. A lot of folks are bickering right now about Tesla Cybertrucks getting stuck in the snow. Some of you would rather have a little fun.
Today, David published an explainer of so many different factors that go into snowy traction, including the froze and cons of different tire selections. David comes out of the other side with a level head and advises people to chill and not be s-mitten to rush to judge the stainless steel beast spinning its tires in the slush.

Ok, I’ll stop now and let 10001010 sleigh:
David Tracy here with the facts to tell us this is snow joking matter.
Your jokes today expanded outside of this icy realm and Hugh Crawford has a clever one-liner about those smart wrenches that hackers can mess around with:
Well I guess those aren’t secure sockets.
If you aren’t a computer nerd, Crawford appears to be making a reference to Secure Sockets Layers (SSL). Look, I’ll let Amazon Web Services explain:
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a communication protocol, or set of rules, that creates a secure connection between two devices or applications on a network. It’s important to establish trust and authenticate the other party before you share credentials or data over the internet. SSL is technology your applications or browsers may have used to create a secure, encrypted communication channel over any network. However, SSL is an older technology that contains some security flaws.
Let’s finish this COTD with the advertising for this morning’s SnoCoupe Cold Start. Captain Muppet narrates:
Imagine, there you sit, warm and snug in your minidress blatting through the snow, feeling smug because you are the genius who bought a snowmobile with a windshield, roof, doors and a glorious heater, while all your friends are in skiwear and draped over the outside of their skidoos.
Then you get a load of snow on your windshield and go to flick the wipers on.
Where’s the switch?
This thing has wipers, right?
Goddam it, now I’m going to have to stop, get out and sit on the front of it to wipe the snow off, and that pervert with the camera is going to try for an up-skirt shot again.
Oof! Have a great evening, everyone.
I missed Captain Muppet’s comment. Fits the scene perfectly