The Tesla Cybertruck was controversial long before it ever hit the streets. Some of that was down to the long delays ahead of production beginning, some of it was down to design, and many lay blame at the feet of Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Indeed, we’ve discussed previously that it’s virtually pointless to review the Cybertruck since so much public opinion is based on the wacky antics and politics of the company’s enigmatic founder. In any case, now the vehicle is out in the real world, Cybertruck owners have been discovering their trucks are drawing a certain level of attention. Would you believe it’s not all friendly?
If you bought a new Corolla, or even a new Mustang, you might expect a raised eyebrow or a knowing nod from a few of your colleagues. The rest of the world would not blink as you passed by. That doesn’t appear to be the case with the Cybertruck, though. No surprise, given it looks like nothing else on the road, but still—some of the stories from the community are surprising to say the least.
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Drive one of these polarizing trucks, and you can apparently expect harsh words and middle fingers just about wherever you go. It might be made out of stainless steel, but the Cybertruck is a magnet for the haters — whether haters of EVs or haters of Elon Musk.
Big Metal Thing
You might cast your mind back to David Tracy’s Cybertruck review from June this year. Most notably, he received a charming unsolicited comment from the sidewalk. “Your truck is ugly!” went the cry.
So when David saw Cybertruck owner Don Turner post on an owner’s page how tough it’s been for him to deal with insults, we figured we’d look into it a bit. It turns out, it’s not just David Tracy getting harsh word on the streets of LA. Many Cybertruck owners deal with it regularly.
David found that at least one person in LA really didn’t like the design. Credit: David TracyI chatted to members of the Tesla Cybertruck Owners group on Facebook, and heard from Floridian owner Marcus Story. “I’m a day-one reservation holder for the Cybertruck with a low VIN,” he says. “As an early adopter of Tesla vehicles, I’ve experienced firsthand what it’s like to own an EV in a southern car-loving town, and it has certainly been interesting!”
“Politics and election seasons play a significant role in people’s perceptions—many instantly assume you vote a certain way just because you drive a Tesla,” Marcus explains. “I’ve encountered plenty of false information, blatant lies, and fear-driven propaganda, like claims that the truck will catch fire in a car wash, that the battery will die after two years, or that it’s worse for the environment.”
He’s had some darker experiences, too. “I’ve received late-night hate messages and threats, been flipped off, ‘coal-rolled,’ and had people deliberately slow down in front of me,” he says. “But I’m not a pushover, and I confront this behavior directly.” Ultimately, he usually knows where it’s coming from. “I know a lot of people in my town, and it’s easy to trace their comments back to some of the points I mentioned earlier,” he explains. “I’m vocal and quick to counter with facts and logic, which helps shut down any nonsense.”
Others tell similar stories. Gary Lopez of California told me that while kids are usually very into the spaceship-looking vehicle, adults have been profoundly negative. “Kids that see the truck absolutely lose it with excitement… then there are grown adults who throw tantrums at you for whatever reason,” he says. “Although negative reactions are ten percent of reactions, I had a range of thumbs down all the way to ‘go k** yourself.'” One suspects Gary missed an asterisk there, but I’ll present the quote as he wrote it. He notes that this is all happens out on the road while driving. “No one says anything to my face,” says Gary.
Say what you will about the quality of the truck, the company, or the people who made it. It’s hard to think of too many other cars that get such vile attention. One is perhaps reminded of the way Prius owners were once treated by die-hard pollution fans, or the kind of gendered insults so often levelled at the Miata community.
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Meanwhile, over in Ohio, Ryan Fry says he’s seen a bit of both. “I would say it’s eighty percent positive and twenty percent negative…but the negative is really negative,” he told me. Tina Cyr agreed. “The haters are with a capital H,” she says. “Someone yelled out on a crowded street, ‘That is so ugly!'” Much the same as happened to our own David Tracy. “I wanted to shout back ‘LIKE YOUR MAMA!’ but I didn’t,” she laughs.
The Bird is usually reserved for people that can’t merge or jerks that steal your parking space. Now, though, it seems to be intimately associated with the Cybertruck based on the endless posts from owners on Facebook. “Got my first middle finger today,” said Josh Olberding on a Cybertruck owners page. “The driver that flipped me off had a Kia Soul with its bumper missing… I smiled and waved, maybe they just need some love?” Others find the attention is particularly upsetting for their family. “It’s really annoying when people give us the middle finger and our kids are in the car, or they keep pointing at our Cybertruck and then keep giving us a thumbs down,” says Sadaf Saleh. For some, these instances of negative are remarkably frequent, too. “We’ve gotten like six flip-offs and some people yelling at us,” said Ashley Sarpolis. “We’ve only had it four days, lol.”
Others have seen hate escalate to violence. Washington D.C. owner Rico Clark noted he’d had a glass bottle thrown at his vehicle. Perhaps one of the uglier responses seems to come from the diesel set, too. Numerous members of the Tesla Cybertruck Owners group reported people “rolling coal” on them, wherein a diesel truck dumps a large plume of black exhaust smoke on other cars. It’s not just offensive, it’s also illegal as per the EPA, and pretty terrible for your lungs.
As for why it happens? You could surmise that it’s people attacking something that’s different, or tearing down what some see as an ostentatious display of wealth. However, for owner Hollie Holcombe, the cause is largely down to one big personality. “Living in a place with so many progressive people around, I get a lot of hate,” she says. “I am also progressive, but some of my friends in this area don’t agree that Tesla is a good company.” A lot of it comes down to the Tesla CEO in her eyes. “They see Elon as evil,” she says. “They’re upset about the cobalt issue, which they either don’t understand or don’t believe it when Elon says they’re reducing it… I’m not sure what else they’re upset about.”
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Negative perceptions around the truck’s design have come up, too. “My child’s best friend is not allowed to ride in the Cybertruck because they think it doesn’t have crumple zones,” she explains. The one benefit? She’s noticed that she’s getting less hassle from diesel drivers now than before. “Coal rollers were only an issue for me when I was driving the Model S,” she says. “They now somehow think I’m on their side because I drive a truck.”
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Don Turner
Hi, it’s David Tracy. I had a chance to talk with Don Turner — the LA-based Tesla owner who works in the senior care industry and whose Facebook post inspired this article — after Lewin finished writing this piece, and I figured I’d add some notes about our chat. Turner’s post was about the mistreatment he’s received as a Tesla Cybertruck owner (that’s his truck below; he’s very proud of it).
He says there are a number of factors that make the Cybertruck a target for hate: It’s the truck’s value, it’s the fact that it’s electric, it’s the fact that it looks the way it does, and it’s Elon.
“No matter what area [I’m driving in] — it can be a very affluent area — they throw their thumbs down,” he told me over the phone while doing his daily morning walk. “Very few people say they like the truck because of Elon Musk; nobody really claims to like the guy,” Turner told me before making his thoughts on Musk clear.
“Elon Musk… that jackass — I like his technology, I like his truck — ….he doesn’t shut his freakin’ mouth. He’s a bigmouth turkey. He’s probably going to do something stupid before the election. I just don’t like Elon Musk. If he sticks to the technology and building companies, there’s no one smarter.”
“Once he gets into the political stuff, it really ruins his brand, it ruins the Tesla brand,” he told me, saying loads of folks dislike his truck specifically because of the controversial CEO.
“Thumbs up, thumbs down, middle finger — that’s normal,” he says of his experience driving his stainless steel pickup.
He says there’s definitely a class element to the hate. “I’ve had people pull up to me in beaters and they’re thumbs down,” he says. “One guy came up to me and said ‘That truck is ugly!'”
Not All Bad
As was the case with Don Turner, the owners that are getting hate out on the road are getting some nicer reactions, too. Just as the truck pulls in the haters, it catches plenty of interest thanks to its unique design. Marcus told me he’s seen a lot of positive reactions to the vehicle since he’s owned it. “The reality is that there are so many positives,” says Marcus. “I get a lot of thumbs up, and even after months of daily driving, people still comment on how cool it looks.” He says a lot of people ask questions about the truck, and that many people come around to liking it after having seen one up close in person. It’s perhaps the case that familiarity helps to temper that weird human impulse to hate on the different and unique.
Down in Texas, owner Steven Walker told me he had a lovely experience with his example. “We had someone post in our neighborhood page… she had asked if she could pay us to bring it to her son’s 10th birthday party because he loved the Cybertruck,” he says. “We absolutely did and refused money for it, lol.” It’s a charming example of spreading the car culture to the kids. At the same time, though, he admits there are some that don’t like it, and feel the need to make that known. “We definitely get more thumbs up than middle fingers,” he says. “But it is quite disappointing that people feel the need to act negatively towards a vehicle owner because of the vehicle they own.”
I dropped into the Cybertruck Owners Club forums to get their perspective, too. Ultimately, the mood was that while there are some haters, more people like the truck than despise it. “I get about one negative for every hundred or so positives,” said sgmorton. “Half the time even the negatives are curious to take a look inside or are just ignorant of the vehicle.” Similarly, Tecyber1 reports lots of thumbs up and friendly signals from other Tesla owners, and people asking lots of questions and one family asking if their son could sit in the vehicle—”Of course I let him!” Meanwhile, some stories are just funny. “I have had one negative reaction… a passenger in a Dodge Charger signaled me to roll down my window on the highway, [and] he asked ‘How much did you pay for that refrigerator?!'” said Pops. “I laughed, answered him honestly and then drove away.” Outside of that, he says the truck gets a lot of love. “Endless thumbs ups,” he muses.
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As you might expect, though, it appears the public is beginning to grow familiar with the sight of the big metal triangle on the roads. Many in the Tesla Cybertruck Owners group report that while they faced a flurry of interest in the early phase of ownership, the hype has started to die down. By and large, given Tesla are making these in significant quantities, it makes sense. As more of these trucks are getting around, they’re increasingly less novel for a broader share of the public.
Here’s the thing, though. While it’s nice that Cybertruck owners are getting some thumbs up and nice comments, that doesn’t excuse the hate. Nobody should be getting middle fingers, coal rolled, or bottles thrown at them because they drive a weird truck. That’s just totally unacceptable.
In any case, there’s hope for the future. Marcus reckons it won’t always be this way. “For sure my guess is it will slow down after the election,” he says, laying the problem at the feet of political division in America. “But mechanic shops, parts stores, and die hard engine people will forever hate on the EV.” Ultimately, though, he puts it down to ingrained adult biases. Given what he’s seen from the younger generation , he reckons this attitude won’t carry forward much longer. “It is a learned behavior for sure, as I have yet to meet a kid that doesn’t like them,” he says. If Marcus is right, we’ll see the middle fingers subside in due time.
Image credits: Tesla, David Tracy, Facebook via screenshot, Wham Baam Teslacam via YouTube screenshot
Buy a rolling monument to fascism and you reap what you sow.
Found the CyberTruck owner.
In other words, found the Elon Musk simp.
I consider myself a very empathetic person… let me see if I feel anything… nope, nothing.
Hold on, maybe I have an F to give… hmm, nope nothing there, either.
They knew what they were getting into.
* musk is a turd
* the CT looks stupid as all hell
* the CT wrapped in red looks fantastic
I don’t antagonize people who choose to own a CT. Why? It’s rude and needlessly confrontational, and besides they will suffer enough owning the thing.
There is something delicious about people having the undying need to express their opinions to others about how they hate Elon Musk for expressing his opinions to others.
Ahh, Elon isn’t simply “expressing his opinions to others”. He is amplifying racist, antisemitic, bigoted lies as well as Russian misinformation. And he supports an America hating, insurrectionist, bigoted liar for president.
No. not ironic. To clarify, he owns a huge platform which has a huge impact on public opinion. He’s not just one chucklehead commenting on an X post, he IS X and therefore has an outsized impact.
I get the impression you would not be bothered in the least if whoever owned X had a huge impact that you agree with. With that said, you are aware that approx. 97% of all journalist in the US vote for the Democrats or the Greens? You wouldn’t call them out for having an outsized impact, would you?
To be clear, I have never voted for Trump nor do I plan on now voting for Trump. I am definitely a liberal… what I am not is a Progressive as those people are pretending to be liberal. The Progs have more in common with Nazis than any “far” right winger.
I’m bothered by his outsized influence via his platform as well as the hate, misogyny, antisemitism, Russian propaganda, etc. that he spreads.
And you know nothing about me and the fact that I’m a Recovering Republican so… nice try.
Also your number of 97% of media being lefty or green ignores the outsized impact of e.g. Fox “News” which has about half the country under its spell.
And if you are, as you say, a liberal, I can’t reconcile this- “The Progs have more in common with Nazis”. SMH.
TL/DR: Musk is a bigoted punk who has huge reach. Left, right or center, there is no room in my world for his brand of hate.
There’s nothing wrong with judging shitty opinions. Those are also opinions.
This is a very long article about nothing. Also, how is Elon Musk “enigmatic”? He is the exact opposite of that term. Every day we get a continuous stream of whatever he is thinking at the moment. This is some seriously silly click bait. I flip off some shitty car driver just about every day on my bicycle commute. At least once or twice, it has been a Tesla, though Mustangs and Ram trucks are much more common recipients of the bird. It is not news.
This is hilarious…cYbErJuNkTrUcK is ugly EV trash on fire
Gasoline forever!
It’s honestly not just the CT.
I’ve noticed aggressive behaviour around me driving a Model 3, and it’s been getting worse, not better.
I’m in Ontario Canada, and generally pickup truck drivers do not like to see Teslas. Got my first coal-rolling a couple weeks ago, and another truck aggressively refused to let me merge into traffic last week (instead of a calm zipper merge, it turned into a cluster cuss). I had the “how’s it feel to drive a rolling testament to a white supremacist?” comment last week at the mall. Earlier in the summer my car was hit with what looks like a crowbar while parked. It’s clearly a target.
If I didn’t hate dealing with dealers, I’d be rid of it already. Problem now is all the EV choice…can’t make up my mind on what the next is.
I had a Leaf while I was in Louisiana and the big bro dozer trucks hated that thing. Never had anyone successfully roll coal but had a few close calls.
Oh and it would beat those big trucks off the line with no problem; the look on the bro dozer’s face was always priceless.
Eventually people will get used to seeing it and the controversy will subside.
Remember all the people who hated the PT Cruiser? Sure some still do, but they don’t seem to go nuts about it anymore.
And that Cybertruck painted or wrapped in red looks really good.
I think the situation with the CT is a little different as Chrysler’s CEO at the time was unlikely such a publicly polarising – and well-known – figure. It might die down if Musk is somehow disassociated with Tesla – or he shuts his mouth for a few months
Unfortunately No. F150 lightnings don’t get this kind of hate. Rivians don’t get this kind of hate. Even Prius at their worst time were laughed at, had South Park make an episode mocking them but there wasn’t this kind of hatred. It all comes back to Elon. He presented himself as a savior of mankind, but ever since buying Twitter has shown himself to hate democracy, birth control, unions, and has supported Nazis and conspiracy theorists. Musk is going to most likely drag Tesla, and by association every other company he owns down with him.
Paradise PD had Elon in an episode. It wasn’t flattering.
That red one is probably the first I’ve seen that actually looks alright. My office is in Fremont, near the Tesla plant. Even though they make these in Texas I probably see about 10-20 a day driving around or parked in the various Tesla satellite office lots.
You get used to them real quick.
Cute story, sorry, but I plan to keep flipping off and spitting at cybertrucks whenever I have the misfortune of seeing one on the road.
How does this article encourage groupthink?
Huh, look at that, he never replied…
Makes no sense to me. Its a product, not a person. Hardworking citizens designed and built these. Hardworking citizens purchased them from Tesla. If you dont like the vehicle mutter under your breath and move on. Don’t lower yourself to the level of the average internet troll and publicly display ignorant reactionary behaviour.
But the product, in this case, embodies all that people despise about a particular person, Elon.
Everyone is an “activist” nowadays.
I hate the CT. I think it’s silly. It’s very flashy and I tend to like to drive rocketship German sedans that are grey and look like a plain 4 door sedan to most people. I could get a Ferrari or Lamborghini but I would feel silly being seen in one. A 911 Carrera in grey would be ok. I don’t want an EV right now but they make a lot of sense even if the drive is a little dull aside from the acceleration. No tranny, belts, hoses, oil, etc. It really makes sense. I groan when I see a CT but I would never say or do anything. That’s just rude. I can judge their owner privately and from a distance. Musk is an ass clown and I disapprove. But in general I live by the following rule as long as it doesn’t affect me (and that’s a whole other discussion as to what affects me—like Musk’s support for the orange cat’s asshole ): Do whatever the fuck you want—leave me alone.
“ No tranny, belts, hoses, oil, etc.”
Well, there is one transmission per motor, more cooling hoses than on an ICE car and oil in the transmissions and sometimes the motors too. But no belts.
I REALLY don’t like the way it looks. But I’ve ridden in one and it’s crazy comfortable. To each their own, the hate isn’t necessary, regardless of who’s name is tied to it.
I think it’s kinda silly, and definitely feel it’s an expression of Musk’s vanity, but would never give someone the finger in one. We live in a society absolutely chock full of excessive shit, and the CT is just another expression of that.
Plus, 1) that metallic red one actually looks pretty good 2) I have a roadster that’s pretty useless: it can barely fit an overnight bag in the trunk, so I’m not throwing stones from a glass house
Hollie can only think of “Cobalt” as a reason why progressives don’t like Musk?
Does she live under a rock?
“Don Turner — the LA-based Tesla owner who works in the senior care industry “
That would be a major red flag for me if I had a parent in a facility he works with. Money paying for a flashy wrapped Cybertruck is money not going to patient/resident care.
Working in senior care doesn’t mean he owns the company. You should be more concerned with private equity firms buying up senior living facilities than what the employees are driving:
Why would you think he’s not with a private equity firm focused on senior care, but just said ‘senior care’ because it sounds more sympathetic than private equity.
Hell, maybe people love his truck but know that he’s in private equity and that’s the reason for the hate.
Why would you assume he is, with zero evidence to even suggest it?
I checked his LinkedIn. He owns companies that work with companies that do the senior care. Some kind of consulting and whatnot.
it’s okay to make fun of and shame cybertruck drivers
it is never wrong
The Cybertruck is the Hummer H2 of our time and I’m sure there is or will be an equivalent of The CyberCucks should have known that an ostentatious and polarizing vehicle would get hate as well as love so I have no sympathy.
A Cybertruck owner actually believing that he’s “…quick to counter with facts and logic…” indicates just how delusional they can be.
yeah, that stood out to me. The dude is stopping people in traffic and having socratic seminars with people? ok
I think the fact that one of the owners literally said “counter with facts and logic” as to why I instinctively assume the worst about people who own a Cybertruck
But my opinions are facts and anyone who disagrees with me is emotional!
Irrational people get uncomfortable around facts and logic.
My neighborhood Cybertruck owner codes for a living so he definitely needed a 6700 lb truck and left his garage door open for the first four months after buying it. I do like Musk and if he can ever monetize wadded-up panties he’ll be richer yet.
I don’t like the looks of the Cybertruck. I don’t like the attitude and personality of Elon Musk. I don’t have a problem with people buying and owning the truck. Right now it is a great way to advertise their business or just have fun. If that’s what they want, they should have the opportunity.
Of course, I didn’t get the whole rage against fake Staney mugs either so…
No throwing things. No middle fingers. I just point and laugh.
I think the owners referenced in this article are hitting the copium the way Musk hits the Special K in thinking that people’s responses are mostly positive and that kids love them.
Not surprised at all, Tesla drivers sorta got the douchebag reputation that BMW used to have. And a cybertruck is the most douchemobile of all.
In my area, the asshole cutting you off with no signal is increasingly a Tesla instead of a BMW. Only aggressive BMW drivers I come across these days are the young guys driving a 20 year old 328i that they stuck //M badges all over.
In mine, it’s everything from 25 yr old rotted out civics with coffee can exhausts through M BMWs, Cadillacs, brodozers driven by everything from kids, seniors, women and men. The car doesn’t make the ass, it just enables them.
I live in Seattle where there are metric ton of EVs on the road. Tesla drivers are definitely the most aggressive now. So many of them are weaving through traffic and tailgating on the freeway, driving 20mph over the speed limit on city streets. And that’s just the behavior of the drivers… The headlights on many Teslas are retina obliterating.