Home » Either Coldplay Is Great And My Colleagues Are Just Trying To Be Nonconformists Or I’m A Basic B When It Comes To Music — Tales From The Slack

Either Coldplay Is Great And My Colleagues Are Just Trying To Be Nonconformists Or I’m A Basic B When It Comes To Music — Tales From The Slack

David Coldplay

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15 hours ago

I don’t know why, but I’ve always had the impression that Coldplay started out as some sort of discount version of Radiohead – but that comparison is grossly unfair to Radiohead. Maybe Coldplay is the Dave Matthews Band of…whatever generation likes Coldplay. (This is not a compliment)

6 hours ago
Reply to  Widgetsltd

There is definitely some Radiohead in there, minus Thom Yorke’s deft writing and musical genius. There’s also more than a whiff of post-Achtung Baby U2 from the era where everybody started to realize that U2 actually wasn’t very good.

3 hours ago
Reply to  Widgetsltd

I think you are correct, but they’ve diverged more as time goes on.

15 hours ago

I’m not surprised DT likes Coldplay given his well-known-around-these-parts lack of pop-culture literacy. It’s not bad music (if not great.) Every Coldplay song I’ve ever heard sounded good the first time I heard it.

What makes them hated is overexposure, which boiled over when the ClearChannel algo held onto Viva La Vida like a mother bear protecting its’ cub back in 2010-11. They should be called Overplay.

16 hours ago

Wow, I can’t help but comment
-Coldplay sucks and is overrated
-same w/ Taylor Swift/Beyonce
-The Beatles suck so bad
-Most mainstream music especially “pop” is trash
-Pretty much all music made this century sucks and is fake
-1960’s through 1990’s has a lot of the best music ever made; w/ the 80’s being the best era ever (mainly rock)
-Any kind of rock, especially metal is the best and rules forever
-I suggest you find some REAL music
-I can’t even imagine what Adrian thinks of…OASIS…Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
2 hours ago

I hate them with the fury of a thousand suns.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Hey now, don’t look back in anger. Roll with it.

Last edited 2 hours ago by DialMforMiata
17 hours ago


Captain Avatar
Captain Avatar
17 hours ago

I find Coldplay to be lacking musical diversity. I don’t expect progressive music or anything, but Chris Martin’s vocal range is limited, which I feel doesn’t allow the band to explore more complex and diverse musical styles. The band appears to now basically consist of Chris Martin indulging his obsession with pop, while the other members are silently dragged along behind him.

I listen to a lot of mainstream stuff too, but I find more joy in things like King’s X. Well, ok, no one is like King’s X.

14 hours ago
Reply to  Captain Avatar

I had the Faith Hope Love tape back in the day, I need to see if that’s on Spotify.

17 hours ago

“Send more Chuck Berry”

A. Barth
A. Barth
17 hours ago

I read this article and didn’t realize David had joined the group, as pictured in the topshot. 🙂

4 hours ago
Reply to  A. Barth

That top shot is *chef’s kiss*

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
17 hours ago

Captain Beefheart.

Although admittedly a weird guy to hang out with.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
18 hours ago

To each their own, but to paraphrase Robert California…Coldplay is arena rock for people who hate arena rock.

18 hours ago

Maybe Nickelback? (bursts into flames)….

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
17 hours ago
Reply to  Tbird

Maroon 5?

5 hours ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

I have a visceral response to any of the 90s bands with numbers in them… Maroon 5, blink-182, Matchbox 20. That being said music is highly subjective.

Andrea Petersen
Andrea Petersen
18 hours ago

As a goth, there are certain artists from the mainstream I will give a pass; Gaga, Lil Nas X, Duran Duran, etc. But Coldplay? T. Swift? I would sooner drive an Altima than listen to people like that.

19 hours ago

Ok, but none of the newfangled bands mentioned here compare to Faith No More now get off my lawn!

18 hours ago
Reply to  10001010

Or Fugazi, for that matter.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
17 hours ago
Reply to  Andreas8088

I still wait.

16 hours ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

Sitting in the waiting room…

17 hours ago
Reply to  10001010

I hate hate hate Faith No More so much. Mostly based on Epic, but nothing else I’ve heard has redeemed them. I’m at least mature enough now not to attack you personally for it? That’s a win for the Internet, at least.

16 hours ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

To each their own, I’ve found that most who have a negative opinion of FNM base it off of Epic which undeniably got overplayed. The good news is there’s also Mr Bungle, Tomahawk, Fantomas, Mondo Cane, Peeping Tom, Dead Cross, Nevermen, Loveage, and others for you to listen to.

7 hours ago
Reply to  10001010

For sure! I’ve also tried to learn more, keep learning, and appreciate FNM even if I don’t like their music. Having a black frontman was a big deal and is frankly still pretty uncommon in hard rock and metal. There’s more than that of course, just an example of a way to remember not to equate my/royal your musical tastes with larger value judgements.

Doesn’t mean I don’t love or won’t make ridiculous claims or say silly things, but I try to leave the actual people out of it. Sorry if this is gibberish, I haven’t slept much.

4 hours ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

Chuck was a treasure and he is missed. He did a lot of stuff after FNM that’s really good even if it never caught any commercial success. I saw him live in my hometown just a few months before he passed, he was a really cool guy to talk to.

19 hours ago

I think Cassadee Pope singing in Hardest Mistakes with I See Stars is better than anything she did during/after the Voice. I just thought everyone should know that.

I like some Coldplay but it’s like when they release a song it’s everywhere. Same with Tipsy lately, literally had 3 stations playing it at the same time the other day, 2 of them were pop not country, it’s a great song but dang, there are other songs to play, same with Jelly Roll, I’ll literally hear Tipsy and I am not ok at least twice both going to and coming from work. Same with Call Me Maybe, when it first dropped I was cranking it up, then they just get so played out.

I’ll leave this bomb on my way out:
Nickelback, thoughts? >:)

20 hours ago

For me, Coldplay is one of the blandest rock bands that has ever been popular. But it’s just not my scene, I don’t say that to put down anyone who likes them. But to compare them to the Beatles? Sheesh, that’s another level.

20 hours ago

Autopian team, I have but one piece of valuable advice for you: Given your musical tastes, stick to writing about cars.

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
19 hours ago
Reply to  Dave


Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
20 hours ago

Coldplay is not great. In fact they’re pretty bad. The talent to fame ratio is way out of whack which is always something that bugs me as a musician. Prince? Super talented and super famous. Bowie? Super talented and super famous. Kendrick Lamar? Super talented and super famous. I love all 3.

Taylor Swift? Kinda talented, disproportionately famous. Not into it. Drake? Kinda talented, extremely famous, pretty lame. Coldplay? Not talented, one of the biggest bands in the world. Whack, uncool, etc.

That’s not to say they don’t have redeeming qualities. I legitimately think Clocks, Viva La Vida, and Speed Of Sound are great songs. I don’t turn any of them off when they come on. But their other famous songs border on unlistenable and you couldn’t pay me to listen to a record front to back.

How do people listen to Yellow and take it seriously? I thought it was a joke the first time I heard it, and I was a teenager. Coldplay is like the musical equivalent of Panera Bread and they have the same fanbase.

Gaga is so much better than Taylor it’s not even funny. I don’t even think they should be mentioned in the same sentence. One is a classically trained multi instrumentalist who’s performed with Metallica, has multiple experimental albums, and more or less has different eras to her music. Taylor has like 1.5 good albums, she shamelessly chases trends, and she’s written the same song like 5,000 times.

She’s a great businesswoman, shes charismatic, and I do have some respect for how personal some of her music is. But again, the talent to fame ratio is totally out of whack. It is as well for Carly Rae Jepsen but the other way. She’s not famous enough for how talented she is.

21 hours ago

Wow. Tough to get behind you guys after the all the Call Me Maybe praise.

I need to go cleanse my ears with some Tool or NIN after being reminded of that song.

Matt Hardigree
Matt Hardigree
20 hours ago
Reply to  CuppaJoe

Would you be surprised to learn that David Ogilvie of Skinny Puppy fame actually mixed/produced “Call Me Maybe.” It has 50+ tracks. He wanted to see if he could make a perfect pop song and he did!

20 hours ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

Y’all need to get uncle Adrian out to LA and have a autopian tour of Subconscious Communications. I fully believe a vintage analog synth article would do traffic.

20 hours ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

Somehow this makes me like it even less. It’s just so cynical. Just because something is “pop” doesn’t mean it needs to be completely devoid of soul or character.

18 hours ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

Lots of talented people have produced absolute dreck. This is proof.

17 hours ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

…except it’s awful.

(And Matt, you and I align on music 80% of the time…)

6 hours ago
Reply to  Mike

He really should know better.

17 hours ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

Sorry Matt, 50 tracks and a producer from your favorite obscure 80s electroindustrial band don’t make that song any less garbage.

It’s like having a bubblegum scented icepick shoved through your ear canal and into your frontal lobe. That song was not released so much as inflicted on humanity.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
20 hours ago
Reply to  CuppaJoe

The fact that you cited Tool is low key hilarious

21 hours ago

I can’t and won’t comment on any comparison to the Beatles, but I definitely like Coldplay a lot. X&Y is one of my favorite albums of all time.

Nic Periton
Nic Periton
21 hours ago


Miss spent youth, playing bass ans sometimes drums, this is (thankfully) the only album I put this here mainly to annoy Adrian.

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
19 hours ago
Reply to  Nic Periton

That opening twenty seconds almost sounds like The Alarm.

Nic Periton
Nic Periton
19 hours ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

I suspect we would hate each other. for months until


5 hours ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Had a beer with Mike Peters once after a show that was almost canceled in Des Moines, IA. Maybe like 20 people there. Missed the big 80s hair Alarm but it was fun.

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
21 hours ago

Coldplay is human fro-yo.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
18 hours ago

If we associate certain music with certain car types (e.g. Van Halen with pony cars), Coldplay is undoubtedly the band of crossovers.

6 hours ago

There’s a commercial for a cat treadmill that uses “Adventure of a Lifetime”. My cat will actually wake up from a nap when he hears the song start so he can watch the cats running on TV. This is the appropriate use for Coldplay.

Last edited 6 hours ago by DialMforMiata
21 hours ago

I think music is a generation thing. I grew up in a time where MTV played music videos. True story. The women in the videos and in a small genre TV show called Star Trek wore skimpy clothes. The instruments were all mranual and pulse pounding not electric Noise makers. The singers sang the lyrics without techno help. As for Taylor Swift being the GOAT because 35 Grammys well the Toyota Camry sells a ton of cars but would it be your GOAT Car? I wish I could post a pic of a goat shaped car here.

PS if I have to watch/listen to a slow tempo teen girl love angst song I’ll take Taylor Swift over some twenty something dude in a T-shirt that is having trouble growing a beard.

Last edited 21 hours ago by 1978fiatspyderfan
19 hours ago

Was that a dig at rhythm ginger?

15 hours ago
Reply to  Martian


Carbon Fiber Sasquatch
Carbon Fiber Sasquatch
21 hours ago

I don’t know who any of these musicians are. I only listen to Steely Dan.

21 hours ago

If you’re gonna pick just one band, this would be a valid choice.

Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
21 hours ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

But only the original run of Dan albums (Can’t Buy a Thrill to Gaucho). Maybe throw in Fagen’s The Nightfly & Kamakiriad if you really need a little more of that majestic sleaze.

21 hours ago

I refuse to acknowledge the existence of those last two 2000’s Steely Dan albums. Kamakiriad, on the other hand, is brilliant.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
21 hours ago

There is only one rule in music worth a damn. The gentleman who taught both Frank Zappa and one Edward Van Halen said “if it sounds good, it is good.” If you like it that’s all that matters.

Jatco Xtronic CVT
Jatco Xtronic CVT
21 hours ago

I’ll buy a membership when a Xtronic CVT deep-dive article is published, how’s that? Or hire me to write it. I’ll do it myself if I must.

21 hours ago

Jatco Xtronic CVT is the Carly Rae Jepsen of transmissions.

Jatco Xtronic CVT
Jatco Xtronic CVT
21 hours ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

Hey, I just met you
Nissan techs hate me
But here’s some CVT oil
So fix me maybe

Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
21 hours ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

Milli Vanilli, at best!

Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
13 hours ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

Do not slander CRJ like that.

22 hours ago

Just the thought of “Call Me Maybe” has that goddamn awful thing stuck in my head. Thanks, Hardibro!

David, you do you as far as music goes. Many more people like Coldplay, Tay-Tay and Alan Jackson than Arctic Monkeys, Phoebe Bridgers and Jason Isbell. We like the things we like and there’s no shame in being a “basic b” when it comes to music.

Now, if you were trying to make a case for Maroon 5 I’d be typing something else right now. Probably in all caps.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
11 hours ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

Songs About Jane is mostly a credible album.

7 hours ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

I do like me some Arctic Monkeys, especially Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not.

6 hours ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

Those first two albums are magic (505 from Favourite Worst Nightmare is a desert island track for me). They’ve had good albums since then with some excellent tracks but nothing that quite matches up to them.

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