Home » Either Coldplay Is Great And My Colleagues Are Just Trying To Be Nonconformists Or I’m A Basic B When It Comes To Music — Tales From The Slack

Either Coldplay Is Great And My Colleagues Are Just Trying To Be Nonconformists Or I’m A Basic B When It Comes To Music — Tales From The Slack

David Coldplay

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1 hour ago

Every artist listed in that thread is a hard pass for me. Well, I did like the song Viva la Vida and Paradise (that’s the name right?)is pretty good. But other than those two Cold Play isn’t my jam.

1 hour ago

I know I’m late to this debate, but the only acceptable version of Call Me Maybe is the Cookie Monster version.


Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
1 hour ago

Triumph is still cool, right? I don’t want to have to find a new key ring for my Acclaim.


4 hours ago

Most millennials and younger probably remember Michael Jackson only for his weird pedo baby dangling phase but in the 80s he was untouchable. Swift and Coldplay as pop goat over him, nah.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Permanentwaif

Don’t forget that he basically invented the modern super bowl halftime show

Tim R
Tim R
6 hours ago

Music gatekeeping is the worst, but, David, Coldplay is not in the same conversation as the Beatles.

Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death
Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death
2 hours ago
Reply to  Tim R

I am an avowed non-fan of the Beatles, and even I will state that the Beatles are so far out of Coldplay’s league that it’s almost adorable anyone could think otherwise.

Coldplay is a band for people who are afraid of anyone judging their opinions. They are the celery of music. Wholly inoffensive, totally insubstantial.

Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
36 minutes ago

The good name of celery doesn’t deserve the egregious disservice of comparison to Coldplay!

Celery is a key part of both mirepoix & Louisiana cuisine’s holy trinity. Coldplay is entirely non-essential to anything, at best.

Last edited 34 minutes ago by Dead Elvis, Inc.
Banana Stand Money
Banana Stand Money
6 hours ago

Can we setup an Autopian Music League and go to battle already?!


David, it has already been mentioned in the comments, but “old school” Coldplay is pretty well written, massively popular, and very very vanilla. And that’s OK, because sometimes good vanilla ice cream is all you need.

Last edited 6 hours ago by Banana Stand Money
9 hours ago

David is, of course, wrong about much of this. But Michelle Branch is actually underrated. However, my big takeaway is that it’s time to listen to some more Skinny Puppy.

Kurt B
Kurt B
1 hour ago
Reply to  Church

I love me some Michelle Branch even if she is the patron saint of Safeway. Literally, if you shop at Safeway the likelihood that you hear something from The Spirit Room approaches 100% after 15 minutes or so.

9 hours ago

The way to look at Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Nickelback, the Toyota Camry, et al is they are like vanilla ice cream. They are RARELY anyone’s favorite. Most of us like Rocky Road, pistachio, cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, or whatever.

But if you’re having a birthday party, you’re gonna buy a couple gallons of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. Why? It’s nobody’s favorite, but everyone will eat it. Throw out a bottle of chocolate sauce, some sprinkles, and a can of spray whipped cream, and it’s REALLY a party!

That being said HAIR METAL FOREVER!!!!

Last edited 9 hours ago by StillNotATony
Jack Trade
Jack Trade
8 hours ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

They’re also very carefully marketed, like some flavor of the month ice cream that is everywhere suddenly. It can be difficult to separate the people who really like it vs those who like it because everyone else must because why else is it everywhere?

Back when, you had to mainly, say, like Pearl Jam’s sound; you had no real idea what Stone Gossard was like, who he was dating, etc.

Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
4 hours ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

The way to look at <snip> Taylor Swift,<snip> et al is they are like vanilla ice cream. They are RARELY anyone’s favorite. 

If the Swift Army gets wind of this slander, say goodbye to the Autopian! They are not people to be reasoned with. (One of your offenses is that et al, simply suggesting that there’s anyone else like her!)

/s, but only kinda

Jay Maynard
Jay Maynard
9 hours ago


I’m just going to sit over here and crank _Eliminator_.

Horizontally Opposed
Horizontally Opposed
9 hours ago

Taylor is a GOAT package, but definitely not exceptional in music. And I won’t touch Coldplay because that people already made valiant points, but Beatles they ain’t.

9 hours ago

David, David, David, you sweet summer child. This is just one more example of why you should not be allowed any input when it comes to the subject of popular culture and references to said culture. Please, do The Autopian a favor and recuse yourself. Leave it to the professionals like Matt and Mercedes, in particular, but pretty much anyone else on staff.

Bjorn A. Payne Diaz
Bjorn A. Payne Diaz
9 hours ago

I don’t have a sub, but have an big opinion on music, and agreed, Coldplay is a huge meh. They are playing at the local college stadium by me and it sold out in minutes. Does not compute. My thoughts are people just want to watch a concert in the stadium. They coulda put almost anyone out there and it woulda sold out.

10 hours ago

Love some Coldplay! But to each their own.

10 hours ago

Wife is/was a big Coldplay fan. Seen them 3 or 4 times, they put on a good show. That said the first two albums are the ones that I can listen to, but the rest, especially the last album, are crap. She even thinks so as well.

But Siouxsie & the Banshees Tinderbox is one of the best albums of the 80s and I will fight about this.

Jeremy Aber
Jeremy Aber
10 hours ago

Sure musical taste is subjective and all. But David! At this point if someone tells you your pop culture instincts are incorrect, you need to understand that you are in fact incorrect! I love you man, but you need to remember that you do not have your finger on the pulse when it comes to movies, TV shows, music, celebrity culture, etc. That’s ok, it’s charming! But it’s true!

10 hours ago

Music is probably one of the most subjective things that exist. There are bands or musical artists that I love on paper, but I don’t care for their music. Conversely, there are great bands out there that are generally considered to be liked by everybody I just can’t stand. And the funniest thing is when people seem offended that you don’t like the band that they like. A lot of it comes down to associations with the music. There are songs I hated as a kid that were in heavy rotation on the radio when I spent my summers up in Maine at the beach. Now I love those songs, even if they might be shite.

10 hours ago
Reply to  Alpinab7

Also, Coldplay is one of those bands that I would always 100% turn off if it came on the radio. Just not my thing.

52 minutes ago
Reply to  Alpinab7

That’s me with The Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was a teenager when they were at their peak. Everyone loved them. My friends went to their concerts and had all their albums. But I hated them and still do. There is not a single song of theirs I can sit through without getting angry. On paper it should all work perfectly as I like a lot of bands from that era but they just don’t do it for me at all.

David Katinsky
David Katinsky
13 hours ago

“…the greatest band of our era…” Low bar.

14 hours ago

Not a Coldplay fan but they do a song with Jacob Collier and he’s cool

Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
16 hours ago

Coldplay? Coldplay?

What’s next, Radiohead?

Tim R
Tim R
6 hours ago

I will fight you over Radiohead.

Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker
4 hours ago
Reply to  Tim R

You’re willingness to fight over Radiohead betrays your ability to fight over Radiohead. Sorry.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
18 hours ago

Adrian absolutely perfectly nailed as well as it could be nailed when said “If beige were people.” However I might paraphrase that to ‘If beige were music ‘ about Coldplay. I tried, I really tried to like Coldplay but the rage it induced was too much to take. Like when you’re about to finally lose patience and start screaming at someone or something. That’s how Coldplay makes me feel.

That said, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with loving them and thinking they’re the greatest. I personally prefer not to intentionally make my ears bleed, but to each their own.

Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death
Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death
19 hours ago

I thought that all of Coldplay’s fans had died of boredom *years ago.*

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
12 hours ago

This. They’ve got a couple good tunes, but the majority is meh.

20 hours ago

The big question is where DT stands on “Friday” by Rebecca Black.

19 hours ago
Reply to  Mattio

I made the mistake of playing this for my kids once and now they want it every Friday.

11 hours ago
Reply to  BagoBoiling

Play them “Friday I’m in Love” and see if it sticks? Bonus points for the Yo La Tengo version!

10 hours ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

Just don’t lead off the YLT introduction with Sunsquashed.

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