Home » Evidence Of Taillight-Based Alien Tech: Cold Start

Evidence Of Taillight-Based Alien Tech: Cold Start

Cs Vampplanet Top

Late one night this past week, Peter, our guy who handles scheduling and social stuff and many of the topshots and manages the Autopian line of frozen cod and tilapia products, called me on the videophone. I slapped at the buzzing machine, finally squeezing the CALL CONNECT bulb. The small black-and-white CRT blinked to life, blurrily.

I saw Peter there, in his usual spot, an empty hot tub now filled with rags and blankets and papers and all sorts of other detritus. He looked crazed, even more than normal, and faced the screen with an alarming intensity.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

“TORCH!” he bellowed, eyes unblinking, “I found it.”

“What?” I asked.

“IT,” he said, significantly, and pushed the camera over to a small monitor perched on the edge of the hot tub. “Shuddup and watch,” he said.


So, I did. Here’s what I saw:

“PROOF!” Pete bellowed, “Proof that taillights are alien tech, and it’s all here, right here, in this documentary called Planet of the Vampires! Now you can blow the lid on this wide open!”

Cs Vampplanet Post

He then spun the camera back to himself where I could see him drain a bottle of what appeared to be Worcestershire sauce, and then the screen went dark.


Huh. Pete’s an odd fellow, and, let’s be honest, pretty dangerous, but he does seem to have a point here. This 1965 Italio-Spanish horror film Planet of the Vampires which I suppose could be a documentary, is one that was done on a pretty shoestring budget, so a lot of the sets portraying alien planets and spaceship interiors had to be made with whatever was available.

And one of the things available was this:

Cs Vampplanet 1

See that bit of alien tech next to that colossal alien skull?

(By the way, if this whole scene feels strangely familiar, humans encountering a derelict alien spacecraft that has a gigantic alien skeleton in it, that may be because director Ridley Scott has admitted the “space jockey” scene from Alien was at least partially inspired by this.)



That bit of alien tech actually seems to be a taillight from a 1956 Clipper. Clipper was a one-year sub-brand created by the then nearly-dead Packard, and by 1957 was just a trim level of Packard, which were then re-badged Studebakers. But they kept those 1956 Clipper taillights:

Cs Vampplanet PackardAnd then, at some point, that alien spacecraft must have used them, too, for whatever the hell purpose a species of non-corporeal parasitic aliens that takes over dead people and re-animates them, zombie-like, requires. Oh, and they don’t seem to be like “vampires” at all. I’m sure advanced Studebaker-Packard taillight tech can offer all sorts of benefits to such a group of aliens.

I also just learned the movie features a machine called a “meteor rejector.” I wonder if that incorporates any taillights, too?


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Robert Stanley McLaughlin
Robert Stanley McLaughlin
12 days ago

Mr. Torchinsky, I am honored to add that I missed your wise thinking. I may be wrong but I missed your byline for a while. Honestly, summers are my deadline time and I probably missed some. Anyway, I love your insight, I love your writing. I followed you and your mates here from Jalop….

A Friend of Autopian,

13 days ago

You ever notice that 1960s retro-futuristic space crews consist of 50-something white dudes and 20-something attractive women?

Could it be that the film directors, producers, investors, and available washed-up actors were all 50-something white dudes?

11 days ago
Reply to  Chronometric

For example, see one Ronald Reagan.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
13 days ago

Clipper was a one-year sub-brand created by the then nearly-dead Packard”

…which was derived from the Packard Clippers that existed off/on between 1941 and 1957.

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
13 days ago

“I also just learned the movie features a machine called a “meteor rejector.” I wonder if that incorporates any taillights, too? “

Isn’t that just a Canadian that doesn’t like Ford products?

13 days ago

JT channels HST! Love it!

Fuller Name
Fuller Name
13 days ago

Shortly after he bashes the taillight, at 53:27, I got a Flaming Lips vibe from the sound effects. I can’t seem to match it up exactly, so it may be a coincidence, but now I’m listening to Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.

Black Peter
Black Peter
13 days ago

Same of the best costumes in low budget Sci-Fi

13 days ago

This sounds like a job for Taillight Ruiners

13 days ago

Jason, two things:

  1. I’m somewhat disappointed that your videophone doesn’t consist of a row of Thunderbirds style Autopian staff portraits with flashing eyes.
  2. Where can I get me some of that tilapia?
Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
13 days ago


Dale Mitchell
Dale Mitchell
13 days ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

I *want* to be stereotyped
I *want* to be classified

Angry Bob
Angry Bob
13 days ago

JT’s on meds again.

13 days ago
Reply to  Angry Bob

Maybe Peter also.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
13 days ago
Reply to  MATTinMKE

Sharing is caring….

13 days ago

Did the alien vampires want these taillights because they sucked?

13 days ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

After a while hour still no one has commented on this quality piece of wordplay, so I will. Very good.

13 days ago

…and then I said, “If all of our telescopes use mirrors we’ll never see the Space Vampires coming!”

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
13 days ago

What does a meteor rejector do? Walk up to a meteor and say it likes them, but just as a friend?

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
13 days ago
Reply to  Rollin Hand

Part of my job is to reply to people who contact my department because they think they’ve found a meteorite. This happens about once a week. In over twenty years of doing this, it’s never been a meteorite. The guy who had this job before me had the same experience for about the same length of time. We are the meteor[ite] rejectors.


13 days ago

Honorable Mention should go to Kaiser, for their ’54-’55 “safety” taillights.

Totally not a robot
Totally not a robot
13 days ago

I just happen to be in the market for frozen fish. Where can one purchase these Autilapia filets?

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
13 days ago

You only think you want the tilapia. The cod is where it’s at! Though I think they may be created in a lab. Probably inside the volcano wrenching lair.

13 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

Whatever you do, don’t buy any cod from anyone selling cod pieces. They’re not at all edible.

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
13 days ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

Indeed. Anyone selling both pieces of cod, and cod pieces should be avoided at all costs.

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
13 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

But what if they’re wearing the cod pieces?

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
13 days ago
Reply to  Hugh Crawford

As long as you’re sure they’re wearing the cod pieces and not the pieces of cod then it’s probably ok

13 days ago
Reply to  Hugh Crawford

Just say Word Up, and walk away.

12 days ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

Yeah, seems fishy

Totally not a robot
Totally not a robot
13 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

Do the cod come with laser beams on their freakin’ heads?

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
13 days ago

No sorry, those are removed before they are sold. Some legal thing about the lasers being too dangerous for the public.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
13 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

Ever been to Utah?

“Laser” ra-di-a-tion. Yes, indeed. You hear the most outrageous lies about it. Half-baked goggle-box do-gooders telling everybody it’s bad for you. Pernicious nonsense!

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
13 days ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

Haha I am from Utah originally actually.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
13 days ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

Well then you might like a lobotomy!

Friend of mine had one. Designer of the neutron bomb. You ever hear of the neutron bomb? Destroys people – leaves buildings standing. Fits in a suitcase. It’s so small, no one knows it’s there until – BLAMMO. Eyes melt, skin explodes, everybody dead. So immoral, working on the thing can drive you mad. That’s what happened to this friend of mine. So he had a lobotomy. Now he’s well again.

13 days ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

Sometimes I leave my own version of that in the bathroom.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
13 days ago
Reply to  Musicman27

Don’t we all?

13 days ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

Hey, what kind of car does your friend drive? Listen, why don’t you let me drive for a bit.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
13 days ago
Reply to  AJ

What’s in the trunk?

You don’t even know what’s in your own trunk! And you know what? I think you’re afraid to find out!

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
13 days ago

Minimum order is a wheelbarrow full.

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