Y’all keep asking so here’s the update: We are halfway through April and already 75% towards our goal of 200 new members/upgrades/gifts in our 2nd-anniversary membership drive. This is important because if we hit 200 in April our EiC David Tracy will buy a Pontiac Aztek and live in it for a week. Thanks to our 2nd-anniversary discount, you can become a member for just $4.67 a month. That’s less than two wheel studs for a Subaru Forester!
Here’s how it works. Normally, a Cloth Annual membership is $70, which is $5.83 a month, but we’ve got a little discount going, and if you click this link to sign up and use code: mustang2yearanniversary it’s just $56, or 20% off, which is only $4.67 a month. If you really want to see David buy an Aztek, live in it, and write about it, you could also just spend $7 on a Cloth Monthly membership one time. Once we hit 200 members/upgrades/gifts he’s buying the thing so, technically, if 50 of you became Cloth Monthly members for one month that would do it.

A Cloth membership comes with a lot. You’ll get access to our almost weekly member email, access to behind-the-scenes posts like Tales from the Slack, fewer ads (that little pop-up video player on mobile goes away), and the warm feeling in your heart that comes from helping independent media.
You know what’s also a great deal? You can also get 20% off of an Autopian Vinyl Annual membership, which means for $80 you get a sweet membership sticker and a limited edition, members-only shirt:
That’s a sharp shirt.
Just use code that same mustang2yearanniversary code at checkout and the 20%Â discount applies to Velour Annual, which means for $200 you can get all of the above plus a Jason birthday drawing of the car of your choice, and a sweet grille badge. Technically, this also applies to Rich Corinthian Leather, so you can save $200 and get an RCL for $800. If someone signs up for RCL I will count that as five new memberships.
And, finally, if you upgrade your plan from Cloth to Vinyl, Vinyl to Velour, or Velour to RCL (or whatever combo in between) you can use the discount code and it’ll prorate out the difference and you’ll get some sweet new swag potentially.
So what are you waiting for? If you read this far just know that for less than $5 you can give a blogger a home, and that home is a Pontiac Aztek for some reason. Also, just to clarify, David is probably going to be slightly miserable but also clearly wants to live in a Pontiac Aztek for a week. He’s already bought a tent for some reason!
I had to sign up. My first car was a Mustang 2, just seemed like it was meant to be. Happy to finally be a member.
Car camping for a week is nothing. David needs to live in the Aztek for a month.
Not only do I want to see David live in a Pontiac Aztek, I want a Pontiac Aztek! Take my money.
Just signed up. Can’t get Discord work on my phone. What am I missing?
I’ve been meaning to join for a while. I am finding myself visiting it more and more frequently plus I am looking forward to reading about David living in an Aztec for a week.
I got cloth.
Because I only wear shirts with collars.
But I do wear speedos. (hint-hint)
After over a year (and at that point I just gave up commenting at all) in the greys at the other site, I was able to get verified here and my comments public within two hours, you’ve got my membership!
And done!
I signed up for Cloth.
I’m assuming I also have crank windows and need to adjust my side mirrors manually.
the Lego t is cool, but that is not a good color for me
If you wanna shirt I highly recommend:
Also, like my old Ford Escort, you only get one side mirror.
Same as my old Plymouth Horizon – brings back memories
I can confirm that the Lego car t-shirt is pretty sweet. None of my Lego cars looked that good back in the day, probably because I never followed the directions all that closely.
…in the arms of the Tracy
Fly away from here
From his dark, cold Postal Jeep
And the endless breakdown that you fear….
I have that same lego car
$350 short! That’s it??? I’ve got $14 to cover two memberships if we get that close. Shit, if we get that close….. what would I do???
Joined. I need some advice and honestly, this is a good site with decent people.
Check out the Discord! Lots of different threads from wrenching to general to reader rides!
If you need car advice I agree. Life advice… not so much.
That’s because you should be getting life advice from me.
Original commentor said “decent people”.
Have you seen who works and lurks here? By those standards I’m the virgin fucking Mary
If a virgin fucks Mary, would he/she/they still be virgins?
Sir this is the Autopian. The Trump defamation trial is down the hall.
It’s way too hot here to wear black.
Style doesn’t take a day off.
Waiting for thelifetopian.
*laughsnorts* 😀
One of my favorite things about The Autopian is the comment section conversations; getting a membership gets access to the Discord (I’d never had one before this) which is like an endless comment section. Worth the $4.67 per month on its own, plus all the other goodies.
The Discord is FUN, y’all.
I love the Discord! It’s like Slack, but Stef is still there.
Will there be Aztek spaghetti ?
Did the Aztek have a shower attachment like a first gen CRV?
No – but you can have an Aztec Camera CD.
Sorry I have five already
Shower spaghetti in the Aztent.