Home » Galaxy-Brained Tacoma Owner Replaces Carpet With Persian Rug He Bought On Facebook Marketplace, Instantly Has Classiest Toyota Pickup Ever

Galaxy-Brained Tacoma Owner Replaces Carpet With Persian Rug He Bought On Facebook Marketplace, Instantly Has Classiest Toyota Pickup Ever

Persian Rug Tacoma Ts

Few things go along with being an automotive enthusiast the way that customizing one’s ride does. Considered a rite of passage for some, adding a bit of unique flare to a vehicle makes it one of a kind, no longer a carbon copy of countless other examples.

For most though, that customization comes down to things like swapping the wheels, putting on custom mirror caps, or adding every single accessory one finds at an Autozone to the exterior of a car.

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In the case of a loving Toyota Tacoma owner, it meant pulling up his carpet and painstakingly replacing it with a Persian rug. That’s right, his entire cabin is now gloriously complemented by a thick, luxurious, grandma-approved foot softener.

Long Time Lurker First Time Poster I Present My Custom V0 46cfvn1vofmd1
Photo Credit: Mike Abreu

That’s right, everywhere he goes now, Mike Abreu, the owner of the Tacoma in question, is riding on a carpet (the potential magical nature of the carpet is, as of this writing, unconfirmed). Where did he get this idea? It was actually his second choice after the first fell through.

“I originally wanted one of those playmats for kids that had a little city so you play with your hot wheels. [The] problem was they don’t make it big enough for what I had in mind,” he tells The Autopian.


He’s not alone in liking that idea. Our esteemed Publisher Matt Hardigree knew of just such an example where a Honda Civic owner installed just such a mat in his vehicle including in the rear trunk space. He’s not alone as this has become a bit of a TikTok trend.

When Abreu realized the mat wasn’t big enough for his purposes in the Tacoma, he moved on to the Persian rug idea. Could he have stitched together several playmats? Sure, but the finished look wouldn’t be as seamless.

Always liked persian rugs so I looked on marketplace. Found one for cheap at a drug rehab place where they take in used goods similar to a goodwill. All the profits are used to help rehab guys coming out of jail and what not. Figured it was a good cause.
The rug was donated by a local hotel here in San Antonio. It was 12×20 so I had plenty to work with.

He’s not kidding about having enough to work with either. Take a quick look at his original carpet versus the rug and you’ll see exactly that. A plumber by trade, it took Abreu around a day and a half worth of work to finish the job.

Long Time Lurker First Time Poster I Present My Custom V0 1slicv1vofmd1
Photo Credit: Mike Abreu

Why do it this way? Take a quick look at the truck overall and a theme becomes apparent. Mike loves Rat Rods and his Toyota follows that design aesthetic. For example, he doesn’t need that hood strap but he likes the way it looks. Installing this carpet was just one more way he could customize his third-gen Taco.

Long Time Lurker First Time Poster I Present My Custom V0 L4pb7o1vofmd1
Photo Credit: Mike Abreu

Already it’s providing real practical benefits over the original material. For one thing, Abreu posted a photo of his cat Tigre who clearly approves of the mod. Secondly, the cabin is actually quieter now thanks to the thicker sound-deadening Persian rug. Talk about a win-win!

Long Time Lurker First Time Poster I Present My Custom V0 Od47on1vofmd1

It’s worth noting that there are a few potential downsides to consider here. First, it could be harder to clean which is important since spills and such happen in cars all of the time. Considering this is Abreu’s everyday transportation, it could get dirty quickly.

What happens if you stain or damage a section of it? Getting it to match again is likely impossible. Granted, in this situation, it might just add to the Rat Rod look of everything.

Long Time Lurker First Time Poster I Present My Custom V0 W8xiun1vofmd1
Photo Credit: Mike Abreu

Now I just wonder if someone else can pick up where Mike left off and put together enough of those kids’ playmats to do this to another vehicle. What kind of custom flooring would you put in your car with enough time and resources?


One person in the Reddit comment section mentioned astroturf. I think I’d go with a rug like Abreu but maybe a houndstooth pattern instead.

Long Time Lurker First Time Poster I Present My Custom V0 3gjvin1vofmd1
Photo Credit: Mike Abreu

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Jake Harsha
Jake Harsha
6 months ago

That looks really…awful.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jake Harsha

Counterpoint: It looks pretty good. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.

Ronald Pottol
Ronald Pottol
6 months ago

I keep thinking about doing some sort of fake grass in my Motorhome. But then I’d probably need a vacuum to clean it.

6 months ago
6 months ago
Reply to  Theotherotter

And red headlights!

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
6 months ago

I should get in touch with my high school chemistry teacher, he had patents on Persian rug cleaning

6 months ago

You have to play Disney music from Aladdin on road trips if you do this.

6 months ago

Punk Rock Factory:


These guys are the wurst!

Last edited 6 months ago by Balloondoggle
6 months ago

Needs matching seat covers and dash pad.

Alpine 911
Alpine 911
6 months ago

About 80% of all second (or third, fourth, etc) hand dealers in Germany (called „flag dealers“ because of having many small flags signaling the dealership or „gravel yard sellers“ given their location) are using small carpets instead of floor mats. Which apparently get lost … or sold separately

Grey alien in a beige sedan
Grey alien in a beige sedan
6 months ago

If you install a rug like that into a Mitsubishi Mirage, it instantly adds 2.5hp.

Cool Dave
Cool Dave
6 months ago

Unfortunately the added weight of the thick carpet leads to a net gain of zero!

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
6 months ago

I love the kids playmat idea, and with a Miata center console over the top I wouldn’t even have to stitch multiple together…

6 months ago

I’m pretty into this.

Max Headbolts
Max Headbolts
6 months ago

Starts eyeing my living room rug, as it perfectly matches the grey/black motif of the Civic, which has terribly stained grey carpet in it……

Maryland J
Maryland J
6 months ago

God, that makes my eyes bleed.

I’ll take two please.

6 months ago

Classiest Toyota pickup ever? Maybe, but how tough can it be to surpass a pine tree air freshener, a dashboard hula dancer and Yosemite Sam mud flaps?

Beto O'Kitty
Beto O'Kitty
6 months ago

I once had a job in Houston at a control devices distributor. One of our customers was the Toyota “all in one” plant in San Antonio. It was a good account. It seamed like every few months the carpet plant would catch fire and they would have to replace a lot of controls. As for AstroTurf I don’t believe it has any flame retardant properties. It does though remind me of my second greatest sports quote of all time when McGraw was a pitcher for the Astros. A Sports Illustrated reporter asked him what he thought about artificial grass and he said.
” I don’t know, I’ve never smoked any”!

6 months ago


6 months ago

I am not as classy, I used tractor-trailer mud flaps from Fleet Farm.

Tondeleo Jones
Tondeleo Jones
6 months ago

“That rug really tied the cab together, man.”

Manuel Verissimo
Manuel Verissimo
6 months ago
Reply to  Tondeleo Jones

Take your smiley you beautiful bastard!

6 months ago

Decent rugs are surprisingly expensive, didn’t find that out until buying a house and shopping for one

6 months ago
Reply to  Automotiveflux

Yes! and then my dog decided to pee on it and it was never the same after X amount of washes. I just decided to not have rugs in the house, kids wear your socks lol

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
6 months ago
Reply to  Mrbrown89

When I was a kid my folks built a really nice new house.
And my Mom spent 4K on a nice new Oriental rug for the living room. It was mostly white with blue around the outer edges, and huge in size.

An hour after it arrived our standard poodle took a huge, steamy shit on it.
Of course there was no way to get that turd stain out.
Soon after the dog went to live upstate on a big farm.
At least that’s what they told us.

El Chubbacabra
El Chubbacabra
6 months ago
Reply to  Automotiveflux

For some reason I’ve read “buying a horse and shopping for one” and I was like “damn, that must be a very fancy horse if needs a carpet”

6 months ago
Reply to  Automotiveflux

Having choked on the price while buying even moderately priced area rugs, my first thought was that using a rug for the interior carpet can’t really be cheaper than basic automotive interior carpet that comes on rolls unless the rug was already owned and destined for the garbage.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x