Home » Why I Bought A Honda Civic Si Over A VW GTI, And Why My Porsche Boxster Is ‘Too Good’: Members’ Rides

Why I Bought A Honda Civic Si Over A VW GTI, And Why My Porsche Boxster Is ‘Too Good’: Members’ Rides

Members Rides Civic Boxter Ts

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Today’s featured Member is Phillip, an awesome guy who owns only blue cars. All day and all night, every car he sees is just blue. Neither of which are blue Corvettes. Nor do they have blue windows, he may have a blue house, I don’t know. I didn’t ask about that. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. (If you’re not familiar with the Eiffel 66 song, give it a listen, then let me know how bad you hate me after.) It took over the world for a few months way back when. Anyway, back to Philip.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Tell me about yourself.

I’m a 25-year-old who loves all kinds and eras of cars. I do have a predilection towards cars from the 80s-2010s though. Even as a baby I always liked riding in cars, but what really got me into cars was the PS2 version of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2. It had all the cool, exotic cars from the 90s and early 2000s (including a Carrera GT concept). Playing a game where you drive these cars around on beautiful back roads really left an impression on me. I think that’s also part of the reason most of the cars I’m really interested in are as old or far older than I am.

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So what’s in the garage currently?

  • 2024 Honda Civic Si in Aegean Blue
  • 2001 Porsche Boxster S in Lapis Blue

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Are you feeling blue?

It was totally unintentional that I got two blue cars. Sometimes I feel like a bit of a doofus when they are parked next to one another because it looks like I wanted to assemble a blue crew. The Si is my daily driver, and it replaced a 2018 GTI that I had previously. The Boxster I bought on a whim last year because I wanted a proper sports car experience.

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What made you pick the Si over another GTI or any of the other options?

I had my 2018 GTI for 6 years and 60k miles, so I did not want to get into another VW. I enjoyed that car but as some wise person/chef once said: variety is the spice of life. The Civic Type R is too expensive and I know I would not be utilizing its full capabilities, and the same goes for the GR Corolla as well.

The WRX gets such poor fuel economy that I could not in good conscience drive it and put that many boring highway miles; it would always feel like a waste of money. GR86/BRZ are lovely cars and can probably be used as a daily pretty easily, but I think the rational part of me could not justify owning 2 RWD sports cars, even if one of them has vestigial rear seats and a trunk that’s big enough to be practical but small enough to still be a nuisance.

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It really boiled down to the Elantra N and the Si, and even though the N is quite a bit more fun to drive, I think the Civic Si is overall just a nicer car and easier to live with. Add in the fact that it’s cheaper and gets near 40mpg on the highway and you have a winner.

How is it?

Better than I thought it was going to be. It’s such a pleasant car to own. It has a nice, usable interior, with a great sound system and comfy seats. When you drive it normally, it’s a pretty standard 11th-gen Civic experience. Which just means that you are in a very nice car. When you push it a bit harder, there’s a surprising amount of depth to the experience. The limited-slip diff really enables you to throw it in and out of turns. The suspension is set up to be compliant but quite settled in corners. And believe it or not, the car will pretty easily achieve some lift-off oversteer. Honda clearly wanted to make this thing feel like a “driver’s car” version of a normal Civic, and they pulled it off with little compromise.

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How does it compare to the GTI?

More engaging, but slightly less refined. I prefer driving the Si to my GTI actually because I can have more fun with it in corners and the gearing is quite short in the Si. The shifter in the Si is also leagues ahead of the one in the GTI, which always felt like moving a stick around a bucket of Gak. This new Si really feels like Honda’s take on a mk7 GTI, and they nailed it.

What made you get rid of the GTI?

It was totaled in an accident. Nothing major and no one was hurt thankfully. I quite liked the car and didn’t really have plans to get rid of it any time soon, but life happens and the silver lining was that it led me to the Si!


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Did you want the blue for this one or just what was there?

My GTI was white, and since then I made a vow to myself to always try to own a car that was an actual color. So many people drive white, black, and silver cars, and even though I was buying a pretty common car, I at least did not want to contribute to the sea of gray! Blazing Orange was my first choice, but that color was discontinued for 2024. The blue was my second choice after that and it’s a surprisingly nice color, I quite like it.

What’s your favorite thing about the Si?

Probably the chassis. It’s better than it has any right to be and feels so rigid yet light on its feet. The car is 16 inches longer than my GTI but weighs about 300 lbs less at roughly 2900 lbs. The whole car just feels more communicative and satisfying to push around than my GTI. Honorable mention goes to the shifter, which makes even the most boring of driving situations interesting.

You said you bought the Boxster on a whim, what’s the story there?

I bought the Boxster last year and at the time I only had my GTI. I wanted a far more connected driving experience, and instead of trading in my GTI for something practical and engaging, like a Civic Type R, I decided to just get a proper sports car.

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Initially, I wanted a Miata since it’s kind of just the go-to in my brain for “persons first sports car” but this blue Boxster S popped up on Bring a Trailer with the Sport Classic wheels and I decided to go for it. I figured that most people liked Porsches, so now is as good of a time as any to see if I fall into that camp or not by actually owning and driving one. I won the auction and drove down to New Jersey to pick up the car and drive it back, praying that I did not actually need to actually bring a trailer. Thankfully bringing it home was a pretty smooth process.

My only requirements were under 3000lbs, manual, RWD, good steering, and had to be a proper sports car. The fact that the Boxster was mid-engined was just a fun little bonus, and the flat-6 didn’t hurt either.

You said it’s taught you that you are not a Porsche guy, how so?

Maybe it’s just me, but I think for my use case this car is just too good? It’s very clear Porsche makes their cars to be not just excellent sports cars, but also excellent daily drivers, and this Boxster, despite being 23 years old, fits that role perfectly. It’s lovely to drive near or at the limit, and it’s lovely to drive day to day, but because of that I sometimes feel as if I’m always in the wrong car.

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I don’t actually drive this car daily because I own a far more efficient, safe, and comfortable vehicle, and when I go out for a nice backroad blast, I wish the car had a bit more of a defining characteristic. Don’t get me wrong, it’s excellent and fun on a twisty backroad, with great steering, a lovely engine note, and a chassis that always puts the power down and rarely fights back.


Miatas are whimsical, Corvettes are brutish, Elises are raw, etc. A Boxster is just … really good. I don’t know what else to say about it. If I were the first owner of this car, and it was my only car, I probably would have fallen in love with it pretty quickly since it really is such a great little daily while driving how a proper sports car should be driven. However, I’m the fifth owner of this car, and I use it purely as something to enjoy. I just know that there are cars out there that are more fun, albeit less practical, and I don’t need to have my second car be practical.

What has been your favorite thing about it?

Probably the engine note and placement. I don’t think there are many cars you can get for under 20k that sound this good. It is a pleasure to listen to every single time I wind the car out. Having all the engine noise coming from behind you and the intake right next to your left ear makes it even better.

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What’s the most annoying?

The gearing. For a car with a 7200 rpm redline, 250hp, and a lovely engine note, this car’s gearing is unfathomable to me. It’s the one thing about this car that I can definitively say is bad.  First is good for 30mph, which makes sense, but second is good for 72mph and third is good for, I don’t know, 100? Something around there. It makes absolutely no sense that 2nd and 3rd are that tall.

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I want to hear this car rev out as much as possible! But by the time I do it twice, I’m breaking every speed limit in NY. I’ve heard that early Boxsters with the 2.5-liter have much shorter gearing to make up for the relative lack of power, so one of those might be the way to go if you want a Boxster but don’t want the silly gearing.

What makes you want to replace it with a Miata?

Miatas just feel more fun to me. I think Miatas are competent sports cars because of how fun Mazda wants them to be. Boxsters are fun sports cars because of how competent Porsche wants them to be. The end goals are similar, but they are achieved in opposite ways. Neither is bad, and I’ll certainly have a good time in both, but the Miata just feels more my speed. No doubt if you wanted something you could drive every day however, the Boxster would win out. Then again, who is driving a convertible every day? I know I wouldn’t be in NY.

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What would be in the dream garage?

  • Something similar to the Si for a daily
  • Lotus Elise
  • Lancia Stratos

What do you like about each?

Cars like the Si (aka hot hatches and hot hatch adjacent cars) are just the perfect recipe for daily driving. Fun, practical, efficient, easy to live with, and crucially, cheap. At the end of the day, it’s an economy car. Its sole purpose is to be driven in all manner of conditions and situations. You’ll never feel bad about the chips, scrapes, scratches, and miles they’ll accumulate because that’s what they are meant to do. I hope that as EVs become more prevalent there will be some quite compelling electric hot hatches for sale. Currently I’m quite interested in the Rivian R3.

For the Elise and Stratos, they just seem like some of the most engaging cars you can ever hope to drive for their respective prices. The Elise is somewhat affordable still, although it still financially eludes me. The Stratos will probably be forever unattainable for me, and with the probable maintenance costs, that’s just fine.


I just like them so much because driving them just seems like it would lead to sensory overload, which makes it all the more special. The same goes for pretty much any sort of homologation race car, as they usually have a pretty special driving experience and a good story to boot. I certainly wouldn’t mind owning a Delta Integrale or a 190E 2.3-16.

At the end of the day, I want my daily to be reasonable, fun, cheap, and worry-free. Every other car I own has to feel special and be as engaging/insane as possible for the price.

Thanks Philip!

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5 minutes ago

Nice! Yay to blue cars…I love blue!

2 hours ago

Maybe if I had bought an Si instead of my 2023 GTI, I’d hung on to it for a while longer. Wonder how much better Honda interiors are than VW, if at all. The GTI became a rattle and squeak pit from the minute I drove her off the lot. After almost two years I just couldn’t deal.

The only two things that stopped me getting an Si are the color choices (this blue is really basic – would much rather prefer the flat baby blue of the Touring) and the lack of a hatchback. It’s completely a mystery to me why Honda refuses to build an Si that is essentially 80% of a Type R in the same colors and body style. The price difference would be enough for them to coexist in a showroom and my 12 years of automotive marketing experience tell me that they would sell a LOT more of them than sedans. “Americans don’t buy hatchbacks” is only true for the non-enthusiast crowd.

Allen Lloyd
Allen Lloyd
4 hours ago

Honda deserves way more credit for their transmission and dif choices in the Si. My wife has an 05 and I drove a current gen recently and was blown away at how they both share a drivetrain feeling that to me is miles better than the competition. It makes for a very engaging car at normal speeds.

Also agree on Boxster gearing the early base car is far more engaging due to the different gearing. The great thing about a Miata is you feel like you are flying then you look down and you aren’t even breaking the speed limit.

15 hours ago

Miatas are competent sports cars because of how fun Mazda wants them to be. Boxsters are fun sports cars because of how competent Porsche wants them to be.

That’s nicely put, I have often tried to make the argument for owning cars that ‘fit’ my lifestyle vs cars that are supposedly ‘better’ according to some metric that might not be relevant to my personal choices, but you summed up that sentiment far more eloquently than I have been able to.

I want a fleet with some variety and that includes style, age, motor configuration, and yes, colour! Lapiz and Aegean are both lovely blues, but I too would have picked the Orange Civic.

19 hours ago

Sweet blue cars, Philip!
I like your thoughts about the boxster vs the miatas as well. I would like to own one of each at some point myself. Thanks for sharing!

21 hours ago

I always have to comment on this to anyone who will listen…Honda did such a nice job on the current gen Civic. The design is fantastic. Clean, nice presence and just a little aggressive. It’s a car that will still look good in 10 years. Great choice.

Last Pants
Last Pants
22 hours ago

Don’t worry, blue is a perfectly cromulent color.

1 day ago

The only issue with daily driving a hot hatch is they can be cramped and even with a hatch the overall space available to get a cart full of groceries still seems much less than it should be.

1 day ago

Woah these photos look familiar… thanks for the article and giving me a chance to share my little collection!

1 day ago

So weird since I had a white MK7 GTI and we sold it and now have a white 2022 Civic Si. You are absolutely correct, it is more engaging to drive and the weight difference really counts. Also, my son has a 2007 Miata that we’ve set up for track use and it’s a blast. I highly recommend one. The Si is fun at the local autocross track too, but not as engaging as the Miata.

1 day ago

I own a 2000 Boxster S in Ocean Blue, and I approve of this message.
BTW – If you set the Boxster’s front camber to max negative and get the rear toe close to zero, it will be more playful.

Last edited 1 day ago by Widgetsltd
1 day ago
Reply to  Widgetsltd

That’s good to know! Currently there’s a bit of negative camber in the rear, one of the previous owners installed Bilstein PSS10s and that lowered the car a smidge. Might have to go about rectifying that if I decide to keep the car long term.

1 day ago
Reply to  DingusKahn

When running a 986 Boxster at a lowered ride height, it is often necessary to compromise the rear camber and toe adjustment. This is because the rear toe adjustment cam has a limited range of motion; in that case you end up running the rear camber more negative than you want to, in order to set toe where it needs to be (because the camber setting also affects toe). To fix this, several aftermarket companies such as SPC and Rennline sell replacement rear toe links which have a much wider range of adjustment than the stock parts. Since your car has PSS10s, maybe it also has a set of these rear toe arms on it.

23 hours ago
Reply to  Widgetsltd

I see, that’s very good info. I’ll have to take a look and see what’s going on underneath there. Appreciate the help!

22 hours ago
Reply to  DingusKahn

One more tip: The Porsche accessory short shifter (part number 997-424-983-00) is rather expensive, but quite good. Your stock shifter is probably a bit loose if it hasn’t been replaced since new.

20 hours ago
Reply to  Widgetsltd

Damn you nailed it. It IS a bit loose. I’ll take a peek at that actually. I don’t mind the shifter now, but the throws definitely are on the longer side.

1 day ago

Great two car combo. I also went from a MK7 GTI to a FE1 Civic Si, except inverse colors, Blue GTI to White Si. Even modifying my GTI to try and get some engagement feeling it was still less engaging to drive than a stock 2022 Si. However the Si has since been replaced with a FK8 Civic Type R.

1 day ago

Its a really nice 2 car combo. I don’t like droptops, so I’m more of a Cayman person if I were in your shoes (though they do also cost more). But I really like stupid silly projects, so I’ve been contemplating using a first gen Subaru Brat as the body to swap all the Boxter bits under. Just fill the bed with the powertrain.

1 day ago

Boy howdy is this a relevant comparison for me right now. I’m debating if I want to stick with my 2018 SE or not, and a move into a Civic/Integra would be an option.

The extra passenger space would be appreciated, the Mk7 is a smidge small – I’m not a big guy at all, but my right knee is always resting on the center console. I had mostly midsize sedans before it, the Hondas would split the difference nicely.

The 2025 Si adds back heated seats again (yay) but limits the colors (boo) – red, or white/gray/black. But an Si might be tough for me to go away from a hatch. It’s why I didn’t give it serious consideration last time after several sedans, and you couldn’t equip a manual hatch above a Sport at the time. I’d probably be fine, I’m not hauling things that often/less frequently than I tended to then; but then I do wonder about refinement. A Sport Touring or Integra should basically bridge the gap and then have a hatch. A new Integra doesn’t give me $40k vibes, but used they’re basically at new Si prices too.

Also I’ve never owned a blue car despite it being my go-to for a lot of things. Closest would be the Saturn that was my first car, but that was blue-green, so I don’t really count it. So half-blue, and 2.5 green cars.

Last edited 1 day ago by GreatFallsGreen
1 day ago

the Saturn that was my first car, but that was blue-green

That teal was a great color that you can’t seem to get from anyone anymore. My dad had one as well.

21 hours ago
Reply to  V10omous

They had that and an aquamarine available at the same time, plus usually a couple other shades of blue – what a time compared to multiple grays today.

Lincoln Clown CaR
Lincoln Clown CaR
1 day ago

I was set on going from my ’16 GTI to an Integra because I wanted a hatch and felt like the few extra features the Integra had vs. the Si were worth it to me. However, to my surprise, an MSRP Type R appeared and I went that direction instead.

21 hours ago

Smart move and shows how dear the Integra pricing really gets. I’ve seen some accounts that ITS pricing runs a bit softer in the wild than Type Rs too. Either would be more capability than I really need for daily use, even the GTI is more power-wise than I realistically use or need.

1 day ago

Going from a hatch to a sedan was hard for me too. At first, i thought it would be no problem since the Civic sedan trunk is massive, but occasionally the limitations of the height and opening makes moving certain large items a bit of a hassle.

As for refinement, the biggest issue for the Si is road noise. I think some of that is stock garbage tires, but there’s also just way less sound deadening compared to a GTI. Integra i would imagine is better than the civic, but honestly, the GTI might give it a run for its money. GTIs are so refined!

Steve P
Steve P
21 hours ago
Reply to  DingusKahn

The new Civic has those special resonator wheels, but I don’t see too many people talking about them.

20 hours ago
Reply to  Steve P

To my knowledge those are only on 2025 Civic Sport Tourings. That specific model is a good bit quieter than the rest of the Civics, maybe even on par with an Integra.

21 hours ago
Reply to  DingusKahn

I think 90% of the time I’d be fine. But that 10%…if I have reliable enough access to a truck or SUV then maybe.

Part of me knows to expect the road noise being a Honda, but don’t want to go too backwards either. I’ve rode with a coworker in his A-spec Integra (CVT) and the noise level felt pretty comparable to my GTI.

20 hours ago

Well whether you keep the GTI or go with the Si or Integra you’ll have a great daily. Can’t go wrong with any of them honestly, just gotta find what fits best.

15 hours ago
Reply to  DingusKahn

True that, fortunately it’s not something I need to do out of necessity at this time (knock wood). Appreciate the insight!

The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
1 day ago

One of my biggest automotive regrets is giving up my ’24 Si for a new Type R, which I no longer have. The Si has this uncanny ability to adapt itself to be perfect for whatever you want to do, whether it’s a spirited drive, a short commute, or a road trip. The stock tires are the only real letdown.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

The Type R might be the most universally praised car in the current automotive landscape so I’m curious to hear more as well.

The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
1 day ago

It earns its praise for sure. Mine was a daily, though, so the metrics by which I’m judging it might not matter for someone who bought one to use as a weekend toy. If money was no object I’d say have one of each, but if you’re after a fun daily and money is an object, I’d say the Si is the better value.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
1 day ago

So we’ve essentially got a GTI/Golf R situation going. Fair enough! I also really get the unwanted attention thing. It’s one of the reasons I like my car-no one has any idea what it is. Even my GTI drew attention from the tooner crowd that really bugged me. People were always trying to race and I was like “this is completely stock please leave me alone”.

The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

Apart from the much better mileage on the Si, I was able to use more of that more of the time than the Type R. It also attracted less unwanted attention. IMO, as someone whose driving skill is limited, both cars drive equally well under 100 mph, so if you’re just after a fun daily, the Si is a much better choice from a value perspective.

1 day ago

Yea the stock tires are pretty bad. Noisy and they don’t have much grip at all. Definitely going to swap them at some point and getting winter tires/wheels for the winter.

It’s a shame the type r didn’t work out for you! I do think that is a little too expensive/capable for a daily. In 95% of driving situations you aren’t going to need that performance but at least it’s a hatch. Certainly a badass car but hard to justify for me at least

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
22 hours ago
Reply to  DingusKahn

They were justifiable to me when they were in the high 30s new. They are less justifiable for me at the $45,000 MSRP and not even worth considering at the prices people are actually paying for them. The CTR is cool as hell but I think it’s a victim of its own hype to a degree, and it’s been so aggressively praised by so many different people that I’m worried it may be a “never meet your heroes” situation for me personally.

Like I’ve heard it described as a “front wheel drive supercar”, “one of the greatest cars ever made”, etc. I find it hard believe that it will be THAT life changing, but who knows. I’d take one out for a spin but the dealerships play serious games with them and if it lived up to the hype I’d might buy one on the spot, which would get me in deep trouble back at home lol….especially considering the wife can’t drive stick.

Last edited 22 hours ago by Nsane In The MembraNe
20 hours ago

I agree! It really does make me wonder how good it really is. I can believe it’s one of the best modern front wheel drive cars you can buy, but is it substantially more fun than an Elantra N? What about an old Integra or RSX? And for 45-50k you can get some pretty serious sports cars too along with a more mundane daily. Is it more fun than a 15k Corolla and a c5 z06? I guess it all depends, I haven’t driven one so it’s all speculation in my head. Regardless though I applaud anyone that has one, you can do a whole lot worse for 50k that’s for sure

1 day ago

That’s a great combo, well done! It’s cool you’ve been able to experience the Porsche early, for me it’s always been “something to get later.” I think I’m doing it wrong.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
1 day ago

Fantastic, tasteful two car garage that many of us could actually afford. Honestly if my wife would let me spend the money (she won’t) I’d have a rear wheel drive, manual roadster in addition to my Kona N (which fortunately is back home and fine) because I also worship at the altar of the hot hatch.

The Boxster/Miata debate is as old as time itself. We have several people on both sides ‘round these parts, but I genuinely don’t think you can go wrong as long as you know what you’re getting into with a used Porsche. Anyway, bravo Phillip! Thanks for sharing your collection.

1 day ago

It’s true you can’t go wrong from a fun perspective, but you can’t get much better on the cheap-to-run-fun scale than a Miata. Parts are so incredibly cheap, as are mods, and pretty much every single job possible on them is a breeze. The thought of doing a DIY IMS bearing replacement is scary. I’m still be actively looking at Boxsters alongside ND1 Miatas regardless.

1 day ago

Been thinking about an Si myself (or a last gen Accord with the 2.0T and the 6 speed) if I can get rid of the 4XE. Ready for simpler, smaller, more engaging on a daily basis.

1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

I guessing that there’s more than one Jeep in the stable of a guy named TXJeepGuy?

1 day ago
Reply to  MATTinMKE

There was, but I sold it. So yeah it will have to change at that point.

1 day ago

Nice garage. I also have 2 blue vehicles, and one is a blue Miata. I won’t feel bad if I get another blue vehicle because it’s a great color, and I really want to avoid greyscale or black cars if I can.

1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

Dabadee dabadie dabadee dabadie

1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

And Bebe Rexha remade the song (same beat, some different words “I’m good”) so a new generation can enjoy it too
Oh and make some cash too 😉


1 day ago

Philip: Please do yourself a favor and go drive a 90s honda. Your comment about the boxster being very good, but you want to wind it out, and by then you’re in felony charge territory in terms of speeding, is something that I have struggled with.

My answer is a 90 Civic Si. The visibility is amazing, the chassis is incredible, and it’s slow as heck, but that means I can wind it out all the time without risking jail time. To make it more ‘dramatic’, I am removing the D16 and installing a B16 for the glorious VTEC noises. Yes, I could go faster if I did a b18 or b20 bottom end, but again, I don’t want to go fast, experience > metrics for a street car.

I feel like a LOT of people are missing out on golden era hondas, because so many of them have turned to rust, or were modified by idiots. I wish more people could drive them to understand how truly special they are.

If I win a few million dollars, my daily will still be an early 90s civic hatch.

They are that good.

Last edited 1 day ago by ADDvanced
1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

This is the truth, with the top up, visibility is pretty horrendous, but absolutely incredible with the top down.

1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

That was my policy when I owned my NA! It was easily enforced due to the many holes in the soft top, and half of the plastic window being covered in duct tape to give it the concept of water-tightness

1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

Many many years ago, (gosh I think over 25!), I delivered a red NA Miata from middle of IA to Dallas, TX in early March.

I remember even with the heat on it was pretty chilly at least through Missouri. Still top down all the way and it was glorious.

BTW the car was for one of my sisters and she daily drove it for about 10 years before sadly practacality in the form of babies on the way necessitated it be sold.

1 day ago
Reply to  ADDvanced

Hells yeah. I ran am 89 CRX with B18 for a while. I’m often looking at EF civics and CRXs wondering if its time to get back in to that game.

1 day ago
Reply to  Lockleaf

It’s a good time to get back into them because prices are going up. If you can find a clean one that needs some TLC, you can drive it for years and sell it for more than you have into it.

1 day ago
Reply to  ADDvanced

I recently saw a video about a CRX SiR and it looks absolutely hilarious to drive. You’re right I absolutely need to drive an older Honda at some point!

1 day ago

Golf-to-Civic(hatch) here, too.

I miss the solidity of the Golf. But the flickability of the Civic is a pleasure – as are the price of parts compared to VW. I couldn’t do the Si as I can’t live without a hatch, it’s sadly the only way to a Honda LSD without a CTR (or, now, the Integra) – so I go without.

On the shifter, however, I wouldn’t say my Golf had a heavy shifter but I will say that it got smoother as the engine warmed up – so did the suspension for that matter. The Civic has none of that nonsense, and just works. But the feel clutch feel in both were perfect.

I don’t malign the Golf, it’s a different feel. And I would likely have been happy in another Golf, too, but I wanted a change.

1 day ago

Man, this guy really blue himself, huh?

1 day ago

Fellow Blue Si owner here, can confirm all of it.

Also, I completely agree with that the daily should be reasonable, fun, cheap, and worry-free, while the fun car should be totally different. I’m currently in the market for a fun car, thinking 2CV. Maybe MR2?

1 day ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

They’re different experiences, compared to my Si or my wife’s Outback. Otherwise you’re right!

23 hours ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

“must have four wheels, NO VOWELS!!”

1 day ago
Reply to  MATTinMKE

You know, I also thought about MR2s at a certain point. My issue was always just finding one that didn’t have super low or super high miles. Definitely a car I want to drive at some point, from any generation

John Beef
John Beef
1 day ago

We also have two blue vehicles. The 4Runner I picked out in blue, but the CRV was just the right used vehicle at the moment we needed to replace our 15 year old Camry. Amazingly, my parents are pushing 80 and want to consolidate down to one car, and we may end up with my Dad’s Avalon, which is also blue.

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