This year, for Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for the people in my life. In particular, for my life partner/wife, who has sworn off the site formerly known as Twitter and instead sends me just a nonstop deluge of amazing Instagram reels. Some of these are short videos of meals she’d like me to make for the family, parents complaining about children complaining, or cats being just the biggest jerks you’ve ever seen in your whole damn life. Often, she will send me videos of cars.
While we are big readers and always have a stack of books next to the bed (I’m reading this book about FDR’s New Deal music program), we spend many nights cuddled together trying to find the video that will make the other person laugh the hardest. Last night we busted our guts so hard that my daughter came into our room and asked if we were watching reels. I hid my phone and pretended like we were reading so she’d go to sleep.

If there’s one category she knows I will always react to it is, of course, stupidity around cars/bikes/trucks/vehicles. I hope that your holiday is full of joy and family, even though those two concepts can often be in opposition. No matter what happens, I hope you eat so much that you end up on the couch in a delightful stupor, with gravy-infused drool pouring like a fountain out of your lips and onto your unbelted, cranberry-stained pants. If you find yourself in that condition, I hope all of these reels will keep you company.
Also, on some phones/browsers, this might look like absolute trash. Sorry!
You Can Never Win
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A post shared by PSICOTÉCNICOS | OPOSICIÓN | POLICÍA | BOMBERO | (@psicotecnicos_slator)
When I See You Again…
You can find us where the party’s at
Damn, this slaps
A classic that never ages
He knew what he was doing
Dumb isn’t always bad
Hell yeah, these are great
Get it Hot Wheels
This is kind of genius.
Also this is just smart
$2500 worth of extra stuff? How much was this thing?
Oh nooooo!
I mean, it almost worked
Hell yeah, ‘Murica
Don’t honk at people, it’s rude
This is how I wish I drove, and what I wish I drove
Is this staged? No idea, but it feels real
Definitely staged
Not all of them are people eating shit. Here’s the NYC DOT putting down lines for the NYC Marathon.
It’s a Bird on a Bird!
This is truly life in New York
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Cats AND Cars, hell yeah.
Look at Pee Paw on the scooter over there!
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A post shared by ???????????????????????????????????????? (@josephhamir)
This one is for Houston.
That’s a big cat
C’mon NYC DOT get on it..
Uh… 26 Jump Street
Hell yeah, Thanksgiving is over… which means it’s time for…
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoyed this post.
(Also, there’s an Amazon link in here, so if you buy a book about a New Deal music program we might get a commission and you might get some knowledge).
It sucks that Instagram posts on The Autopian are broken for me.
I love this little one Fiat 126.
That kid on the bike was me the first time I rode a 3 wheeler. Totally understood gas, has no concept of brake. The fence in my case was recently planted evergreens.
I’m out. Thanks a lot. #mariahcarey #allIwant
My favorite part of the ki9d driving thru the fence is the guy in yellow jumping out of the way. I assume he yells “holy shit, I nearly got hit”.
Regarding the kid crashing through the fence: Videos like this convinced me not to buy a vinyl fence. Oooh, they don’t fade. Ooh, a guy chasing a ball can go right through it. Fun stuff!
Sending kudos to you Matt, if this was a different automotive website this would be a slideshow.
Kurwa maluch!
(First video thumbnail in the topshot)
As a former Houstonian living in Houston during the underground rap days of Mike Jones and Swishahouse, that video had me rolling while my kids were just telling me “He shouldn’t be telling everyone those things!” I had to explain that it was all too common for local rappers to give away way too much information back then, like specifics of the cars they actually drove and the areas and places they actually frequented. I remember more than once seeing a local rapper’s car on the west side and the friend who was with me was like “How do you know?” and I just recited some lyrics and he was like “Oh yeah…” and then sure enough we saw the driver and it was confirmed.
Ahhh the good old days.
Well here we go again. Some links go to the specific IG post (which is acceptable), some only go to the account so we have to wade through a pile to maybe find the one of potential interest (annoying at best), and some go to where the actual video is not. I would hope that all could be the first one.
Oh man, one of those Truck jumps was totally a behind the scenes shot from Terminator 2.
I’m esp. thankful for the amazing equilibrium that Matt et al have managed to concoct here.
As in, such a diverse set of authors, writing styles, topics, and unhinged rant preferences, but yet…it all balances so nicely and makes Autopia a place to which I want to keep returning, one whose overriding ethos continues to be simple yet profound: vehicles are cool.
That kind of stability is hard to achieve, on the internet or in real life, and takes care and a sense of bigger goals that just making money. Happy Thanksgiving all (and my best to our overseas Autopians)!
Seconded! The atmosphere here is friendly and in today’s world that’s not an easy thing. Great job everyone!
Also, that kid getting his ass kicked by the trash can is always a winner!
So the kid on the minibike roaring through the fence made my day Matt.
Just pure joy.
BTW, my brother once sent a Honda 70 Trail (about 1971) through the neighbors garage door.
But we were somewhat disappointed when he had the good sense to get off the bike just before it did the Kool Aid Man…
So Happy Turkey Fest to all.
I drove my CT70 into my parent’s garage door and bent the hell out of it (I was trying to do a burnout).
My brother had already smacked our garage door, and left a huge tire mark in the white paint. Dad was really pissed, and told him to ride it in the street instead of the driveway.
Back then garage doors were made of wood, not metal.
The neighbors never spoke to our family again.
Probably for the best though, everything considered.
Sorry, can’t be real thankful for “Click to accept marketing cookies and enable this content” I love (and paid for) the site, but this article was a half-dozen short animated gifs for me.
I think that’s Insta and not us?
Still an article of all links that require “marketing cookies” and little more. Still like the site, but I needed to say my piece.
At least you got the gifs. All I got is blank white squares that say “view this post on Instagram”, but they aren’t clickable so oh well. (Firefox, no ad blockers)
Oh, nevermind. I’ve got a separate blocker just for Facebook trackers, and since Insta is owned by Meta…
I don’t even get that. I get the Instagram icon covered in white stripes and a bunch of broken elements with the half-obscured text “Click to accept marketing cookies and enable this content.” NoScript is a wonderful thing.
Same here. That’s how I knew it was truly Thanksgiving, rather than just another random day…
Happy Thanksgiving, Matt and family. Thanks for stuffing our holiday plates so that we can watch these hilarious turkeys roll with their cars. Always relish these reels and having so many mashed together in one place is gravy. Gotta run before I turn into a pumpkin. Have a great holiday Autopians!
What a peach!