Our partner Beau has told me that naming cars is “the sport of kings,” and I’ve always liked that idea. Both because I like imagining a bunch of portly, regal monarchs in ermine and crowns shouting out names like “Vanguard!” and “Cormorant!” when shown pictures of family SUVs and also because he’s right. It’s not easy to name cars. Sometimes I’ll encounter a car’s name and I know the associations I get in my mind are definitely not what the car-naming-kings intended. Like the Renault Fluence.
We never got the Renault Fluence here in America; it was introduced in 2009 and used the same Renault-Nissan C platform that we saw in the US as the Nissans Rogue and Sentra, for example. It was also sold under the strange Renault Samsung brand in South Korea, and was built in Turkey and India and South Korea and Russia and Argentina – a true world car, as long as your world isn’t in America.

Anyway, the name of the Fluence reminded me of something; a theory I vaguely remember hearing or thinking of, I honestly can’t recall the origin, but it definitely popped into my head. It was a theory about how villains in the Star Wars series, specifically villains associated with the Dark Side of the Force known as the Sith, pick their names.
See, the first real Sith baddie we encountered, way back in 1977, was the famous Darth Vader. “Darth” seems to be a sort of title, like “Deacon” or “Viscount” or “Lady,” and this was confirmed when we finally learned that the Emperor, known as Emperor Palpatine, was really Darth Sidious!
Darth Vader was in the first Star Wars movie in 1977, the Emperor/Darth Sidious shows up in 1980 (though I don’t remember when we learned his Sith name?) but these two were the first Darths, and so I thought that maybe Siths picked names by finding some generally negatively-connoted word in English that begins with “in-” and then lopped off the first two letters.
So, invader becomes Vader, insidious becomes Sidious. That leads to all sorts of other fun Sith name possibilities, like Darth Ept, Darth Sane, Darth Capable, Darth Surance, Darth Grate, Darth Flamed, Darth Consequential, Darth Sipid, and my favorite, Darth Continent. Darth Flammable is sort of a lateral move, though.
That’s also why the Renault Fluence sounds like a Sith name to me. Darth Fluence.
Of course, my theory was blown to shit when we met Darths Maul, Bane, Plagueis, and Tyranus and a whole bunch of others I don’t know. Oh well.
Man, what a ridiculous Cold Start I’ve given you today! Still, if you’re bored today, I think you should try and think up other in- based Sith lord names! It’ll be fun! You can see a friend and say, “Hey, how’s it hanging, Darth Jurious?” or something like that!
Tell me that’s not a good time.
Fairly certain we didn’t hear Darth Sidious until the Phantom Menace. He was only Emperor Palpatine or The Emperor in the original trilogy. Obi Wan even calls Vader “Darth” at one point as if it’s a first name indicating his familiarity with Vader where everyone else calls him Lord Vader. I think it wasn’t until the prequals where George Lucas got the idea that Darth is a title and all Sith should have it.
I concur with everything you said, thank you for doing so.
Darth Active was beaten by Darth Furiating after a major argument.
Looking at that picture of the Emperor, he should have been named Darth Ritous.
Darth Terpreter has been trying to use his Darth Telligence to Darth Vestigate the possible meaning of your quoted Sith Lord. Despite much Darth Terrogating, he has concluded that this is just a Darth Typo.
It could be worse. It could be a Dodge Dart.
Oops! That was me being Darth Attentive. I fixed it!
Aww, I liked it! I didn’t want to Darth Tervene in your writing process. I feel like I committed a Darth Fraction.
This is the dumbest thing I’ve had to think about it a while. Thank you, I needed this
In 2024 that’s a very, very low bar. I agree, it soothed my brain. Or smoothed my brain. Darn. I’d better drink some Brawndo, because: electrolytes.
Electrolytes. It’s what plants need.
Darth Terceptor, lord of Jensen
Crap, Torch has gone to the dark side and become Darth Sufferable.
Darth N-Out Burger. Ruler of the galactic drivethroughs.
You make a lot of sipid points.
Darth Tercooler increased Death Star reactor output by 15%.
Darth Jection, who eradicated carburetion across the galaxy.
Darth Jection could have defeated Captain Kirk if it weren’t for his intravenous spice addiction.
That thundering you hear over the horizon is an army of nerds coming after you for mixing Star Wars and Star Trek.
…and Dune?
Especially Dune ::knowing smile:: iykyk.
Um, akschually, there is spice is Star Wars. Commonly referred to when discussing the “spice mines of Kessel” and Han solo was a spice runner (drug smuggler)
Don’t forget that the nerds initially came to that planet through a Stargate.
Well nerds are a Willy Wonka product, so you have another franchise that you have added in. Remember, don’t cross the streams. It would be bad. Oh snap.
There is a Star Trek/Doctor Who crossover comic, so you know…
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff happens.
Darth Travenous. Lord of the spice
How quaint.
Hehe. The imperials never thought of that!
I always wanted my Star Wars name to be Weetabix Window
Darth Tercourse ruler of the Orgy Moon of Tana
You mean Orgy Moon of Tuna??
^ That is funny!
“Why do we all have fucked up jaws and extra toes? Well, the reign of Darth Breeding brought some unfortunate policies to the Empire.”
He took the mantel of father and brother of the dark side when Darth Potent couldn’t perform and Darth Different didn’t really care.
I’m gonna go the other way on this; Darth Twingo.
Darth 2CV Fourgonnette
Darth Teger.
Darth Stigator. He planned the whole thing. AKA Vladimir Putin.
He didn’t plan it. He just started it.
Fair enough.
That said, I have a conspiracy theory that the “it” includes all the trouble in northern Africa, to flood Europe with refugees; convincing the British population Brexit was going to be a wonderful idea; stirring up trouble in South America to get the US flooded with illegal immigrants (and convincing the American public it’s a major security problem, when we’re at near record employment and have millions of jobs to be filled); putting a bug in Xi’s ear about not being a man unless he takes Taiwan; and various other maladies facing the world today (e.g. Ukraine, etc).
The dude plays the long and destructive game, where If you can’t beat ’em, drag ’em down to your level or lower.
Overlizards! This guy knows our plans! Zap him, or something!
World history in one comment. Impressive.
Darth Tercontinental, am I doing this right?
Darth Flammable means inflammable? What a galaxy!
And then there are Darth Terior, Darth Ternational, Darth Teresting, Darth Terpreter, Darth Teractive, etc, etc
The Emperor had Darth Solent killed after he got sick of his attitude.
I could do this all day. The Empire had to file for Chapter 11 after they foolishly made Darth Solvent their head accountant.
Yeah, but Darth Dolent was the real culprit here because he never got around to filing the paperwork.
Was he any relation to Darth Digent?
Everybody hated Darth Competent…
At least Darth Surance saved us 20%
He was trying to reach you.
Not to mention Darth Ept.
I had one exactly like the first picture. Good car, very nice for its price when compared to competition. Although wife complained that backseat was not confortable when she had to travel there frequently when Thing 1 was born.
Reminds me fo good times, many good memories.
Torch, you should write something about Renault typography, in special around late 90’s until late 2000’s. One of the (if not the) most beautiful serif fonts ever used in a car, but they always had very nice ones. Fluence had a very sharp one, btw.
Personally I like the irony of Darth ocuous, if you’re OK with stretching the rules to taking out two N’s.
I for one am so fucking proud to be considered a member of the resistance…
The next four years will be fun, to say the least.
Currently members of my group are re-aiming the Jewish Space Laser towards 1600 Penn Ave, and the Capitol.
And I have been advised that should we be successful, the Col. is in line for another promotion in rank. So eat shit. Darth Orange Turd Man, and your minions.
Your time will be short lived.
Had to make it political. Way to go punchbowl turd.
No. Life is political.
But wish you a good morning too Uncle Turd…
Sorry/not sorry dude.
And guess you never noticed the whole Star Wars movie universe is about Good vs Evil. Yeah those things are hard to figure out right? JFC…
Grow a pair.
Darth Evitable knew that was always going to happen.