Maybe it’s got something to do with that Uncanny Valley I’ve heard so much about and bought some time-shares in, or maybe it’s just some other bit of human nature, but whatever it is I can’t deny that old ventriloquist dummies and similar sorta-real vintage dolls creep me the fudge out. If you feel you’re immune to such creepiness, then I’d invite you to browse these images of these sorts of dolls and dummies in vintage pedal cars, as seen in a pictorial in the 1974 Volume 12, number 1 edition of Automobile Quarterly.
I love Automobile Quarterly, and respect their willingness to cover things like pedal cars as they did in Court van Rooten’s excellent article, Putting the Kids on Wheels, but whomever’s idea it was to stick ventriloquist dummies into the pedal cars for the pictorial part was one savage, cruel mothertruster.

I mean, just look at them. Look at that one up top, into the strange, dead eyes of that dummy and tell me that little freak isn’t going to ride squeakily up to your bed in that pedal car one night and try to extract your soul out of your nostrils, because you know that’s his devious little plan.
Or how about this one:
You know she’ll rotate her head slowly to look at you and say some shit like “let’s play…forever!” in some high, squeaky voice, and if you’re even remotely human, you’ll flood your pants with piping-hot fear-urine.
Gaaaah! I do not trust this fucker. No way. That sawdust-filled bastard is sizing you up, calculating every bit of value he can get by kidnapping you and selling you for gods knows what to gods knows who. I think that particular dummy is known as Mortimer Snerd, one of the famous Edgar Bergen’s unholy homunculi, and seems to have some sort of idiot persona:
Yeah, I don’t trust that dummy one bit. Of course, Bergen was best known for his use of this wealthy-looking dummy named Charlie McCarthy, who also makes an appearance here:
Yeah, he’s creepy too, but he looks more like he’ll pay some goons to work you over instead of doing the deed himself.
Then we have this peculiar two-page spread of a large Mr.Magoo doll, jowls and all, in a large pedal car. And for some reason, Mr.Magoo is wearing a GE-branded sweater? Did GE ever work with Magoo?
In case you’re unfamiliar with Mr.Magoo, he was a character in a ’50s-era cartoon about an old rich guy with terrible vision, and that near-blindness forms the basis of pretty much everything that happens to him, which usually revolves around him getting into situations that almost get him or the people around him killed.
He also seems to have been a vintage car enthusiast, as you can see here:
How is this man licensed to drive? And those roller coasters and railroads need to drastically improve their safety and security systems.
I do like that this pedal car article includes this bit:
They let some kids try them out, and the best part is the graph of the acceleration curve up there. Is the jaggedness of that curve related to the cycle of the pedals being depressed?
Anyway, sorry to creep you out so vigorously this morning, but I had to see these, so, you know, you have to also. Them’s the rules.
Don’t stop being such a delightful weirdo, Torch. This is one of the main reason’s I’m a subscriber!!
This was so damn hilarious!
“YA BIG DUMMY!!!” -Fred Sanford
What is this, a graph for ants?
Why can’t we get expanded images back, seemed like it was a thing a few weeks ago
“How is this man licensed to drive?”
Because ‘MURICA!
Well, thanks Torch. I was gonna take a nap, and decided to read some Autopian. We’ll now that ain’t gonna happen. In fact, I’m off to the store to stock up on caffeine pills. I don’t think I should sleep for a few days
Oh man, Charly McCarthy looks like Robert Blake in Lost Highway! (shivers)
Oh wow, it can’t possibly be creepier than time-out dolls!
**reads article**
…And now my computer seems to be haunted.
Mission Accomplished! I was indeed instantly creeped out by the Top Shot.
(Pedant says: by which to be creeped out)
Dunno about those ventriloquist dummies being so creepy (they indubitably are creepy! Especially in such a context as this) when compared to those annoyingly ubiquitous timeout dolls at American Graffiti-type car shows. There’s just something inherently creepy about boomers finding humor in seeing scenarios of little kids being punished. Good grief. Which is scarier, a possessed Mortimer Snerd piloting an American Bantam-like replica pedal car or grown adults chuckling at the punishment of little children? I’ll take the former scenario, even if Snerd is furiously pedaling towards me at full speed, over the latter scenario any day of the week, ha.
*Laughs in goth* Nah, weird old dolls are just normal home décor!
Yeah, I wonder if Adrian has some of these?
I fondly remember the bright red VW Beetle pedal car that was purchased for me from Sears for my 4th Birthday in 1969.
Why did I choose a Beetle rather than a Firetruck or whatever?
Because I had just seen “The Love Bug” at the theatre that spring!
(If I could attach photos of myself driving around the house and harassing the dog with the car, I’d post them here)
You should also consider this image of Bob Stuart’s home-built adult pedal car, the Carcycle X4:
That looks like a cross between Peewee Herman and Total Recall’s Johnny Cab!
This vehicle is also described in the following article:
Of course, I look like a rolling creepshow riding my homebuilt electric velomobile around dressed like Edward Scissorhands, but I don’t have any photos of me doing that.
Here’s a delightful song to complete the vibe:
How does Edward Scissorhands drive? Especially with modern touch screen controls?
That’s been addressed:
I’m SO glad that didn’t feature haptic controls.
I hope to see another post about pedal cars, vintage and new.
Putting all those pictures of you in that Berkley interspersed with the pictures of dummies in pedal cars is a clever touch.
dead eyes, no soul
pedal car, it’s how i roll
aren’t i cute just sitting there?
see you soon in your nightmare
This level creepiness:
and yet this film version of wheelers isn’t as disturbing as much as the drawn version in the original books. (no i’m not that old, but when i was a kid, my dad thought used bookstores were free child care.)
R.L. Stein taught me at a very young age, to never trust a ventriloquist dummy.
As for Mr. Magoo, I somehow brought this up a few days ago on here for some reason, but I’ll say it again, Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol is an underrated Christmas special.
Coming across these at a car show would be infinitely worse than the stupid time out dolls. I would probably turn around and walk the other way.
Walk? You’d better run, because those creepy little bastards will be following you while whisper-singing children’s songs.
Running doesn’t help. No matter how fast you run, they’re always either right behind you or suddenly ahead of you.
Mr. Magoo did make commercials for GE light bulbs and they sponsored his Mr . Magoo’s Christmas Carol special, too.
How does a vantriloquist dummy operate a pedal car?
They can’t and they don’t really talk, either.
That’s what “ventriloquists” want you to believe. There’s no such thing as ventriloquism, just spooky haunted dolls that make those poor saps perform with them.
Ask Candice Bergen.
They aren’t so much in the car as the car is in them.
Powered by VTEC (Very Tiny, Extra Creepy)
“Just wait til that VTEC kicks in, YO!”
If I see any of these pedal cars out in the wild being piloted by these creepy dolls, I am running them over with my car.
No hesitation.
I have SEEN THIS MOVIE, and I am taking ZERO CHANCES.
Soon: Driver runs over child with advanced progeria in pedal car outside DFW airport.
I’ve seen that movie, too (Akira).
Still no hesitation.
Tetsuo vs. the Conjuring universe would be an interesting movie, I’d watch it
I see Telly Savalas in the lead role mowing down Talking Tina
Who loves you baby! CRASH!