Home » Here’s A Really Smart Method To Store Car Parts For A Long Time: COTD

Here’s A Really Smart Method To Store Car Parts For A Long Time: COTD


One of the greatest feelings in the world for a car enthusiast is finally getting started on a project.  Of course, life never really works the way you want to and you’ll inevitably have to hit the pause button. You might feel inclined to throw whatever loose parts you have into a bin to get back to them later – but don’t do that. Are you going to remember where all the bits are in a week, a month, or a year from now? Are those parts going to be ok sitting in the open air?

Today, Jason announced that his Nissan Pao is finally back on the road after two deer hits and replacing a worn transmission. He’s considering taking apart his old transmission to repair it, and I love the advice from our commentariat. Parsko says:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Under no circumstance are you to touch that old transmission unless you are fully committed to fixing it and putting it back together!!!

It is currently perfectly packaged for long term storage much better (fully assembled) than it is in pieces and/or in plastic totes in your garage or basement.

MATTinMKE echoes this advice:

Let’s take a moment and think about this Torch. The old transmission is potentially a block of unobtainium. Maybe store it intact (unopened) for future use. Much better to store it that way instead of in totes disassembled.

This is great advice. Don’t be like us, keep your parts in one piece when you’re storing them!


We appreciate how Nissan is embracing its position in the market as a provider of cheap new cars for people of all types of credit, and today Thomas shared his positive feelings for a mildly sporty version of the Rogue. You weren’t buying it. From Rippstik:

Center exhausts make everything cooler.

(reads article)

Center exhausts make almost everything cooler.

Finally, here’s a great joke from my piece about fixing your BMW’s cooling hoses. A. Barth, take it away!

I appreciate that you started with some background info before getting into the parts failure.

You know, prose before hose.

Have a great evening, everyone!

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3 hours ago


3 hours ago
Reply to  Parsko

That’s just what he needs, Kool-Aid Man coming in and wrecking up the place with moisture and Red 40.

3 hours ago

Yay! Makes my day when I get cotd!

Captain Avatar
Captain Avatar
4 hours ago

Glanced at the headline and the pic and briefly thought “Carbonite is real? Excellent! Star Wars saw the future!”

Last edited 4 hours ago by Captain Avatar
Jack Trade
Jack Trade
4 hours ago
Reply to  Captain Avatar

As Torch is warned to not just put it in the cargo hold…

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