Home » How A Tiny $1 Part Killed A $4000 Engine

How A Tiny $1 Part Killed A $4000 Engine

Bmw I3 Range Extender Fail Ts

New York-based, 54-year-old welding inspector Tom Otto uses his white 2014 BMW i3 every day for his 96-mile round-trip commute. Because his car only gets about 65 miles of EV range (less in the winter), Tom relies on the gasoline “range extender” under his rear cargo floor to get him all the way home.

Unfortunately, in April, while on his way home, the engine just cut out, yielding a “drivetrain error” message on the screen. Trying to restart the engine led to a “horrendous noise coming from the rear of the car, and the engine shut down after about two or three seconds of runtime,” Otto told me. Yikes! So the handy wrencher decided to dig into the problem, ultimately finding that his engine ended up grenaded due to a tiny part probably worth only a buck.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

I noticed this post on one of the BMW i3 pages I frequent on Facebook. “I’m sure many of you saw where my Rex engine failed at 124,000 miles (1103 hours of runtime),” Otto begins. “While I admit this is quite a high number of hours, I was not pleased to find the failure point to be a $65 part.”

462542692 1277030843716721 5483208580290244155 N

“Upon disassembling the engine, I found the timing chain to have considerable slack in it,” he continued in the post. “This led me to believe that the chain tensioner failed. I disassembled the chain tensioner today, finding that there is a tension spring on the inside that is meant to apply constant pressure to the screw mechanism that keeps tension on the timing chain guide. The end of the tension spring failed where it engages with the screw. A $0.75 part (estimated) caused the failure of a $4000 unit (estimated).”


To give a bit of background: On an internal combustion engine, the “timing” whatever — whether it’s a timing belt or chain or gears — is what mechanically couples the rotation of the camshaft (which sets the location of the valves at a given point in the combustion cycle) with the rotation of the crankshaft (which sets the location of the pistons at a given point in the combustion cycle). On some engines called “interference engines,” if the timing belt/chain/gears fail and the valves’ positions are no longer properly synched with the pistons’ positions, pistons can actually collide with the valves, causing major damage to the engine.

That’s precisely what happened with Otton’s BMW i3 range extender. The chain that goes over the camshaft/crankshaft sprockets came loose, and thus, the location of the pistons relative to the valves was no longer properly synchronized. The result? Well:

462544055 1112156933589531 1493948090734899049 N

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462542113 904005584665331 6007964036852173348 N

It may not look like much, but you can see in the top photos that the exhaust valves have bent, and if you look at the bottom photo (particularly towards the bottom of the piston), you can see silver marks from where those exhaust valves hit the piston.

What caused this? Well, the actual chain itself didn’t break, it just got too much slack in it, causing the engine to “jump time,” which means it basically skipped a tooth or or two on one of the sprockets.

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If you look at the image directly above, you’ll see that the timing chain is tensioned via two plastic chain guides, one of which is pushed by a tensioner, which is marked part number 18 in the schematic below:

Bmw Timing Diagram
Image: BMW

That tensioner, which you can buy for $65, looks like this:

Screen Shot 2024 11 04 At 12.48.39 Pm
Image: Wolf Auto Parts (eBay)

But what frustrated Otto so much (and rightly so) is that the reason this tensioner failed, and thus allowed the timing chain to go slack, skipping teeth on sprockets, allowing exhaust valves to collide with a piston, is that a dirt-cheap part within the tensioner failed. This spring:

Failed Spring


“I had originally thought that the tensioner might have been a hydraulic unit like I have seen in other engines from other manufacturers,” Otto told me. “But, no, the timing chain tension relies solely upon a mechanical chain tensioner deriving its forces from a very small diameter tension spring.”


“You can just barely see the coils of the spring within that gap [in the photo of the full tensioner],” he continued. “The top end of that coil spring engages in the body close to the plunger end, the other end terminates in a 90° angle and engages in a slot which is accessible under the 8 mm bolt that is on the end of the unit.”

Apparently getting to the tensioner is no easy job. “It is not conveniently located for easy change out either. The chain tensioner is bolted to the top end of the block on the timing chain side which resides on the end of the engine that is in close proximity to the electric motor,” Otto wrote to me over Facebook Messenger. “It’s also on the backside of the motor engine as you’re looking at it from the back of the car. Though it is only held in by 2 T30 screws and a gasket to maintain an oil tight seal of the engine.”

Otto managed to find a new BMW i3 range extender with starter/generator built in for just $1,500 plus shipping. I took him — someone who has “always been active with Auto repair, small engine repair, wood boat restoration, vintage outboard restoration etc.” (Otto wrote to me that “people often wonder how I came to know all of the things I do about repairing cars, it’s because I never had the expendable income nor time to pay someone else to do something that I could do myself.”) — five days to do the job. Total cost of the repair was $3,000 — significantly cheaper than what BMW charges for a complete new engine.

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Could Otto have saved those $3000 by pursuing the i3’s humongous 15 year, 150,000 mile warranty in CARB states like New York? Perhaps. But, Otto told me, he’s never taken a car to a dealership, he needed the car to get to work, and he didn’t want to waste the time.

It’s possible that the tensioner has been revised after 2014, and that later i3s won’t have this issue. I’m hoping so. Regardless, Otto concluded by telling me: “My posts are more of a cautionary tale, to hopefully help others not experiencing a catastrophic failure.”

A failure caused by a dirt-cheap spring. How absurd! But it’s yet another example of how, while a well-designed timing chain system is much better than a typical timing belt system, a poorly designed timing chain system is just the worst of all words.

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4 months ago

I had a car jump time once and it took me 2 weeks to replace the chain and gears and get it running again (first time job for me). It was a 1973 Dodge 318 V8 engine so no interference and a fully recoverable situation.

Why do they make engines that can fail like this? Is there some efficiency, power, or emission advantage to having cylinders set up to where the piston and valves can intersect?

4 months ago
Reply to  Balloondoggle

My uneducated guess is packaging or a higher compression ratio. Anyone who is more knowledgeable should chime in.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rippstik

Like the majority of engine changes of the decades, it all comes back to efficiency. Having the valves open more directly into the chamber allows for better efficiency (air flow/compression/combustion are all factors) and you can report that extra 0.1 (or whatever) mpg.

4 months ago
Reply to  Exagenous

Oh I completely forgot about emissions too. Efficiency and emissions.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
4 months ago

How? Ze Germans. That’s how.

Utherjorge, as this site circles the bowl
Utherjorge, as this site circles the bowl
4 months ago

BMW engines will get ya

Grenadier owners will find out before long

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
4 months ago

To play devil’s advocate, the B58 might be the best engine BMW has ever made and they’re about as solid as a German engine can get.

…but that’s a bit like being the tallest dwarf. Damning with faint praise, if you will.

Utherjorge, as this site circles the bowl
Utherjorge, as this site circles the bowl
4 months ago

First, I love your reply.

Second…the non-Gren motor had problems with the intakes (plastic, I think) that I don’t know were ever resolved. Has it been? Has it been re-engineered to stop such things from being a problem in an engine living in a vehicle that is designed to be out in the bush?

John Patson
John Patson
4 months ago

Not the first time I have heard of the petrol part of the dual engine i3s wrecking the car.
Battery ones seem to go forever, even with their limited charge.
Keep value too — here in France a quick look shows a 11 year one with little more than 100,000 km on the clock, been involved in one crash and three owners, on market for €9,000… And that is without info on the battery.

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
4 months ago

Stuff like this is making me reconsider a modern BMW motorcycle. The R1200RT was magic on a demo ride but unknown 10 years down the road while my Airhead is over 45 years old and has only one major repair due to design. The shift cams in the transmission were replaced in 1991 as part of a recall

Lally Singh
Lally Singh
4 months ago
Reply to  Slow Joe Crow

I’ve got a 1250GS with 12k miles, but ask around online and you’ll find people with the same bike and 10x the mileage. E.g.: https://www.advrider.com/f/threads/high-mileage-r1250gs.1613301/page-2

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
4 months ago
Reply to  Lally Singh

I am reassured that the boxers are well engineered, since the i3 range extender is a scooter engine I had concerns

4 months ago

1,000 hrs is not a lot, for an average ICE vehicle with an average driver that is 30-35,000 miles.

I’m not seeing a destroyed engine. Valves kissing pistons because of a timing failure usually doesn’t damage the piston to the point where it can’t just drive on. In this case I see no damage that would indicate engine/piston replacement is required. I lost count of all the Hondas that came in on the hook with a broken timing belt that also needed valves replaced. At least a couple of those I know kept running since the customers kept bringing the car back to me for various things for several more years.

Another reason that EREVs aren’t a great idea. The engine gets stuck some place that isn’t accessable and also at least in some cases not very durable “since it won’t see that much use”.

I’m also wondering how a $1500 engine ends up costing $1500 to install DIY. I guessing there were some shipping charges on top of that but that shouldn’t have been more than $500, if it came from somewhere in the US. A couple of hundred for fluids and other might as well why I’m in here still leaves ~$750 unaccounted for.

Dan Roth
Dan Roth
4 months ago
Reply to  Scoutdude

Agree that you could fix the engine – probably just needs some valve guides and new valves to replace the bent stuff. The time factor is the killer though – you have to disassemble the head, get it to the machine shop (FIND the machine shop first), wait for them to get parts and then do their thing. I suppose you could do guides yourself and just replace the valves and lap the new ones in by hand…

Or just find a good used engine and throw it in. The bigger the chunk, the easier the change, honestly. Once you get inside to the component level, labor goes WAY up; either yours or the shops.

4 months ago
Reply to  Dan Roth

Yes but he did tear it down far enough to do the valves, so a lot of sunk cost there. Certainly there was some time spent finding and waiting for the engine to be shipped. Finding a machine shop definitely is more difficult than it used to be and it is hard to say what the lead time on obtaining the valves and gaskets would be. No sure if it would need valve guides or not though. I know they weren’t replaced on a lot of those Hondas I did back in the 90’s

Dan Roth
Dan Roth
4 months ago
Reply to  Scoutdude

Yeah – I wonder if he swapped first, tore down after. Either way, I like that we’re talking about how a person solved a problem!

If it were me, I’d plan on needing to do guides and have them on hand – you at least have to measure/check, or you’ll have an oil burner on your hands.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
4 months ago

This really isn’t selling me on the i3…

4 months ago

Hmm. Taking the car in under warranty is the best thing about these cars. Free repair, and a loaner to use while it sits in the shop waiting for the dealer to get around to working on it.

Bonus is you might get an i4 or i5 as a loaner.

4 months ago

Rookies. We had several failures where an $0.83 part took out a $250K drive assembly. We did a redesign to remove the $0.83 part – no more failures (at least from that root cause).

Shooting Brake
Shooting Brake
4 months ago

I don’t understand why the Germans can’t seem to build a decent timing chain system after however many decade of trying…

Fix It Again Tony
Fix It Again Tony
4 months ago

It’s possible that the tensioner has been revised after 2014, and that later i3s won’t have this issue. I’m hoping so.

So like the AC thing, you have to do another preventive maintenance and change out the tensioner every 1000 hours.

Last edited 4 months ago by Fix It Again Tony
4 months ago

I’d do it every 750. We don’t know where on the bell curve that instance sits.

Utherjorge, as this site circles the bowl
Utherjorge, as this site circles the bowl
4 months ago
Reply to  S0crates82

Can I assume that there’s an easy display that shows hours of use or must you scan it?

Tom W Otto
Tom W Otto
4 months ago

Easy if you have an iPhone and a BT OBD2 dongle. “mi3” is a free app that communicates with the car to give all sorts of useful information including runtime of the Rex engine (expressed in seconds).

Alexander Moore
Alexander Moore
4 months ago

Before I came to this site I loved the BMW i3 and figured I’d own one someday. Now I still like it, but I’d absolutely never own one.

4 months ago

That seems like pretty good advice for just about any BMW

Last edited 4 months ago by Dinklesmith
4 months ago

If you live in a CARB state it has an absurd warranty. And BMW is pretty good about giving loaners for warranty work.

4 months ago

Owning BMW in warranty is almost always sound advice. When they fall out is when the crazy bills begin.

As others have said, Otto probably could have taken it to the dealer to have this fixed and gotten a free loaner for the time it took. So he likely would have been out less time unless the dealer was backed up in terms of scheduling (which is definitely a possibility)
The hard part is that the dealer during their “courtesy checks would have almost certainly found $$$ of “recommended services” that he would have had to suffer through and say no to a thousand times before getting this fixed.

Tom W Otto
Tom W Otto
4 months ago
Reply to  DJP

Exactly. I may be wrong or naïve, but taking a third owner used car at 10 years old and 124,000 miles to the dealership for repair is not on my to do list. I don’t believe that dealerships are interested in repairing used cars that are not under the first purchasers warranty. I believe they are only interested in selling new cars, and definitely finding many more things “wrong” with the car that “need” to be repaired right now.

3 months ago
Reply to  Tom W Otto

I was once waiting for my in-warranty and in-complementary maintenance 3 series at the dealership. While sipping my coffee and working on my laptop, I overheard a service advisor lay out $18,000 of recommended service to a guy who had a 15 year old 5 series and had just taken it into the dealer to take a look at a warning light because he was about to go on a road trip.

It ran the whole gamut, the tires were bald, there were all sorts of leaks and hoses that needed to be replaced, spark plugs etc. etc. etc. The poor guy almost fainted from what he was hearing. “The car isn’t even close to being worth that much!” He stammered.
And they were pushing a hard sell “well, this car is so bad we don’t even feel safe giving it back to you to drive away” and so forth. It was awful, and also ridiculous because of COURSE a 15 year old car is going to have issues like leaks and worn items. It doesn’t make it undriveable or unsafe!

So you are not wrong or naïve at all, and the second part of your point is why- they are actually quite interested in repairing used cars, since they can find all sorts of softball problems that they can fix for a fortune!

4 months ago

Take it from any previous BMW owner, great in theory, never in execution/ownership. They’re like boats, better to just enjoy the one your friend has.

Harvey Park Bench
Harvey Park Bench
4 months ago

The EIC has one for sale for an unbeatable price, though.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
4 months ago

Sounds about BMW.

Al Camino
Al Camino
4 months ago

I was wondering earlier today when this week’s i3 article would be posted.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
4 months ago

Would it make anyone feel better if it was a $1000 part that failed and trashed the engine?

Saul Goodman
Saul Goodman
4 months ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

I’d rather pistons fly out the engine. If it’s gonna go down, it better go down in a blazing, awesome, fiery and flaming ball of glory! (/s)

Last edited 4 months ago by Saul Goodman
4 months ago
Reply to  Saul Goodman

***Free inspection windows!

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
4 months ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

I’d feel better if the rebuild cost less than $1000.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
4 months ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

Username checks out!

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
4 months ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

I mean its a 600cc two cylinder scooter engine, not a twin turbo V12.

My Goat Ate My Homework
My Goat Ate My Homework
4 months ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

Seems to me that most major part failures can be traced back to a $2 part if you take it all the way back to the root cause. It’s a gasket, or spring, or bearing. I don’t know that I’ve ever heard “oh the block casting failed” or “crank failed” without it being caused by some other small part that failed first.

trying to think of one and I can’t

Dan Roth
Dan Roth
4 months ago

Early Volvo “whiteblock” inline sixes had a porous casting and would leak coolant right through the block. The very first 960s in like ’92-’93 had this as a checklist item if you were shopping for one used back before everyone found out about RWD Volvos.

4 months ago

Yikes! So the handy wrencher decided to dig into the problem, ultimately finding that his engine ended up grenaded due to a tiny part probably worth only a buck.

Is there literally any part on a BMW that only costs $1?

4 months ago
Reply to  NosrednaNod

Only the high failure rate ones.

Last edited 4 months ago by LMCorvairFan
4 months ago
Reply to  NosrednaNod

I’m sure you can’t buy just the spring itself. It’s part of the $112 chain tensioner or something like that.

Mr. Fusion
Mr. Fusion
4 months ago

After the great debate about belts vs. chains, maybe the real problem has never been the timing mechanism, but rather the entire concept of interference engines.

JT Eastwood
JT Eastwood
4 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Fusion

Agree. Back in the olden days, my wife snapped the timing belt on her Cabriolet. Threw the toolbox in the car and replaced the belt in the parking lot while she worked. Piece of cake!

4 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Fusion

It’s all about chasing those really high compression ratios in the name of efficiency. The problem is that the Germans inevitably under engineer some component in the name of cost savings which sets the time bomb ticking. I had an X5 with bent valve stem guides which, before someone engineered an easier fix, required $20k shop visit and dropping the engine out of the vehicle.
I ended up just trading it in for a Honda Fit.

4 months ago

David- when are you going to admit that maybe the i3 is not the amazing vehicle that you want it to be. Barely Mechanically Worthy vehicles are great for 3 years or 30k miles. No matter the model. To this day the only vehicle that grenaded an engine while I was driving was a BMW. 70mph on the highway and boom. Just to make sure that it really tried to kill me it spewed oil all over the windshield in an attempt to blind me while I coasted to the side of the road.

4 months ago

David- when are you going to admit that maybe the i3 any BMW is not the amazing vehicle that you want it to be. #ftfy

4 months ago
Reply to  NosrednaNod

I knew something was off about that sentence. Thanks.

Angel "the Cobra" Martin
Angel "the Cobra" Martin
4 months ago

The best part is no part. That’s why I like EVs so much. One moving part. Granted, there are a million failure points in the battery pack, but I hope that chemistry beats mechanical as far as service life goes.

Alexander Moore
Alexander Moore
4 months ago

Luckily BMW figured out how to make the battery pack shitcan itself too!

Angel "the Cobra" Martin
Angel "the Cobra" Martin
4 months ago

BMW at its mot BMWist.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
4 months ago

The Germans uh….find a way

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
4 months ago

“one moving part” is quite the exaggeration. Unless your car spends it’s whole life parked in your driveway with the electric motor running.

Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
4 months ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

Even if you count the dozens or hundreds of parts in the rotating assembly as just one part you still have gears and bearings and driveshafts and seals to worry about. And if it’s got an epicyclic gearbox…

Fewer parts than a ICE, but not just one.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
4 months ago
Reply to  Captain Muppet

Exactly my point. Thanks. Not to mention the wheels and tires and suspension components that also move.

Last edited 4 months ago by Rad Barchetta
Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
4 months ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

No one ever pointed to a single cylinder two-stroke engine and proudly said: “only three moving parts, so it’s much more reliable” before having to replace the piston again.

Angel "the Cobra" Martin
Angel "the Cobra" Martin
4 months ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

You are correct. I was referencing the stuff that is different between an ICE and EV. I know an EV has wheels and suspension.

4 months ago

You could make a weekly article about BMW’s minor parts failures that somehow end in catastrophic failure. Is there a BMW that doesn’t have some odd Achille’s heel? Maybe the Isetta?

Mr. Fusion
Mr. Fusion
4 months ago

A car would have to be mechanically sound to earn Steve Urkel’s trust.

4 months ago

This would be a great weekly article! While BMW would feature prominently there are many other automakers who under designed or cheaped out on a component which could destroy your car.

The series could be called “$5 Part of Doom”

Dan Roth
Dan Roth
4 months ago

The Isetta has a multitude – but more to the point: any car has these kinds of issues. You’re just hearing about some of the i3’s quirks more than you’re hearing about other cars issues. It’s that phenomenon you have to control for when compiling statistics – when you go looking for stuff, you’ll find it, and that can look like an epidemic kicked off.

A. Barth
A. Barth
4 months ago

A new, complete REx engine for about $4400?? It would be tempting to keep a couple on the shelf, just in case.

4 months ago
Reply to  A. Barth

I love the thought of putting these into a self contained trailer and plugging them into an EV for road trips.

A. Barth
A. Barth
4 months ago
Reply to  DJP

It’s an interesting idea – people have pondered the same concept with a generator – but I would be extremely surprised if EVs didn’t have code and physical safety features to prevent charging [via the charge port] while the car is in motion.

OTOH if you had a generator on/in a trailer, if necessary you could simply stop and charge wherever. I think it would be more time consuming but you wouldn’t actually get stuck in the middle of nowhere with low battery.

Harvey Park Bench
Harvey Park Bench
4 months ago
Reply to  A. Barth

They’ll probably fail on the shelf.

4 months ago

Knowing BMW, the timing chains , sensing the sweet sweet air of freedom will enter “BMW service center” mode and spontaneously stretch and fail.

4 months ago

The infamous IMS Bearing in 9×6 an 9×7.1 Porsches is yet another great example.

4 months ago

Suck it timing chain stans! Moderately easier to change and inspect belts (and belt tensioners) for me.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jdoubledub

May all your belts be wet, frayed and fibrous!

4 months ago
Reply to  Zorah

Hopefully only the wet belts 😀

4 months ago

I had a 1987 Chevy Spectrum, my 1st new car, had the timing chain break and bent valves problem. It mystifies me how auto manufacturers will continue to you such a failed design and plastic parts and just shrug their shoulders when this happens to most of their line. I wonder how many cars would go from failed to success or crap to caviar with less than $100 extra spent on construction or parts.

John Beef
John Beef
4 months ago

Excuse me, your ideas will infringe on quarterly profits, the single most important metric for any endeavor, ever, in the history of humanity.

Dan Roth
Dan Roth
4 months ago
Reply to  John Beef

Now, now. Sure, quarterly profits are great, but SHaReHoLDer VaLue is what matters. (which quarterlies figure in to) – not doing well, but got an angry activist investor? Reverse buyback while you’re showing negative revenue oughta satisfy that ONE guy who isn’t gonna feel it.

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
4 months ago

I’m willing to bet that a better (rolling element) tensioner would cost less than $10 more than the plastic on metal guides in common usage. Perhaps I am not accounting for chain slap if a roller like that used for cam belts were used to tension a chain. But as noted below, it would reduce profits by some small margin, thus making it unacceptable.

4 months ago

The more time (heh) I work with and learn about the various timing systems employed in cars, the more and more convinced I am that Toyota had it right in the 3FE engine. Big ol’ gears. No chains, no belts, no tensioners.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jatkat

Well, weren’t most Toyota engines non-interference ones till not that long ago, anyway ?

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
4 months ago
Reply to  Jatkat

The 3FE is an overhead valve, not overhead cam engine kinda copied from/based on the old Chevy stovebolt 6. The Chevy and the similar Ford use timing gears (with a plastic coating on the cam gear teeth). The only OHC engines I’m aware of w/ gear drive are racing motorcycle engines (vertical bevel gear drive shaft or spur gears in the middle of the cam & crank) the VW V10 TDI (look it up, insanely complex gear train), and possibly a Cummins OHC 6 cyl Diesel (a quick search did not reveal any pictures of the cam drive). Oh, the Crosley CoBra engine had a bevel gear drive OHC.

American Locomotive
American Locomotive
4 months ago
Reply to  Hondaimpbmw 12

Pretty much all of the big over the road truck engine are OHC or at least “high cam” engines. They just have a big stack of gears going all the way up the top.

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
4 months ago

Pretty much what I expected. The diesels where I worked had gear drives for the air compressor, so I expected similar for the cam. I knew the v type engines had gear drives for the cam, but was unaware that there were very many OHC Diesels. Nowadays, all I see are 12 valve Cummins in relative’s Dodge 2500s. 😉

At the Auburn Truck Museum, I saw an early Cummins DOHC prototype that was impressive… and RED.

Last edited 4 months ago by Hondaimpbmw 12
4 months ago
Reply to  Hondaimpbmw 12

It sure is, was a licensed stovebolt 6 that toyota kept developing over the years. Near indestructible engines, but my god are they slow and thirsty.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x