Home » How I’d Build The Ultimate Compact Motorhome Out Of An Electric Kia

How I’d Build The Ultimate Compact Motorhome Out Of An Electric Kia

Kia Trans Van Ts2

I’d love to be able to tell you that I own a tuxedo, because of the number of times I need to walk into a Monaco casino or attend formal events like this year’s Autopian Aid benefit concert (which was terrible, by the way, since the only acts that showed up were a barbershop quartet, a few Gregorian-chanting monks, and Fred Durst). The truth is, the investment in buying a tux wouldn’t be worth it for the rare occasions that I require one; I probably wouldn’t even fit it after a year or too since I’m, well, let’s just say “becoming more rounded in shape,” like cars did after the 1990s.  A large formal wear rental industry exists because of this.

Many people would likely agree with this logic, but for some reason these same individuals go and sink large six-figure sums of money into motorhomes and campers that will be used only a few times a season. That’s a huge chunk of cash “invested” into a product that requires immense amounts of space to store, needs expensive mechanical maintenance, and is depreciating with rock-off-of-a-cliff speed from the second you buy it. On the other hand, renting an RV can seem costly since you’re effectively paying for the maintenance and repairs of products that are often abused and not built with the most durable materials in the first place. Buyers of RVs often listen to the salesperson’s math that if they use it every other weekend it will “pay for itself,” but in reality, it ends up sitting until a FOR SALE sign appears in the windshield.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

A little while back, Mercedes Streeter told you about a very groovy-looking machine from the late seventies called the Trans-Van that was supposed to solve this by being a camper that you could use as a daily transportation.

Trans Van Rear
ebay via BarnFinds
Trans Van Front
ebay via Barn Finds

As Mercedes mentioned in her informative piece, the Trans-Van sold well enough for an RV and was hardly a market failure, but it didn’t really start a trend or even completely fulfill its mission as a dual-purpose product. Can we pick up where the Trans-Van left off and make a viable passenger van/motorhome mashup to replace your big family SUV?

Boogie Knight Of The Roadway

When gas prices skyrocketed and emission controls choked “muscle cars” to 130 horsepower weaklings, it was clear that seventies car culture was not going to be about going fast. To substitute for street performance, people turned to visual excitement — and even vehicles like vans (where the excitement happened when it wasn’t moving at all, except for maybe rocking).


You just know that a trend is big when the stodgy brands of the Big 3 were latching onto it; Ford and Dodge really embraced custom van culture with factory special editions or at the very least the building blocks and “step by step” customizing guides to start you truckin’:

Street Van 2 21
Tunnelram 1977+dodge+street+van+(2)
Ford Vans 2 21

Champion Home Builders was an innovative player in the RV industry during the seventies, and they were smart enough to see this massive custom van trend and try to get some of that flavor into a small motorhome. Boy, did their product deliver.

Champion Home Builders
Champion Home Builders

Introduced in 1977, the Trans-Van was dripping with funk-tastic details like rainbow stripes, fender flares and bubble porthole windows to be hip with the van scene, but it actually had a bigger mission in mind. Mercedes Streeter explains:

While Champion marketed the Trans-Vans as being luxury motorhomes, the marketing copy also went to great lengths to explain how the Trans-Van’s small size meant it was great as a second car for a family….This marketing strategy was great in theory. A Trans-Van had more than enough room to take your family shopping or to the football game. Yet, at the same time, all of the RV amenities made it great for people with active lifestyles. Does your kid need to use the bathroom? That’s not a big deal as boom, there’s a toilet on board. Want to have a sweet tailgating setup? A Trans-Van was perfect for that right from the jump. Want to go camping? Yep, it’s made for that! Yet, the Trans-Van was also sized just small enough to fit into common parking spaces.

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Adventure Rider (van for sale)

Jasonites- notice the downsized B-body Pontiac Bonneville/Catalina wagon taillights:

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Adventure Rider (van for sale)

The Trans-Van put a kitchenette and tiny closet/toilet space at the very back, flanking that odd, single central door. Considering the exterior design, you’d expect the interior to have a disco-ball love den ambiance. You don’t get it; instead, everything was covered in traditional wood fittings from your childhood house in the seventies, as seen in the photo below where it looks your mom about to yell at you for dumping Count Chocula on the shag carpet while you were watching H.R. Pufnstuf. Yeah, I’m that old.

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Champion Home Builders
Trans Van Interior
ebay via BarnFinds

Everything forward of this and behind the front seats ended up as totally reconfigurable space. A dining table folds up to allow for seating space, and couches along the walls take advantage of the door-free sides.

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Champion Home Builders
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Adventure Rider (van for sale)

You can laugh at the appearance of this thing but honestly there’s way too much good design to ignore. For example, the seemingly silly “bubble” portholes make functional sense in that the one on the driver’s side is for the bathroom (where you want light but privacy) and the passenger’s side is by the “kitchen” sink and cabinets where you can’t have a big window anyway.

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craigslist via Guys With Rides

Another cool trick: on each side of the rear door were full height storage lockers for extra gear:

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Adventure Rider (van for sale)

Also, the “groovy” graphic stripes that were viewed as kind of absurd in period seem purposeful and tasteful now compared to the busy-looking stuff they stick on motorhomes today. Here’s a good example of this Mike Tyson face tattoo-looking bullshit:

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Fleetwood RVs

Not there isn’t a lot of room for improvement on the Trans-Van; I can see a few key functional tweaks we can make. Also, our solution doesn’t have to look like a Trans-Van, but then again, why wouldn’t it? You can dig it.


Seoul Train

In the time since the Trans-Van left the market in 1991, one big thing has changed: GM is the only manufacturer that offers a traditional-style full sized van. Also, the idea of big gas-guzzling V8 powered thing might not resonate with modern buyers. Actually, that’s fine, since there’s a new crop of cargo movers out there including a very exciting new EV entry coming soon from Kia called the PV series.

Kia Vans 2 20

There’s a variety of different sizes and configurations, but the best news is that a what appears to be the passenger version of the PV5 has been caught testing in America recently, which makes Kia’s claim of an American launch in the next few years seem plausible.

Looking at the largest of the group- the PV7- as Autopians our thoughts are to either make it into a Nürburgring-challenging thing with giant tires or turn it into a camper (or both? how about both?). I think the latter makes the most sense; at around 17 feet in base form, it’s only about as long as a Ford Expedition.

Pv7 2 20
Kia Concept Pv7 2

As a kid in the eighties, if you asked me what a van would be like in 2025, the Kia PV series is certainly it; even the geometric wheels look surprisingly similar to a 1982 vision of what the “future” to be. It’ll be perfect for our needs, especially since Kia is supposedly offering a cab-chassis model as well.

Pv Concept

The range isn’t reported to be spectacular, but then it’s likely not going to be worse than EV van competitors, and hopefully quick charging will take not much longer than filling the ocean-sized tanks needed to feed a typical motorhome’s low-teens-at-best thirst.


Time to get to work.

More Than Meets The Eye

For the modern Trans-Van, I’ll need to add an expanded width body in back that also raises the roof height in a manner similar to the original Champion product; the stripes and porthole window were supposed to be a throwback look but I’ll be damned if this thing doesn’t look unironically great.

Pv Concept

We might have lower roof heights available too for those that want something easier to fit in their garage.

In back, there’s still the controversial central door and possibly the gear storage areas from the original, with the tall taillights from the PV7:

Trans Van Rear 2 23


For the inside layout, I’m going to start with the floor plan of an original Trans-Van (sorry for the terrible resolution but you can see what’s going on)

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Champion Home Builders

Next, we’ll tweak it with a few tricks used on modern campers (and even the 1980s Winnebago LeSharo motorhome seen below that also purported to be an everyday vehicle substitute but was way too much of a camper and way WAY too slow for that).

Lesharo Cutaway 11 9

The LeSharo front seat layout for four forward-facing passengers is nice, since I don’t think anyone enjoys sitting sideways as you did in the OG Trans-Van (and many motorhomes), especially one that’s designed to force you to do that for ten hours while you head for the Black Hills and hope Mt. Rushmore isn’t fogged in AGAIN.

Besides, I promise those “herculon” fabric covered foam blobs will be extremely uncomfortable before you even leave your neighborhood. In the new Kia-based Trans-Van, we’ll have four wide captain’s chairs facing forwards for the best view. As an option, you could get a door on the side to address the complaint that some owners had about the original Trans-Van’s single rear door. Here’s a 20 foot layout (but a 17 foot would also be available). Yes, this time around the Trans-Van will have groovy seat fabrics.

Trans Van Camper Mode 2 23

Travel Mode Plan 2 23


Once at your destination, you can swivel the chairs to create a “conversation area” (even if you need to tilt up the steering column):

Campsite Mode Plan 2 23

By sliding the front seats on the floor tracks and then folding them you can create one large bed or two singles (you might want to put a roll-up foam pad on first). Behind the captain’s chairs there is a dinette with sliding/foldaway tabletop that also turns into a sleeper. At the back of the van we’ll still have the kitchenette and closet/toilet space as on the original Trans-Van (though the toilet area could expand to allow you to more easily take a shower).

Sleep Mode Plan 2 23



So far, so good, but there’s another level we can take this new Trans-Van concept to as requested by Mercedes Streeter herself on Slack:

It would be cool if the camping parts of it folded away! Part of what sucks about existing campers as daily drivers concepts is that you still have to carry around a sink, counters, and such. It would be cool if the camping stuff somehow folded into the wall or floor (like Chrysler Stow N Go, maybe?) so that the van part is uninterrupted.

Folding is a cool idea, but there are issues with that. There’s only so much you can fold up a kitchen sink, a cooktop and toilet; even if you did you’d still have the weight of it to lug about on the way to Trader Joe’s and school pickups.

Here’s what might be the answer. Let’s look at the kitchen module on the one side at the rear of the Trans-Van and the toilet/closet module on the other. As I mentioned earlier, the new Trans-Van has tracks in the floor. When you’re done with camping for a while (like winter months), you open up the entire back of the Trans-Van (the hinges from the original Kia PV7 wide doors are still there). Then, grab two dolly bases and link them to the back of the van (they line up with the tracks).

Trans Van Modules 2 22

Pull some releases, disconnect the electrical and water connectors and the two modules roll out onto the dollies and out of the van; from there you can roll the dollies into your garage, a self-storage place, or if you drain all the water out of them (so they don’t freeze) just slip on the fitted canvas covers and leave them in the back yard. Looks a bit like you’re rolling out a box with a body in it (and who’s to say you aren’t?).


Now, you rearrange and slide the seating from the dinette to make a spacious eight seat van, or even add more seats if you’d like.

Trans Van Mode Van 2 23

Van Mode Plan 2 23You’ll now have plenty of room in back for your day-to-day massive Costco paper towel and toilet paper cargo. The whole conversion process could theoretically be done in less than half an hour (by one person even), and it’s like you never had a camper in the first place.

Sure, it’s not minuscule but surprisingly in the longest 20 foot format it’s only a foot or so more than an Expedition MAX and inches beyond the length of the Schitt’s Creek Lincoln Town car (and a 17 foot model new Trans-Van would be shorter than the Ford Panther bodies I inexplicably drove a sum total of 200,000 miles without incident). This whole dual-purpose thing might actually work.

That Trans-Van Is One Bad Mother (Shut Your Mouth)

None of this would likely be as easy to do as I’m making it sound, but at the same time it wouldn’t be impossible. Also, it’s unlikely to be cheap but what would a well-equipped Suburban and a compact luxury motorhome cost to put in your driveway? Actually, that’s a trick question because they likely wouldn’t be able to fit in your driveway together anyway. If one vehicle can replace a quarter-million-dollars-plus fleet it’s got to be worth a considering.


Pv Concept

Fifty years ago, people your parent’s age used their pride-and-joy custom vans for everyday transportation as well as, you know, extracurricular activities. I’m sure they’d encourage you to relive those time today, especially now that weed is legal.


Our Daydreaming Auto Designer Reimagines A More Modern Version Of The Legendary GMC Motorhome That Died In 1978 – The Autopian

Winnebago Once Sold A Sleek 22 MPG Camper With A Tiny Engine – The Autopian


This Forgotten RV Tried To Be The Ultimate Camper And A Daily Driver At The Same Time – The Autopian

The Ultimate Slide Out Camper Has Room- And Rooms- For Everyone – The Autopian

Finally, The Galileo Shuttlecraft Amphibious Camper You’ve Waited Years For – The Autopian

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1 month ago

It bothers me that the original uses Pontiac wagon taillights but the cab-chassis is branded Chevrolet. It should get Caprice wagon taillights and the Poncho ones reserved for GMC cab-chassis.

1 month ago

where does the spare tire go ?

1 month ago

You didn’t run your floor plans by Mercedes did you? The fixtures are way too small given the vehicle size discussed. No way there will be room for all that in there.

P.J. Tezza
P.J. Tezza
1 month ago

Low roof EREV with pop-up top and modular conversion is right here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8rO4c2nPqAk

1 month ago

I really like this modern iteration of the van as it doesn’t try and replicate an apartment inside. No heavy ceramic tiles or timber panelling. I especially like the outdoor storage which is a bugbear of my campervan and anyone that likes to do outdoor activities. where do i put my wetsuits? stinky climbing gear/ fishing roads etc?

My 1991 VW T3 Poptop (Trakka brand) in Australia has something similar to your removable kitchen where the hotplate cabinet rotates outside the sliding door for cooking items that might stink out the interior or it is easily removable by one person and you gain a huge area for non camping activities. If your stovetop could easily slide under the tailgate while camping it would work well for outdoor cooking and simarlly the shower could extend out for outdoor showering. this might not work with your single rear door.

Child bunk over that huge dashboard could work.

A short length van could use the front four seats for dining with a pontoon table removing the need for the centre seating area and move the secondary sleeping area to an optional poptop bed – just a thought.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ford_Timelord

TBH, I am surprise nobody does a kind of a one piece Fiberglass/Foam slide in insert for either vans like the Transit or typical work trailers.

1 month ago
Reply to  Comet_65cali

Many of the new vans on the Australian market at least have tracks in the floor for aiding equipment and seats removal and installation.
Trakka had the kitchen in two removable pods on the later T4 Transporter that was a simalar idea. One was a sink/fridge and the other a swing out propane burner that were removable.
Cutaway drawing

1 month ago
Reply to  Ford_Timelord

Oh I had no clue, glad somebody thought of it.

1 month ago

I can’t remember the company name off the top of my head, but a few months ago I was looking at a company that sold a conversation kit for this exact setup for medium and long wheelbase Mercedes sprinter vans, down to the cart for the roll out bathroom module.

1 month ago

This whole article is incredibly “America” in the same sense as pickup trucks.

I need a camper 3 times a year, so I’ll justify to myself that I’ll daily drive a literal kitchen sink in my commuter vehicle.

Pisco Sour
Pisco Sour
1 month ago
Michael Oneshed
Michael Oneshed
1 month ago

I’m pretty sure you could buy this van in the old Star Frontiers game.

1 month ago

Upgrade the powertrain to one from Edison Motors (Small Diesel Hybrid Electric) to let you actually get to the sites you need and you have a winner.

Added benefit with the diesel is that you can have it kick on automatically and charge up the house batteries as needed

Also don’t get too cute with the back doors. Just extend the back bumper for the step, no sense losing valuable interior storage space if you don’t have to.

Last edited 1 month ago by SoMuchBetterThanJalopnic
Mercedes Streeter
Mercedes Streeter
1 month ago

Shhh, I have an Edison Motors thing lined up for later this week. 😉

1 month ago

I can not wait

23 days ago

About that post….

The Mark
The Mark
1 month ago

We often lament that cars today only come in shades of grey and white. Those 1970s vans are absolutely fantastic.

1 month ago
Reply to  The Mark

Wait until you find out about the airbrushed stuff. I don’t think there was a van around in the late 70s or early 80s that didn’t have a set of Ellie Frazetta’s boobs painted on the side.

PS, Frank Frazetta was the guy that did book covers for a ton of sci-fi and fantasy books back in the 60s-80s. There was always a dude that was absolutely ripped next to a woman who’s clothing was absolutely ripped. He loved using his wife as a model.

PPS, 90% of the time you hear Molly Hatchet from the van too. Frank did the album covers for them.

1 month ago

Love this idea and using a modern van instead of refurbished old van is better since they also downsized most of the parking spots back during the gas shortages to urge people to buy Small cars. Yes I remember that

Beto O'Kitty
Beto O'Kitty
1 month ago

Just buy a $35 tux from a grocery store parking lot. DT can guide you.

1 month ago

I am so down for the portholes & graphics. And my sole vehicle for some time was a Type2 Westphalia, so I would certainly rock it.
When’s the follow-up about the ‘Ring Van? There seems to be plenty of room in that ersatz cab-forward design for 2 motors, so maybe a 4-motor sleeper van?

1 month ago

Just add a little leg/wiener to the name and you have an RV7

1 month ago

Bishop, this seems well thought out and I like the slide out option to remove camper specific items for hauling and other practical use. Sadly, such will never be built.

1 month ago
Reply to  Tbird

Astonishingly at 20ft it’s only 2ft longer than my high school LTDII Coupe and dad’s old Town Car.

The Bishop
The Bishop
1 month ago
Reply to  Tbird

Or a Mark V that had surprisingly little rear seat space.

1 month ago
Reply to  Tbird

My 1991 VW T3 Poptop (Trakka brand) in Australia has something simlar to this. with the hotplate cabinet rotates outside the sliding door for cooking items that might stink out the interior or it is easily removable by one person and you gain a huge area for non camping activities.

Nic Periton
Nic Periton
1 month ago


These had a cool feature, on the A pillars there was a bracket with a matching one on the B pillar. Stowed on the ceiling was a pair of tubes and a roll of fabric. A hammock! The thing could accommodate a family of four for months at a time.

Kurt B
Kurt B
1 month ago

Okay but I want to hear more about this Nürburgring PV7 concept

1 month ago

Did the other site break the comment section with the update?

S gerb
S gerb
1 month ago

Why not have a pop up tent on top of a van for sleeping and have the cabin space for everything else?

Also keeps you from sleeping the same space as a toilet

The Mark
The Mark
1 month ago
Reply to  S gerb

It’s unclear but it does appear the bathroom does have a door (or the shower would splash everywhere). The bubble window on that side could be a pop-out for ventilation too. So, not all that different from a regular RV.

The Bishop
The Bishop
1 month ago
Reply to  The Mark

There is a door there. Plus possibly could even do the trick the Lesharo does where the side expands for when you take a shower.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 month ago

In my best improv voice: “Yes – And…”

Let’s offer extra seats and install additional tracks located beneath the right side floor mat so we can have three across seating in the aft two rows. Then another set of seat mounts in the way-back beneath where the kitchen and bath live so we can have a fifth row of seats for the inevitable daytour-bus version.

1 month ago

No bathroom more space and range and there are often lots of places to go to the bathroom without hauling one with you.

1 month ago
Reply to  4jim

But then you have to stop.

The Bishop
The Bishop
1 month ago

That’s what your empty Mountain Dew bottle is for.

1 month ago

It’s an EV. You’ll have to stop to charge more often than you’ll have to stop to discharge.

1 month ago
Reply to  4jim

Not when wild camping. Walking your significant other to the creepy toilets in an national park a couple of times a night because its creepy outside gets boring quick.

Bill C
Bill C
1 month ago

I’ve always thought it would be fun to have a Transit Connect and give it the tape stripe treatment like the 70’s Cruising Wagons.

1 month ago
Reply to  Bill C

This exist and you can choose your colors. Unfortunately, the site doesn’t preview your color choices.

1 month ago

Yeah, music tastes vary, but nobody can deny that barbershop quartet/Gregorian monks/Fred Durst mashup of Rollin/One Headlight was the shit.

The Bishop
The Bishop
1 month ago
Reply to  SAABstory

Their version of Nookie was fire, too.

1 month ago
Reply to  SAABstory

I refused to attend when I heard the Tibetan Throat Singers cancelled

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