Home » How Much Aero Is Too Much Aero? This Much.

How Much Aero Is Too Much Aero? This Much.

Mucho Aero Ts

When it comes to modifying cars, aerodynamic components are often subject to mockery and criticism. Slapping on a big wing has always been popular with those desperate for the race car look, and it’s easy to overdo things by tacking on silly canards and extraneous vents. Still, few go quite as far as this West Coast Honda owner.

What you’re looking at is an eighth-generation Honda Accord. Based on the tail lights, it looks to be a post-facelift model, built for the 2011 or 2012 model years. All in all, a comfortable, capable commuter car that wouldn’t normally draw the slightest bit of attention. That is, except, for the many jagged adornments decorating every surface of the vehicle.

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Vidframe Min Bottom

This vehicle came to our attention thanks to @skeletonyuth on Twitter. They first posted about the eye-catching Accord back in October last year. Given the striking “aerodynamic” elements, you can see why they saw fit to take a photo.

The Accord, as first spotted by @skeletonyuth.


The Accord has only gotten crazier since then. It wasn’t long before more random parts were added, particularly to the rear doors. Fast forward to today, and the front doors have gained similar levels of complication. You almost have to hunt for the door handle amidst the plastic and (possibly) carbon fiber jungle.

The parts applied to the car are a total mishmash of the functional and the functionally insane. The wheel arches, rear wing, and front splitter are typical tuner mods; you could say the same for the front fender vents, too. However, it’s a little more unconventional to stick random canards all over the body, including in places where they’ll do precisely nothing to aid downforce. Similarly, there appear to be sideskirts affixed to the roof. Quite creative.

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Last year, the look was practically tame by comparison. Credit: @skeletonyuth via Twitter
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It soon got more complicated, as seen in this photo from October last year. Credit: @skeletonyuth via Twitter

The doors themselves are perhaps the biggest standout, though. Beyond the second set of mirrors, it’s hard to even figure out what the owner has stuck on there. It’s just a mess of black protrusions stacked one on top of the other. It appears that various lips, flares, and trim pieces have been stuck on to create the overwhelmingly chaotic sculpture that this car has become.

As you might imagine, a car this crazy doesn’t go unnoticed. The car is routinely spotted out in the world and captured by astounded enthusiasts. It started appearing on Reddit in August last year, most commonly posted by people trying to figure out just exactly what they were looking at.

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The owner has continued to add to the vehicle.
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Some appear to be genuine performance parts, like the Mugen adjustable front splitter, while others are obviously cosmetic-only. One thing stands out, however. Credit: @skeletonyuth via Twitter
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The hood itself remains completely bare. That means there’s more room left to customize! Credit: @skeletonyuth via Twitter

Based on photos online, the car appears to live on the West Coast. It’s been captured in Arizona and the neighboring state of California.


I might have a degree in Aerospace Engineering, but I don’t need it to tell you that this isn’t an effective way to improve your car’s performance. With so many jagged protrusions sticking out into the air stream, this Accord is carrying a lot more drag than stock, for no downforce benefit. With so many random parts hanging off the body, it’s unlikely even the functional parts are having a positive effect on grip at speed.

It’s worth noting that the drag penalty from all these mods would certainly be having a negative impact on fuel economy. The weight doesn’t help, either. It would be great fun to throw this thing in a wind tunnel. Mostly just to see the thick clouds of turbulence pouring off the thick forest of tacked-on hardware.

Yes, it has a tow hook. No, I don’t think most race tracks would let this thing pass scrutineering. Credit: @skeletonyuth via Twitter
Credit: @skeletonyuth via Twitter
Credit: @skeletonyuth via Twitter

Obviously, though, performance isn’t the point of this build. It’s a unique car with an outrageous aesthetic, and it’s certainly good at pulling eyes. It also has a side benefit—it would be pretty hard for anyone to dent the car in a parking lot given there’s so much random stuff hanging off the sides.

All in all, I hope to track this owner down one day for a chat about their beautifully unique build. My first question is already burning, because they’ve left one panel untouched. When are they going to start decorating the hood?!

Image credits: @skeletonyuth via Twitter (permission provided)

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Mark Hughes
Mark Hughes
15 minutes ago

Had he stopped at the first £100 he might have been ok, But no, He had to spend the second £100 too.

Tim Connors
Tim Connors
16 minutes ago

This looks like a Transformer mid transition. Or maybe and industrial grade cheese grater.

Terry Mahoney
Terry Mahoney
23 minutes ago

Words not uttered by this owner…..”That’s enough aero.” Words spoken by this owner… (in Christopher Walken voice) “Needs more aero!”

34 minutes ago

I’d imagine their browser opens straight to Alibaba. UPS driver is on a first name basis and knows when loading their truck which stop the oversize package is headed to.

The owner took a mundane car and turned it into something special. I respect the commitment. Fun!

50 minutes ago

It looks like the owner is a fan of bosozoku but their customization skills are limited to peel-and-stick.

Paul E
Paul E
1 hour ago

This car is a rolling Xzibit meme… “Yo, dawg, I herd you like aero, so I put aero on your aero….”

1 hour ago

You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, @skeletonyuth, why don’t you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
1 hour ago

Hey, that looks like my hairdo!

1 hour ago


Cool Dave
Cool Dave
6 minutes ago
Reply to  GhosnInABox

Good reference!

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
1 hour ago

Why nothing on the hood? Possibly it would be illegal, because, visibility? If so, anything on the hood would attract more pull-overs than it would be worth.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Crank Shaft

If the current state of this car is not illegal, laws must change.

Jason McCarty
Jason McCarty
1 hour ago

My one question: is it symmetrical?

Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
1 hour ago
Reply to  Jason McCarty

I’m too scared to look.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Jason McCarty

it wouldn’t matter one bitwho’s gonna check and/or complain if it isn’t?

Last edited 1 hour ago by SarlaccRoadster
47 minutes ago
Reply to  Jason McCarty

I immediately searched the page for “symm” so I could post this. It sure looks like it to me, so it gets a pass in my book. That’s what keeps it from being an Art Car.

40 minutes ago
Reply to  Jason McCarty

How could you tell?

Dennis Ames
Dennis Ames
1 hour ago

Looks like the “Aero” is growing like mold, or Algae on the sides of the car as time goes by. How does this thing go thru the car wash?

56 minutes ago
Reply to  Dennis Ames

I don’t know anyone with a “normal” tuner car that goes through a car wash. Hand detailing is a part of the hobby.

1 hour ago

Jeeminy Christmas- it looks like it’s been infected by the protomolecule from The Expanse!

54 minutes ago
Reply to  Hautewheels

But the protomolecule enhanced performance. This?!?!?

Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green
1 hour ago

They remind me of the Barnacles that have to be scraped off of ships from time to time…

1 hour ago

Does it seriously have secondary side mirrors to see around all the aero bits?

1 hour ago

Needed this LOL today. Thanks Lewin!

2 hours ago

Hope the owner doesn’t try to “recover the investment” on all this when trying to sell this car.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Jmfecon

It’s the classic “double your car’s value in add-ons in order to halve its overall value” move, also known by its variant: “I know what I’ve got!”

All those genuine Mugen bits are eye-wateringly expensive, if he can’t quite buy a NSX for what he’s spent on those, an S2000-worth is definitely there

Last edited 1 hour ago by SarlaccRoadster
The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
32 minutes ago

There are zero real Mugen bits on this car. Mugen never made anything that look like any of these parts. It’s just a lot of generic ebay aero with fake Mugen stickers on it. Mugen did make aero parts for this generation Accord but this doesn’t have them.

39 minutes ago
Reply to  Jmfecon

Sarlacc beat me to it, but yeah, he knows what he got.

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