On Saturday, Matt published a chilling reminder that you should probably take things a bit easy in the winter. Perhaps most importantly, you don’t want to go on a speed date with a plow truck. But one person in a Subaru WRX did and discovered the one trick automakers don’t want you to know about converting an AWD sedan into a FWD coupe.
Honestly, everything about that crash is pretty amazing. You’d think that a plow truck would do some heavy damage, but it straight-up removed everything from behind the WRX’s B-pillar. In the photos provided in the story, you can see the rear section of the WRX getting winched onto a rollback, snow-covered seats exposed to the elements.

Thankfully, the driver escaped without major injury and there was nobody seated in the deleted section of the vehicle. So, in the worst case, the driver gets an expensive lesson in patience. For the rest of you, it was a prime opportunity to let out some of the best humor we’ve seen on these pages in a while.
Hoonicus easily takes the COTD crown today with this line that made me spit out some water:
Surprised to see the ass on the flatbed, thought for sure it was handed to him.
MrLM002 got me giggling with:
AWD to FWD in the blink of an eye.
@Sol_sees_cars also got a good and sensible chuckle with:
Split in Twobaru
Ranwhenparked was quite clever:
If he had only had a Cobb shifter
Rafael and Canopysaurus also got me hard with these two lines:
You don’t fuck with Mr. Plow…
Unless you’re Mrs. Plow or, maybe, Mr. Plow’s receptionist.
Finally, we have a prediction for how that windowed Harley-Davidson Electra Glide will turn out:
My forecast for this project, no offense meant:
It will be torn down and end up in various boxes stretched between three Hong Kong apartments. It will eventually be determined the project only has hope being finished properly if it comes stateside. (unless it gets a Chinese scooter drivetrain swap with booger welded mounts and a kick start) David and Jason will then persuade Beau to buy two or three other vehicles to ship back to the USA so that the bike will have a container to ride in. Then it will end up sitting on the Galpin lot for an additional three years until David gets all the parts together to restore it. It will then be restored with a mix of Tracy ingenuity, swap meet parts, way too expensive NOS parts, and Harbor Freight specials. All the while Mercedes will be drooling over and pining for it.It may end up being the most expensive vehicle in the Tracy stable if it is restored with proper parts.
Am I close?
Heck, I’d buy that Harley right now if it weren’t an ocean away. You can make an engine case out of JB Weld, right? Have a great evening, everyone!
About the WRX… you can also turn it into a FWD car… by removing a fuse. I don’t know _why_ this is true… but it is. Or at least it is for the Saabaru 9-2x… so I assume it applies to the WRX.
I would have thought the drivetrain was purely mechanical… but clearly not.
That’s true of all modern automatic Subarus; they use a clutch to engage the rear wheels as needed. The manual WRX models have a fully mechanical full-time AWD system with a center differential.
Thank you for highlighting my prognosticating skills!
I honestly wish the best of luck for the project; just we all know how reality can be a very cruel mistress.
Have a great day everyone!
I didn’t even get to the comment of the week, the byline alone had me laugh proper. That sudden Bluetooth rear wheel drive can upset the handling dynamics. I’ve read.
Thank You Mercedes, the elusive “made me spit out some water” achieved!
I loled pretty hard at your comment.
This partial comment, posted by a user in the comments after the Hyundai ion article, deserves comment of the month. Why, look what time it is! It’s “Fuck-That-Shit”-O’clock! I am still laughing!
Dang, never thought I’d get COTD. Glad you got a giggle or two out of it Mercedes.
That being said I think @Sol_sees_cars got me beat with his
JB Weld engine blocks sounds like a great experiment
Don’t give David Tracy any ideas!
I think it’d be great viewing… something for Autopian TV
Autopian band name?
David Tracy’s Ideas – a shoe gaze band?
Paging Project Farm. Project Farm to The Autopian please!