Home » Hydrolocking Your Car’s Engine Isn’t Funny, But These Puns Will Have You Cracking Up: COTD

Hydrolocking Your Car’s Engine Isn’t Funny, But These Puns Will Have You Cracking Up: COTD


One of the worst moments you can experience as a car owner is the realization that you’ve screwed up. Maybe you tried repairing something that’s way beyond your skill level or your finances. Maybe you made a wrong turn and caused a crash. Or maybe you drove your pickup truck on a frozen lake and now it’s sleeping with the fish.

Crossing through deep water can be another huge mistake. If the water is moving, you could get carried away. If the water is still, you can still find out it’s way deeper than you expected. Either way, taking on a flooded road can get bad quickly. A poor Renault Clio driver learned this the hard way after their engine sucked up some water and hydrolocked as the driver tried to bring it back. Readers had too much fun with this one. Ignatius J. Reilly:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Hydrolocking is just another name for hydroforming without the proper tooling.


Clio-ly this was a stupid move.


The unmitigated Gaul of this driver.



Come on now, there’s being Franc and then there’s being rude.


Sometimes you just have to know when to baguette up.



If you Renault you Renault.

Finally, my favorite came from Paul E:

Renault, Renault, Renault your boat
Gently through the stream
Rattly, rattly, rattly, rattly
Repairs are like a scream.


I’ve more than once asked my parents why they always buy black or white cars and they tell me it’s because those shades go with everything and black always looks classy. Of course, dealerships also stock the shades most likely to sell even though a manufacturer may make more fun colors. Still, Data’s comment on the Honda Passport piece is so sad, but true:

What a great color, too bad Honda will only build 5 in that color and the rest will be in 50 shades of gray, black, white, and silver.

Car enthusiasts joke about the hilarious ways companies try to contact them about their car’s extended warranties. Thankfully, the extended warranty pop-up ads in Jeeps were glitches, but StillNotATony’s comment is still hilarious:




I love it. Have a great evening, everyone!

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1 month ago

My 2005 MDX is that great dark green they used to sell. The daughter’s Vibe is blue.

1 month ago

50 shades of gray and the Honda Passport sound like an oddly secretive yet very accurate Venn diagram overlap.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ash78

Who knew passport owners loved the worst book of a genre.

1 month ago

Les Comments du Jour, a group effort! Viva la révolution!

Last edited 1 month ago by Zeppelopod
1 month ago

I’ve come to realize something about this whole color thing. PEOPLE are boring. We make some fun little 3D printed projects in my classes. I have a bunch of filament colors to choose from. Freaking 80% of middle schoolers choose black or white. It makes me want to scream.

1 month ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

People are boring. Trying to convince them to be otherwise brings out untold cognitive dissonance.
Also, it is easier to find fun people. Not that ALL B/W/G car color people are boring, but I will narrow my guessing accordingly if I am confronted by a grey Passport and a burnt orange metallic anything.

1 month ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

Oof. I mean, I’ll print functional stuff in black or white if that goes with wherever I’m installing it, but if it’s decorative I’m printing it out of rainbow silk PLA or something like that.

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
1 month ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

People are CHEAP. The manufactures figured out that it would cost them a couple of bucks to load the paint robots with a different color (colour in Canada), so they charge multiple hundreds of dollars to order any color other than black, white or gray.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hondaimpbmw 12

I regret to inform you that people are in fact actually just boring. These are children who can pick from a dozen+ colors at zero cost to them (or me IDGAF). They almost always choose white or black.

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
1 month ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

Well, except for the Plymouth Chump I bought because it was there when i needed a car, I have refused to buy red cars. OTOH, a burnt orange or that 90s green would be totally acceptable. Sadly, I’ve bought most of my cars out of necessity or used, and didn’t get a lot of choices. So, since 77, they’ve been silver, black or white (we won’t count the 72 Dodge sorta conversion van in bronze.)

1 month ago
Reply to  Hondaimpbmw 12

Neither of my vehicles are colorful, but I wish they were. I bought my ’06 GMC Sierra new, but it was on super-duper clearance sale to make way for the new GMT-900 trucks that were about to arrive, so I had to take what was available, which was silver. It shares daily driving duties with a ’99 Corolla I bought a couple years ago from a friend for $200. It is grandmother white.

But when had our pick of all the new vehicles to buy for my wife 10 years ago, we chose a Soul Red 2015 CX-5. I was hoping to get the electric blue that they launched that vehicle with, but it had been discontinued. When I dream shop for new trucks, I’m always picking bright blues and greens. I love a good orange too, and the world needs more purple cars IMO.

Hondaimpbmw 12
Hondaimpbmw 12
1 month ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

I do love the Mazda Soul Red. I think it is the best red ever. If a car that I wanted was available in that red and met other requirements at no price penalty, it might convince me to change my stance on red.

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