Home » I Need Y’all To Back Me Up Here And Help David Understand How Wrong He Is: Tales From The Slack

I Need Y’all To Back Me Up Here And Help David Understand How Wrong He Is: Tales From The Slack

Tfts The Wire

David is wrong and if you want to know why he’s wrong, well, become a member here.

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1 year ago


1 year ago

Idris Elba is one of the few actors I can identify, and I’ve heard of The Wire, but I never watched it and I couldn’t tell you the plot or name any of the characters. That said, movie stars swearing is something I can get behind.

Acrimonious Mofo
Acrimonious Mofo
1 year ago

I absolute never side with David on these things because he is usually just flat out wrong when it comes to the cultural zeitgeist, however I think he’s kind of right on this one.
Based on the commentary herein it seems I am far from the only unwashed heathen that hasn’t seen “The Wire” and didn’t grok the meme.

Last edited 1 year ago by Acrimonious Mofo
Erik Waiss
Erik Waiss
1 year ago

Ditto. I’m aware the Wire exists, but I couldn’t name a character or point to a face in it to save my life. Big whiff on that reference.

1 year ago

I’m with David on not being familiar with the wire. I think I have watched only 2 or 3 things from HBO, and one of those if 1.5 seasons of Game of Thrones in college.

When this show was on I didn’t know anyone with HBO, only a few friends had anything beyond the most basic of cable.

With all that – I knew that was a pop culture topshot because I have seen all the SNL based topshots. I have no idea if it would drive new traffic from a news site – which I think was Davids point. Everyone here was probably going to click the article anyway.

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
1 year ago

I have never seen The Wire (just not my jam)

Despite this, I know roughly half the cast, their roles, and the general plot of the show.

Yes David, it was wide reaching.

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago

What does DT think?

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago

Okay I revisited the aforementioned picture. I recognize the African American gentleman from severs shows. I have never seen the white guy who I assume is Itchy Elbow?

Last edited 1 year ago by Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr Sarcastic

Neither of those guys is Idris Elba. The topshot for this article isn’t the topshot they’re taking about in the article. Reading is hard, but try to keep up.

I think it’s time for a new prescription, or maybe you just need a nap.

1 year ago

This is how cultural osmosis happens. I see a quote I don’t know, I click because Idris Elba (duh!), and today I learned about Stringer Bell.
90% of my knowledge of either The Wire, Sopranos and (up until last year) Game of Thrones was acquired this way.
Pop culture might bring lots clicks, but curiosity (and Idris Elba) probably bring even more!

1 year ago

My opinion is that fretting over whether most readers will relate to a pop culture reference is unnecessary.
Have a funny pop culture reference that not everyone will get? Use it and maybe post a link to a clip so that people can get some context as many do in the comments.

Readers will click on a post whether they relate to the reference or not (as long as the subject of the article is compelling).

Who has complete knowledge of all of pop culture from the 80’s up to today?
I’d argue that it is a very small % of people in this (or any other) readership.

Did I get the reference to The Wire? Who cares?

If Staff is having fun with a reference, so will we.

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago
Reply to  Bleeder

If auto correct doesn’t recognize it, and in this case it doesn’t, it isn’t common knowledge.

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
1 year ago
Reply to  Bleeder

My opinion is that fretting over whether most readers will relate to a pop culture reference is unnecessary.

The problem is (as they stated) depending on the story and what algorithm picks it up, the pop culture reference at the head of the article can have a major impact on clicks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Asa

I see your point. I typically visit the site a couple of times per day simply based on routine rather than accessing an article via another source, so algorithms don’t determine what I see.

That said, the pop culture reference at the head of the article in question was text photoshopped onto an image, so I’m not sure how an algorithm would be able to pick that out. I could be missing something, I admit.

The title of the article, “How Mexico Could Help China ‘Demolish’ The U.S. Car Industry” makes no pop culture reference.
Apologies for parading my ignorance, if that’s what is happening. :shrug:

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
1 year ago
Reply to  Bleeder

Nah, its not that the algorithm is gonna recognize the text (although with AI advancing, maybe it can? Maybe soon? Dunno)
Its that the algorithm is gonna serve up the article and typically the lead-in picture (Look at google news for examples of what I mean) and that lead-in picture is gonna get recognized by the person the algorithm is trying to get interactions from.

The site doesn’t need to use algorithms to snag you, its already got you visiting. However there are plenty of people out there that don’t have exposure to it and its those people that the algorithm is trying to latch onto.

That make sense?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Asa

It does. Thanks for the civil discourse! 😉

1 year ago

Stringer Bell like David I have NFC, I don’t watch TV except when walking by.
Google Lens recognized him and gave me lots of references that I didn’t pursue.
I click the content on the site for a look at the text anyway.

1 year ago

Idris Elba : YES. 100%
The Wire : Aware it was a critics’ darling, have never seen (and i do watch HBO)
Stringer Bell : unfamiliar; woulda guessed that’s a young(er) actress…
The quote : nope, no recognition

My anecdotal experience above as well as many comments here lead to…
Verdict : David > Matt

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