Home » I Really Don’t Want To Daily-Drive Our Pontiac Aztek For A Month But I’m Going To Do It Because I’m A Man Of My Word

I Really Don’t Want To Daily-Drive Our Pontiac Aztek For A Month But I’m Going To Do It Because I’m A Man Of My Word

Aztek Daily Ts1

Five months ago, The Autopian promised you, dear readers, that — if you became a member of this esteemed website — we’d purchase a Pontiac Aztek, I’d daily drive it for a month, and then I’d sleep in it for a week. Well, we have the Aztek, we are finishing up editing an incredible video of how we crashed the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance with it, and now it’s time for me to daily drive the thing, but I just don’t want to.

You’re going to say I’ve gone soft, and on some level, maybe I have. My BMW i3 requires no gasoline, it’s quiet, it’s luxurious, it has bluetooth so I can take business calls while stuck in traffic (where I spend much of my life), it’s reliable, it’s small and easy to park, and I could go on and on.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

The Autopian’s Pontiac Aztek — a ridiculously practical machine that’s in insanely good condition given its $3,600 price — is very few of these things. It’s a gas guzzler; it’s spartan inside; it’s stuck in the worst period of automotive entertainment (just before auxiliary ports, just after cassette tapes, thus requiring me to use the dreaded FM transmitter to play music/phones over the speakers); it’s decently reliable but given its age much less so than the i3; it’s big and hard to park; it’s loud; and its worst fault? It’s got a four-speed slushbox that just makes the thing feel slow and lifeless.


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I know, I’m being a baby. But it’s true — going from a 1965 Plymouth Valiant/1985 Jeep J10/2000 Chevy Tracker/1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee/etc etc to a 2014 BMW i3 really ruined me. Maybe it was age, too, or maybe it was just LA’s chaos. Yeah, I bet that’s it; in Michigan, daily driving an old car was honestly a joy. It was a smooth, quiet, almost calming thing. In LA it’s OMG YOU’RE GONNA DIE THERE’S A BIKER SPLITTING LANES OH AND A HUGE SEMI TRUCK AND A FORD RANGER WITH A 12 FOOT TALL LOAD IN THE BED OH WAIT WHY IS SOMEONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD WHY IS EVERYONE HONKING OH WAIT I’M JUST SITTING STILL.



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So today it begins. September 17 to October 17: One month of Pontiac Aztek Daily Driving. Will the car last a month? Will I fall in love with it (again)? Will I grow to loath it?

Guess I’m about to find out.

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Phantom Pedal Syndrome
Phantom Pedal Syndrome
1 day ago

Just… don’t smash your nuts in any of the doors. Please!

1 day ago

This is exciting, not least because this is the most direct representation of my vote counting since they took away my voting rights in 7th grade for too many in school suspensions. Okay, maybe the only representation.

1 day ago

Are you using the Gregorian calendar or the Aztec calendar to determine when your sentence is up? Makes a difference.

George CoStanza
George CoStanza
1 day ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

He’s using the Aztek calendar!

Adrian Gordon
Adrian Gordon
1 day ago

I guess i’m going to be watching for this in traffic when i’m in LA next week

Creative Username
Creative Username
1 day ago

To make things interesting, drive the Aztek along the beach and give it a good soaking with seawater, then see if it develops rust holes before the 30 days of daily driving are over.

Totally not a robot
Totally not a robot
1 day ago

David is driving it. It’ll start to rust even if he details it daily.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
1 day ago

I don’t really get a vote, but I’d be wiling to exchange David’s promise for Adrian comes over and lives for a week in it. He has expressed an interest, better or worse, in the model before after all.

Last edited 1 day ago by Jack Trade
Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 day ago

Ya know, if you parked at Dockwiler beach for the week – you’d have the most unique beach van in LA. And you can walk down to my fave taco stand in Manhattan Beach.

But I would not park overnight in Manhattan Beach.
They’ll tow you away.

Don’t even think about driving thru Malibu.
Those people will tow you while you’re still behind the wheel because the Aztek is lowering their property values.
Unless you want to get daring and park in front of Ye’s old place.

Fix It Again Tony
Fix It Again Tony
1 day ago

You better get that “living in the Aztec for a week” done before it gets cold and the storms start rolling in.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
1 day ago

It gets cold in Hollywood?

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 day ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

It gets very chilly in Hollywood when even your agent won’t return your calls.

Last edited 1 day ago by Urban Runabout
1 day ago

Cold in Southern California? Girl didn’t they warn you? It is hot until winter. Lived in AZ for a few years. The long term resident boat owners pulled their boats out of the water when temperatures dropped below 90 because it was too cold.
As a challenge what movie did this come from? It may not be 100% correct.
The white people are melting
A good movie not racist.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
1 day ago

The only movie I know of where a white guy melted is Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
1 day ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

Frosty the Snowman?

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 day ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

Melting Nazis is my idea of a good time.

Angel "the Cobra" Martin
Angel "the Cobra" Martin
1 day ago

Having grown up in the 80’s, I can honestly say that the Aztek is far superior to any vehicle my friends drove in high school. Your car has A/C, PS, PB, PDL, PW, and a working radio. My car was a ’69 Bronco, well before they were cool. Manual choke, crank windows, NO power steering or brakes, and three on the tree. So, quit being so soft and just enjoy the malaise.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 day ago

I’d rather drive the Bronco.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
1 day ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

Why? Do you like choking on carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons?

Last edited 1 day ago by Cheap Bastard
Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
1 day ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

When I’m driving a 1969 Bronco, yes, I do like choking on carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons. Not too much though, that means I need to do some tuning for optimal power.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 day ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

I do that already.
I drive a convertible.

1 day ago

I will buy an Aztec and trade you for the Bronco

Vic Vinegar
Vic Vinegar
1 day ago

The Aztek has got to be like driving a Cadillac compared to the J10.

Maryland J
Maryland J
1 day ago

Do we have any prop bets of when it’s going to die or otherwise leave David stranded on the side of the road?

1 day ago

You can avoid the daily driving by parking at the office and living in there for a month.

1 day ago

I am loath to say this, but you may grow to loathe the car.

I think the most frustrating aspect of dailying the Aztek may be the mid-ness of it. Your i3s are much nicer and better suited for the job, and at least when you’re driving one of the Jeeps or some other vehicle that is impressively ill-suited for LA traffic you’re still driving something fun and you know why you’re driving something less than ideal. The mid-ness of the Aztek just… is.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
1 day ago

Love this so much. Sorry that it involves you suffering. But still love it! 😀

1 day ago

“It’s spartan inside…” Ummm, there is a freaking cooler as the center console, sir.

Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
1 day ago
Reply to  David Tracy

Go Green!

The Mark
The Mark
1 day ago
Reply to  Geoff Buchholz

Go White!

Danger Ranger
Danger Ranger
1 day ago
Reply to  The Mark


1 day ago

As a representative of the members I can agree to change the rules. You can DD it for a week but you’ll have to live in for a month.

1 day ago

I second the motion.

1 day ago
Reply to  10001010

We have a second. All in favor, say aye!

1 day ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

The ayes have it. Motion carries.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
1 day ago
Reply to  David Tracy

Trust me. It’s good.

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
1 day ago


Who Knows
Who Knows
1 day ago

Live in it for a month of “overlanding” out in the boondocks of Nevada and Utah?

Abdominal Snoman
Abdominal Snoman
1 day ago

The autopian thing to do would be to go on a week long road trip from LA to NC, with a stop in Chicago to pick up Mercedes. Leave in a stock Aztek, and then arrive at Torch’s place in an Aztek shaped RV complete with a toilet + shower, awning, and integrated outdoor kitchen, and then “gift” it to Torch before draining any of the tanks.

Alpine 911
Alpine 911
1 day ago

Meal of choice: spaghetti in the shower

1 day ago
Reply to  Alpine 911

I really prefer shower lasagna, but either way the steam ruins the garlic bread.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
1 day ago

How about sink penne? Sinkaroni? Bidet gnocchi?

Matt Hardigree
Matt Hardigree
1 day ago

I should have just brought this thing home with me, I’d definitely daily this for a month.

1 day ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

There’s always next month’s membership campaign…

1 day ago

But will he still want it after David camps in it for a week?

Matt Hardigree
Matt Hardigree
1 day ago

I’m holding out for next year when we ask for 500 members to get a Murano CrossCabriolet.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
1 day ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

that’s a terrible thing to ask of your members.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
1 day ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

Only if it’s that lovely teal color.
Or the brown press loaner that Joel Feder had when he and I drove around LA during an LA Auto Show many moons ago…..

1 day ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

You monster! Unless you manage to cram Adrian in it, in which case it’s time to start saving up you buy gift subscriptions.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
1 day ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

See David? It’s better than a Subaru Forester!

1 day ago

This started as:
“If 200 People Become Autopian Members In April I Will Purchase A Pontiac Aztek, Daily-Drive It For A Month, And Live In It.”Live in it means you eat, sleep, read, you know… live. Not just sleep. “I’ll even blog from inside the tent?”

A. Barth
A. Barth
1 day ago
Reply to  David Tracy

That’s the spirit. Looking forward to reading about your adventures from a comfortable couch in a climate-controlled home. 😉

1 day ago
Reply to  David Tracy

I will not disappoint.

By putting this off for five months. you already have. And, really, you disappointed in the initial post, which had a headline reading “If 200 People Become Autopian Members In April I Will Purchase A Pontiac Aztek, Daily-Drive It For A Month, And Live In It” that said nothing about any time limit on your Aztek residency, a bait-and-switch only qualified nine paragraphs in by the words “for an entire work-week,” (sic ) thus misleading the large community of site visitors who go off half-cocked and doubly credit-carded after reading just the headline. And I won’t even mention the improper hyphenation of “work-week,” except passive-aggressively like I did just there.

Last edited 1 day ago by AlterId
Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
1 day ago
Reply to  AlterId

I don’t know if this is satirical or if you’re really mad

1 day ago
Reply to  Rust Buckets

And that is the source of my power.

1 day ago

Did you already sleep in it for a week?

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
1 day ago

Five months ago, The Autopian promised you, dear readers, that — if you became a member of this esteemed website — we’d purchase a Pontiac Aztek, I’d daily drive it for a month, and then I’d sleep in it for a week.

First paragraph, first sentence. Emphasis added.

Taco Shackleford
Taco Shackleford
1 day ago

Hopefully you fall back in love with it before that week of living in there. I can only imagine how terribly short tempered I would be if I had to drive something I don’t like for a month, growing more agitated with each mile, and then make it my home for a week.

Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
1 day ago

Yeah, except it’s a pretty cushy 2000s minivan so it’s really not hateful to drive

John Verlautz
John Verlautz
1 day ago

Cali traffic – LOL

You’re not in Kansas anymore, DT.

1 day ago

Are you going to overlap the 1 week of living with the 1 month of DD? Or will these be performed serially to avoid spilling your breakfast cereal?

Also, we expect there will be no cheating with overnight SO visits to ~Elise during the 1 week of live-in.

1 day ago

However, she is more than welcome to stop by your automotive apartment during your “living in” week.

El Jefe de Barbacoa
El Jefe de Barbacoa
1 day ago
Reply to  755_SoCalRally

If the Aztek is rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’.

1 day ago

Agreed. Visits from ~Elise are acceptable, dare I say, even encouraged! Suspension tests are are a very important, and oft overlooked, part of a car review.

Max Headbolts
Max Headbolts
1 day ago

Go spend $300 on an aftermarket radio that supports fruit and robots, it’ll take 30 minutes to install and life will be so much better.

Here’s a link:

Last edited 1 day ago by Max Headbolts
1 day ago
Reply to  Max Headbolts

Came here to say that, worth it!

1 day ago
Reply to  Max Headbolts

I’m definitely for supporting Fruits AND Robots, but I’m not sure I want a radio that does both for me.

Angry Bob
Angry Bob
1 day ago
Reply to  Max Headbolts

Here’s one that does everything for $54. I put one in my Odyssey and it’s awesome. It’s a double-din but surely there’s a GM sized equivalent at the same price point.

1 day ago
Reply to  Max Headbolts

No way, we should not be giving DT any outs here. He needs to experience the Aztek in ALL its glory, and this suggestion of an aftermarket Bluetooth stereo is a slippery slope.

Rob Schneider
Rob Schneider
1 day ago
Reply to  ColoradoFX4

Better confiscate the FM transmitter then, too. (Just kidding, David)

1 day ago
Reply to  Rob Schneider

I’m thinking a CD of That’s What I Call Music circa 2003 on continuous loop. Not only would this be period correct, but would force DT to learn a bit of pop culture.

Arch Duke Maxyenko
Arch Duke Maxyenko
1 day ago

David’s Aztek journal is going to read like entries found in Fallout computers.

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
1 day ago

Hopefully this doesn’t end in a jet addiction. And hopefully there’s no Deathclaw hanging around the camp spot.

1 day ago

Middle age hit David like a wrecking ball (tie-in with one of the other stories header pics for synergy). There’s nothing wrong with enjoying more comfort. Embrace it.

Shooting Brake
Shooting Brake
1 day ago
Reply to  David Tracy

No, you are not

Middle age, or middle adulthood, is the age range of the years halfway between childhood and old age. The exact range is subject to academic debate, but the term is commonly used to denote the age range from around 40–45 to around 60–65 years

1 day ago
Reply to  Data

He’s not middle age, he’s just going bougie.

Rust Buckets
Rust Buckets
1 day ago
Reply to  Data

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying comfort, but IMO there is a lot wrong with having a life so cushy you reject all discomfort and exclusively drive a comfortable, silent and intensely boring electric BMW.

Not throwing shade at David because he doesn’t drive the i3 exclusively, but I would be super throwing shade at David if he did drive the i3 exclusively.

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