Home » If Aliens Steal Your Car, What Will They Learn About Humanity? Autopian Asks

If Aliens Steal Your Car, What Will They Learn About Humanity? Autopian Asks

Aa Aliens

I’m not entirely sure why, but often when I drive, especially when I’m driving the Pao, I have this recurring waking dream about being abducted by some manner of alien tractor beam, car and all, and then placed in some vast cargo hold of an alien spacecraft to be taken who knows where. Maybe there’s other cars in the hold, maybe some car-scaled vehicles from places other than Earth, which this particular race of aliens is clearly collecting for some sort of space menagerie/car/vehicle show. And when I think about this, I look around at the interior of my funny little car and wonder just what these aliens may learn from it?

You see, I’ve often felt that if you had to give one human artifact from our normal, daily lives to an alien culture to teach them as much as possible about humanity, I think a car would be an excellent choice. One car can give aliens a sense of what human bodies are structured like and what sorts of dexterities they have, they have examples of written language all over the place, a huge variety of materials, and those materials are markedly different from the inside and outside, giving an idea of the sorts of environments we prefer to surround ourselves in.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

The HVAC system gives a sense of the sorts of environmental parameters we like, the radio/infotainment/audio system can tell our range of hearing and hint at our appreciation of musical arts, lights and colors suggest the visual spectrum we can see, the style and design of the car says something about the aesthetic concepts we hold, and so on.

But that’s cars in general. What about your own car?

Like, for my Pao, they’re not really going to get a sense of what the state-of-the-art technology that humans are capable of, because not only is my car from 1990, but even then it wasn’t exactly cutting-edge. Unless I leave my phone in there, maybe. The most advanced thing that stays in the car is probably the cigarette lighter-plug Bluetooth adapter and the USB-powered magnetic wireless charging doohickey I have on the dash to hold/charge my phone.


I do have a good number of random papers and stuff folded up in door pockets which may prove interesting, and some weird little random things on the under-dash parcel shelf, like a keychain of a VW Beetle and perhaps a Lego minifig. Also, there’s lots of stickers in Japanese on the car from its former life in Japan, so there’s multiple language systems that could be learned.

It’s a sort of edge case, automotively, though, and I think it’d give any aliens a pretty skewed view of what cars are generally like on Earth. Also, I try to keep it clean, so I tend not to have a lot of, say, food trash in the car, but in this particular case, if I had a bunch of Taco Bell wrappers and boxes in there, I bet the alien scientists would love that.

But what about you? If some flying saucer comes and tractor beams your car away, what will they think of humanity as a result? Be honest, now. Unflinchingly so, please.


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Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
11 minutes ago

Not my car, but the one I drive regularly, as in two hours: 1) Powershift sucks. 2) People seem to hate the joy of driving a good-handling car. 3) People like bold colors (never take a part for the whole). 4) Humans cart around insane amounts of sheets and towels (until they google what an AirBnB host is). 5) Humans also cart around food and drinks for a couple days. 6) Humans have a very colorful language while driving around other humans.

Who Knows
Who Knows
1 hour ago

They will think we are all dirty, filthy beasts that have even messier offspring and small pet creatures that leave muddy tracks all over everything.

Mike F.
Mike F.
1 hour ago

Our vehicles are prevented from flying off into space due to their high density (with their tractor beam unexpectedly struggling to bring in such a small car).A large number of bags made from both cloth and petroleum-derived materials contained in the trunk indicate that humans are continually prepared to stop and gather objects from the landscape.Humans have extremely short attention spans and thus require constant notices from the car regarding proximity of other objects within the immediate vicinity of the car. These notices come in the form of annoying pulsating sounds.Since the aliens have been listening to our radio broadcasts for decades, they are surprised to note that the only forms of music listened to while moving are obscure rock, alt-country, and blues. There are no commercials on car radio systems as the presets show only satellite and community radio stations. By far, the most popular artist for human mobile listening is David Bromberg who is otherwise virtually unknown. The bloviating agitators who dominate the AM frequencies are not selected for, perhaps in order to prevent those in the car from becoming so unhinged that they unnecessarily attack other vehicles (see next point).A hatch in the roof of the car allows a passenger to stand up through the roof while the car is in motion, perhaps in order to fire weapons at other vehicles. This is a controversial theory as no such weapon is found in the car. Supporters of the theory point to the constant, universal human fondness for eliminating each other.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mike F.
2 hours ago

Common, you guys are starting extremely early for april fools posts.. The last 10 front page post are ridiculous.. no way these can be real articles.. anyway, the van goes under the blade tomorrow, we’re adding new performance trans mounts, Just dropped off the damaged wheels to the powder coaters and with the help of eastwood company we think we’ve found that hyper silver color. next we’re 2 weeks in and waiting on the powder coated coil springs. Plus we invited statefarm to our track tour as they have a lifted NV200..

Angry Bob
Angry Bob
2 hours ago

When the human race has ended and all evidence of our existence has subducted into the magma of the earth, the only traces of our species will be the five rovers left on the moon and a Tesla Roadster orbiting the sun. I think aliens will understand us.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
2 hours ago

That some, perhaps many of us were Cheap Bastards.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
3 hours ago

“It’s hard to believe the humans packed this much ‘meh’ in one transportation device”

“We must study them. Prepare the probes.”

3 hours ago

How hard white great Dane hair from a dog you briefly took care of 6 months ago is to remove from a black cloth seat. It’s woven in there or something.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Staffma

My dog’s short hairs pierce through the seatbacks into the cloth, the way a pin does.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Wolfpack57

It’s the worst – 15-minute ride turns into 1 hr. of vacuuming if I forget to put the backseat cover in. My lifetime dogs are all mostly black and shorthaired so it’s not as noticeable, but this white dog/horse wrecked the joint.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
1 hour ago
Reply to  Staffma

Try a Dyson Animal. I was going to sent this to DT since he’s got an i3 and may need to transport a load of ducks and dogs someday:

“I have great first-hand experience!

Got my brand new i3 less than a week ago and yesterday I needed to go pick up some ducks. 20 loud, stinky, muddy, poopy ducks. Folded back seats down, ensured the ‘i function’ cover was well-placed to cover as much as possible, and then put 4 cardboard boxes in the back, each containing 5 ducks. Journey home was uneventful. When I was unloading the 4th box, my dog picked up on me having something potentially tasty to play with so jumped up, knocking the box from my hand. One of the ducks popped out of the box and went flapping into the car with muddy, ****** feet as horror and grimace rinsed across my face.

So I mentioned the dog. She’s a big dog with a double-coat made for surviving arctic cold–an Alaskan Malamute. Been transporting her all week in the back (seats up) with the ‘i function’ cover. She is currently molting–I could knit a sweater with how much fur I brush out of her every evening.

All of that info to set the scene of how I spent an hour cleaning my brand new, less-than-400 miles on the clock, i3 from mud, duck ****, and dog fur. Like all things, the right tools make a job easier. We have an animal model Dyson–the animal brush attachment sucks up fur from any material without issue. We’ve been using it for a year in the house so already knew its value–same in the car, perfectly vacuuming off the dog hair from all the various surfaces/materials. I mention the Dyson first because it came with a foam cleaner. I tested a small spot to make sure it wouldn’t discolor the fabric. It didn’t, and 30 minutes later I was vacuuming up the dried foam right along with the dried mud and duck crap. For the non-fabric surfaces, I just used a generic ‘all surface’ cleaner–spray and wipe. The “hardest” part, which really was not that hard at all, is the slightly raised hex pattern of the plastic. It required a few more circular movements to get the mud/crap off as opposed to a perfectly smooth surface but again it wasn’t hard at all.

Everything is back to brand new and was not difficult to clean. I don’t intend on mucky ducks flapping around the car again, though the weekly vacuuming of the dog hair will be a quick 5 minute job.”


Last edited 1 hour ago by Cheap Bastard
Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
9 minutes ago
Reply to  Staffma

My white dog left hair in leather-covered seats; you wipe them away and they reappear. Now you explain that to me.

Carbon Fiber Sasquatch
Carbon Fiber Sasquatch
4 hours ago

They’d see that I like little hatchbacks, hats (I have been follically challenged since 27) and Italian Plumbing Bros.

4 hours ago

They would ask why small humans seem to cache scraps of food in and around their seats and door pockets. Are they preparing for coming lean times? Is it a human instinct their parental units have successfully managed to control but the tiny humans are still learning that? Why do they only stash crumbs and single crackers? And why aren’t the scraps of food stored in containers of some sort instead of just strewn about the cabin and pressed into the seat crevices? Is it ceremonial?

4 hours ago

Reminds me of one of the weirdest and best Regular Car Reviews episodes.

“You humans. It’s amazing how much velocity you can extract from your ancestors.”

Geo Metro Mike
Geo Metro Mike
5 hours ago

Despite all the electronic gizmos, wires, and computer chips, we’re still a primitive species when they discover the knob with an image of a stick and a wavy line that creates fire.

Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
5 hours ago

They will learn that the overcomplicated startup procedure on their spacecraft isn’t so bad after all.

5 hours ago

The young males of the species, replicating the vain and insecure chest beating of their primate ancestors, arm their personal transport vessels with noise making apparatus such as the “sub-woofer” and the “fart-can” in a pitiful attempt to convey their masculinity to the other members of the pack through intimidating noise rituals.

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
5 hours ago

That we are obsessively clean and that we must worship our transport.

5 hours ago

Ketchup expands when it freezes and the resulting explosion welds shards of packet to the carpet fibers while a car is parked under cover but unheated through the entirety of two of the worst noreasters in as many years while its owner visited family in Florida by means of other transportation.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
6 hours ago

Thanks a lot Torch. /s
Your stupid dream reminded me of one of my favorite dreams.

About me and Agent Scully being abducted at the same time, and being encouraged to make low budget porn movies for both the Aliens, and the God damned Cigarette smoking man.

In my dream everything is great. Great times. Especially the part where Scully suggested to the Aliens that they also abduct some of her former sorority sisters to join the fun. And they agree.

Until some fucker knocks on the spaceship door and wants to know if anyone ordered a pizza?
Not something I care to be a part of. I mean the idea of pizza in space is excellent, but the god damned delivery guy looks like Elon the Interstellar Turd…
Thanks a lot.
You demented bastard…

Which made me ask: why aren’t there more hot babes delivering pizza?

Last edited 5 hours ago by Col Lingus
Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
4 hours ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

You have my attention. Please tell us more.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
4 hours ago

I always wake up in a cold sweat when Stormy Daniels appears.
Can’t win them all I guess…YMMV

6 hours ago

I think they’d learn that we can shed a wheeled exoskeleton in exchange for a slower form of bipedal mobility.

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