Home » If Dodge’s Latest Cars Were A Baseball Team: COTD

If Dodge’s Latest Cars Were A Baseball Team: COTD

Cotd Dodge Strikeout Ts2

Stellantis brands are having a pretty rough go of things right now. Chrysler technically has two cars in its lineup, but it’s really just the same van sold under two names. Ram and Jeep have things going on, but then we arrive at Dodge.

Oh, poor Dodge.

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All New Dodge Charger Daytona Scat Pack
Image: Dodge

The new Dodge Charger Daytona has finally hit the streets (our contributor Sam likes it!), and as Lewin wrote, at least one dealer is already slicing tens of thousands of dollars off of its asking prices. Oof. It’s just been a series of misses for poor ‘ol Dodge, from the slow-selling Hornet to the terrible ad campaigns where Dodge tried its hardest to make its EVs seem like tough-guy stuff. “First Last” put Dodge’s bad luck into baseball terms:

Bottom of the ninth. The once- dominant Team Dodge is trailing with two outs and desperately needs a hit or their season is finished. Only the most hardcore Dodge fans remain in the stadium. The team finally sends in a new player. The hopeful fans squint down at the field.

Is that an expensive EV? STRIKE!

Does that thing have retro styling? STRIKE TWO!!

The fans, on the edge of their seats, wait for the third pitch …

It’s … a coupe!

I would say that Dodge is the 2024 Chicago White Sox, but that distinction probably belongs to Chrysler right now. [Sheryl’s note: No, Chrysler is the 2025 Miami Marlins and Dodge is the Angels.]

Image: Paramount/Autopian illustration

In other news, we try our best to balance the advertising that you see on this site. Ads help keep the lights on and also help keep us independent, both great in a world where too many outlets are dying off. Many of the ads you’ll see here are based on your browsing history. But these ads can get properly silly, from Tarragon:

You get one bride once, and then webpages are filled with bride ads. I’m like dood, I just got one.

Our ads have a hilarious habit of showing me more of something I just wrote about. Look, I already know about Airstream’s latest RV, I just wrote 1,500 words on it!

Matt wrote a Morning Dump with a reference to metal tariffs in it, but dropped a line joking “not to be confused with the NüMetal tariffs, which mostly impact Korn commodities.” Nsane In The MembraNe had the perfect response:

Not to worry, President Durst says those are Coming Undone.

I will now use this moment to link to a song that’s stuck in my head, sorry:


Have a great evening, everyone!

Top graphic images: Major League/Paramount Pictures; Dodge

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Beto O'Kitty
Beto O'Kitty
4 hours ago

I think the market says both corn and Korn are selling about the same.

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