Home » If Your Superyacht Doesn’t Have an Underwater Observatory, Can You Even Call It A Superyacht?

If Your Superyacht Doesn’t Have an Underwater Observatory, Can You Even Call It A Superyacht?

Superyacht Ts

There’s a problem in the superyacht market. As with supercars and giant mansions, it can be difficult to outdo the competition. Everyone’s building yachts with helipads and fourteen hot tubs these days, so it’s hard to stand out. However, one yachtery (definitely a word) might have found a unique edge all its own.

As covered by Designboom, big things are happening at Sinot Yacht Architecture and Design. The Dutch company has been working away on designs for its new halo model—the Inspire. It’s not the most inspired name by any means, but it makes up for it with one standout feature.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Head to the lower decks, and you can enter the Nemo observation room. You’ll be rewarded with a 360-degree view of the underwater world around you.


Beneath The Waves

When it comes to the fundamentals, the Inspire is a well-equipped design. At 452 feet long, it’s a large ship, for certain—though a ways below some of the record-setting 600- and 700-foot craft currently under construction. It will host 22 guests and 52 crew across six decks. While it may not be the biggest out there, it’s got a sleek, futuristic design and some neat features you don’t see every day, even in the superyacht world.


As mentioned above, the underwater observation room is what really sets the Inspire apart. It’s a special cylindrical room with windows all around for the widest possible view. It’s accessed from the lower deck of the ship, and can be lowered beneath the keel when the ship is docked, anchored, or otherwise in a stabilized position. If you’ve ever wanted to see panoramas underwater, that’s precisely what the Inspire aims to offer.


I can see it now. “Perhaps you need more funds to back up your game, Mr. Bond, unless your account is… underwater?”

The observation area comes complete with a round table and seating for seven. If you’ve dreamed of playing cards against a backdrop of exotic fish, or you’re dying to live out some James Bond fantasies, this is the ship you’re looking for. Incidentally, we’re also told it’s decked out with cameras and sensors “to track and record all the underwater events that are occurring,” and that it’s the ideal vantage point for observing any diving missions that may be happening in the vicinity of the ship.

If you’re traveling on the Inspire and the observation room is full, though, you needn’t fret. You can get a nice underwater view from the glass-bottomed pool, too. It gives you a great view of the sea beneath you, and it’s decorated with rock formations for an organic look. It’s 32 feet in diameter, so you’ll have plenty of room even if you invite some guests on board.

The VIP rooms have fold-out decks for, you know… chilling.


If you’re rich enough to afford this yacht, you’ve probably got enough friends to fill the table.

Of course, the Inspire is also kitted out with all the usual superyacht stuff. It’s a six-deck build, with the top deck dedicated to the owner’s quarters. Beneath that, the upper deck has the wheelhouse for command and a guest lounge. The main decks then host the guest cabins and an entire restaurant because that’s just how big this thing is. There’s also the beach deck for sunning yourself, and the wellness center with sauna, hammam (like a sauna but different), massage area, and gym. There’s also a 40-seat theatre, too—an “inspirational” one, according to Sinot.

There are enough cabins that you could probably invite all your friends and sort them into rooms based on how much you like them. The VIP suites are particularly swish, with hatches you can open to create a balcony space just above sea level. You can only use these in stable waters, of course, but it’s a particularly nice touch.

There are a lot of places to sit or lay down and sun yourself onboard.


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There is plenty of room in the theatre, though we’d probably put on Talladega Nights instead of whatever this is.
The bridge actually continues the same sleek theme as the rest of the furniture onboard. We don’t actually get a look at the crew quarters, though, in any of the official images. One supposes that’s not of much interest to the customer.

The Inspire’s design was revealed at the 2024 Monaco Yacht Show, and is apparently ready to enter production. For now, it’s unclear how many orders have been taken or how many examples Sinot intends to produce. However, you can wager that someone is going to buy one of these things just for the novelty of it.


When it comes to superyachts, underwater features could be the new fad. While Sinot has a great idea in the Nemo observation pod, others are exploring similar concepts—even contemplating building all-out submarines for the billionaire set. All we can say is, if you’re an ultra-wealthy supervillain, or just someone that likes to impress, it’s a good time to be in the market for a giant boat. There sure are a lot to choose from.

Image credits: Sinot Yacht Architecture and Design

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Andrea Petersen
Andrea Petersen
6 hours ago

I could feel my submechanophobia intensifying just reading this, never mind looking at the renders…

Jerry Thomas
Jerry Thomas
4 hours ago

Yeah I agree. If I’m sitting at that table and see propellers and shit I’m gonna get pretty uncomfortable quickly!

7 hours ago

I would like to propose that, instead of an official RV, the Autopian buy one of these as its official vehicle.

Then, everyone who’s a member gets to spend a couple days a year on it.

All in favor?

5 hours ago
Reply to  StillNotATony


James Carson
James Carson
7 hours ago

Looks like the designer was inspired by old timey monitors or ww1 battlewagons. Blech. One can hope that they forget to raise the underwater pustule, ground out and sink.

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
7 hours ago

Over the top and I love it.

8 hours ago

Elevator pitch for a movie: Masque of the Red Death meets The Meg. Rich dickheads use this boat to flee a resort island overrun by a virus, leaving the staff to die of some horrible infection, maybe a hemorrhagic fever—something truly awful. On the boat, it’s a continual party like Diddy proteges until death comes in the form of a massive, stalking shark. The observation deck would, of course feature prominently.

8 hours ago

If you’re rich enough to afford this yacht, you’ve probably got enough friends to fill the table.

Dear rich people without enough friends to fill their mega yacht, I’ll be your friend. Honestly, I’m sure you’re a super cool and generous person that would be so much fun to be around. I’d love to be proven right, just reach out with some tickets and we can put my theory to the test. (“can’t beat them, join them” could also be interpreted as “can’t beat them, mooch off them until they catch on”)

8 hours ago

Dear god we need Fancy Kristen.

Patrick Castelvecchi
Patrick Castelvecchi
8 hours ago
Reply to  Agc9e

I had to check the author after the title – I thought she had landed!

Myk El
Myk El
4 hours ago
Reply to  Agc9e

No offense to Lewin, I like his work, but this yacht is screaming for the Fancy Kristen treatment.

8 hours ago

Will I be able to entertain a guest at dinner in the underwater observatory, and then later use it to slowly torture him when he turns out to be a British spy?

I’m just trying to decide if this is worth leaving my hollowed out volcano lair for

My Other Car is a Tetanus Shot
My Other Car is a Tetanus Shot
8 hours ago

Fancy Kristen has a complete underwater Bond-villain complex complete with multiple yachts, submarines, and destroyers. This is amateur level.

Anyway, wondering which yacht ends up sinking first because the RV-style underwater tipout does its ‘screen door on a submarine’ impression. Maybe they can put Titanic on in the theatre when that happens.

37 minutes ago

Those RV bumpouts might have had a role in the SV Bayesian sinking. That makes me nervous for sure.

9 hours ago

From the top image I thought it might be a Cyberboat.

7 hours ago
Reply to  T-wrecks

I feel they’d have to refer to the Cyberboat as a gigayacht.

9 hours ago

This is all very nice, but what’s its 0-60 time and what kind of mileage does it get? And can you get it with a manual transmission?

Last edited 9 hours ago by Canopysaurus
Hangover Grenade
Hangover Grenade
7 hours ago
Reply to  Canopysaurus

It’s a brown manual diesel wagon. 1 out of 4 ain’t bad.

9 hours ago

So lets say your playing cards or whatever people do at tables, and someone has to get up to use the bathroom. You have to raise and lower it every time or do you bring a ladder with you? At least sea water isnt harmful to the mechanical bits and rubber seals.

Angrycat Meowmeow
Angrycat Meowmeow
9 hours ago

“Jeeves, raise the thing. I need to pinch a loaf.”

8 hours ago

bucket for the players, milk carton for the dealer.

8 hours ago

“Oh piss boy…” (History of the World, Part 1)

7 hours ago

There is a discrete suction tube that can be lowered down by the assistant to the junior Bosun.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
5 hours ago

You’ve never pissed in the ocean, have you?

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
9 hours ago

Karl Stromberg would love this.

9 hours ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

yeah, I was getting some serious Stromberg vibes off that boat.

Angrycat Meowmeow
Angrycat Meowmeow
9 hours ago

Good news for the Autopian crowd. Yes, there is a large screen taking up the whole dashboard, but they still gave us plenty of knobs and buttons that look quite substantial and fun to operate. I know some of you will be disappointed that there doesn’t appear to be any knobs or sliders for the climate control, and I’m not sure where they put the defrost button. They may lie buried in a touchscreen submenu, but at least the shifter appears to a robust, chunky unit.

9 hours ago

Future Fisher Price x Autopian Collab. It’s literally just a tesla dashboard but with 250 total buttons, knobs, levers, and switches.

9 hours ago

So it holds 22 guests and 52 crew. Why would you want a 40 seat theatre? Are you really enjoying movies with the crew?

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
9 hours ago

I need a seat next to me for my fluffy white cat.

9 hours ago
Reply to  Urban Runabout

Dang, you’re right. I wasn’t thinking.

9 hours ago

sure it has a 40 seat theater, but you have to keep in mind, 18 of those seats are too close to the screen, or on the edge of the theater.

9 hours ago

Bummer, they’re sold out already. I was going to put down a deposit.

Last edited 9 hours ago by Icouldntfindaclevername
Trust Doesn't Rust
Trust Doesn't Rust
9 hours ago

This is why “Eat the rich” is a thing.

9 hours ago

Yep. This will be sold to an oligarch of some variety and will be accompanied by a fleet of other yachts and support vehicles, all so a real life James Bond villain can spend more on fuel in a day than most people on earth earn in a month.

Angry Bob
Angry Bob
9 hours ago
Reply to  Buzz

At least a lot of regular people will draw a salary to build and operate it.

2 hours ago

Tech bro billionaires watching cautionary sci fi movies so they can get rich enough to be Bond Villains

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
9 hours ago

But does it have sensors that can detect if your guests are in fact themselves vs. time-traveling versions of themselves with knowledge of the future? I’d imagine this may be on the minds of buyers of these things more now.

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
9 hours ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

No worries – This is why the lift has a retractable floor that opens to the shark-infested ocean.

Arch Duke Maxyenko
Arch Duke Maxyenko
9 hours ago

Hopefully the Orca’s can still find a way

9 hours ago

They’re smart; give ‘em glass cutters.

8 hours ago

If I was filthy rich, that’s the stuff I’d be doing—offing other richies in creative ways. Dolphins have been trained by navies to patrol yards against saboteurs or even attach trackers for torpedoes. If they can attach a tracker, why not just attach the explosive? Sure, for an armored fleet vessel, they wouldn’t be able to carry anything powerful enough, but this thing? Hell, some neglected maintenance to that observation area could probably sink it.

7 hours ago
Reply to  Cerberus

Jay-Z, is that you?

9 hours ago

So it’s like a modern RV with all the popouts but on the water, huh?

Also, having seen the transition from render to reality for a bunch of buildings, I’d love to see what this looks like when it’s in the real world.

9 hours ago

God, this is sinister, what a prow. Disco Volante indeed.

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