Home » I’ll Never Not Be Fascinated By Add-On Car Trunks Like This One For An Old Mini

I’ll Never Not Be Fascinated By Add-On Car Trunks Like This One For An Old Mini

Cs Theboot Top 2

This is one of those things always catches my attention whenever I encounter it: the phenomenon of aftermarket add-on trunk extenders to cars with trunks, but not big enough trunks. I’ve written about these before, specifically ones for the Citroën 2CV and the Willys Jeep, where they’re referred to as “boot extenders” or, in the case of the Willys, “extension bodies.” All of these are basically some manner of bolt-on boxes or larger trunk lids that allow more stuff to be carried in a car’s trunk.

I think I like them because they’re precisely the sort of thing that your mind will conjure up as you’re trying to cram in something just a bit too large for the trunk and you’re desperately trying to close the lid. As you struggle, trying to squeeze something unsqueezable into too small a volume of space, I suspect your brain will bubble and percolate and come up with a vision.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

A vision that may look something like this, if you’re trying to cram stuff into a Mini. Thanks to Lord Haydock for posting this gem:

Now the interesting thing about Mini trunk extenders is that the Mini sort of had more trunk-related options than most cars in this very specific group. For example, here’s a 2CV boot extender:


2cv Bootlid

You can see how the original trunk lid is incorporated into the design. The 2CV didn’t have an “official” way to cram more in the trunk by leaving the trunk lid open, but the Mini did:

Mini Platform

If you look carefully there, you can see that the license plate is hinged so you can see it even when the lid is open, which is a nice touch. Of course, if you wanted your stuff protected from the weather, this won’t work. Hence the add-on trunk lids!

Now, this one advertised here, which seems to be known simply as The Boot, is interesting because it looks so much like at least two Mini variants one could have just bought new, the Reily Elf or the Wolseley Hornet.


Here’s the Hornet:

Cs Wols 5

…and here’s the Elf:

Cs Wols Elf

If you compare these to The Boot add-on there, the look is pretty close:


Cs Theboot 1

That tacked-on boot looks a little bigger, even! I’ve hardly ever seen a picture of a Mini wearing one of these butt-extenders, which leads me to believe they weren’t terribly popular, but I’m just not sure. Cameras certainly weren’t as ubiquitous back in the day.

I think these are pretty fascinating, and there still seems to be some demand for this kind of thing among classic Mini owners to this day, or at least for one, since this classic Mini owner made their own boot-extender out of fiberglass:

Sure, it’s a bit less integrated and elegant than the vintage one there, but it’s not bad! The re-use of the existing bootlid is especially nice I think, as are the taillight repeaters in that little spoiler. The guy did a good job! And can now fully shove that rucksack in there!





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Hangover Grenade
Hangover Grenade
18 days ago

They should call it the GYAT.

Gaining Yummy Additional Trunk

Harvey Park Bench
Harvey Park Bench
1 month ago

Vaguely related, for some reason Ford once gave the Escort hatch a trunked brother in the form of the Orion sedan. To this day it is the ugliest car I have ever seen, even including Ssangyongs and Multiplas.


Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
1 month ago

The Orion is so forgettable… Wouldn’t cross my mind to call it the ugliest car ever, it’s just an example of the “is car” school of design. It’s so meh, they even did away with the name before the actual model disappeared: for the last few years, Orions were badged as Escorts for some reason. My guess is they ran out of Orion badges and didn’t bother ordering more.

Last edited 1 month ago by Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Harvey Park Bench
Harvey Park Bench
1 month ago

I didn’t know about the name change!

What makes it so ugly to me is that the Escort was such a good looking hatch, at least up to the rounded off headlights facelift in the mid 1980s. Then they gave it a brazilian butt lift that completely ruined the lines.

Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
1 month ago

I love these little trunk adaptations (adap-trunks?) and other clever ways to carve out more usable space from stock cars without modifying the original to a point of no return. My favourite has to be the adaptation of liftbacks into station wagons by replacing the hatch with a long roof hinged at the same place. I’ll never understand how these conversions never became popular. I can only think of some dutch conversions of Volvo 440s that include both pre and post-facelift models and the one-off Renault 23 break de chasse by belgian coachbuilder EBS.

Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
1 month ago

Meant to leave some pics:

Volvo 440 pre/post facelift
Renault 25 Break de Chasse (actually not a one-off as I mentioned, they seem to have built a few examples)

1 month ago

Frankly, the guy in the video needs to take care of his butt crack before he worries about his rucksack. And given the sag in his pant, we’re lucky we can’t see his nutsack. Put on a belt, dude!

Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person
1 month ago

“Click to accept marketing cookies and enable this content” is getting quite boring.
This also makes this website less and less appealing.
So far, the writing is what’s keeping me, but I find myself going back to the old site more and more, even if I’m still “in the greys” there.

Pointy Deity
Pointy Deity
1 month ago

It’s annoying, but still not bad enough to drive me back to the old site.

1 month ago

pfft… amateurs. Wait till you see the 1982 Toyota Hiace ‘sunchaiser’ campervan Froot (Front boot in our part of the world). Spectacularly Derpy and cromulent.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ford_Timelord

I’m very pleased that “cromulent” is now in the dictionary.

Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
1 month ago
Reply to  Ford_Timelord

Oh wow this is awesome! At one point these were the most common vans where I’m from, most of them in this exact shade of glorious beige. And yet, I’ve never seen one with an adapted froot… I guess they had enough cargo space in the back, as no one was using them as campers back then.

Is this a homebrew build? Or was there a company adapting these? It looks amateurish in many aspects, but some details are pretty well done. I like this!

1 month ago

I think the company who did the original campervan fit out built the front storage on as an option probably when the van was new as this size van was very popular as a campervan in the 80’s. I’ve only ever seen a few of these froots in Australia and as a VW Westfalia owner having an extra space to carry outdoor things would be very useful but i’m not sure if I could handle doing this to my poor van.

1 month ago

Oh-My-Gawd, Becky!

Ham On Five
Ham On Five
1 month ago

Hubba Hubba Heinie!! (Laverne & Shirley, Season 5, Episode 4)

1 month ago

Extension wires for a British electrical system. What could go wrong?

1 month ago
Reply to  Flyingstitch

Lucas? Lucas? anyone,anyone?

1 month ago

As the honored new marketing executive for the Booty Boot ™, just one last toot; Give a hoot, don’t pollute, toss it in the Booty Boot!

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