Home » I’m Kinda Obsessed With These Super-Narrow And Tiny Italian Work Trucks

I’m Kinda Obsessed With These Super-Narrow And Tiny Italian Work Trucks

Cs Romeutil Top

I have a friend I’ve known since high school who is my nearest Pike-factory car-pal, as she drives a Nissan Figaro. It was at our meetup just recently! Anyway, she’s currently in and around the Italian island of Capri, and sent me some pictures of some amazing utility vehicles she saw there. I have to share these with you, because these feel pretty unique to their environments and I just haven’t encountered these types of little workhorses here. But don’t worry, I have a couple of pictures of real cars, too, so no one gets left out.

The one that caught my attention the most was that little utility truck you see up top there. It’s so impossibly tall and narrow, it’s like a little phone booth on a skateboard. This appears to be a Bitimec Electric Utility Vehicle, and the basic platform seen on this one looks like it can be adapted into a number of forms, including ones that can tow up to four tons!

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

I like the utilitarian, nessuna stronzata design with the cabin formed by what looks similar to roll cage tubing, but also that they bothered to make a distinctive corporate “face” panel for all their little vehicles:

Cs Capritruck Face

It’s kind of a funny little face, but it’s a face nonetheless. And it seems to be the visual hallmark of all their utility trucklets:


Cs Capritrucks Catalog

The website notes they’re designed to operate in situations where pretty much anything else would be too big; they’re getting close to just being exoskeletons the drivers wear. They’re electric, and make about 6.7 hp, a pretty decent number, given the size. I may look into one of these for home use, instead of walking to the kitchen or bathroom like some sort of filthy animal!

Cs Capri Ape

There also seems to be more familiar Italians at work on Capri, like this smart-looking little Piaggio Ape. In black, with the subdued white graphics, it looks like it’s in formalwear!

Cs Capri Truck 2


Slightly larger, but still a little working fella are these CO-MA-CA trucks; I think this one is known as a Mithos. These are 4×4 dump trucks running either Kohler diesels making 50 hp or a Kohler turbodiesel making 75 hp, along with another 75 hp turbodiesel IVECO option. I bet you could make a cool camper out of one of these.

Okay, let’s look at some bigger stuff, first showing why maybe big stuff isn’t so common on Capri:

Cs Capri Buses

Holy crap that’s tight. Are they parked? Or driving? I’m not entirely sure, but don’t envy those drivers either way. How do any of those buses still have their mirrors?

Cs Capri Capagnola


Here’s something cool: a Fiat 1107 Nuova Campagnola! I’m not terribly familiar with these very Jeep/Land Rover-like Fiats, but this kind was made between 1974 and 1987, though I’m really not sure what year this one is. I’d also love to know what is up with those taillights; are the pinkish shapes lenses for some sort of convoy lights?

Cs Fiat130

Finally, look at this handsome fella, a Fiat 130, one that seems to be part of the Italian Air Force, based on the Aeronautica Militare lettering on the front fender? It also seems to maybe be, like the Campagnola above, involved in some Mille Miglia support? Does the Italian Air Force have a fleet of beautiful vintage Fiats to help with races? I hope so!





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4 minutes ago

It would be just like the Italian Air Force to drive cars.

1 hour ago

they’re getting close to just being exoskeletons the drivers wear.

I better not ever drive one of these then. I suspect people would get tired of me shouting “Get away from her, you bitch!” at every person I pass. 😉

2 hours ago

I’d ride around on it going “Ciao”.

Martin Dollinger
Martin Dollinger
2 hours ago

I‘m sure in this case the „Aeronautica Militare“ sticker has no connection to the Italian military. It should be promotion for this clothing brand:

Collegiate Autodidact
Collegiate Autodidact
2 hours ago

What would it be like to have a racing series with Bitimecs? After all, they do race Daihatsu Midgets:
As shown in some scenes in the 2000-’01 anime series éX-Driver:

2 hours ago

Speaking as a red-blooded American, I would do unspeakable things for a Piaggio Ape and the ability to use it on at least non-access-controlled highways.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Starhawk

In WY you could register it as an MPV and so long as it’s insured and you have a driver’s license you can drive it anywhere but the interstate.

I too love the Ape.

Wesley Brooks
Wesley Brooks
3 hours ago

Over the past couple of months I’ve somehow gotten into listening to The Barber of Seville on repeat so when you began with discussion of a Nissan Figaro under the photo of that Bitimec, I’m immediately thinking that such a practical Italian vehicle deserves a novelty horn that blares Largo al Factotum Della Citta!

Andrea Petersen
Andrea Petersen
3 hours ago

Gah, that 130 is delicious! Also, I’ve definitely been toying with the idea of getting an Ape one day, pending my commute remains rather short.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Andrea Petersen
John Gallup
John Gallup
3 hours ago

The upper city in Capri has a large pedestrian-only zone, but these little vehicles are allowed in to make deliveries and such. And in case you were wondering, the same company (Piaggio) that makes the Vespa makes the Ape. Here’s a little Italian lesson:

Vespa = wasp
Ape (pronounced AH-pay) = bee, because these are the worker vehicles.

Last edited 3 hours ago by John Gallup
2 minutes ago
Reply to  John Gallup

They give me hives.

3 hours ago

Is it required to say “Peet-Stop” regularly with a bad Italian accent if you are driving a Bitimec?

Highland Green Miata
Highland Green Miata
3 hours ago

I love those little Ape’s. Perfect for all those small jobs where a truck is too much and a wheelbarrow is too little.

4 hours ago

I do a lot of work in the Expo industry, and Expo Halls and convention centers are chock full of little “trucks” like this, mostly American-made by Cushman and Columbia.

4 hours ago

I-I came up in here to work, like an exo-skeleton
I don’t wanna do no racing, I just wanna haul four tons
So come on, let’s go, let’s keep control
Let’s do it all day ’til we can’t do it no more
Trucklets rockin’ to the sound, turn it up and watch us pound
We gon’ rock it to the top until Capri come burnin’ down
Yeah, it’s hot in here, the temperature
Has got these tiny tractors gettin’ freakier

[Drop: will.i.am]

Last edited 4 hours ago by Hautewheels
CD Repoman
CD Repoman
5 hours ago


Last edited 5 hours ago by CD Repoman
4 hours ago
Reply to  CD Repoman


Kurt B
Kurt B
5 hours ago

That Fiat is 1000% a Torch Thirst Trap. She knows you well.

5 hours ago

I love these, and would get a Bitimec just to haul things around my property. I’m also kind of obsessed with the Daihatsu Hijet van and someday hope to have one.

Rusty S Trusty
Rusty S Trusty
5 hours ago

Charming until a group of delinquent teenagers skipping high school come push you over.

Adam Shadowchild
Adam Shadowchild
4 hours ago
Reply to  Rusty S Trusty

High schoolers? I’m more worried about my friends! LOL

Rusty S Trusty
Rusty S Trusty
4 hours ago

There used to be snow cone trucks in my city that were skinny little trolley shaped golf cart like things. One day I watched as a group of delinquent teenagers skipping high school pushed one over with the poor snow cone man still on board. That’s where the idea came from.

Highland Green Miata
Highland Green Miata
3 hours ago
Reply to  Rusty S Trusty

When I was in Italy last time, it was the delinquent teenagers driving rickety piaggio apes at their (pitiful) top speed around and around the town square at twilight, because they can’t get a regular driver’s license yet.

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