Home » I’m Slightly High On Post-Surgery Drugs And I Want To Make A Yoke Steering Wheel For My Car, Should I Do It?

I’m Slightly High On Post-Surgery Drugs And I Want To Make A Yoke Steering Wheel For My Car, Should I Do It?

Smart Fortwo

Back in 2021, Tesla introduced a yoke steering not-wheel as standard equipment for its S and X cars, instantly generating scorn from enthusiasts and journalists worldwide. The company has since made the yoke an option rather than standard equipment and the world has moved on. I have not. I fell in love with that stupid yoke, and it has lived rent-free in my head ever since. Now, with the power of legal hard medications, ten fewer teeth than I had before, and a grinder, I’m going to give my favorite car a yoke. Please talk me out of the clouds.

Surgeries suck. If you’ve never gotten one before, consider yourself lucky. I just had my first-ever surgery and while it was minor, recovery has sucked harder than a Detroit 6V92 gulps air at its rev limit. If you’ve ever seen pictures of me online or met me in person, you know that I never show my teeth. I’ve made so much progress in my life, but my teeth have always been not-so-pearly white anchors that dragged me down.

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Vidframe Min Bottom

I’m beginning a long five- to six-month process where my mouth heals up and strengthens so I can get dental implants. I desperately need something to distract me. This is the perfect time to do some of the projects that have been rattling around my head! A couple of them will involve my personal Autopian Test Car: A 2008 Smart Fortwo.

Mercedes Streeter

I have a defect where approximately 10 of my 28 adult teeth never grew in. Eight of those 10 spots were filled with baby teeth that, incredibly, have survived over three decades. By adulthood, I had horribly worn teeth on my lower jaw and a gap on my upper jaw that got bigger every year thanks to the missing teeth. It was a mess, so for these 32 years of my life I just never smiled with an open mouth.

My wife and I have finally come into a pile of cash and we were hoping to buy a gearhead heaven property with it. However, my dentist recently told me that time was up. Either I had to start my tooth implant journey now or those dying baby teeth were going to cause some big problems. When all is said and done I will spend at least $35,000 on fixing my mug, more than I’ve spent on my most expensive car by more than a factor of two. It’s honestly hard to think of all of the other things I could buy with this money, but my choices are to get implants or live with the partial dentures that don’t even fit in my mouth right now.


The first step of the process happened at the end of last week. My dentist pulled the bad teeth, added in bone grafts, and sewed me all up. I’ve been depressed about this surgery for over a month and I’ve lost countless nights of sleep. I feel like Frankenstein’s monster and I sound like Sean Connery. I’m also stuck on a soft food diet, can’t chew anything, and am generally just in a trough.

My pain has been remarkably low thanks to an armada of drugs prescribed by the dentist. I have an opioid, a steroid, some fancy mouth rinse, and an antibiotic. That goes on top of my normal hormone replacement therapy, Ozempic, and blood pressure meds. Finally, I have a barbiturate for if the opioid doesn’t work. In other words, I’m a gosh-darned walking pharmacy right now and my head may or may not be in a cloud. Since the operation, I’ve been busy doing little, non-stressful things, like trying to turn a Hot Wheels car into a tiny radio-controlled car!

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Mercedes Streeter

I fixed my old Xbox 360, modified an old Android phone, cleaned parts of the Plymouth project, found the parts to fix the loud Smart, and ordered the parts to fix the coolant-free BMW. Then, I started cooking up bold ideas, including spending what will be about $180 in total to turn some $2 Hot Wheels cars into some tiny drift cars. Look, don’t ask why I have three Emiras. That’s one I’m looking forward to, but it’s taking forever to get the parts in.

Another one takes me back to that Tesla yoke. Yes, that same yoke that everyone joked about. Yes, that same yoke that was so unpopular even Tesla reduced it to just an option. I’ve always loved the stupid thing and wanted my own version of it.


I’ve long been enamored with the idea of putting airplane-inspired parts in cars. I love flying and I love driving, so what if I could combine aspects of both? During the early days of the pandemic, I turned a flight stick into a gear knob.


Take a look! It was just a cheap flight stick screwed on top of the foam of a Mercedes W123 shift knob.

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Mercedes Streeter

I want to do that again, but now, perhaps with the power of prescription medications, I also want to put a yoke in my 2008 Smart Fortwo test car.

I’ve had this idea rattling around my head for over a decade but I’ve just never moved forward on it. My original idea was to put a real airplane yoke in my Smart. I never really knew what kind of yoke to put into my car. Maybe I’d get one meant for a Cessna 172 or an Ercoupe.

Cessna 1560023 3 Cessna 172s Pil
BAS Part Sales

However, this presents some issues. Not only would I have to install the correct steering gear thread into the yoke, but the Smart’s wheel has an airbag and a steering angle sensor. The car will drive fine without these things, but an airbag fault and a traction control fault will be permanent. I hate unnecessary warning lights, so that would have sent me down a rabbit hole of manually disabling that airbag with my Mercedes programmer tool and transferring over the steering angle sensor. But then I’d be left without an airbag in a crash and, look, I already have enough teeth problems.

This is also just a ton of work for a modification that I might not even like in the first place. This weekend, I had a bit of a eureka moment. What if I just replicated a yoke using an existing Smart steering wheel?


This is something I considered in the past, but every time I looked at my Smart’s steering wheel I saw it as a bad candidate for a yoke.

I’d want the yoke to have a flat bottom like an aircraft yoke or maybe an open bottom like a racing wheel. What I hadn’t considered was looking at the simple two-spoke steering wheel found in base model Smart Fortwos.

This wheel can be cut at the top and at the bottom. It’ll also be plug-and-play so I don’t have to screw around with any electronics. Oh no.

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Autobahn Dismantling

Amusingly enough, you can buy aftermarket Smart Fortwo wheels with cutouts in them already, but these wheels cost about $1,000 or more. I’m not putting a $1,000 wheel into a car I paid $1,400 for.


My drug-filled mind already purchased a Smart Fortwo Pure steering wheel, so it’s already on its way to my apartment. I already have a cutting wheel, so I’ll just need something to clean up the leather I slice through. The medications will be all gone by time it arrives. But you know what? Screw it, let’s do it, anyway. In a worst-case scenario, Smart steering wheels take all of five minutes to replace and I can put the old one back on. Here’s a bad render of my idea:

Smart Madness

When the wheel arrives, I’ll first cut it at the top where the upper leather wrap stitches into the leather wrapped around the side of the wheel.

Removing a Smart’s steering wheel is as easy as loosening a single T40 bolt, pulling the wheel out, and then unclipping some connectors. Then I just slam the replacement wheel on.

If I’m feeling particularly silly and like the results of the first drive, I’ll then cut out the bottom of the replacement wheel and see what happens.


To be clear, this is quite possibly the second dumbest thing I’ve done with a car. Smarts aren’t racecars or planes, where you can get away with a yoke because you don’t have to do a full 360-degree spin to reach full deflection. Instead, this is a cheap city car. It takes more than a full turn to go from lock to lock. A do-it-yourself yoke is arguably unsafe and definitely stupid. There’s a reason the vast majority of car steering wheels aren’t yokes. I’ll realize that the second I try to grab a piece of wheel that doesn’t exist anymore. Here’s the Superleggera version!

Smart Madness

So, don’t worry, I won’t take this on a highway or anything. I sort of just want to do it and play around with it to see if my decade-long idea is as bad as it sounds. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I consider my worst-ever automotive choice to be buying multiples of the same Volkswagens with the naive expectation that maybe the latest one won’t break on me. It shouldn’t have taken me four B5.5 Passats for me to figure it out.

At any rate, now you know one of my deepest, darkest automotive secrets. I think the Tesla yoke looks so cool that I want to make a dollar-store version of it. Please talk me out of this. Or do talk me into it. This idea is easily reversible, after all.

Topshot image: Daimler AG

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1 month ago

Yeah, sorry to hear about the teeth situation…that sounds terrible.
I don’t like the yokes besides in eggs ha ha

1 month ago

I’m not in a position to weigh in on a yoke steering wheel, since I’ve never used one, but i wanted to wish Mercedes the best on her teeth-restoring journey. I came into some inheritance money right around the time I found out that the dentist who had performed some ‘restorative’ work after a childhood accident was pretty much a hack, and that all of his work was disintegrating. That money disappeared way too fast. I’ve only ended up having one implant so far (to go with the loads of crowns), and I can tell you that the wait is definitely worth it. I’m continually amazed at how my current dentist and his lab were able to create functional crowns that feel and work better than my original teeth.

1 month ago

There may be some clever way to fix the issue that has always made a yoke type wheel a form over function type of part on your typical car, which would allow for variable steering ratios dependent on speed.

However given that the donor wheel apparently isn’t that much cash, and you can swap back afterwards, there’s really on downside to giving it a go.

Might also consider installing a steering wheel spinner knob if you plan to take the car to lots of parking lots and such.

1 month ago

No. The steering ratio of the 451 is atrocious and requires full rotations of the wheel far too often as it is. It’s a terrible idea.

1 month ago

“I feel like Frankenstein’s monster and I sound like Sean Connery. I’m also stuck on a soft food diet, can’t chew anything, and am generally just in a trough.”

I can’t tell anybody they’re wrong to think what they do. You feel what you feel and I’ve got nothing to say on the matter. But I offer my perspective for consideration.

I look at my body not as me, but as the vehicle my brain is driving around in. Kinda like the Arquillians in Men in Black. The factory these vehicles are coming out of is wack, fo real. They’re all kinds of jacked up and it takes tons of time and money to keep them on the road. The really nice ones take so much effort that keeping them in top shape is the their drivers’ entire vocation. They don’t have time for anything else.

Sounds like you’ve got a big project on your hands. Like every big project there’s going to be plenty of busted knuckles, probably some less than savory language, a few bright spots of elation here or there when something that looks really bad ends up being a breeze, and a ton of boring, time consuming wrenching. It’ll be a slog that looks bad until it doesn’t.

And at the end of the project, when everything is done, you’ll be so happy with the end result you’ll be glad you did it. It’ll suck when you look back, but you’re still glad you did it.

In the meantime, do the same thing you do with every long, drawn out vehicle project. Head down and work till your mood sours, go take a break for a while and forget about it while you hang with the friends/family, remember it’s just part of the deal and get back to it the next day.

1 month ago

I’m missing some adult teeth too! One kept on trucking till I was in my 30s, and after living with a gap for awhile, finally got an implant. Putting in the post was surprisingly quick and easy. I hope you’re pleasantly surprised by the rest of the process too!

1 month ago

The sentence

“…but these wheels cost about $1,000 or more.”

ends with a link. When I click on it I get a picture of an old Interntational pickup.


Kevin Rhodes
Kevin Rhodes
1 month ago

literally feel your pain, having had 10 teeth out at once in preparation for braces when I was 16. And then to have to have all those implants after – ugh! <BIG HUG>

I hope it all goes great and in time you can post a picture with a big toothy Hollywood grin for us!

But the yoke – oh Hell NO. Unless you can modify the steering to only need <1 turn lock-to-lock, a yoke in a car isn’t just stupid, it’s actively dangerous IMHO.

And a rant from a guy who got his professional career start in health insurance. WTF is with the separation of teeth from the rest of the body from medical insurance? Makes absolute ZERO sense, they are just as important and necessary as any other part of the body, and even most otherwise civilized countries pull this bullshit around them.

Ward William
Ward William
1 month ago

Re the yoke, do it gurll. Re the depression, look forward Mercedes to that day when you know your smile will light up a room and looking in a mirror at your own choppers will make YOU smile. Considering the journey that you have been undertaking querida, the teeth business is small change. Have a safe and happy new year and keep up the great writing.

1 month ago

I was also 5 figures into implants. Worth it in the end.

The temp dentures/flipper does suck. They may have told you to just brush it when you brush your remaining teeth, but denture cleaner is where it’s at.

Harvey Park Bench
Harvey Park Bench
1 month ago

Good luck with the recovery! Dental work is $$$$$ but what can you do. Gotta have functional teeth.

Phil Ventura
Phil Ventura
1 month ago

this is not the first time ford tried this on a show car, but i can’t find the images from the 50s. Ford’s “Wrist-Twist” Steering Tried a Tesla Model S–Style Yoke in 1965

I Heart Japanese Cars
I Heart Japanese Cars
1 month ago

Since you are going to this anyway, I have a few suggestions about appearance

  1. Remove the leather cover before cutting. Cut the stitches and set the cover aside.
  2. Make your test cuts and use fabric tape as a cover. Like the stuff used on hockey sticks.
  3. Before, while, or after doing steps 1 and 2 find a local cobbler. A good cobbler can work magic on any leather item. An awesome one will tell you if the work is worth their time. I know one in LA that has done lots of leather work for my wife.
  4. Work with your leather expert to make the cover look OEM.

While I think the yoke is bad for daily driving it would be an attention grabber any meetup, even if only slapped on while parked.

1 month ago

Bone grafts, implants, etc. are a long and tortuous process, but I bet you’ll smile widely once it’s all done! Have had a little experience with 5 figure dental work, luckily not $35K though! And apples are some much easier to eat now.

The yoke seems like it won’t work well, but heck, as you say, easily reversible, try it out in a parking lot and see how much you hate it. Then please tell us all about it!

Mr. Fusion
Mr. Fusion
1 month ago

This is a crazy coincidence, because another of my favorite writers (Nathan Rabin) also recently underwent dental implant surgery to replace all of his teeth due to health concerns. He wrote about how depressed he was during the pre- and post-operative period, but then how good he felt when the implants were finally in and his mouth healed.

This is such a daunting process to go through, but so far it looks like you are doing a good job of distracting yourself with fun projects. Best of luck going forward.

1 month ago


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