Home » Important New Theory About Car Identities In An Ancient Video Game: Cold Start

Important New Theory About Car Identities In An Ancient Video Game: Cold Start

Cs Nightdriver Top2

I understand that you come here for only the most important and relevant automotive news and insights, and if there’s something more relevant and important than a 45 year old video game, then I sure as hell don’t know what it is. The game in question is the Atari 2600 version of Night Driver, and I think I finally have some answers regarding this game’s, let’s say, impressionistic visuals.

The history of the game is interesting too, because I believe it (in its original arcade form) is a direct descendent of the original first-person driving game, a German game called NĂĽrburgring from 1976, which, even more significantly, can trace its origins to a driving simulator used by Volkswagen in 1972. I wrote about that before and will likely re-visit it again here, but for now I just wanted to give some history. Besides, we’re talking about the home version here, from 1978, for the Atari VCS/2600.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

I’ve written about Night Driver a bit before, but about the cars on the artwork used on the sticker on the cartridge, which you can see on the left here:

I’ve already identified the Porsche 935 slantnose and BMW 3.0 CSL on that sticker, but today I want to try and identify the cars that actually appear in the game itself, which you can see legendary racer Mario Andretti playing in this old commercial, along with PelĂ© and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:


Here’s a better shot of the game’s graphics:

Imb Ubptpp


What I’d like to try to do is identify the cars here, again, because it’s important, dammit.


The player’s “car,” that blue shape in the lower center, is usually considered to be a crude representation of an open-wheel race car, but given the public road setting of the game, I always found that sort of improbable. I have another theory: Cs Nightdriver Ih

It’s a hood ornament! And not just any hood ornament – an International Harvester hood ornament, the sort that would be on a truck or school bus, or some similar sort of large IH vehicle. The perspective on the oncoming car also seems to suggest a high ride height for the player, again suggesting some sort of large truck, the type IH makes. I think what we’re seeing there is an International Harvester hood ornament on the hood of a big-ass truck.

Cs Nightdriver 1

What about the oncoming car sprite; it’s pretty crude, an 8×8 pixel sprite that gets scaled up as it approaches you, but there’s a surprising amount of detail in those 42 illuminated pixels out of that grid of 64.

The shape of the car is somewhat unusual, and reminds me of this:


Cs Nightdriver Karin

A Citroën Karin, maybe? It has the dramatic slope and horizontal, yellow headlamps, though it is sort of strange all the cars on that dark country road are French concept cars. It could be a more tame French concept, too, maybe the Citroën BX concept:

Cs Nightdriver Bxproto

I’ve colored this one to match the game sprite, but you get the idea. There’s plenty of similar late ’70s cars that could fit this, too, but I was enjoying the exotic CitroĂ«n angle.

The car sprite seems to include the silhouette of a driver, which is interesting. A very wide-shouldered driver.


So, perhaps Night Driver was a game about a person driving an International Harvester full-size truck down a dark, winding road, populated only by exotic French concept cars.

That’s a hell of a game, right?

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3 months ago

That Citroën BX concept was actually one of the design proposals for the US market.

3 months ago

I would suggest the car is the one that the designer could create that most looked like a car with on the minimalist canvas available to them. I mean just try to design anything car like with that pixel set up

AlterId is disillusioned, but still hallucinating
AlterId is disillusioned, but still hallucinating
3 months ago

If you want something that appears futuristic and exotic but plausible enough to be functional and distinctive enough to show up reasonably well in the crude graphics of the day, wouldn’t a Citröen – especially a Citröen concept – be just the thing in the mid-’70s? To the French watching them crawl across Essonne they might seems ordinary, but they’d definitely look exotic to American eyes.

Last edited 3 months ago by AlterId is disillusioned, but still hallucinating
Fire Ball
Fire Ball
3 months ago

Jason, the oncoming cars are Hoffmans. You of all people should recognize it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y16ObVRvgOE

Also, I think the player’s car is supposed to be the front half of a pre-wing F1 car, or maybe a Formula Vee. You’re seeing the front of the fuselage and the two tires.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
3 months ago
Reply to  Fire Ball

Esp. if you consider the cars in the previous year’s Indy 500 Atari 2600 game (for which you had to have the special controllers no less!) which look pretty much like the one in Night Driver.

Though does make you wonder about the overall logic – why would someone be driving a race car at night on the road against traffic?

3 months ago

Call the spelunking rescue team! Torch has clearly exceeded the safe duration of dungeon dwelling! It was bad yesterday when he was hearing the Commodore espouse shared property(probably out of frustration from lack of worst car selection), now he is hallucinating some deeper meaning beyond the pixel!

3 months ago
Reply to  Hoonicus

“Remembering games
And daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path”

Pisco Sour
Pisco Sour
3 months ago

The arcade game version doesn’t seem to be of much help – I was hoping that the better graphics there could give a hint (since the home versions often stuck to that), but from the youtube videos I saw the arcade game did not have other cars.

3 months ago

Crude early graphics, but fun gameplay on Night Driver. The horn sound is frantic!

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
3 months ago
Reply to  Cyko9

Indeed! And the rushing wind or tires on the road or whatever sound is nicely nerve-wracking in the best 2600 traditions.

3 months ago

Not sure I’d consider the BX an exotic Citroen.

3 months ago
Reply to  Ncbrit

I’ve not seen one for years, so I suspect most of them have rusted away.
Yep, according to howmanyleft.com there’s only 200 left in the UK, out of almost 200,000 originally.
So if rarity makes an exotic, I guess it is.

Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
3 months ago
Reply to  Ncbrit

Torch specifically said it was the BX Concept (check out the quad rectangular headlights).

So pretty exotic.

Last edited 3 months ago by Captain Muppet
Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
3 months ago

And Dennis Weaver is driving all of them!

3 months ago

Are those 4 blue pixels that appear to be in the front windshield supposed to be a driver??? The asymmetry of the windshield pixels is killing me. Should just be all black, IMHO. Think you could update the post with a version where those pixels are black??

Mantis Toboggan, MD
Mantis Toboggan, MD
3 months ago
Reply to  Parsko

I didn’t see it at first either but yes it’s a driver. 3 blue blocks for the shoulders/neck and one for the head.

3 months ago

Thanks for confirming what I thought I was seeing. I would still like to see what it looks like sans driver.

Library of Context
Library of Context
3 months ago

The roads into Alphaville can be treacherous at night, especially for truck drivers.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
3 months ago

Esp when you travel 9,000km to give someone a light!

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
3 months ago

All I see in that oncoming car is Err and Ignignokt.

Thomas Metcalf
Thomas Metcalf
3 months ago

Those damn mooninites

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
3 months ago
Reply to  Thomas Metcalf

Dancing is forbidden!

3 months ago

Nah, not a hood ornament. The inspiration, decades later, for the Plymouth Prowler.

Also, is that BX concept rolling on motorcycle tires?

Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
3 months ago
Reply to  Flyingstitch

The production BX only got 165/70R14s.

I remember how they looked really wide compared to the 125/80R15s on my 2CV.

The BX tyre is only 5mm wider than the rear tyre on my little 400cc bike.

Pisco Sour
Pisco Sour
3 months ago
Reply to  Flyingstitch

I was thinking Renault Twizy

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