The Tata Nano was big news back when it was released in 2008 because it was the world’s cheapest new car. Converted from Indian rupees to American dollery-doos, the Nano initally cost only $2,500, which is a remarkable achievement. That’s cheaper (adjusted for currency and inflation) than other famously cheap cars like the Ford Model T and Volkswagen Beetle. It was an engineering triumph. Unfortunately, because humans aren’t rational, the Nano never sold as well as expected, because even the people who would have benefited the most from the Cheapest Car in the World didn’t want to be seen in the Cheapest Car in the World.
It wasn’t rational, but since when have cars been rational? Never, that’s when.

But here’s the thing: there is still, as we speak, in production right now, an Indian vehicle that is about as cheap as the Nano was, with a design not dissimilar to the Nano, but one that has not gotten nearly the same sort of global attention that the Nano did. It’s the Bajaj Qute.
Sure, the name’s pretty silly, but this is a car I have a ton of respect for. Like the Nano, this is a rear-engine/rear drive four-door, four-seat passenger car with some luggage space at the rear, and, in the case of the Qute, a bit in the nose, too. It starts at about ₹ 2.84 Lakh, which translates to about $3,300 in American Freedom money. That’s shockingly cheap, and it even comes in gasoline or compressed natural gas (CNG) variants. It has a 216.6 cc engine (the decimal is important) making just over 13 horsepower and about 14.5 pound-feet of torque. It gets about 87 mpg, too!
These are more of a car and more usable than something like my Changli is, and I was using my Changli for all sorts of stuff. This is a viable transportation tool.
So, how is it that the Qute has survived since its production started in 2019 (it was announced back in 2012) with essentially the same price and specs as the Nano (well, the Nano had a good bit more power) when the Nano couldn’t get anyone to buy them? I think the key here is to whom these are being sold, and how they’re classified.
You see, the Nano was sold as a personal car for anybody; the Qute is being sold only for commercial use like taxicabs, where it’s a replacement for the ubiquitous three-wheeled autorickshaws that buzz all over India, vehicles that have always been Bajaj’s staple offering. It’s also classified as a quadricycle, not exactly a full car, and that comes with a mandated top speed of about 45 mph.
I don’t really think that technically there’s all that much difference between the Nano and the Qute; the Nano is a bit bigger and more powerful, but really, they’re pretty damn close. I think the Qute has been quietly successful because it has a niche that is less status-conscious than a personal car is, and it represents a step up from the most common members of its niche, three-wheel autorickshaws.
I think the Qute doesn’t get nearly the recognition it deserves; the production numbers aren’t huge, but they’re not bad, also, and the ratio of domestic sales in India to exports is really surprising: about 3,253 have been sold in India, while over 30,000 have been exported! That’s a lot! The biggest markets for the Qute seem to be Turkiye, Ghana, Egypt, Guatemala, and Mexico. Just this past year, exports have jumped by 112%!
According to this source, 29 of these were imported into the U.S. between 2022 and 2023! Who has all these Qutes? Where are they? Will anyone let me drive one? I’m so curious!
I respect the hell out of this little, minimal car. And yes, it is a car, no matter how it’s classified or whatever. A small car, sure, a cheap car, definitely, a car where every corner has been cut, no question, but it is absolutely a car.
I really respect that they gave it a usable little front trunk. The Nano didn’t really have that, and even expensive EVs that are sold globally often neglect doing this, so I hope VW and BMW and other bigshots feel a little ashamed when they look at that picture up there.
They don’t even seem all that fragile, which makes sense to me, having been to India and seen the conditions required for a car to thrive. A car, even a cheap car, doesn’t have the luxury of being delicate or poorly built in India. Even the crappiest-seeming little workhorse trucks or whatever have to meet a certain level of toughness just to survive. And the Qute seems to do just that.
You can sort of get a sense of this, even accounting for the deception of movie magic crap, by these clips of the Qute in a 2022 movie that I’ve somehow never heard of, despite starring such huge names as Brad Pitt and Sandra Bullock and Harry Potter, The Lost City. They seem to work a Qute pretty hard, which may be the best reason to even see this movie:
Confusingly, I’ve seen a couple of ads that seem to pitch the Qute as a private family car, so perhaps the quadricycle designation allows it to be used in that capacity, and not just as a taxi or for-hire car? I suppose so, because that’s certainly the case here:
It’s pretty fun to watch that thing weaving around those narrow streets, like a blood cell traversing capillaries.
Here’s a commercial for its more intended use, as an Uber car:
I know I’m usually in the minority here, but I’d love to see a class of cars like this in America. The idea of a dirt-cheap and efficient and safe-enough (for non-highway travel) tiny city car just seems to make a lot of sense. This thing could probably cover 75 to 90% of what most people use a car for on a daily basis, I bet.
I have nothing but respect for this little car. Somehow, it has quietly managed to do what the Nano couldn’t quite pull off, and I hope lots more of these little things sell all over the world, and, yes, maybe even in the U.S. I’m not entirely certain how the Qute has managed to avoid the status trap the Nano fell into, except perhaps because nobody is making quite as big a deal out of the low price as they were with the Nano? These things don’t always make sense, but I think this little car sure does.
If one of the ‘rent wheels by the hour’ companies with on-street availability got permission to use these in the urban/ish areas where they most commonly operate, maybe they’d succeed in that niche. It could be a step up from a Jump Bike, but a cheaper alternative to a Zip Car.
american econo boxes have over 200 hp… this thing has over 200ccs!!!!! I’ll stick with my XB thank you.
> The idea of a dirt-cheap and efficient and safe-enough (for non-highway travel) tiny city car just seems to make a lot of sense. This thing could probably cover 75 to 90% of what most people use a car for on a daily basis, I bet.
The other 10-25% is significant enough you also need a real car, and at that point why have a Qute at all? It’s not like a pickup truck or tow rig, which most people need on a very ad hoc basis, where it makes sense to rent one for the task. A Qute can’t do a lot of things that people do often. It doesn’t look highway-worthy, and a lot of folks commute that way. You can probably take one kid to one extracurricular in it, as long as it’s not hockey or something with bulky gear, but not both kids, so if you have two kids, you need two trips (or two vehicles).
It makes sense in some areas, but in the US? I’m not seeing it. Maybe for one guy somewhere in like north Carolina or something.
It’s very much a thing, just look up golf-cart communities. The difference is that golf carts are $10-20k making communities like that simply amusement parks for the wealthy.
Q + cute= Qute! That is a cute name…would be cool down under as a Ute. One of my favorite car names is Suzuki Cappuccino
So can I chainsaw the batteries on this? Otherwise ND/Crackpipe
(I do realize it’s gas or CNG, although chainsawing wouldn’t end well either way!)
If one more nerd makes a comment about the crash safety of this thing I’m gonna throw up.
No! we should never enjoy a quirky car!
I’m tired of safety comments, not just in this website but every where.
You know… if get into a crash in this thing, you’ll die because it has like NO SAFETY!!!
Heh heh heh… I wanna see you throw up.
Eh, it’s not worth getting upset over.
Every community has members that latch on to irrational dislike over one thing or another.
Years and years ago it was Smart cars having too rough a suspension. On the old site people would get knobslobby over Lotus 7 replicas with the suspension travel of a skateboard, but any time a Smart was mentioned, the forum comments were an echo of ‘Oh! My brittle chalky bones, they cannot handle such a violence!’
So – Kei car article: ‘We shouldn’t be beholden to highway safety standards for small, low-speed affordable vehicles!’
Then, here: ‘Oh, my stars and garters! It is such a terror that I shall surely die if even looked upon by a mouse while within the confines of such a flimsy deathtrap!’
A city car would be nice, but this looks cheaper than the coffin you could bury yourself in.
What do you call a laughing stuffed shark in an ultra-affordable indian quadracycle?
Bahaha Blahaj in a Bajaj
Will you accompany it to a Baha’i retreat in Baja?
Watching that ad gives me so much anxiety. I’m so glad I don’t live in a city.
Serious injuries and fatalities in traffic are very common in India. It’s a very different reality on the roads there.
Here in Florida we have golf carts that are larger and have more HP than this thing and people drive them on the road with plates.
“It has a 216.6 cc engine (the decimal is important) making just over 13 horsepower and about 14.5 pound-feet of torque. It gets about 87 mpg, too!“
I think my shop vac is more powerful than that.
“Safe enough”
Yeah, I’ll take the bus, thanks.
Getting into an accident with a Nissan Versa would be deadly in this “car”.
Better than piling onto a scooter with your wife, kids, dog, and groceries
I spent many years working in West Africa. It was pretty common to see a family of 3-4 on one scooter that was also piled with supplies.
I also saw the aftermath of some collisions.
A cute wife and a fire extinguisher. Life is good.
The 2CV of Hindustan.
Here is my problem with a car class like this. Cars have gotten obscenely expensive mostly due to safety concerns. Now we are all paying too much but we allow s new class with no safety or environmental gadgets and sell them cheap. Why not just eliminate the mandates and get real cars cheap again?
We don’t have such a subclass in this country, I mean, unless you build a carlike 3-wheeler. So, yeah, I guess we do, but all the startups that have tried to take advantage have been vaporware or Chinese 3 wheelers that ran afoul of EPA regs
We sort-of do with NEVs but they have to be electric and limited to 25 mph.
Which makes them pretty well useless outside of, like, Key West or The Villages. Maybe Celebration.
This thing makes Kei cars look huge and speedy, and multiple states won’t even license those. This little guy would never make it. As an around campus shuttle, I could see it moving a couple of workers and a small kit of tools. If it were electric, you could nearly drive down the hallways of a big building.
I’d be worried about a strong wind gust tipping it over. Maybe add wheel spacers and wider wagon wheel tires?
But then I’d be worried about downforce, so it’d definitely need a big spoiler on it
I’m going with the 1970 Lincoln Continental, and with the $400 saved, I’ll be able to fill the tank Twice!
Surprised that these third world, iffy roads, targeted cars, have such tiny wheels. In the U.S. you would pay a premium for a rare size tire. Is it a common, and therefore cheaper option in its target market?
The US doesn’t really have much uses for these types of tires, which is why they’re so rare and expensive; India has a ton of domestically-built tiny commercial vehicles (not just passenger but cargo too) that use this size of wheel/tire, so there’s likely a good local supply. Things like the i3’s skinny but large wheels aren’t common in India, either.
Thanks! Still expect larger wheels would handle poor roads better, and wouldn’t cost much more once popular.
Will it do a burnout?
These are also called tuk-tuks.
And its crash rating is also Qute low
Better than a rickshaw I bet.
Those rickshaws were pretty common when I was in Peru about 10 years ago, but they had already banned them in Lima because of the death toll.
A crash rating worse than the typical motorcycle?