Home » It’s Been A While, Let’s Talk About The Autopian! How Are You Feeling?

It’s Been A While, Let’s Talk About The Autopian! How Are You Feeling?

Let Talkgraphic

We are coming up on two years of The Autopian, if you can even believe it. It’s been one hell of a ride and we’ve been making a lot of improvements (we hope) along the way. We’ve also learned a ton and grown to over 1,100 paying members, which is quite an achievement, especially when you consider that the average membership transaction is over $100 per person.

You may have noticed Lewin Day around here lately. He’s going to be a regular fixture on the website as he’s accepted a position as our Australian Bureau Chief, which is an important part of our infrastructure given our outsized proportion of Australian readers and members. We love Australia and Australia seems to love The Autopian. Beau even sent Lewin on a secret mission in Australia and I can’t wait to tell you about it.

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It’s possible you haven’t noticed Peter Vieira, our new Editorial Production Manager, but you’ve seen the impact on the site. He’s been keeping the place going day-to-day, helping us get more posts up, and creating many of the images at the tops of posts that make this place stand out. He’s also the reason why our social media accounts are so hilarious and have such an Autopian voice. Jason’s working on a story introducing both that should run next week.

Please ask us anything or tell us anything. Complain about things! Chide me for not doing more work on the E39! I do have some specific questions, if you don’t mind:

  1. We are going to experiment with more weekend content starting tomorrow. What would you like to see on the weekends? Do you ever look at the site on the weekends? What would get you to look?
  2. What kind of content do you like to see on the site? What do you want to see more of?
  3. If you’re a member, what kind of content do you like best?
  4. If you’re not a member (join here!) what kind of content would get you to join?

Thank you for reading and thank you for hanging out here, it’s a magical place.



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Myk El
Myk El
1 year ago

Interesting choice to start weekend content increases opposite the Super Bowl. I don’t spend a lot of time online on the weekend, but having more to read on Monday, won’t bug me at all.

Alpine 911
Alpine 911
1 year ago

First of all, GREAT website and community.

I read most if the articles but open to more weekend content. Don’t do if it increases cost. Maybe release only 1-2 articles?

The automatic video banner on top is really annoying and the „x“ to close it too small. I don’t want to see it on every single article and it covers content.

Would love to see a cheap car challenge (similar to Ski Klasse), which could be funded by reader donations and DT repairs

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