Home » It’s Terrible Idea Thursday: Show Us The Cars Currently Tempting You On Craigslist And Facebook Marketplace

It’s Terrible Idea Thursday: Show Us The Cars Currently Tempting You On Craigslist And Facebook Marketplace

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2 years ago

I’ve waited to post because I was hoping to have closed a deal on one of the project vehicles I’ve been looking at over the past few weeks. I left a couple of messages with the seller earlier today who has up till now been very quick to respond, but haven’t heard back. I know there’s plenty of reasons this could be, of course I worry he’s sold it and I’ve missed my chance.

As for how terrible an idea this is, I won’t get into much detail. I was told it last ran in the early 70’s although I’m assured the motor still turns over, we all saw with Cactus how well such assurances can go! It’s a fairly limited production run vehicle with some unique missing parts and I’ve only seen in in pictures and video, what could go wrong?

Opa Carriker
Opa Carriker
2 years ago

Up until a month ago I was seriously in the market for a nice MX5 Miata (would have been my 2nd).
Then I had a stroke and lost my vision in my left eye. Damn! No longer looking for a Miata. ;>(

2 years ago

After the Vega vs MustangII showdown the other day, I was evangelizing about this site to a fellow car nut and he told me of a Vega Kammback w/ a sbc on cl for under $3k. Forgot to ask if manual as I’m really trying to avoid even thinking about it. If I search it, I’d almost certainly buy it. I mean, I’ve been hampstering money for months now….

{BUT that money is for new granddaughter’s 529. I can’t really look her in the eye tomorrow on her first birthday and say, “Good luck with college, kid; Grampa wanted a 50yo GM product”}.


2 years ago

Not shopping, but working on selling my Mini. I’ve been the original owner for 16 years, and I already have its replacement. But letting go is hard…

AMC Addict
AMC Addict
2 years ago

Apparently Wrenching Wednesday didn’t happen! I’m knee deep in a 1981 Jeep CJ-5 in Autumn Gold that is a holy grail project that I was chomping to talk about. It’s been a terrible idea…

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
2 years ago

Sorry can’t provide what i am looking at as I just bought a 1978 Fiat 124 spider. Many original parts including the tires. Lost one while towing it home. I know they were original because the tire company sold out to Uniroyal and discontinued the name in 1979.

2 years ago


$2500 for a freshly painted 740? What could go wrong?

I do love the seats – they are some of the most comfortable I’ve ever had the pleasure to sit upon while stranded on the side of the road.

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
2 years ago
Reply to  YeahMoto!

No that Volvo wagon is a dangerous unreliable death trap that will kill you as soon as look at you. Trust that i have your best interest at heart here.

On a totally different subject where is West Hartford?
Kidding I used to live there. They have a great VFD club

A. Barth
A. Barth
2 years ago

“If you’re currently jacked up on this mechanical goodness, tell us about it.”

I like cars but get a pretty regular hit from finding interesting and/or unobtainium motorcycle parts on eBay.

For example, I found a complete exhaust for one of my bikes for $60, in good condition and free shipping (which was a surprise – it’s kind of heavy). There is another one on ebay in the same shape with a buy-it-now price of over $500, shipped. :-O

That same bike has an unusual airbox lid which is very difficult to find in any condition. I stumbled on a[n] NOS (!!!) lot containing the following: the airbox, the lid, the plastic frame that supports the air filter, and the metal mounting bracket. All of the parts were in their OEM bags with product tags. $65 + a bit for shipping, which I was happy to pay.

Ooooooh, endorphins… La la la la la laaaaaa

Vicente Perez
Vicente Perez
2 years ago

This Tesla is extremely intriguing. If you look at the VIN, it is from the first week of production. So it likely was owned by a Tesla employee. I even went to check it out in person, an other than some seatbelt fraying and detached trim in the trunk, it looks well cared for.

Still, an early Tesla build with over 100k miles, from a generic used car lot sounds scary…


2 years ago
Reply to  Vicente Perez

If you go for it, be sure to check the health of the battery. That doesn’t seem like a good price on a standard-range 3 to me, but the long range 3s go for S money or more around here and some of the S options go super cheap, so none of that market makes any sense to me.

Vicente Perez
Vicente Perez
2 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Fun fact… it is a long range! The listing is incorrect. The standard range Model 3 did not come out until much later.

Battery seems to give around 280 miles or range, which is within the expected degradation range.

Might stop by again this weekend for a test drive…

2 years ago
Reply to  Vicente Perez

For a LR, I think that is probably worth it. Especially since it’s also an upgraded color. The listing as a standard range probably gives you the advantage, since most people would assume they would err in their own favor instead. Good research!

2 years ago
Reply to  Vicente Perez

And I just realized that it’s under $25k and at a dealer, so you should be able to get the tax credit if you qualify. Probably a great deal if you can cut your taxes with it.

Eugene White
Eugene White
2 years ago

I missed a glorious F100 that I desperately wanted because I couldn’t drag my ass 100 miles on a 4-degree day, so these are the current contenders:



Alas, driver $3k 60s-70s trucks are thin on the ground in the Northeast right now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eugene White

Indeed. But they are still out there! I bought a ’63 International Travelall for a fraction of that price a couple of weeks ago; it’s in the driveway while I collect parts.

Go get your truck, young man

Eugene White
Eugene White
2 years ago
Reply to  Idiotking

If this Travelall was a stick and located in eastern Upstate NY, I saw that ad and considered. He had a late 60s IH pickup last year that I drove and should have bought.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
2 years ago


This Lotus Evora with under 50k miles and a squeaky clean Carfax/maintenance history for 47 grand. It’s a god awful idea. But I keep telling myself “durrrrr it’s a Toyota powertrain you’d be fine dailying it!”

2 years ago

DO IT!!!

2 years ago

I think you should go for it. You’re not going to see another one that’s not trashed come up at that price.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago

Are you quite sure you wouldn’t rather have a Renault Sport Spider for just under $40K?


Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

Yes because I couldn’t daily that. I COULD daily an Evora.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago

Of course you can daily the Renault. After all, this isn’t Prudent Idea Thursday.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

You are technically correct….the best kind of correct!

Mercedes Streeter
Mercedes Streeter
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

Hot DAMN, that’s going to be on MMM tomorrow. 😀

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago

Happy to have brought it to your attention!

Charlie Hartman
Charlie Hartman
2 years ago

Was looking at BMW i3s for a while after David’s article about them, as an occasional use second car. Even found a 2014 ReX with 62k miles that’s been sitting very out of place at a local dealer since probably July. They are asking $14k, but I’m betting they’d take a lot less.

My wife rightly vetoed that idea, on multiple grounds. I was kind of relieved, based on owning aging BMWs in past and all the problems that go with them.

I’ve now moved on to something much less interesting, but probably a lot more practical and reliable. A different local dealer has a 2012 Prius v Three. Carfax has all the service records, it seems to have been a company car and maintained like clockwork at a dealer. 130k miles, asking $9500. Only issues I could find (other than being a goofy Prius wagon) are extremely clouded headlights, and two mismatched off-brand tires I suspect the dealer put on.

It’s a high-volume dealer and they’ve had the car a few months, with the price steadily decreasing. I’m tempted to offer $8000 and see what happens.

Douglas Hord
Douglas Hord
2 years ago

This is the one that’s got my full attention at this time – https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1394244518070134/

My grandparents had a 1970 Monaco Brougham in 1970 – butter cream with a dark green vinyl top and dark green brocade. Can’t remember why they traded it on a 1972 Monaco, but I think it had to do with the air conditioning.

Still waiting to hear back on the “slight attention needed on the frame” and attendant photos.

Eugene White
Eugene White
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Hord

Needs more Thermoquad but otherwise, endorse.

2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Hord

That looks great, but that about the frame is scary. Hope it turns out to be as good as it looks!

2 years ago

Damn, are people really willing to pay $4,500 for a 25-year-old Volvo wagon with 315K miles? Or $7,500 for a beat to hell 40-year-old Isuzu 4×4 with 250,000 miles? The used car market is dumber than I thought. As a result, nothing is tempting me and I’m sticking to the same trusty daily and two fun cars I’ve had for a while now.

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
2 years ago

I have many ideas, many plans, many stupid ass vehicles I want to build. Unfortunately they need to wait for a divorce to shake out, and then they need to wait for the used car market to settle.

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
2 years ago

There’s a ’70s model Caddy Hearse over in Daytona Fl area that has dropped from $1500 to about $700 over the past few months. Its rusty and crusty and brown and horrible.
I wants it.
I want to get it, I want to eBay twin turbo that monstrous 472 in it. I want to take it to the GRM $2000 Challenge and body-roll all over the auto-x course, whipping hubcaps at corner workers. Then I want to take it to the drag event and fry the tires off it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Asa

Do it. We’re here to help you!

Mark Tucker
Mark Tucker
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Asa

I find no fault whatsoever with that plan.

2 years ago

There are 3 or 4 local Explorer Sport-Tracs I have been watching (it was like you read my mind with the article today), but the worst idea I keep looking at is a BMW 430i convertible. I know it’s going to have a bunch of issues. I know it’s going to be expensive to repair/maintain. But a retractable hardtop BMW still seems like a fun car to cruise around in. It’s sold by a dealer I think is shady, so I probably won’t go for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Or is the plural “Explorers Sport-Trac?” “Explorer Sports-Trac” is clearly just a competitive athletics trim, but I could also split the difference and go with “Explorers Sport-Tracs.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Explorers Sports-Tracs I believe is correct. Why are you looking at those? I always kinda liked them, but I rarely see them in the wild these days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Strangek

I always thought they were neat and one popped up on FB Marketplace. I looked at it, decided it was too much for a 200k mile Ford of that era, and didn’t think much of it. Then one came up with 110k miles. And another one with 150k.

I probably won’t buy one, but seeing three (or maybe 4, but I think one just got relisted) locally piqued my interest. And it would be a little smaller than my Silverado, which would be a nice change. But I don’t daily my pickup, so it’s probably not worth the effort to sell it and buy one of those.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago

I have an appointment to look at this on Saturday at 11:00 AM. Yes, really.


2 years ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

Nice of you to drag away someone’s scrap metal!

Seriously, though, if you can do something with that, it’ll probably be awesome.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago
Reply to  David Tracy

I need the two-stroke parts but not really the V4 parts or the V4 parts car but it sounds like it may have to be a package deal. Depending on what’s left on it, some of the stuff on the parts car will be interchangeable anyway.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

To answer the question about having a project, this is from my parking garage at work:


2 years ago
Reply to  Mike Harrell

[Benz inches slowly away from contagion]

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago
Reply to  AssMatt

That’s the other reason I don’t have to worry much about door dings.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
2 years ago
Reply to  David Tracy

I ended up buying everything except the car itself, as it had already been fairly thoroughly stripped and the shell itself was in quite poor shape. When I got the treasure trove of two-stroke and V4 parts home my wife observed that “it looked like a dump run” and I must admit she had a point:


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