Home » It’s Time For Some Good Old Auto Union Weirdos: Cold Start

It’s Time For Some Good Old Auto Union Weirdos: Cold Start

Cs Au1000 1

I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve really reveled in the good mid-century, beautifully illustrated madness of an Auto Union brochure, so I’m going to take care of that right now. This particular brochure is a good one because it’s for a very interesting Auto Union, the 1000 SP. Really, this car was a two-stroke DKW (remember, the Auto Union was composed of DKW, Horch, Wanderer, and Audi) but it was dressed up as something that looked for all the world like a shrunken Ford Thunderbird.

If you always wanted a Thunderbird but could never commit because the car was just too damn big and had too many engine cycles and not enough pale blue oil smoke, then the Auto Union 1000 SP is definitely the car for you.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

I think it’s good to look and reflect how obvious it was that Auto Union was cribbing from the Thunderbird – it’s not an exact copy, but it’s quite clearly inspired by and definitely feels Thunderbirdy – because so many carmakers got a start “borrowing” heavily from other carmakers, design-wise. Accusations of copying styles have most recently been leveled at the Chinese car industry, and before that the Korean, and before that Japanese, and so on, so it’s good to remember that just about every major automaker has indulged in a little cribbing here and there. Nobody is a saint.

Cs Au1000 8

But back to the brochure and its weirdos! The car is, of course, a charming machine, but let’s take a look at who is hanging out around it:


Cs Au1000 1

Let’s zoom in a little closer; Computer! Zoom, and enhance!

Cs Au1000 2

What’s going on here? Who is Captain Emerald, there? Is he with Lady Saffron, or is she a friend of The Scarlet Sweater? Is Cap’n Emerald there to take pictures? Is he a real captain, or a photographer in a novel hat?

Cs Au1000 3


“But dad, I don’t want to go in the trunk with the luggage.”

“I’m sorry, Enkidu, but you know the poodle doesn’t like darkness. And the poodle has papers. You don’t.”

Cs Au1000 5

I think the remarkable thing in this image above, aside from the interesting shading choice that makes the paint look like a chrome-to-ruby ombre, is the absolutely massive ascot on the guy with the golf bag:

Cs Au1000 7


That’s an ample ascot, a colossal cravat. It’s like a whole damn towel, or bedsheet, and I have to admit, I’m kind of taken by that lapel-less jacket, which looks like the sort of thing they’d use in a movie where they want to show a businessman in the year, oh, 2145.

Cs Au1000 4

Are these guys racing, or just driving recklessly down a mountain road in the rain? They seem to be wearing hemets, which feels wise, though I’m not sure the goggles are that efficacious in a car with a full roof and windshield.

Man, I love this era of car brochures; the world seems to be such a strange and colorful, if deeply and subtly unsettling, place.

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6 months ago

That last pic is ART and looks great!
Looks the same as a setting on Pike’s Peak

David Smith
David Smith
6 months ago

I’m not sure the goggles are that efficacious in a car with a full roof and windshield.

“We don’t mind dying in a fiery car crash, we at least want to be able to see it!”

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
6 months ago

Enough of this ascot alliteration, get back to our regularly scheduled taillight twaddle

6 months ago

It looks even more like the 1957 Thunderbird with its canted fins.

6 months ago

It looks like that door opens more than 90º — Amazing!

6 months ago

the absolutely massive ascot on the guy with the golf bag

What’s with the kink-shaming?

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
6 months ago

Despite the claim that it is “priced to sell fasssssst” this one has been for sale in Tacoma for several months now:


I admit it does look like a nice example, but maybe not $29,950.00 nice.

6 months ago

because so many carmakers got a start “borrowing” heavily from other carmakers…”

This feels true of anything creative; I’ve heard countless comedians describe evolving from ‘regurgitating jokes of the day’ –> ‘knock-offs of acts of the day’ –> ‘finding my voice,’ and it’s certainly true of my music. Truly original, right out of the gate, seems too lofty an expectation, and I’d bet that a number of would-be Creatives talk themselves out of trying.

6 months ago
Reply to  AssMatt

If one person’s done it before you it’s plagiarism. If two people have, it’s a trope.

6 months ago

“Father, if you turn the suitcase on its side you can fi..”
“Enkidu, one more word out of you and I’ll crush your skull with that damn bowling ball.”

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
6 months ago

Didn’t the DKW/AUs also have that uneven wheel base from one side to the other, like Renaults of the time, due to some torsion bar rear suspension issue?
(Strange really not just making them half length, like on a VW Beetle)

Last edited 6 months ago by Jakob K's Garage
6 months ago

Clearly that’s Gilligan, the Skipper and Mrs. Thurston Howell in the pic with the silver/gray car.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
6 months ago
Reply to  Nlpnt

I’m sure it’s Ginger, the Captain and the Professor. They are about to go for a three hour drive.

The Matts
The Matts
6 months ago

Methinks it’s Thurston Howell, Lovey, and the Professor cosplaying as the Skipper, Ginger, and Gilligan. Either it’s Halloween on the island or there’s some kinky stuff about to go down.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
6 months ago

Captain Emerald is trying to convince Lady S to stick around whilst Ascot Boy ferries the rugrat home. After all he is hosting the key party at the club this evening.

Maybe this is how the infamous Robert Wagner boat trip began?
Except the “wrong” person fell off that night.
What? too soon?

Kids in the trunk? I’m shocked, shocked I say…

The racing drawing is an early illustration of how cool James Bond would look driving, even in a crappy old Auto Union pos…

Last edited 6 months ago by Col Lingus
6 months ago

You can tell this Plunderbird brochure is from the late 50s to mid 60s because prior to that, the only Germans who looked this happy and prosperous were those who’d escaped … er… emigrated to Brazil.

6 months ago

Judging by the look on the face of The Scarlet Sweater, I’d say he has designs on Lady Saffron. But Captain Emerald is in the way. For the moment.

6 months ago

Never forget the words of the immortal Tom McCahill: “Contrary to what you may have heard, Walter Reuther had nothing to do with Auto-Union.”

6 months ago
Craig Simpson
Craig Simpson
6 months ago

How often does Lady Saffron get to eat? Does Lady Saffron subsist purely on snippets of saffron? Talk about having a slim waist!

Urban Runabout
Urban Runabout
6 months ago
Reply to  Craig Simpson

She hasn’t eaten anything but olives, pickled onions and maraschino cherries since 1953.

6 months ago

Captain Emerald is the Ernest Borgnine role we don’t ever talk about.

Also, the placement of o and 0 on a standard keyboard is truly cursed.

like a chrome-t0-ruby ombre

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