Home » I’ve Slept Three Nights In The Pontiac Aztek Tent. Here’s What I Think About It So Far

I’ve Slept Three Nights In The Pontiac Aztek Tent. Here’s What I Think About It So Far

Aztek Wrecked Ts (1)

My first night in the Pontiac Aztek was pretty rough. The wind was blowing the tent all over the place — it was loud, it was cold, and my back was the shape of a pretzel by the time I woke up.

I’m finally delivering my end of the “If 200 People Become Autopian Members In April I Will Purchase A Pontiac Aztek, Daily-Drive It For A Month, And Live In It” deal. As I wrote in my article “Our Pontiac Aztek Has Been A Great Daily Driver Except For One Major Issue: Unintended Acceleration,” Daily-driving the Aztek was really not a huge deal, partly because I don’t go to the office everyday, and partly because the Aztek is in great condition. Honestly, for us to have scored it for only $3604 is just the deal of the century.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

The unintended acceleration thing, though, is becoming more and more of a problem.


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I still haven’t quite figured out what’s going on here, because sometimes the engine revs up, and sometimes it doesn’t. It seems random, and with it comes really rough shifting. I’m worried this transmission is going to grenade itself if I don’t find a fix soon, though as of this moment, the engine idles at a steady 800 RPM, the transmission shifts in a buttery fashion, and the car seems fine. As I said, it’s random.


Anyway, on Monday I began part two of our deal: Sleeping in the Aztent, and I have to admit, my first impressions weren’t great. The tent didn’t seem sturdy, and the vehicle’s rear cargo area fails the number one test for sleep-ability: it’s not even close to flat.

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Seriously, look at this floor — it’s not just the rear cargo area trim:

Aztek Tent44272 425023760491110 1389028124531634455 N

It’s not just the gap and the slippery, sloped tailgate:


Aztek Tent42368 917862406978954 1713568321322918746 N

But the floor itself is actually far from flat for some reason:

Aztek Tent45300 879724651029038 5961325961756761545 N

As you can see in the clip above, I didn’t use the old tent I’d purchased from Facebook Marketplace, but rather a brand spankin’ new tent that a generous reader had sold me in a piping hot deal. Just look at this minty-fresh unit:

Aztek Tent56726 587349163733367 8213285892381250336 N


Aztek Tent49457 932899962023376 8050530137475523900 N

I followed the never-before-read instructions, which really answered a lot of questions I had about which hooks go where.

Aztek Tent82155 482004328219205 3252664581177566814 N

The short of it is, the tent involves you hooking two straps to the garment hooks, and closing the rear doors on those straps.

Aztek Tent60532 439359082533984 2011738053410965829 N


There are two additional hooks near the tailgate; those get fastened down around the wheel well. Normally, you’re not supposed to hook the front one to the wheel, but I didn’t want to stretch this minty tent. It’s a historical artifact, valuable to possibly multiple people!

Astek Tent 22Aztek Tent57099 8509091135866293 5898545131636691131 N

Aztek Tent51689 1267374657740779 2139658710288260051 N

Aztek Tent60205 525682233618983 7282884514829051324 N

Aztek Tent42296 568883552459810 8375671925764916657 N


I had been a bit hasty on night one. I set up the tent and just crashed on a really thin mattress pad there in that work parking lot. You can see the setup above; obviously, it’s not doing much to “flatten” out that big hump in the cargo area (hence my back ending up as a pretzel). I also forgot to put on my wool socks, so I woke up freezing my arse off (top tip after far too many subzero camping trips: Even if you don’t normally sleep in socks, if you’re camping in cold temps, throw some thick socks on).

Anyway, I woke up looking rough:

Aztek Tent76387 884956500504979 6357980827834465687 N

I did a bit of blogging, then needed to use the bathroom, so I headed towards the office wearing my pajamas before realizing it was Tuesday, so there was a big department-wide meeting happening right on the other side of the door. Thank god I realized that, or that’d have been awkward.

Aztek Tent46133 1201809088175347 2037356883003886730 N


Night two took place in my fiancee’s parents’ driveway. Temperatures didn’t seem as cold on Tuesdsay night, Elise (Not Her Real Name)’s mom had given me a nice warm blanket and a sweet lantern, and I awoke to some chirping birds, so the whole thing was actually quite pleasant:

Aztek Tent54534 1233438501045661 4825093252069655542 NAztek Tent48394 354599774377343 2298346633070010485 N

Aztek Tent46451 1686285758621050 4791258452011087577 NAztek Tent60333 834186701986621 2708854820108022549 N

Notice how I look at least 20 percent less miserable:

Aztek Tent52624 379165035279456 7905471109219579364 NAztek Tent46349 1079514637172196 5998351526558111235 N


Here’s Elise (Not Her Real Name)’s dad, whom I’m excited to soon call my father in law, standing next to my Aztek:

Aztek Tent37303 1089597232575708 3952385882937363570 N

Night two had actually changed my mind about the Aztek. The spine-in-the-shape-of-a-pretzel thing is still an issue, but that can be solved by the official Pontiac Aztek air mattress, which I’ll be deploying this evening.

As for the wind noise, I think that’s just a product of me not staking down the back of the tent, since I’m parking in driveways. There are loops on the tent, which came with strings and stakes, so if I were to actually park this thing on some dirt, much of the noise/instability would go away.

More importantly, setting this thing up is just so easy — even alone:



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What’s more, there’s just so much cool storage in the back:

Aztek Tent52642 1556909964936205 6009015198477921059 N

Aztek Tent52619 1069492161155467 1363377489496149963 N

Plus there’s a 12-volt outlet for you to charge your phone:


Aztek Tent73074 888240943438502 6614949318978595081 N

And the rear window sills are nice and flat, acting as great nightstands:

Aztek Tent48410 1577522426485771 2506777054798271169 N

That first night in the work parking lot had me skeptical that maybe the Aztent was just a gimmick, but actually, I’m now 100 percent onboard. Look at how tight the tent fits:

Aztek Tent71017 1005100898298592 7546034043157273676 N Aztek Tent57099 8509091135866293 5898545131636691131 N


With an air mattress, this actually has potential to be a legitimately good camping setup — offering elevation and setup-speed over a ground tent, and offering extra legroom/ventilation over just sleeping in a mid-size SUV.

Check out our Instagram to follow along. Tonight I plan to inflate the brand-new air mattress for the first time ever, and I’m planning on cooking a meal on a propane stove…somewhere. Probably along the coast somewhere.

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3 months ago

Been traveling for work most of the past week, so I have missed the first waves of comments, but I would say the first thing to have gotten was one of the Klymit car air mattresses. They fit great in in my mini van and are probably better insulated than the Pontiac one.

Keith M Hammons
Keith M Hammons
3 months ago

People who think they got a great deal on a $3,600 self-driving Pontiac Aztec are my kind of people.

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
4 months ago

The real stars of this story are Elise (not her real name) and her parents. They are absurdly cool.

Dennis Ames
Dennis Ames
3 months ago
Reply to  Argentine Utop

Maybe we should rename David’s Fiance as “Fur Elise” after the muscial piece, and you’d never have to add the (NHRN) after it.

4 months ago

David! What are you doing sleeping in parking lots! You’re right down the hill from Angeles National Park and a half hour from El Matador! The point of sleeping in a tent isn’t to sleep in the tent, it’s to sleep somewhere scenic! If you’re gonna get arrested for sleeping in your car, at least do it somewhere worth the fine!

4 months ago

Thank you so much for doing this for us all DT! You’re still planning on incorporating shower spaghetti into this somehow, right? Right? Ha ha

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
4 months ago

The protagonist living in a tent in his fiancee’s parents’ driveway – those movies always end badly.

4 months ago
Reply to  Hugh Crawford

Honest to god the fact that Elise (Not her real name) and her parents (Not their real names) are ok with DT sleeping in a friggin Aztek tent in their driveway is as clear a sign it’s meant to be as will ever be found. If she can love you in an Aztek tent, she can love you anywhere.

El Jefe de Barbacoa
El Jefe de Barbacoa
4 months ago
Reply to  Roofless

If this Aztek tent’s rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’.

4 months ago

Camping to me seems like a form of punishment, but I think I could actually camp in some like that.

3 months ago
Reply to  FiveOhNo

I figure if we, as a species, were meant to go camping we wouldn’t have invented hotels.

4 months ago

Good to see you finally making good on the promise to live in the Aztek for a week. This is the type of “see David do stupid things” I come here for. However while continuing to drive this thing with its current malfunctions is certainly stupid, it is dangerous to others and as a soon to be married man that is one of the “see David do stupid things” that gets tiring. It is a company car just take it to one of the many professionals under the Galpin umbrella and have them at least to figure out what the problem is.

Peter d
Peter d
4 months ago
Reply to  Scoutdude

a thousand times this!

4 months ago
Reply to  Scoutdude

Absolutely – you don’t go up or down the mountains in that car until it’s fixed. If your brakes start smoking on the Grapevine, the rest of the car’s not far behind.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x