Logo design is not easy. At all. You have to distill the entire essence of an organization down into something instantly identifiable, easily reproducible, appealing, eye-catching, everything. It’s far more challenging than I think most people realize. And when it’s not right, everyone can tell, immediately, almost innately. If you don’t believe me, just look at Jaguar’s new logo – and the associated new brand-image campaign – and look at the reactions it’s inspiring, almost none of which are positive. This is feeling like a logo disaster.
Jaguar making a radical and bold change is absolutely a good thing, don’t get me wrong. The brand has been stagnant for some time now, and in desperate need of some sort of reboot. Sure, they have a fantastic history and a legacy of truly iconic cars, but that doesn’t help them sell new cars, which I’m told carmakers enjoy doing. So the idea that Jaguar needs to make a dramatic change is something I absolutely agree with.

I’m just not sure the change should be whatever this is:
Oh boy. There’s a lot there, isn’t there? Let’s just start with the logo:
Now, on some basic design level, I don’t hate this at all; I think the rounded forms are friendly and clean, and the mixing of upper and lower case is playful. It’s approachable and clean, slightly 70s-retro as well. It would be a fantastic logo for, say, a maker of fun budget consumer electronics or perhaps a frozen yogurt brand.
But for a car? For a Jaguar? No.
I mean, I think the old logo was definitely in need of an update; the typography felt stale and dated, and the jaguar itself – the “leaper,” was a bit too complex for an effective logo. It was fine for what it was, but I do agree that an update was in order.
That said, it’s hard to imagine something that feels more wrong than what Jag decided on. As I said, it’s not terrible graphically, but we have to consider what this “device mark” (that’s what Jaguar calls the wordmark logo) feels like and reminds us of, visually, because I hardly think it works as a car brand attempting to compete with Rolls-Royce, Mercedes-Benz, and Bentley.
Here are some other logos that feel very visually similar to the new Jag logo:
So, we have Nintendo’s line of little toys that interact with video games, the stylized typography used for a sci-fi movie about gigantic worms and desert-dwelling drug addicts, and the design of the typography on those Bloomingdale’s bags my Aunt Margie used to always have.
None of these feel like “premium vehicle” to me, electric or otherwise.
Plus, where’s the cat? Why would you get rid of the leaping feline from the logo? That’s the best part! To be fair, the new brand identity does have a place for the leaping jag, shown as a “makers mark” on a striped background that they call “strikethrough” and seems to refer to horizontal line design motifs.
That’s a bit better, and could certainly work well on some sort of rectangular grille. Jaguar also is showing a sort of monogram-like makers mark, too:
Again, not a bad design (if you can get past a sort of monogram that’s JaguaR) but it still doesn’t feel very Jaguar, even if Jaguar wants to make a new idea of Jaguar. I know it’s easy to criticize, because I’m doing that right now so I know, but I still think this logo could have been much, much better.
Here, I’m going to take five minutes to just show you roughly what I mean:
That’s a literal five-minute effort, and I’m not saying this is perfect or even good by any means, but I feel like it captures modernity and Jaguar-ness better than the “device mark” Jaguar put out. Using that new more angular leaper would make it better, but I don’t feel like spending another five minutes doing that. You can imagine it, right?
Okay, that’s just the logo. Let’s get into the brand identity stuff shown in that video I embedded up there. You know, the one with this wacky crew:
Okay, so here’s my big problem with all of this: for something that says “copy nothing,” this is some incredibly derivative stuff. This kind of bold, colorful couture, these saturated-color-monochromatic backgrounds, it’s not new or bold, it’s almost the default go-to when some organization wants to prove how bold and edgy and daring they are.
Don’t believe me? Here’s a little experiment to try. Grab a sample image of one of these Gautier-ish-looking models and do a reverse image search. Let’s try one with this vivid friend here:
…and the results:
There are many, many similar earlier examples of this aesthetic, going back about 20 years or so. There have been plenty of looks like this, the ruffles, the color, the fit, the expression, the overall look. This is not new ground that’s being tread, this is the easiest, most worn path to making people think new ground is being tread.
Some of these references go back even further. Take Temu Tilda Swinton here with her sledgehammer:
She’s not breaking any moulds there; she’s snuggling into a mould that was first used to cast a brand identity back in 1984.
And I think that may be the real problem here: this whole identity and campaign wants so desperately to be seen as shocking or new or novel but it just isn’t. It’s pandering and lazy and while I respect that Jaguar wants to shoot for something artier and unexpected, this just isn’t it.
This kind of artful shocking, using striking, unusual-looking models and visuals that arrest and surprise certainly can be done to sell cars. Citroën figured it out decades ago, for example:
Seriously, can you imagine going on a road trip with this guy?:
After about an hour of listening to his atonal music and listening to him complain about every fucking billboard you pass and refusing to play word games with you and eating his smelly mung beans, noisily, you’d want to ditch this scarlet bore at the first Sheetz you stopped at.
The tone isn’t innovative, it’s smug and elitist and while, sure, that’s part of the Jaguar identity, this is stupidly and derivatively smug and elitist. I suppose there will be people who will say that at least we’re talking about Jaguar now, but I’m not sure that’s so great. Because everyone seems to be talking about how they don’t want whatever Jaguars come out of this.
There needs to be a new idea of Jaguar, no question. Whatever this mess is, though, is not it.
Jaguar, if you want a do-over, I think everyone is okay with that.
It’s almost as if someone at the ad agency watched a commercial for a fashion or perfume brand and had their minds blown. Seriously, I cannot remember when was the last time I saw a perfume commercial that made any sense or gave me an idea of what I would be buying.
Exhibit A: What is even going on here? Why is the lady crying gold?
Exhibit B: You know what, screw it, let’s do a supercut:
Jaguar, buddy, don’t do this!
God I hate perfum ads.
Over here they are on constantly during the run up to Christmas. That one with Jonny Depp makes me assume it smells of drunk pirates and shame.
All of them just make me add that company to the list of wankers who will never get my money.
On entirely the other side of the marketing coin is Alpinestars. I own a set of Alpinestars bike leathers, bike boots, FIA race boots, and FIA race suit, two MTB tops and five pairs of Alpinestars gloves, and I have no idea why I chose them.
This. They made a brand for luxury eyewear. Not cars.
Hey… “Down” is also a direction!
These people don’t look ‘exuberant’ – they look like the before photo in an ad for antidepressants.
My thought exactly, they sure aren’t having fun so why would I want to associate myself with this brand?
Granted, Jaguar was always a more serious brand than a fun brand, but they weren’t anti-fun (Project 8, anyone?). These people look like they’re anti-fun.
Or the “after” photo for Bennetton’s upcoming spring line of frontal lobotomies.
They were made to live in your head rent-free forever…
“Temu Tilda Swinton” this is why I love this site!
Yeah, I still can’t believe Calvin Klein stole Kramer’s perfume idea!
“The Beach”
Some people Jaguar and some people Jaguaren’t. Based on this commercial I can safely say that I fall into the Jaguaren’t category and I’m okay with that.
This marketing philosophy will absolutely pay off when Jag-you-are pivots to building spaceship pod devices and is marketing them to the visitors from outer space that are hiding among us. This will give them false hope of a return to their home planet(s) because we all know they will never get there. But, at least it will get them out of here.
Blimy, back in the day you had to have a few bob to buy a Jag, know what I mean…
Now the are advertising that they sell their cars to people so poor they wear sheets and plastic buckets in the street!
But seriously give an under 30 year old a photo on a computer and the first thing they always do is saturate the hell out of it. I have noticed iPhone pics are coming saturated right out of the phone now.
Which is probably why they need drugs like this lot obviously do when they go out in to the ordinary, unsaturated world.
As for the type face, comes straight from modern advertising aimed at under 10 year olds — they are drilled into very round hand writing so it resonates.
Looking like highway blocking protesters.
“Are you winning son” filtered through a techbro lens.
Why black and androgynous folk in this? Jaguar is bought by guys who hate that shit.
Also something about the typeface is insufferable. You just know the guy who made that needs to make you aware he really likes AI and NFTs before it, and Crypto before that and thinks Elon is getting railroaded.
Did Top Gear just do this advertising? It’s sort of a joke right?
article to make us all feel better!
Grace Jones driving in and out of her head… freaky and awesome. Jaguars new motif, sorry already forgot about it…
Back to Mayday, plot twist she actually didn’t blow up after escaping Zorins mine, she has her own superhero underground base and her Citroen traverses the CA desert on missions…
If you make a great car, do people even care what the logo looks like? I mean, starting with this atrocity of an “ad” instead of showing us a great car is a really bad sign of where jaGuar is headed.
Can you draw the Pagani logo from memory? Or Lotus? Hell, we still have Porsche with that super complex shield emblem but nobody really cares if the emblem is a shit emoji if the car is amazing.
If this is the Branding, what will the cars be?
Sad and strange. Mostly sad once the strange wears off.
Fucking hell. I hate literally everything about this. The logo, the commercial, the mood, everything.
What is the purpose of the page numbers at the bottom? I keep trying to move back one page, but the same post keeps appearing at the top. How about we go back to a normal method of comments, where you start with the oldest, and therefore can keep track of replies.
Sometimes when there’s an important or great comment, they will “pin” that one and it stays at the top of all pages. Also, I think they said they are working on getting the pages in order so you don’t have to keep going back
are those the post-purchase facial expressions? about right
because cocaine is a hell of a drug
One more thing, why make the wordmark upper and lower case, but in the ad copy all the slogans are purely lower case?
when Walmart went from WAL*MART to walmart, I don’t think anyone noticed.
Because they didn’t do anything crazy. Their new(er) branding matches their identity (as “the store”) just as well as the old branding did, just now it looks like it’s from 2020 instead of 2000. You didn’t just walk into Walmart one day and saw the staff all dressed like Oompa Loompas.
that would be funny though lol
When I think of Jaguar I think elegance and sleekness . . . this is typeface strikes me as cartoony and . . . not unserious, but certainly more casual or childlike, which seems the opposite of going upmarket.
The other thing that bugs me (and it took me a while to figure it out) is the mix of upper and lower case letters. It really grinds my gears when I look at it and adds to the childish feel I get from the typeface.
Lastly, I read in another article that Jaguar is “not afraid to polarize”, which I’m reading as “We’re dug in”. Sigh.
As for the pictures? Aside from they don’t strike me as relevant to Jag in any meaningful way, I don’t have much to say about them.
So Jaguar’s new brand identity is “brainwashed cult”. Coming soon to an airport near you!
Got it.
I wonder if they too will have a restaurant serving only vegan food containing tiny tooth cracking rocks till it’s shut down by the health department as well.
Desperate companies do desperate things. Not a good look, Jaguar. Not a good look.
Just make a new car people want to buy.
The Zoolander vibes are strong with this branding…
What on earth kind of freak show is that!?
they want to appeal to the entire population of 20 freaks
Every one of them looks like a completely insufferable human being. If they got together for a potluck they would all have mutually exclusive dietary restrictions and each end up eating only the one thing they brought.
Yeah, I thought this was a new ad for Tesla stans…
Works as a logo for their suitcases line and overpriced scarfs. Good thing they didn’t make it a logo for the cars, right? Right? RIGHT?!
At the moment, they’re not making cars, so we’re good.
Also these models look like Bladerunner replicants with depression.
Ahahaha!!!!! The future is here, its even more dystopian and depressing than what our best writers and Hollywood could come up with
I have to wonder if the actor/models were even told they were doing this for a car company. Or maybe they were and their distant, disinterested look is just shock from a lack of understanding.
Somebody also mentioned drugs – could be that, too.
Reminds me of those Infinity ads all those years ago that didn’t show a vehicle. Those were weird, but at least not garish.