Home » Jason Torchinsky Thanks You All From The Bottom Of His Recently Patched-Up Heart, Has Thoughts On His Walker’s Amber Reflectors

Jason Torchinsky Thanks You All From The Bottom Of His Recently Patched-Up Heart, Has Thoughts On His Walker’s Amber Reflectors

Torch Update Tsf

Jason is in the hospital recovering from an Aortic Dissection, a condition in which “a tear occurs in the inner layer of the large blood vessel branching off the heart,” as St. Clair Hospital’s website puts it. It’s a serious thing, and we are so grateful Jason’s wife Sally told him to call an ambulance immediately when he told her about his chest pain. Jason was rushed to the hospital, which is just a stone’s throw away from his house, and is now healing. He’s still feeling some pain and dealing with all sorts of post-op discomfort, but not enough to keep him from THANKING YOU ALL for your support.

If you’ve been watching Jason at Jalopnik and now here on The Autopian, usually driving some crazy old car or telling you some wacky thing about a taillight, then the video below is probably going to make you feel a lot of emotions. It certainly had that effect on me, because Jason is the craziest, most amped-up, wackiest, most fun human being I’ve ever known, and to see that fun have to be throttled back because his body won’t cooperate…it’s a little tough to see. The world is a better place when Jason Torchinsky can truly be himself, which is to say UNHINGED; he’s healing, and will undoubtedly return to that nominal state, but there’s a bit of a battle ahead still. You can see in Jason’s video here that, though he’s still dealing with that battle, he’s doing well enough to thank you all for your support and to suddenly transform into his usual self when he’s being silly and talking about a scar:

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Vidframe Min Bottom

Jason, who is a bit short of breath and down on energy (he has hiccups that are causing pain in his ribs, which had to be broken for the operation) starts the video with: “Hi everybody, I just wanna say thank you all so much for all the support and everything everybody’s done in reaching out. It means so much to me. This is not a great plan I had, but it is what it is. And I’ll be back as soon as I can, and just thank you!”

Then comes some sort of transformation in which he gains enough energy to re-enter full Torch mode for a few seconds: “Oh yeah and check out this badass scar, that’s pretty good. They cut open my STERNUM. Sounds crazy, but I just appreciate everybody’s support and reaching out, it means a lot to me, so thank you everybody.”


Since the video was shot, Jason’s wife Sally told me that Torch, unable to resist his calling in life, is considering blogging about the amber reflectors on his walker — reflectors that he finds funny, as they seem to imply some kind of highway capability:

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Anyway, Jason wants to say thanks to all of you. Fellow industry colleagues, friends, readers, other publications (I’ll just note that Jalopnik’s tweet was classy). Thank you to Thad for starting the Torch Medical Fund on GoFundMe (Sally told me she’s had so many folks ask how they can help, she created this “Jason’s Coming Home From The Hospita” Amazon registry. If you want to help in any way, you’re welcome to contribute to either of those two, but there’s no obligation at all. Your kind words mean so much to Jason).

It’s a trying time for us here at The Autopian, and even more of a trying time for Jason and his family. But we also realize how much of a trying time this might be to many of you, dear readers. When you spend over a decade reading someone’s every word and following them on social media, it’s hard not to build a bond with them. I often think of writing as a porthole into one’s soul, and once you read enough of someone’s words, you really feel like you get them. Like you know them. Jason has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people with his work, and you should all know that as much as he means to you, you mean just as much to him. You’re the reason he has continued to do what he does for over a decade. So thank you! From the bottom of Jason’s humongous, patched-up heart whose sound confused the doctor when they first listened to it. “Uh, your heart…it sounds… is that the click of a turn signal’s thermal flasher relay?”

Jason: “Wait, they’re not all like that?”

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1 year ago

Very glad you’re on the mend, Torch. I hope you recover fast and fully, and that we get to here your vibrant and creative voice for many many years to come.

Manuel Verissimo
Manuel Verissimo
1 year ago

Take it easy Jason, that scar is badass for a reason. We can wait for that walker review 🙂

Steve Kilpatrick
Steve Kilpatrick
1 year ago

Torch, I mean it when I say that you and David are among my absolute favorite automotive journalists. Stay strong man, and know there are literally thousands of gearheads keeping you in their thoughts.

1 year ago

Here’s to a quick and minimally painful recovery! Take it easy and heal up and . . . follow the rehab exercise schedule? Follow your doctor and eat your Quaker Oatmeal, it’s the right thing to do. [/Wilford Brimley voice]

Phil Layshio
Phil Layshio
1 year ago

I can only speak for myself, but I hardly think I’m the only one. We DO get attached to our favorite writers. Thank you for recognizing that David. We enjoy hearing about your triumphs and adventures. Finding out you’re not just a rust loving hermit? So happy for you brother!!!
Torch, someone above suggested taking it easy during recovery, and I wanna second that! You’ve much to do yet. I’ve been eagerly awaiting a deep dive into the taillights of a 1925 Cubitt Model K. I know it’s just a matter of time until you get around to it.

1 year ago

projecting here, but I’m thinking this journey is gonna be laborious. You can’t rush it. Don’t even think about the interstate: this is a 2-lane speeds trip. Forget about the horizon: gear down and focus on this section, then you can tackle the next one. Like rally stages. Drive to the notes.
Badass scar, man

Last edited 1 year ago by TOSSABL
Not Sure
Not Sure
1 year ago
Reply to  TOSSABL

As someone who has spent an inordinate amount of their life in hospitals (some good some bad), ease up on creating content for a bit.
While away for while.
We recognize your writing here is a labor of love, but the word labor should not exist in your lexicon at this time.
Shut up, enjoy your family and a few good books for now.

I for one prefer your absence over a forced quick recovery.

Longevity is the name of the game.

Mark Pilon
Mark Pilon
1 year ago

Stop throwing stones at that hospital, already!

1 year ago

Heal up, Torch! Best wishes for your recovery! I hope to read your unhinged takes on things for many years to come.

Matthew Skwarczek
Matthew Skwarczek
1 year ago

Torch, glad you’re still with us, and hope your recovery is swift and complete! Also, do all walkers have markers now or did the hospital staff know who you were?

1 year ago

Glad to hear you’re still around and haven’t lost your humor, Mr. Torchinsky. I’d have missed both terribly. Wish you all the best for your recovery and future health and I wish your family and friends and your colleagues at Autopian a quick recovery from their shock and worries. It’s never fun to have a loved one go through something like this.

P.S.: maybe they have some i.v. blinker fluid at the hospital? Surely that’s exactly what your body needs.

Carlos Ferreira
Carlos Ferreira
1 year ago

Focusing the Force on your complete and rapid recovery. You’re one of a kind, and I for one appreciate the f*ck out of you. Godspeed Sir Torch!

1 year ago

Torch needs to rest and recuperate and not think about work for a while… but it’d be a damn shame if he doesn’t take this opportunity while he has access to medical professionals to ask them about the viability of the Pixar Cars Homunculus Theory.

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
1 year ago
Reply to  10001010

Nothing wrong with asking questions and jotting down a few notes while on the mend.

1 year ago

Just saw this.So glad you’re ok Jason.
And hiccoughs with broken ribs?That’s gotta be super annoying!

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
1 year ago

I haven’t seen a walker with reflectors like this before. That HAD to have been a conscious choice.

Not Sure
Not Sure
1 year ago
Reply to  Stef Schrader

Then again, sometimes the universe just throws hardballs of nonsense at ya and you pretend to the best of your abilities that you have some sort of say in it all.

Perhaps the great cosmic comic chose this particular walker through a long series of happenstance between a manufacturer, seller, hospital administration and whatever nursing staff was there that night?
Could be completely random…

All depends on how you look at it I guess.

That’s the only real conscious choice any of us are allowed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Not Sure
1 year ago

Never mind the reflectors, get the man a deer whistle for his walker.

Thanks for the update DT, and Torch, endeavor to persevere. Write on, brother.

Last edited 1 year ago by Canopysaurus
1 year ago

Heal fast my friend and beware ant aftermarket taillights attached to your hospital gown.

Reina Laws
Reina Laws
1 year ago

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Sending you well wishes for a speedy recovery.

1 year ago

What, no ambulance review?! How was the body lean/cornering? What were the touch points like? Most importantly, were the tail lights LED or filament? I need to know if they were parts bin, if so what other vehicles were they shared with.

In all seriousness, glad you’re ok. Just know that strangers on the internet need you, and your weird brain. Heal up fast, I’m looking forward to the engine specs of that ambulance.

Elons Backdoor Musk
Elons Backdoor Musk
1 year ago

Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery! All the best.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
1 year ago

Glad to see you on the mend, Torch. Get well, take care of yourself, and come back when YOU are ready — don’t let us enter into the equation. We’ll keep an eye on David and make sure his stress doesn’t manifest itself as 27 Holy Grails occupying prime Galpin parking space.

1 year ago

Get well soon, you tediferous taillight talker.

Erik Solie
Erik Solie
1 year ago

Get well soon. Too bad you didn’t have an advanced medical directive that any “badass” scars had to be stitched in some specific taillight pattern!

1 year ago

I don’t have the words to properly express how glad I am that you’re on the mend Torch. While I look forward to your insights about the walker reflectors, take all the time you need to heal up properly.

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
1 year ago

Stay weird and gate better Torch. We will figure out how to keep the lights on.

Anyone had LED lights and spinners they can send him?

1 year ago

I’ve cared for many, many people with this condition, but never a CELEBRITY I feel like I KIND OF KNOW. Keep it up, man, but know that recovery is absolutely exhausting, and give yourself space to take it at your own speed, which is going to feel like Changli speed at first.

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