I was looking for some arcane bit of old Volkswagen Beetle information on the internet last night, an act which is perhaps alarmingly common in my life, when I stumbled upon something I’d forgotten about: this wonderful documentary about the VW Beetle that I was in, along with my good pal I’ve never met or even really spoken to, Ewen McGregor.
The documentary has been around since 2016, but up until now I think the only way to see it was to pay money – I mean, there’s nothing wrong with that, the makers of this thing deserve to make some cash from it – but it looks like now it can be seen for free, albeit with commercials, which seems like a reasonable trade-off. After all, that’s how we got to watch the glory of Alf and Becker, all those years, right?

Here it is, if you’d like to kill an hour and 20 minutes instead of pretending to work on this last Friday of the year:
I think it’s a really well-done documentary! Damon Ristau has a good sense of pacing and let all of us VW geeks get lots of information out there without it being too dense. There’s a lot of great people in here, too, like Randy Carlson (a legend in the VW community), Tory Alonzo (perhaps the leading expert on the VWs used in Disney’s Herbie movies), Andrea Hoitt (author of an excellent book on the Beetle), and of course Ewen McGregor, perhaps best known as “young man” in one episode of the series Karaoke from 1996.
Oh, and I’m in it, too. I do sorta wish they left more in there about how many different people contributed to the development and design of the car that would become the Beetle – it’s a bit Josef Ganz heavy there, but he does have a compelling story, so I definitely get it, and was – and still am – always happy to talk about his contributions to the story.
The documentary has scenes from Europe and America and Brazil and Mexico, and it’s good at showing a broad spectrum of what the Beetle was and still is. It’s a subject that’s been covered plenty of times, but I think this documentary still manages to convey the story well and not in the same ways we’ve seen before.
This all makes me really want to get my Beetle running again. I’m such a deadbeat!
Oh! And this is the documentary that has the scene that I sort of suspect VW’s ad agency was inspired by when they added this scene of a dad making his Beetle “talk” to his little kid in VW’s Super Bowl ad this year:
…which feels and looks a lot like this scene from the documentary with me and my kid:
I mean, I can’t prove that they saw this and thought to re-create a more nostalgic version for the commercial, but it sure feels like it.
Regardless, it’s a fantastic documentary, and definitely worth a watch, especially now that it’s free!
Says can’t play embedded. Went to YouTube. Says can’t play on mobile browser. Get the app. Says it isn’t available in my region.
Look, YouTube, I’m trying, but you are forcing me to either relocate or go to the seven seas, because I need to see this!
Not available over here (DK), will try and find it through “other channels” then 😉
Seems to be reuploaded here also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCE2eAyKS74
Not available in Australia, boo
You offer an hour and twenty minutes of documentary but only still pictures of a SB commercial and a clip of you and Otto? I bet most readers want the clips of you and Otto plus the SB Commercial
Thanks Jason! Great video and another reason I’m a member.
Had a ’67 VW bought in Massachusetts (with extra winter wheels and tires) for $366* in 1978. It was shipped inside an 18-wheeler to California in 1980 by my first employer, Xerox PARC. They couldn’t do the paperwork to give me $300 for it. Eventually sold it (lots of suspension rust) in 1981 for $300.
*Vehicle too old in 1978 to have a Blue Book value. Price determined by linear regression using semi-log plot. Owner was chairman of the physics department.
The Volkswagen ad agency owes you money for plagiarizing your idea for an ad.
I’m not a lawyer, but I saw one on TV
Get Matlock. The Andy Griffith one not the Kathy Bates one.
I’m eagerly waiting for the update article on where everyone is now from the movie.
Now see here, good sir, the man’s name is Ewan. Ewan! Oy, oy, oy. (Any classicists in the crowd?)
Awwww… look at little Otto!
Tried to play it, but the link was a little buggy. Told me to try again later.
Let’s see. Boring Friday before New Years.
Nothing good on the tube today.
Seems like a perfect day for something different.
And getting to relive the memories of how many kids my old man can stuff in the frunk of a Bug just seems to fit for some reason?
60 years later I can still hear Mom’s voice telling that bastard if he didn’t stop it one day his four boys would grow up to hate his guts.
Beats watching Kelly Lee Rippa and Regis, or Letterman reruns I guess.
Appreciate the memories…I guess?
Thanks Torch.
Between this and the Jason Cammisa icons video a couple months ago I’m hoping it’s some behind the scenes VW feeling out reception to a New…New Beetle, EV with a Frunk and 4 doors, priced around $30k. Embrace emotion VW! I know you’re German but c’mon you can do it!
GWM kinda did make a beetle(ish) shapped 4 door successor called the ‘Ora cat’ / ‘Ora funky cat’ / ‘Ora Good Cat’
Not available on this side of the pond…consider myself bugged.
In addition to enhanced security, a VPN’s ability to change your internet device’s country of origin is exceedingly helpful in situations where content is blocked by your current location country…
It just says to me that it’s age restricted on YouTube, Because Reasons (?) It does this when I want to watch that Slayer video too, the one where Danny Trejo murders a bunch of dudes who need murdering. Clearly, I need a VPN maybe.
That sounds amazing, which song?!
That is indeed the one.