Something frustrating is happening in both the tech and car world right now. There are competing standards for powering USB devices and for charging your car. Charging up your electric car should be at least as easy as fueling up an internal combustion vehicle, but as of right now, your charging experience can vary because of your choice of EV and what charger you hook it up to. Tesla owners seem to have the easier time thanks to Tesla’s robust Supercharger network, but as we experienced personally with EVs, charging something that isn’t a Tesla can suck so much that you may be better off driving a diesel.
Meanwhile, something somewhat similar is happening in the tech world. There are multiple standards for USB interfaces. So, if you’re like me and you use a USB Type A cable to charge your phone, you may plop down into a car with USB C ports and find yourself unable to charge your phone. That happened to me last weekend when I rented a base model Toyota Corolla from an airport and found nothing but USB C ports. Oof.

Even worse, even USB C itself can be a crapshoot. You may have a bunch of USB C devices and chargers, but find out that one charging brick will power your portable speaker, but not charge your phone. I’ll let device expert Louis Rossman explain:
This is a really long way to say I agree with Matt that one of the things Tesla has done right is nail down a reliable charging system. But, perhaps we should just let another industry decide. Drew wins COTD in a landslide with:
Much like the video format wars, we should probably pay attention to which charging standard the porn industry chooses.
Amusingly, Drew wasn’t even the only one to suggest it, from waremon0:
Like in all previous format wars, whichever standard is adopted by the adult video industry will be the winner.
Hey, you know what, maybe they’re onto something here. Let me just log onto OnlyChargers to see what the standard is…Oh, oh my! Have a great long weekend everyone!
the perfect headline DOES exist
1. Porn is all about sticking it in a variety of holes.
2. The game industry has some hole requirements and some open. In open any hole but different points depending on hole.
3. Basketball 1 hole per team but two holes.
4. Golf 18 different holes but in a set oder.
5. Billiards- any of 6 holes but only if you call it but in 9 ball you have to ball in order and still call the hole.
6. 3 fingers in 3 specific holes but only as foreplay.
Okay that is a start lets see some more or smores.
I just saw an article in an old PC Computing magazine (01/2000, “Sex Sells, so Learn a Thing or Two from It” by Kayte Van Scoy that made the same argument. The writer discussed the failure of Sony’s Betamax to Sony refusal to license its technology to porn publishers (actually, Sony was very selective in licensing Betamax to other companies to its detriment). Sony learned its lesson with Blu-Ray by getting other studios (it owned Columbia Pictures by then) with better DRM than HD DVD.
This is a common misconception. Sony didn’t refuse to license Beta to porn, their equipment was just way more expensive than VHS and had a smaller installed base so it just made more economic sense to sell VHS tapes (see, at around 15:30)
Not to mention, Beta had a maximum 4 hour record time versus 6 hours for VHS, which was important for people who wanted to time-shift TV programs.
I love that guy’s videos. On paper, they should suck, but for some reason, his delivery and obsessive level of detail makes them fascinating instead of boring.
You got it! Try to monopolize it the rest of the industry goes the other way and you are screwed. If that doesnt happen the government declares monopoly fines you and breaks you up. It worked for Tesla because the entire competition was like so what we dont care about EVs. Funny everyone mistakenly thinks EV only, while at the same time attacking Elon who was 90% responsible for making EV happen. Most likely because he did it as an individual proving capitalism works best, instead of a socialist conglomerate state talking endlessly while producing nothing and singing Kum-Bay-Yah.
Easy :
The EU said :
USB-C for USB chargingin Europe we have a standardized plug for EV charging… and even the Tesla have to adapt. ( they have their own charger/cable combo, but if they want to go outside, they need the EU approved connector. )The difficulty is the mess of charger operator, you need the right card at each charger unless you’re willing to pay a premium with your credit/debit card.
Edit : the USB-C charging goes beyond charging phones, fondleslabs and laptops… Anything that can be powered by USB-C should be powered by USB-C.
Hey. I understand that English is probably not your first language and please don’t take this as an insult. The term ‘fondleslab’ sounds hilarious in English.
Fondleslab *is* English: TheRegister (a tech site based in the UK) uses it quite a bit, but AFAICT it never caught on in the US.
For example:
OK, so now I am confused. Are Labradors just not popular in the UK, so they didn’t notice the alternate interpretation?
Or are Labs just really popular in the UK?
It’s The Register, the fact that the word has two funny-sounding, vaguely inappropriate interpretations is a feature, not a bug.
This situation was actually worse in the early-mid 2000s. Mobile phone manufacturers had their own proprietary ports: if you had a Nokia and your friend had a Motorola, you were not sharing chargers. It’s been a while, but IIRC Blackberry started using Mini-USB (not to be confused with Micro-USB) chargers, rather than brand-specific items.
Even if USB is not 100% universal, it represents a significant improvement. 🙂
yes it was a mess in that era and early 2K in mobile phone market… even a single phone builder had 2 or 3 incompatible chargers depending on hte model ( Since I was an Ericsson person, I had a T10, a T18, a GH888 (incompatible charger with the previous two ), a T28 ( incompatible charger with the previous 3 ) and went along… I think that in 15ish years I went through 4 different charger type… while staying with my employer brand )
And obviously none were compatible with any other brand…
I consider the fact that the EU basically strong armed Apple earlier this year into having an UCB-C charging port in any new equipment a big advance, as they were the only one that sayed in that messy era.
(not porn, I promise)
Okay now how about some porn?
Okay memes not available this is a chimp masturbating and shooting a load on a snowman.
I mean there are several adult videos of people in Tesla’s taking…..advantage of the autopilot….so….
I heard George Takei’s voice when I read that.
I can’t hear that in any other voice.