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Private Equity Is Killing Three More Important Car News Sites

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I’m doing a Gilmore Girls rewatch for my mental health, and last night I hit the episode with the writer Norman Mailer. In retrospect, it’s not the cameo that catches you off guard, but the insistence that one of the characters should be respected because his dad is a billionaire who made his money by owning regional newspapers. It’s the opposite of today when billionaires still own media companies, but only because they’re the only ones rich enough to risk the losses. The other option is private equity.

The private equity thing rarely works out well for media companies, and I’m sad to start this week’s first Morning Dump with news that three of the OG car news sites are going dark in approximately one week.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Also in one week, President Trump’s narrower “Liberation Day” tariff announcement is reportedly coming. What does that mean? Who is it for? No one knows for sure, including possibly the President himself, but it does seem to be a narrower set of moves than originally threatened/promised. Just the potential of all these tariffs is going to change the globe, and not necessarily in ways that are great for everyone.

And, finally, the United States is far from the only country playing games with trade, as China looks to build its next EV plant in a part of Europe that voted with it, not against it.

All Three High Gear Media Sites Go Dark Next Week

Gcr Screencap


If you’re in media long enough you’ll live to see the publications you grew up with change dramatically or disappear. It’s always been the game. As a kid, Newsweek and Time magazine were two of the world’s most important news brands. They still exist, but both combined probably lack the influence of the eighth-biggest podcaster.

The economics of the media landscape have changed, which has sent the owners of many of these publications looking for an exit. Often, they find the door marked PRIVATE (EQUITY). I’m sure this works out for some publications, though I’m scratching my head to think of a shining example.

In the auto space, we’ve seen Hoonigan go bankrupt, the talent chased away at Donut Media, reorganizations at Cars & Bids, and the entire staff of Autoblog fired. All of these companies were entwined with PE. The latest victims are the original High Gear Media sites: Green Car ReportsMotor Authority, and The Car Connection.

All three of these sites date back to the early car Internet when blogs first came into the mainstream. I remember writing for Jalopnik back in 2008 and first encountering Green Car Reports and its longtime editor John Voelcker. The sites were a big part of the car news ecosystem at the time, growing big enough to be acquired by mega-conglomerate Internet Brands (WebMD, Cars Direct, et cetera) in 2014 for an undisclosed amount.

Here’s how the acquisition was described in a press release from 2014:


“High Gear Media’s vertical automotive focus and commitment to producing high-quality content for in-market consumers complements and enhances our portfolio of leading online automotive brands,” said Bob Brisco, CEO of Internet Brands. “Consumers will continue to benefit from top-tier automotive content and buying advice, while auto OEMs and dealers will have access to exciting new advertising opportunities at unprecedented scale.

The key here is “in-market,” as it means “people who might buy cars.” The ability to sell to people in the purchase funnel is a key reason why certain car websites still exist. If you’re curious why Hearst, which already owns Car And Driver and Road & Track, bought Motor Trend, in-market is almost certainly a part of it. If you’re an average person and you search for info about a car online you’ll probably be sent to Car And Driver, which is largely just a massive buyer’s guide at this point. That’s intentional because that’s how Hearst makes a huge chunk of its earnings.

Reports show that none of the three departing sites lately have been able to muster much traffic (all three combined seem to do less traffic these days than The Autopian) as the staffs have shrunk over the years. It’s hard to imagine how to make a business out of a readership that low. Even if it was maybe inevitable, it still feels awful.

Joel Feder, a longtime and much-liked colleague, said on Friday that April 1st would be the end of posting to all three of those sites:

All good things come to an end. On April 1 this chapter will come to a close.

The Car Connection, Motor Authority, and Green Car Reports are being shut down. I have poured my heart and soul into this job and team for 15 years and could not be more proud of what we accomplished and stood for. Will forever be grateful to Marty Padgett for his unwavering support throughout the entire journey. Thank you to the rest of the team both past and present.

Journalists and PR folks from across the car web have reached out to give their support and express shock over the decision:

Kathy Graham Linked In Screenshot
Screenshot: LinkedIn

It’s here that I’ll mention the completely unsurprising detail, which is that Internet Brands is owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (better known as KKR). This is a massive US-based private equity firm that owns everything from a South Korean beer company to Simon & Shuster publishing.


Internet Brands itself encompasses a huge swath of the online information space, and its other automotive holdings including CorvetteForum, RENNlist, and Cars Direct. It’s not clear if any of the forums (including Dodge Forum, MBWorld, and Club Lexus) the company owns will be impacted, but early indications are they aren’t involved in this round of closings.

I reached out to a spokesperson for Internet Brands with a list of questions. In addition to knowing if any forums will be closed, I’m curious if they’re going to maintain all the many years of reporting these sites did. In particular, Green Car Reports provided a lot of important coverage of Dieselgate and it would be a tragedy to see it all erased. [Ed Note: I’ll also emphasize just how much great stuff came from these sites, which acted as the launching pad for a number of talented journalists who are still crushin’ it today. -DT]. 

I’ll update the post if I hear back from them.

Media is hard. If you like this place and want it to continue to exist, please consider becoming a member.

President Trump’s ‘Liberation Day’ Is Coming

Deposit Photos Trump
Source: Depositphotos.com

Because this is the second term for President Trump it’s clear to everyone that he loves using tariffs as a way to balance what he sees as unequal treatment of American products abroad and that you can’t really know from day-to-day which of his musings will come to fruition.


The threat of tariffs on autos sent automakers scrambling for assistance, only to see the ones against Canada and Mexico quickly reversed. Suppliers are freaking out. Even the new metal tariffs (not to be confused with the NüMetal tariffs, which mostly impact Korn commodities) are starting to cause trouble for automakers.

There’s maybe a bit more clarity on this, now that President Trump’s aides are saying a ‘Liberation Day’ is coming on April 2nd. Cleary this date was chosen so that it doesn’t compete with the third anniversary of this site’s founding on March 32nd.

From Bloomberg:

President Donald Trump’s coming wave of tariffs is poised to be more targeted than the barrage he has occasionally threatened, aides and allies say, a potential relief for markets gripped by anxiety about an all-out tariff war.

Trump is preparing a “Liberation Day” tariff announcement on April 2, unveiling so-called reciprocal tariffs he sees as retribution for tariffs and other barriers from other countries, including longtime US allies. While the announcement would remain a very significant expansion of US tariffs, it’s shaping up as more focused than the sprawling, fully global effort Trump has otherwise mused about, officials familiar with the matter say.

The overall goal here, other than punishing other companies for putting tariffs on the United States, is to try to encourage trillions of dollars in investment in the country. This is a major shift from the historical neo-liberal trade policy embraced by both major parties, but especially by the Republican Party. The actual impacts of these policies are unclear because, at the moment, it’s not obvious who or what is going to be hit with import duties.

The New ‘China Shock’

BYD Cargo Ship
Photo: BYD

I talk about China Shock a lot, which is the modern name for the period in U.S. history when an influx of cheap Chinese goods led to lower prices for consumers at the expense of a lot of jobs, especially in the Industrial Midwest.


These new tariffs could lead to a new one, just not here. Bloomberg Businessweek called the indirect impact of America’s new trade policy a “New China Shock” in last week’s The Big Take feature:

“This is China Shock 2.0 or China Shock 3.0,” says Gordon Hanson, a professor of urban policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and one of the authors of the research paper that coined the name of the phenomenon. “China has this immense manufacturing capacity, and the goods have to go somewhere.” The lesson from the US experience, he added, is that “there’s a political response to all this. People get mad.”

The hollowing out of local economies in the American heartland helped lead to the rise of Donald Trump as a political force. Seeking to rebalance US-China trade and bring manufacturing jobs home, Trump imposed tariffs on China during his first term that were kept in place by the Biden administration. Chinese manufacturers priced out of the US had to search for alternative markets, while some moved production to other countries to evade duties.

Countries that are targeted include Mexico, Vietnam, India, Turkey, and other emerging markets. It makes sense. If the United States becomes a harder market to access, China’s huge production capacity has to go somewhere.

China’s Newest EV Factory Is Reportedly Coming To Spain

Everyone’s favorite SNL comedian standing in front of a Leapmotor B10. Photo: Stellantis

Speaking of…

Last year I wrote that the “Chinese Government Is Reportedly Using Stellantis To Punish Europe” and, yeah, that’s a decent headline. I think a more accurate headline could have been “… Is Using Stellantis To Punish Parts Of Europe.”

Here’s what I had at the time:


Chinese automakers desperately want to sell cars outside of China and, specifically, they want to sell cars in Europe. For various reasons, ranging from the protection of local industry to the discomfort with China’s excessive subsidies/questionable labor practices, the European Union went through with its threat to add massive tariffs to many Chinese automakers trying to sell in Europe.

This wasn’t a unanimous vote, with Germany and Hungary opposing the measure and many more countries simply abstaining. I’ve talked about this before, but Europe has an uneasy relationship with China that depends a lot on the import-export relationship between individual EU member states. Ultimately, it was populous France, Italy, and Poland whose support pushed the tariffs forward, and it’s those countries that are now at risk of reprisal from China.

Stellantis has so many brands it’s hard to keep track of them all, but the newest one is a Chinese firm called Leapmotor that Stellantis became the majority shareholder of recently. Leapmotor already invested in Poland, using a plant there to produce the cheap T03 electric car. It was expected that Leapmotor would build the B10, pictured above, in Poland as well.

Since the vote, those plans have shifted, and now it’s probably Spain that’s getting the plant according to sources who spoke with Reuters:

China’s embassy in Spain said Stellantis and its Chinese partner Leapmotor plan a $200 million investment in a Spanish factory after a person with direct knowledge of the matter said Spain was the top site to produce the B10 electric crossover for the European market from 2026.

The two companies have been looking for a site in Europe to produce the model which made its debut on the continent in September. Stellantis’ factories in Germany and Slovakia have also been under consideration, Reuters previously reported.

China’s embassy said the factory where they plan to invest is in Zaragoza, northeast Spain, but did not provide any further details.

Everything is politics.

What I’m Listening To While Writing TMD

I’m going to do a musical theme week, and that theme will be Laura Nyro. My argument is that the artist Laura Nyro is the most influential artist of the 20th century that you’ve never heard of, and everyone from Elton John to Ben Folds owes a ton to Nyro. You’ve heard her songs because she’s written for everyone, even if you’ve never heard her amazing voice.


The song I’m guessing most of you know is “Eli’s Coming” by Three Dog Night. It’s a Nyro song through and through, including the massive tempo shifts, the furious piano part that’s like a haunted ragtime, and the just sheer intensity of it all. People love this song and most have no idea it was Nyro who wrote it.

The Big Question

What were the first automotive publications you remember reading?

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Tondeleo Jones
Tondeleo Jones
4 days ago

Road & Track. I loved their detailed road tests, Formula 1 race reports and their annual April Fool “road test”. It made me a huge fan of Henry N. Manney, III. Their highbrow approach to most things automotive reinforced my (at the time) unwarranted high opinion of myself.
Yes, the mighty do fall.

4 days ago
Reply to  Tondeleo Jones

Remember Rob Walker? Best writer of racing news who ever lived…….

Tondeleo Jones
Tondeleo Jones
4 days ago
Reply to  RadarEngineer

Yes! And he was an F1 team owner as well.

4 days ago

Lowrider and Super Street always caught my eye at the airport newstand for a good read on a flight. Back in the before times (in the long long ago) when you could sit and read on the plane without worrying about crazy people causing a massive disturbance.

Aaron Mitchell
Aaron Mitchell
3 days ago

Lowrider, for the ‘articles’

3 days ago
Reply to  Aaron Mitchell

This guy knows

4 days ago

I was a Car and Driver kid. I never subscribed, but I’d reliably get an issue as a stocking stuffer at Christmas or a get-well gift (alongside a 2-liter of 7Up) when I was home sick from school.

Mike F.
Mike F.
4 days ago

I’m pretty sure I started with MT, but got into R&T an C&D pretty quickly after that. Dropped MT forever after the whole “Vega Car of the Year” thing, and pretty much just stuck with C&D after that. They were the gonzo journalists of the car magazine world back then, and there was never a dull issue. Took on Automobile and Autoweek after they came along.

4 days ago

Back in the 80s and 90s, I was all about Car & Driver and MotorTrend. I’d also humbly submit Popular Mechanics into that, as though it wasn’t specifically auto-focused, it had automotive articles all the time. I’d occasionally pick up subscriptions to others like Car Craft, Petersons 4-Wheel & Off-road, Hot Rod, and the like when there was one of those “6 months for $1.99” deals.

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Username Loading....
4 days ago

Looking forward to spending this week fretting over selling some of my investments. My thinking is the party is definitely over once Q1 earnings start coming in. I think earnings will be mostly ok, but we will see many companies adjust fully year guidance downward in anticipation or in reaction to tariffs. Already seeing anecdotal evidence of companies tightening their belts in anticipation from myself and my fiance.

4 days ago

I had some play-money in stocks, dumped it all and just keeping it liquid. It’s not mattress-money time, yet.

4 days ago

Be careful trying to time the market. By which I mean, don’t. If your investments are already diversified appropriately for your risk tolerance at this point in your life then you’ve already done everything you can to weather the storm. If that’s not the case then it’s never a bad time to address your investment mix, but trying to guess what’s going to happen with an unstable maniac in the White House is a loser’s game.

Keep in mind that a couple of years ago a lot of companies were banging the recession drum too, and then the market shot up like 30%. Businesses don’t have a crystal ball either.

Clark B
Clark B
4 days ago

My dad always had Road & Track and Car and Driver magazines when I was growing up, so those were what I ended up reading. I’ve debated getting an actual subscription for them but haven’t pulled the trigger. Plus Hagerty puts out a pretty impressive magazine every quarter, I guess I get it free since I have one of their policies on my old Beetle.

4 days ago

I had a subscription to Automobile first, then C/D. C/D was my longest running subscription, MT and Autoweek sprinkled in there some with a cheap subscription deal, usually when school had a magazine fundraiser. A bookstore at the closest mall started carrying CAR in the early/mid 2000s and Top Gear mag on occasion, so I got to at least read that on mall visits, if not always buy it because those issues weren’t cheap.

C/D seems to have changed their format for comparison tests more recently and not for the better. The ranked format with highs/lows they had forever was always good, and they still did that while having occasional ones that were just comparing specs and results from their separate model reviews (the latter you could usually tell because they didn’t have photography together). But their last couple ones are all blended text, not a actual ranked comparison. It doesn’t look like it does much to help from an SEO standpoint which would’ve been one explanation.

4 days ago

When I blew a chunk of my allowance on an auto magazine in the early 80s, it was almost exclusively Car and Driver, with a smattering of Road&Track. Some of the best auto journalism of all time (present company excepted) was found in those pages. When Automobile came along in the mid 80s and David E. Davis jumped ship to helm it, I was all in. I still think that Automobile in the late 80s and early 90s might have been the best US automotive publication ever.

4 days ago

Every day feels like March 32nd now.

First auto publication: Car and Driver.

I understand why Laura Nyro changed her last name.

Surprise me……
Surprise me……
4 days ago

So this problem of Ports being overloaded won’t be so bad soon, or the fact truckers have lots to move thanks to said ports. Hmm and ignore the fact it takes 4-5 years to have a factory set-up and running(Oh and the cost just got higher thanks to the tariffs). I wonder what is going to happen next? This is a very scary economic rollercoaster and I want off.

Mr. Stabby
Mr. Stabby
4 days ago

I really got into car magazines with Automobile, Sports Car International, and my true weekly addiction: Autosport. I used to buy them at the newsstand next door to where I worked along with my cigarettes.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
4 days ago

Ooo, you’re talking about Logan. God I hate Logan. Every time he’s in a scene, I want to reach through the screen and punch him in the mouth.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
4 days ago

“not to be confused with the NüMetal tariffs, which mostly impact Korn commodities”

Not to worry, President Durst says those are Coming Undone.

4 days ago

I have faith no more that the economy will soar, it’s all falling to pieces.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
4 days ago
Reply to  Data

I agree. Everything’s Ruined.

4 days ago

I had a subscription to Road and Track for many years, but I’m sure that ended sometime in the late 90s. My print subscriptions are now limited to one quarterly Bikepacking magazine.

Huja Shaw
Huja Shaw
4 days ago

With a few exceptions, people don’t pay for online content. Therefore content is only useful (to a site owner) if it can generate of sale of some sort. Content is then tailored as marketing copy. Readers don’t want marketing copy disguised as journalism. Everyone loses.

4 days ago
Reply to  Huja Shaw

Enshittification explained.

4 days ago
Reply to  Huja Shaw

Agree 100%. That’s why I pay for a membership here and encourage others to do so. Hopefully it helps The Autopian to stay an autopia that we can all enjoy.

4 days ago

I’ve been neglecting my duty to help this site not fall to PE. Paying for a proper membership now.

4 days ago
Reply to  RhoadBlock


4 days ago
Reply to  Roofless

Thanks! Been reading since the Jalopy days. Long overdue. I’ll peruse the discord over the next few days.

4 days ago

It’s definitely sad to see these publications closing but even worse when you see some hang on much longer than they should and become shells of their former selves.

4 days ago
Reply to  Jsloden

Maybe we can do a slideshow of all the ways some sites have gone downhill.

4 days ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

I see what you did there.

Username, the Movie
Username, the Movie
4 days ago
Reply to  DialMforMiata

Don’t you put that evil on us DialMforMiata!

Mercedes Streeter
Mercedes Streeter
4 days ago

Don’t worry, this platform doesn’t even have the ability to make a slideshow! 🙂

Username, the Movie
Username, the Movie
4 days ago

Thank the car gods! Yes I am a Car god Polytheist.

4 days ago

I had books before this, but the first recurring publication came when I was given a subscription to Road and Track for Christmas in 1989.

For most of 2000-2015 I got 4 car magazines (C/D, MT, R&T, Automobile) but have let all lapse except C/D for now. They have the best balance of covering a wide variety of vehicles without being written at a third grade level. It’s pretty sad seeing what has happened.

4 days ago
Reply to  V10omous

The late Automobile was superb.

Mr. Stabby
Mr. Stabby
4 days ago
Reply to  Tbird

Yeah, the only one I miss is Automobile.

4 days ago
Reply to  V10omous

I restarted my C/D subscription after a long lapse. It’s immediately apparent that C/D still has copy and style editors and photographers on staff. That sets them apart.

4 days ago
Reply to  Disphenoidal

Me too. C/D in print is awesome, but you’d never even guess by looking at their website. It’s so much better to read in print. Navigating their website is kind of a pain especially if you’re looking for older articles/comparos/reviews etc. 100% worth the pittance they request for an annual subscription.

Mike Smith
Mike Smith
4 days ago
Reply to  V10omous

I got sick of C&D in the late 90’s/early 00’s because it became so blatantly obvious that their bias was ‘everything that is not BMW or Honda is trash’. I switched to Motor Trend, but relatively shortly thereafter Angus MacKenzie came in and ruined everything there. After that print basically died. I might consider a C&D sub again, since they’re the only ones who actually do comparison tests anymore. Hemmings is the only subscription that we currently have, and it is a good one that I look forward to every month.

4 days ago

Bit on the younger side by my earliest memories were Automobile and Muscle Machines. That one had a lot of good articles on restorations and mechanical repairs.
Also remember reading octanes cover to cover on the special occasions I found one.

4 days ago
Reply to  Fratzog

The varied Hemmings publications were good, yes.

Mike B
Mike B
4 days ago
Reply to  Fratzog

Hemmings Muscle Machines was a fantastic magazine! The articles and photos were great, and I also appreciated the physical high quality of the magazine itself. I think HMM was probably one of the last subs I had, I passed most of the issues on to my dad, since he was into that too. I think I still have a few hanging around that I saved for whatever reason.

I also subbed to the Hemmings classic car mag, but let that run out because I found myself reading the MM more.

4 days ago
Reply to  Mike B

Yeah, they were just nice to hold and read. Pretty sure my dad has all the issues somewhere down in my parent’s basement. Kind of a shame they just sorta ran out of cars to cover.

4 days ago

Motor Trend. I had a subscription in the late 80s, early 90s. Even then it was all about ad revenue. It’s sad to see publications closing, but it’s sadder to see them sell their souls/independence for ad revenue.

Bob the Hobo
Bob the Hobo
4 days ago

(not to be confused with the NüMetal tariffs, which mostly impact Korn commodities) 

Those were freaky tariffs that I am glad we put a leash on.

4 days ago

C/D is really a shell of its former self. I started subscribing in middle school, 1990 or so and used to read cover to cover. I hate to say your assessment is accurate and I get much more enjoyment from this site! R&T switched formats a few years ago and it seems to be working – I look forward to their bimonthly art focused spreads. I may finally let C/D go since so little of it actually interests me anymore.

C/D was once a travel magazine disguised as a car mag. The journey was as important, if not more so, than the car review. I sense that here as well.

Last edited 4 days ago by Tbird
Beasy Mist
Beasy Mist
4 days ago

Korn commodities *chef’s kiss*

Arch Duke Maxyenko
Arch Duke Maxyenko
4 days ago

What were the first automotive publications you remember reading? Car & Driver and Popular Mechanics

4 days ago

Those, and Autoweek in any doctors’ office I was drug around to as a kid.

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