Home » Programming Note: We Are Doing Back-End Work On The Site So There Might Be Some Weirdness

Programming Note: We Are Doing Back-End Work On The Site So There Might Be Some Weirdness

Quick Website Update

Hey y’all, I just wanted to let everyone know that we’re doing some important upgrades to the single TRS-80 Model II (we’re upgrading to the Model III) in Jason’s basement that runs the entire site. Our hope is that by making this improvement we can improve site speed by simplifying and adding lightness. As some of Colin Chapman’s own drivers found out… that’s not always a perfect process.

We tried to do the full swap last night and hit a couple of snags so we reverted back to the original site. In the process, some people saw notifications disappear for some reason. We’re investigating. If you see any weirdness please tell us, but also please know that we’re working on it and are making changes to the site to hopefully make at an even better place to be. Thanks! (Top photo: depositphotos.com)

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Phantom Pedal Syndrome
Phantom Pedal Syndrome
4 hours ago

Jesus Fucking Nigger Fagot!
I hope this all gets fixed soon enough for me to get reply notifications to wherever the hell I just said.

Myk El
Myk El
14 hours ago

Different weirdness than just the content, then.

Sammy Hawkins
Sammy Hawkins
16 hours ago

Can we get a dark-mode soon please?

18 hours ago

Well, while you’re in there, I can’t insert links using the tool in the bar below…

If it’s not possible to make it functional, you might consider removing it.

Oafer Foxache
Oafer Foxache
19 hours ago

“Back-end” work? Surely this site is a bit young for a prostate exam! 🙂

James Thomas
James Thomas
19 hours ago

That’s great news! I love this website, but sometimes the load time is kinda long. I’m very glad to hear that you’re upgrading it.

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