Home » Ree-Cees Pee-Cees, Dispatches From Poorsville, And Other Delights: COTD

Ree-Cees Pee-Cees, Dispatches From Poorsville, And Other Delights: COTD

Cotd Tommy Boy

Once again, I’m comin’ in hot with Comment of the Day sneaking in right under the midnight wire, provided you’re in the USA and currently in the Central time zone. It’s Comment of the Yesterday for you Eastern Timers, and I’m not even worried about Pacific Time – heck, the sun is probably still up. As for the rest of the world – yeah, I have no idea what time it is.

All I know is, it’s time for me to do this.

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Ree-Cees Pee-Cees

Jason’s Pet Peeves story generated an ample supply of comments you’ll surely nod along with, so if you haven’t already, click on over and get to nodding (you can hit that link, or click the graphic to get there). I’ve pulled a couple that resonated with me in particular:

Pet Peevs


Yeah, here’s a pet peeve that genuinely pisses me off. Whenever I take my T-bird into the shop, they always shake their heads and gravely tell me, “You know, these repairs are going to exceed the value of the car.” Yeah. I know. It’s a rusty V6 Thunderbird from 1990, its resale value is 43 cents and a case of beer. I bought it for $2300 and have already put north of $10k into it. You are not doing anything by telling me that, RANDY.

That one got me because I’ve been there, but also because it’s equally annoying in reverse, when the shop is happy to make a repair but the customer is mad because apparently the value of the vehicle plays no part in the price of the job. Back in my bike shop days, I dealt with many a customer who was downright mad that their freshly acquired police-auction bicycle required a ten-dollar chain to be made rideable. “Ten bucks? I only paid eight dollars for the whole bike!” Oh, right, in that case the chain will be one nickel. Come on man.

Taargus Taargus
I hate it when people pronounce Reese’s pieces “ree-cees pee-cees.” What the fuck is a pee-cee exactly might I ask? Twits … Oh this is about cars. Uhhhhh, I hate it when people try to direct traffic, but we all went over that recently in another article.

The “other article” is Lewin’s Wave of Death story, FYI. But really I just wanted to share the ree-cees-pee-cees bit, because yes, that is the worst. Exception: you’re rhyming it with feces, which is OK.

It’s In The Jeans

David will be sitting down with Jay Leno tomorrow (today, by the time you’re reading this) and he has invited your feedback on the questions he’ll put to “America’s Car Dad.” I know what I would like DT to ask Jay, and I found kindred souls in the comments:


Jay LenoAndrew Daisuke
“What is with the denim shirts?”

     Farmer Meeple
     Reply to Andrew Daisuke
     Denim EVERYTHING.

Curtis Loew
What’s the deal with the Canadian tuxedo?

I KNOW, RIGHT? But seriously, David, get Jay to declassify his dungarees.

Tommy Boy Speed Run

Rivers pondered what Mopar might be teasing for the brand’s SEMA show splash, and you’ll find some good muscle-car talk in the comments. But what caught me was a reference that jingled faintly in my hippocampus until the itch had to be scratched, as in searched on Ask Jeeves. Ah ha, there it is: Tommy Boy.


BelvedereArch Duke Maxyenko
Is it going to be the future of Callahan Parts?

     Tim Cougar
     Reply to Arch Duke Maxyenko
     Nice reference!

Yes, a fine reference indeed, and yes, I’m ashamed that I had forgotten it was from Tommy Boy. But – nice surprise – Jeeves sent me to the supercut below of Dan Akroyd as Ray Zalinsky, and it basically serves as a Tommy Boy speed run. If you need to quickly ingest the bare plot essentials of Chris Farley’s masterpiece for, I dunno, a Jeopardy appearance, this is the way to do it:

Lounge Life

And finally, we arrive at the Polaris Lounge. Before departing to France on Audi’s dime, our intrepid Miss Mercedes languished in luxury and gave us working stiffs a look at the wonders of high-dollar, low-stress travel enjoyed by the well-to-do. As someone who has also enjoyed the largess of large brands and sampled a level of good life I’ll likely never earn, I can tell you that Strangek sums up the slightly (but nicely) off-kilter feeling perfectly:


I love masquerading as a rich person, it’s like being dispatched on an undercover mission from Poorsville.

Hey, look at that, it’s Thursday! Let’s make it a great one!

Top graphic image: Tommy Boy via screen grab, YouTube

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7 hours ago

I’ve got sort of a funny story about Tommy Boy. I loved that movie from the moment it came out (I was always a Farley and Spade fan from their SNL days), and the car kid in me fell for Richard’s GTX. So for my 8th grade class quote I submitted “Magnum 440 with a Six Pack,” and immediately got in trouble. They thought I was referencing guns and beer.

Arch Duke Maxyenko
Arch Duke Maxyenko
10 hours ago

Woo hoo!

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
12 hours ago

I am truly glad someone else understands the plight of having to listen to pee-cees. What’s weird about it, is that it appears to be a blind spot for a shocking number of people. It makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills, and I probably look like I’m taking crazy pills when I call people out for it.

I will agree it’s completely acceptable to be rhymed with feces. Or if you hate those meeces to pee-cees. I’ll accept that too. But that’s a cartoon cat, not an adult human ordering ice cream.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
11 hours ago

I’m just gonna start calling them Reece’s Feces from now on, and make that someone’s new pet peeve.

Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
5 hours ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

It’s an accurate statement about their position in the candy hierarchy.

3 hours ago

How dare you! E.T. (the Extra Terrestrial) just LOVED Reece’s Pieces.

Totally not a robot
Totally not a robot
9 hours ago

I’ve always pronounced it Ree-ces, with emphasis only on the first syllable. I can’t deal with Ree-cees — it sounds horribly forced and it feels like both syllables are emphasized and really, what’s the point of emphasis if you’re applying it to the whole word? It doesn’t emphasize if everything is emphasized!

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
9 hours ago

This is true, and while I mostly focus on the fact that people turn pieces into pee-cees, obviously that is a symptom of mispronouncing Reese’s.

But of course, the use of the word pieces tells you exactly how you should pronounce Reese. The word pieces should guide you right into the correct pronunciation, and I think that’s what bothers me the most about it.

Nick Fortes
Nick Fortes
4 hours ago

I feel like this is the little kid way of saying it. I can remember every kid saying it in this way when I was younger, now adults continue to say it

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
4 hours ago
Reply to  Nick Fortes

We must educate the masses.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
12 hours ago

“Back in my bike shop days, I dealt with many a customer who was downright mad that their freshly acquired police-auction bicycle required a ten-dollar chain to be made rideable. “Ten bucks? I only paid eight dollars for the whole bike!” Oh, right, in that case the chain will be one nickel. Come on man.”

Assuming the chain is too far gone to physically work I think the solution there is offer them a used chain with no warranty.

David Handy
David Handy
8 hours ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

Sir, we’ve been trying to talk to you about your bicycle’s extended warranty.

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
16 hours ago


13 hours ago
Reply to  Stef Schrader

What are YOU doing up?

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
3 hours ago
Reply to  StillNotATony


Totally not a robot
Totally not a robot
9 hours ago
Reply to  Stef Schrader


Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
3 hours ago


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