Home » Some Of The Cars Of Roku City, Which May Well Be In Your Home Right Now: Cold Start

Some Of The Cars Of Roku City, Which May Well Be In Your Home Right Now: Cold Start

Cs Rokucity

Last night, as I was rooting deep into my sleeping litter of old rags and bits of partially-masticated foam rubber, the videophone buzzed, loudly. I squeezed the “answer” bulb, and saw that it was Peter, our managing editor, clearly intoxicated. He had an idea for me. An idea for a Cold Start.

“The purple city – on the TV!” he yelled, pausing to take long, thirsty gulps from what appeared to be a bottle of Woolite. “The city, she comes on the screen when we’re not looking, not paying attention, they think we don’t know, but we do! WE DO!”

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Peter then seemed to start an involved set of mouth and throat motions and sounds that would likely end in a long, protracted vomit, but before this theory could be confirmed, Peter’s head dropped down heavily to his desk with a deep, resonant thud, and the feed from the video phone ended, the screen returning to static before blinking off.

I then heard a second thunk, this time from the pneumatic tube by my bed. Inside, I found one of the SyQuest cartridges we use for data transfer, and on that cartridge I found a number of image files of cars that were seen on the Roku City screensaver – you know the one, that purple city animation that shows up on Roku TVs when left idle. This one:


This cityscape gets seen by a metric crapton of people every day, so you should probably know the name of the artist who made it: Kyle Jones. Bang-up job, Kyle.

These are known to be full of visual Easter Eggs, usually referencing movies or other entertainment properties, but there are also a good number of cars in this thing, and it’s your right, as a human, to be informed of what those are. So here we go:

First, I think this hardtop muscle car seems to be referencing the Dodge Charger one of the muscly bald guys drives in the Fast and Furious movies:

Blown Musclecar

It’s got the big hood scoop and everything. It must really be out there, terrorizing that grape-flavored cityscape, pulling unlikely heists or whatever the hell the F&F people do. Was it heists? Were they solving crimes? I can’t remember.


There’s more mundane stuff lurking around, too, like this:

Background Box Truck

A box truck. A plain, white box truck, based on what looks to me like a GMC Savana or a Chevy Express workhorse platform. I suppose these are very entertainment-related, because they’re all over the place when some studio is shooting something in LA. Background Roadster

Hey, look it’s whatshisname’s dad’s Ferrari 250 GT from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I thought whatshisname’s dad didn’t want to drive it, hence the idiotic attempt to roll back the odometer by driving in reverse; what changed? Maybe after the car’s accident, the dad wasn’t so precious about it anymore?

Oh and this one,


Blown Musclecar 2

Wait that’s just Vin Diesel again. Go home, Vin, stop cruising around, no one needs a “ride.” Oh hey, is that a glowy-eyed Oscar the Grouch in the background? He looks scarier than usual.

Speaking of scary, who’s driving around in this white Ford Econoline with shapes painted on the side? I wonder if there’s any free candy in there? Probably, definitely worth checking out if you’re outside at night and in the mood for some candy! You’ll probably want to go right in!


I’m pretty sure there’s a dog’s head peeking out of the window there, on the other side, which makes sense, as this appears to be Cruella DeVil’s car, which is based on, at least in the live-action movies, a Panther DeVille.



They only made 60 of these things, so I’m especially surprised to see one in Roku City, which I had always thought was a difficult place to get and register unusual cars.

Low Rider

This flame-jobbed 1959 Impala-looking thing above there with the dramatic reverse-raked stance I think is actually a sentient car named Ramone, who runs the body customizing shop from the Pixar movie Cars. Maybe he’s on vacation? I’m not sure how travel and tourism works between fictional cities?

Aston Like


What we can infer from this car above here is that there is some manner of espionage and spycraft because that is definitely British intelligence agent James Bond’s Aston Martin DB5. You know, for a spy, he’s pretty noticeable and identifiable, which feels like a detriment.

Aston Like 2

Look at that thing tooling around, all obvious – what kind of spying is he doing, exactly? And why? Is Roku City a city-state, like Singapore or The Vatican? Do they have a lot of international intrigue? Or maybe he’s on vacation, too? Possibly with Ramone?

Cs Roku Peewee

In a different version of Roku city that was coming up on one of my telescreens, I also noticed this famous bicycle, which I always thought was stored in the Alamo’s basement? I guess it’s on loan to someone in Roku city?


Cs Roku Greased

And then there’s this car, which looks like the dream-version of the car from the movie Grease‘s Greased Lightning song, which, I just recently learned, contains a reference to the use of plastic wrap as an ersatz prophylactic when John Travolta confusingly rubs a huge roll of the stuff on his crotch, mid-song:

I guess the dream-version of the car can exist in Roku city because of its fictional status? Again, I’m unclear about how all of this fictional location logistics works.

I think there’s more identifiable cars in the Roku city screensavers, so next time you try to watch TV but realize you forgot to pay every one of your subscriptions, spend some time in the purple metropolis and see what you can find, why not?

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9 hours ago

I to heart the purple city and its many easter eggs. Well done Kyle!

10 hours ago

My favorite “find” in Roku Town is the leg-shaped lamp from “A Christmas Story” in one of the apartment building windows.

10 hours ago

I also like the “Red October” in the background, as well as various movie monsters.

10 hours ago
Reply to  Tbird

Did you catch ET’s flying bicycle?

11 hours ago

Not sure how you got a ’59 Impala there. Check the tail fins and windshield, they are pretty distinct on the Chevy.

My daughter and I watched that for quite a while one night picking out cars, buildings, bridges.

11 hours ago

Oooooh man can we get some Big Trouble Little China or Terminator big rigs up in here? I have got to find a copy of BTLC.

11 hours ago

I don’t remember seeing the ferrari and I had zero Idea on the van with symbols. The box van I couldn’t connect to anything specific. the rest of them, my guesses were the same as Jason’s. I pointed these all out to my kids just a few weeks ago.

11 hours ago

Acura also used the home screen for advertising for a while so they had some of their cars on there too.

Another bit of trivia about the car from Grease: It ended up in the “junkyard” behind the used car dealership in the movie Used Cars, and Rudy (played excellently by Kurt Russell) tries to sell it to a school as a driver’s ed vehicle.


William Sheldon
William Sheldon
11 hours ago

I once saw that roku city was sponsered by subaru, and it had the new forester cruising down Rokuwood Avenue. Not my jam car-wise, but i appreciate the low key easter-egg style placement in this day and age of in-your-face ad copy

12 hours ago

Interesting bit of info. on Grease. Kinda changes the meaning of “check out my wrap”.

12 hours ago

I’m all for the F&F-based Charger on that screen. I always want more of that Charger in my life. Best looking car used imo.

Nick Fortes
Nick Fortes
12 hours ago

The beginning of this article is simply the ramblings of a mad man lol

Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
11 hours ago
Reply to  Nick Fortes

The whole article is. But damn do we love Torch and his mad ramblings

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
12 hours ago

My daughter watches that for hours saying/singing what is coming up next.

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
12 hours ago

Roku City is severely underrated. Beats the snot out of most screensavers*, and sure is sure as hell better than autoplaying trailers. I hate that.

*Nothing will ever beat the 3D pipes screen saver. Those patterns are so complicated.

10 hours ago

And don’t forget the occasional teapot joint!

Geez, I wish they hadn’t dropped all the cool (OpenGL?) screensavers from Windows.

12 hours ago

Uhm I believe you’re mistaken about Vin Diesel’s Charger showing up twice. That first example is clearly a 1974 AMX

But I can’t think of any movie or TV show where one made a cameo appearance…so maybe not.

Last edited 12 hours ago by Lokki
Internal Error
Internal Error
11 hours ago
Reply to  Lokki

Not AMX, but Matadors and at least one Hornet were used in The Man with the Golden Gun:

12 hours ago

For the Box Van, I’m thinking Home Alone- where mom rides back in one with John Candy.

Also the van with the shapes on the side is probably Squid Game? Even though its not a Korean style van.

12 hours ago
Reply to  TXJeepGuy

The shape van is used to pick up contestants for Calamari Contest, a show that has absolutely nothing to do with Squid Game, assuming you know Netflix’s lawyers.

Pappa P
Pappa P
1 hour ago
Reply to  Maymar

“Calamari Contest” LMFAO

Clark B
Clark B
13 hours ago

We love watching the screen saver, I always thought it was kind of fun. My favorite touch is the TARDIS parked on the steps of the clock tower from Back to the Future.

13 hours ago

I’m guessing the real story is that your Internet service was down and you had to hang out something, so close readings of a few screen captures from your phone’s Roku app and it’s suddenly a glowing purple work by Hieronymus Bosch.

Nicely done.

13 hours ago

Ok this is peak autopian!

My husband always leave the TV on and at some point when Netflix stops by itself, the TV switches to Roku City night. Usually at 3 AM I wake up to get water, use the bathroom, get a snack if I feel like and Roku city is there like another world alive during the night. It will change some things based on the season like Halloween or Christmas, and I always stare at it like hypnotized, I never turn it off haha

Clusker Du
Clusker Du
13 hours ago

Is the box van from Breaking Bad? I’ve actually never seen the show but I feel like it’s from there. Like the cultural zeitgeist has planted that into my brain. The bike is definitely Pee Wee’s bike. Is that a Squid Games van?

11 hours ago
Reply to  Clusker Du

There are box vans, but “the” car from Breaking Bad is definitely the Aztek. There’s also a notable RV and some really terrible Dodge product placement later in the series.

13 hours ago

I’ve discussed these cars with my kid in the past, guessing at which movie/show they may be from. We guessed some the same and some different than in this article, but it’s still sort of fun. We do the same with the monsters and buildings.

13 hours ago

Jason, the way you set these things up is like steampunk plus WarGames plus some magic mushrooms.

13 hours ago

I changed the screen saver to the fish tank.

In case y’all hadn’t noticed yet, the whole point of the Roku cityscapes (or whatever they’re called, there are more than one) is to create space for advertisements. If you look at the city as it moves by, there are a variety of conspicuous rectangular buildings and/or faux billboards. Right now, there are one or two advertisements, usually for Roku itself, but I’ve observed that others show up.

I have no desire for my TV to show a steady stream of advertisements while it’s not doing anything. I’m honestly surprised that you can change the screen saver to something that doesn’t show any.

Yes, I’m an old no-fun, but I paid for the damn Roku and TV, I don’t feel obliged to view their advertisements any more than I have to.

Grouch out.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
13 hours ago
Reply to  Dingus

How often do you sit there and watch the screen saver, anyway? In my house, I turn the TV off for the 20 minutes per week that it’s not in use.

13 hours ago
Reply to  Rad Barchetta

Have kids and then you too can play the game of “turn off those lights”, “turn off the TV”, “turn off the computer that you’re not using”. I have a home automation that runs to turn off the TV after a period of disuse, but the screensaver shows up before then.

It’s a real treat.

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
12 hours ago
Reply to  Dingus

Ah, yes. I forget sometimes that children exist in some people’s world!

13 hours ago

Torch, I was literally in the dentist office on Tuesday staring at this EXACT thing thinking that this should be covered here on the Autopian!!!!

Did we just become best friends or something?!?!?!?

Edit, actually read it, Peter, WE must be best friends. Or on some weirdo wavelength thingy.

Last edited 13 hours ago by Parsko
11 hours ago
Reply to  Parsko

Three streaming services for elves,
Nine streaming services for man,
Seven streaming services for dwarves,
And in the Woolite,
Bind them

11 hours ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

I have forgotten poetry styles, and still don’t get poetry. My immediate reaction was that you must have gotten a job and passed a drug test. 😛 Mine is in 42 minutes.

10 hours ago
Reply to  Parsko

Ha! I actually just got turned down from the one I had all my hopes pinned on not an hour ago. I was just too lazy and feeling too bad to write up the whole lord of the rings thing about rings of power, and then even more too lazy to make it a coherent joke… I think I just need to settle in to the idea it’s going to be an off day.

Good luck to you though!

7 hours ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

I’m sure I passed, unless my wife is doing things to me when I sleep. Sorry to hear about yours though. I got turned down from the one I had hopes for, but the one I have taken is really good as well. Biggest issue is the commute, which will be loooong. Like, 40 minutes minimum long. 32 miles, mostly highway.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
9 hours ago
Reply to  Parsko

Good luck today.

Leon Muks
Leon Muks
13 hours ago

Have you seen the Acura “showroom” that slides by once in a while?

Last edited 13 hours ago by Leon Muks
Bob the Hobo
Bob the Hobo
13 hours ago
Reply to  Leon Muks

Lexus had one for a time as well.

13 hours ago
Reply to  Bob the Hobo

A couple of months ago, about the time they were plugging the Sponge Bob special, there was also a Subaru Forester pictured.

Last edited 13 hours ago by Canopysaurus
13 hours ago

Holy crap. I never expected other people to care about this! lol

Last edited 13 hours ago by Musicman27
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