What is the most badass car logo in the world? Is it the Ferrari Horse? The Lamborghini Bull? Maybe it’s the Abarth scorpion? I think, of them all, the coolest logo is Koenigsegg’s, not just because it adorns some of the most badass cars ever, but because of its history. And now there’s a statue of this incredible logo for sale, and my god is it huge.
Below you’ll see the video of Christian von Koenigsegg describing the history of the ghost symbol on his company’s vehicles.

“We took over an old military fighter jet base in 2003,” von Koenigsegg says. “And the Swedish government decided to shut it down.” While the base was being shut down, apparently pilots and other military personnel were present, and they told Koenigsegg: “It would be an honor for us if you could continue to carry this symbol on your vehicles … and let the legacy continue.”

The ghost, Koenigsegg explains, is a symbol for the squadron, which was known for being heard but not seen — flying high above the clouds.
Anyway, the ghost symbol has become a big deal for Koenigsegg and for car culture in general, taking the mantle as the badass-est of car logos. It’s for this reason that this six-foot-tall, five-foot-wide, two-foot-deep hand-crafted aluminum Koenigsegg Ghost has my heart:
Looking at the listing at a glance, the artwork appears to be fairly small:
But then you see photos of the artist, British artist and former coachbuilder Toby Southan, forming this magnificent shape, and you begin to realize how large it is:
Then you see this photo:
My god is that thing enormous!
The Bring a Trailer Listing describes what we’re looking at:
The 16-gauge 1050A aluminum sculpture was formed using a mix of hand tools and an English wheel. Several pieces of metal were welded together to construct the ghost form, and separate pieces were grafted onto the head to form recessed eyes. The sculpture weighs around 50 pounds. A black stand with a circular base allows for freestanding display, and the stand weighs around 30 pounds.
Bidding is up to $15,000 as of this writing. If I’m a wealthy car person looking for perhaps the coolest possible art piece for my home/garage, this might not be a bad deal.
Ferrari is one of the best…
I also agree w/ the Super Bee as already mentioned
The Rolls-Royce Spirit of Ecstasy is the best logo.
Reminds me of Anikin Skywalker’s Naboo Star Fighter from The Phantom Menace.
Sorry if i just ruined breakfast.
If the reminder doesn’t ruin your breakfast, the spinning will.
Commendable effort and ability, but it’s not a giant Koenigsegg logo. It looks quite different.
I was thinking that as well,it sort of curves the wrong way and is a bit off. I respect the effort though.
“It’s for this reason that this six-foot-tall, five-foot-wide, two-foot-deep…” until I got to the next part of the sentence I thought you were describing Christian himself.
Honestly I’ve never even thought about the Koenigsegg logo. I guess I’ve just thought of the name as branding enough and they don’t need to link any imagery. But that ghost, and the story of how they adopted it, are super sick and now I need one. How much for a little desk knickknack one?
Horse? Bull? Scorpron?
What about the Peugeot lion? Especially the old 1960s Peugeot logo
Damn, that old logo goes hard AF. Looks super fresh; 60s design was sooooo good almost everywhere.
2 articles today that where neither that entertaining or éducative…
If you have to write again about cybertruck, you know what would be éducative and entertaining ? Talking about this list :
This should have been Volvo’s. There’s still time to adopt it.
I’ve always liked the Abarth logo, but I never noticed that Koenigsegg’s was a ghost; that’s pretty cool too. I still like the scorpion better. That thing rocks me like a tropical storm!
I think if we consider that the first two are merely farm animals, the scorpion must be the clear choice.
OTOH either of the agri-quadrupeds could step on the scorpion and not notice, so maybe we need to allow them after all.
Cool logo, but THIS is the most badass car logo in the world
Well done!
As the owner of a 69 Super Bee, I am required by law to agree 100%.
For some reason the Mcgyver theme popped into my head when I saw that lol.
You just bought my vole.