You may recall in my now-New York Times-referenced Tesla Cybertruck review that I called the truck “cool,” but also flawed. And while I stand by it, there’s one thing about the truck that I don’t really love: It looks mean. And I understand that aggressive styling has become the norm in the auto industry, but the world is already aggro enough; I really would rather my Costco parking lot not be filled with that look like enormous war-bunkers-on-wheels. This is why I can’t stop looking at these Cybertruck wraps — they give levity to a truck that takes itself way, way too seriously.
We see wrapped cars all the time, and unless the color is really bizarre, most of us probably don’t even bat an eyelash. But there’s something about the Cybertruck — maybe it’s the fact that it comes from the factory looking gray and dull, maybe it’s those huge flat panels that accentuate the giant swaths of color, or maybe it’s the contrast between the fun colors and the truck’s rather serious design — that has me mesmerized.

For reasons unknown, I’m in a Cybertruck Wraps group on Facebook, and honestly, I just can’t stop looking at these things:
[Ed Note: David gave me the OK to riff on these wraps (in the captions), and we want to hear your takes in the comments! -Pete]

To be sure, there are lots of wraps that are really cranking up the aggro: matte black, army green, strange tank-like textured-wraps — the whole nine. And those are pretty…interesting, but we don’t kink shame around here, so I’m happy they like their truck. But for me, it’s the smurf-blue and the mango-orange that stand out and actually make the truck look fun. And I think that’s a key ingredient it sorely needs.
The CybaChuck has always looked like a 5 year old kid’s drawing of a future truck from 1992. It is proof that a total asshole idiot can have a dumb as shit idea and through sheer will and money make it happen in spite of all logic or rationale.
I’ve now seen a few in person and it is just as obnoxious and dumb looking in person as it presented in all pictures.
Building upon negative cool with a wrap doesn’t get you to cool, you don’t even break even.
They don’t look mean. They look crude and unfinished, and no colored crayon can change that. You are what you drive.
“So much cooler” or slightly less repulsive anyway.
Still have zero interest in owning one… but every time I’ve seen a wrapped cybertruck in real life my first thought has been “hmm, that looks better than the stainless steel”.
Having loved the Delorean since I was a kid I expected to like the stainless steel finish… but I don’t. Somehow, it just looks odd.
Stay tuned for more “Origami: For Fun and Profit!”
Still lame
Still not interesting, until I see one with duckies and bunnies on it, with three nuns inside.
I’m down with adding colors to the CT. Personally, I think the entire body needs to be redesigned, and made a little more traditional. I can see why Musk wanted a shocking new look for his truck, but I wouldn’t buy one. I want a useful bed, I want a normal truck cab… with trucks, the current “normal” became that way because it works. And it sells.
I’ve seen like 5 Cybertrucks wrapped black.
I think those owners are total morons, considering that the stainless finish is by far the coolest and most unique part of the vehicle.
Blue looks nice though.
I saw my first Cybertruck up close the other day. It was wrapped in that color-changing getup above, and I didn’t dig it. From straight on, it looked brown, while at an angle it changed to a sort of rose-gold color. Not a fan. Is it possible to look aggressive and dowdy at the same time?
Fun colors on an impossibly ugly vehicle. May as well paint a Hummer DayGlo Green and call it a day. (Actually that Hummer might look kind of Hulk Smash Cool). And no I’m not a Musk Fanboy, as if you had to ask.
I will never hate on people adding color to cars in a sea of greyscale blandness. Wether that’s these or a Chevy S10.
Also not on my dime.
Someone pointed out that wrapping SS could prevent a protective oxide layer from forming on the chromium as the wrap prevents oxygen from contacting it. This could potentially allow for corrosion. Others have said this protective layer is formed immediately so its not actually an issue.
Either way I dont know but it should be a fun experiment!
Meet you back here in April 11th 2030 and we will find out!
I really don’t think this would be an issue unless you polished it immediately before wrapping. These ship with a relatively dull finish, AKA a relatively thick oxide layer.